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Content available remote A Theory of Distributed Markov Chains
We present the theory of distributed Markov chains (DMCs). A DMC consists of a collection of communicating probabilistic agents in which the synchronizations determine the probability distribution for the next moves of the participating agents. The key feature of a DMC is that the synchronizations are deterministic, in the sense that any two simultaneously enabled synchronizations involve disjoint sets of agents. Using our theory of DMCs we show how one can analyze the behavior using the interleaved semantics of the model. A key point is, the transition system which defines the interleaved semantics is — except in degenerate cases — not a Markov chain. Hence one must develop new techniques to analyze these behaviors exhibiting both concurrency and stochasticity. After establishing the core theory we develop a statistical model checking procedure which verifies the dynamical properties of the trajectories generated by the the model. The specifications consist of Boolean combinations of component-wise bounded linear time temporal logic formulas. We also provide a probabilistic Petri net representation of DMCs and use it to derive a probabilistic event structure semantics.
Minimization of data-processing time and reduction of software-development time are important practical problems to be tackled by modern computer science. This paper presents the authors’ proposal of a family of statistical models for the estimation of program execution time, which is an approach focused on both of the above problems at the same time. The family consists of a general model and specific models and has been elaborated based on empirical data collected for pattern-program loops representing some arbitrarily selected features related to the program structure and the specificity of a program-execution environment. The paper presents steps to elaborate the aforementioned family as well as the results of the carried-out experimental research. The paper demonstrates how the elaborated models can be applied in iterative compilation for optimization purposes, allowing us to reduce the time of software development and produce code with minimal execution time.
The theme of the publication is to show the influence of human factor on traffic conditions during the traffic incident. The publication also depicts the functionality of the model at which the simulation was performed. The model was constructed in the VISSIM and VISUM software also using Visual Basic for Applications – Excel, [8,9]. By coordinating programs VBA and VISSIM was automated turned on or off the incident as well as turned on or off the VMS with information about the proposed of the alternative route. The additional differentiation of the percentage of drivers using the information displayed enabled to compare the data with identical external conditions influencing at traffic. For statistical analysis of data was used statistical program Statgraphics Centurion which made possible to build a model describing the impact of the behavior of drivers on traffic conditions. It is an innovative approach to modeling the impact on traffic conditions accepted by drivers information transmitted on the boards.
Tematem publikacji jest pokazanie wpływu czynnika ludzkiego na warunki ruchu podczas wystąpienia zdarzenia drogowego związanego z zamknięciem całej szerokości jezdni. Przybliżono również funkcjonalność modelu, na którym została wykonana symulacja. Model został wykonany w programie VISSIM a także przy pomocy programów VISUM i Visual Basic for Applications – Excel, [8,9]. Poprzez skoordynowanie programów VISSIM i VBA zostało zautomatyzowane włączenie lub wyłączenie incydentu w wybranym miejscu a także włączenie lub wyłączenie tablicy zmiennej treści z informacją o proponowanej trasie alternatywnej. Dodatkowe zróżnicowanie procentowego udziału kierowców stosujących się do wyświetlanej informacji umożliwiło porównanie otrzymanych danych przy identycznych warunkach zewnętrznych wpływających na ruch drogowy. Do analizy statystycznej danych wykorzystano program statystyczny Statgraphics Centurion, co pozwoliło na zbudowanie modelu opisującego wpływ zachowania kierowców na warunki ruchu.
W artykule przedstawiono empiryczne modele wybranych parametrów wyjściowych procesu szlifowania powierzchni płaskich stali NC10 z zastosowaniem ściernicy z ziarnami elektrokorundu szlachetnego 99A. Dwuparametryczne modele regresyjne opracowano dla: chropowatości powierzchni, składowych siły szlifowania oraz sygnału emisji akustycznej. Modele te pozwalają na wybór optymalnych parametrów procesu szlifowania ze względu na wartość składowych siły oraz emisję fal naprężeń występujących w strefie obróbki, jak i uzyskiwaną jakość powierzchni przedmiotu. Funkcje mogą być zastosowane do weryfikacji modeli symulacyjnych lub w celu uniknięcia ewentualnych defektów termicznych powierzchni przedmiotu obrobionego i uzyskania zakładanej dokładności i powtarzalności obróbki.
The article presents the empirical models of selected output parameters of the flat surface grinding process of steel NC10 with the use of grinding wheels with electrocorundum grains 99A. Two-parameter regression models were developed for: surface roughness, grinding force components and acoustic emission signal. These models allow to select the optimal parameters of the grinding process due to the value of the force and emission of the stress waves in the grinding zone and to obtain assumed surface quality of workpiece. These functions can be also used to verify simulation models or to avoid any thermal defects on machined surface or to obtain the assumed accuracy and repeatability processing.
Analyses concerned the effect of different environmental variables on the health status of little-leaf linden (Tilia cordata Mill.). The study comprised analyses and statistical models based on discriminatory analysis. These analyses indicated which variables may influence the health status of tress of the investigated species in the parks of Poznan. The model was based on the canonical variate analysis (CVA), ie Fisher’s canonical variant of linear discriminatory analysis (LDA). The greatest negative effect on the health status of trees of Tilia cordata Mill. in Poznan parks was found for the small distance of the parks from the city centre and the immediate vicinity of two arterial roads. It was also found that the vicinity of buildings heated with fossil fuels, primarily coal, may have had a negative effect on the health status of Tilia cordata Mill. trees in the Poznan parks. Moreover, it was shown that specimens of the investigated species aged 81–120 years were characterised by the worst health status, while the best health condition was found in trees of Tilia cordata Mill. in the Millennium Park.
Badania dotyczyły wpływu różnych zmiennych środowiskowych na stan zdrowotny lipy drobnolistnej (Tilia cordata Mill.). W pracy wykorzystano analizy i modele statystyczne stworzone w oparciu o analizę dyskryminacyjną. Wynikiem przeprowadzonych analiz było wykazanie, które zmienne mogą wpływać na stan zdrowotny drzew badanego gatunku na terenie parków Poznania. Do skonstruowania modelu wykorzystano analizę CVA (canonical variate analysis) – kanoniczną odmianę liniowej analizy dyskryminacyjnej Fishera (LDA). Stwierdzono, że największy negatywny wpływ na stan zdrowotny drzew Tilia cordata Mill. w parkach Poznania miała niewielka odległość parków od centrum miasta oraz bezpośrednia bliskość dwóch arterii komunikacyjnych. Stwierdzono również, że bliskość zabudowań ogrzewanych paliwami kopalnymi, przede wszystkim węglem kamiennym, mogły wpływać negatywnie na stan zdrowotny drzew Tilia cordata Mill. na terenie parków Poznania. Wykazano również, że osobniki drzew badanego gatunku z przedziału wiekowego 81–120 lat charakteryzowały się najgorszym stanem zdrowotnym, a najlepszą zdrowotność drzew Tilia cordata Mill. stwierdzono w Parku Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego.
Content available remote O wykorzystaniu modeli ekonometrycznych do prognozowania ruchu sieciowego
Akwizycja, analiza, modelowanie, prognozowanie i symulacja ruchu sieciowego są czynnościami prowadzonymi w sieciach teleinformatycznych zarówno dla potrzeb zarządzania jakością jak i zarządzania bezpieczeństwem. W szczególności w prognozowaniu ruchu sieciowego wykorzystuje się modele statystyczne, ekonometryczne, modele szeregów czasowych oraz metody zaliczane do sztucznej inteligencji. W artykule przedstawiono krótki przegląd metod prognozowania wykorzystywanych współcześnie w metodach NBAD (ang. Network Behavioral Anomaly Detection) w odniesieniu do rekomendacji Międzynarodowej Unii Telekomunikacyjnej (ITU).
Acquisition, analysis, modeling, forecasting and simulation of network traffic are activities carried in communication networks, both for the quality management and the stress testing, as well as in information security management. The prediction of network traffic uses among others statistical models, econometric time series models and methods included in the artificial intelligence. The article presents a brief overview of forecasting methods used in the methods of Network Behavioral Anomaly Detection according to the recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union.
Investigations concerned the effect of different environmental variables on health condition of English oak (Quercus robur L.). It was shown that in the public parks in the city of Poznan the health condition of the analysed species is good. It was stated that health condition of this species in the Poznan parks is influenced by the distance from the immediate city centre, vicinity of traffic arteries and gas emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels by households neighbouring with the parks. Although results recorded in this study confirm literature data concerning the effect of environmental variables on health condition of English oak (Quercus robur L.), it was shown that certain environmental variables have a greater effect on health condition of the analysed species in Poznan.
Badania dotyczyły wpływu różnych zmiennych środowiskowych na stan zdrowotny dębu szypułkowego (Quercus robur L.). Wykazano, że na terenie parków publicznych Poznania stan zdrowotny omawianego gatunku jest dobry. Stwierdzono, że wpływ na stan zdrowotny tego gatunku w parkach Poznania mają: oddalenie od ścisłego centrum miasta, bliskość arterii komunikacyjnych oraz emisja gazów ze spalania paliw kopalnych przez sąsiadujące z parkami gospodarstwa domowe. Mimo że wyniki uzyskane w pracy potwierdzają dane literaturowe dotyczące wpływu zmiennych środowiskowych na stan zdrowotny dębu szypułkowego (Quercus robur L.), to wykazano, że niektóre zmienne środowiskowe mają większy wpływ na stan zdrowotny badanego gatunku w Poznaniu.
Program execution time is one of the criteria taken into account during assessment of software quality. It is sometimes very difficult to precisely measure this time and carrying out necessary measurements requires running the program. However, there is very often no need to know this time precisely; it would be sufficient to estimate it with some error known in advance. The paper presents the proposal and assumptions of a model for estimating the time of execution of a program, based only on its source code. The paper introduces a sample statistical model which can be used for this purpose. It was created based on empirical data collected for the matrix multiplication problem. The paper also presents an analysis of possibilities of applying the above-mentioned statistical model to some other programs.
Prowadzone prace w dziedzinie badań i analiz wytrzymałościowych konstrukcji stalowych maszyn roboczych do prac ziemnych wskazują na nierównomierne wytężenie materiału w poszczególnych węzłach i elementach konstrukcji. Dotychczasowe przeprowadzone analizy wykazują, że obciążenia eksploatacyjne wywołują często w ustroju nośnym maszyn roboczych przeciążenia ustrojów nośnych wywołane rezonansami lub impulsami udarowymi. W artykule zaproponowano metodykę estymacji rozkładów asymptotycznych do oceny kwantyli obciążeń.
Tests and analysis of steel construction strength of heavy equipment indicate unequal effort of materials in particular knots and construction elements. Conducted analyses confirm that service load very often generates overloads in load-bearing construction of working machines caused by resonances or kicks. Estimation method of asymptomatic distribution for load quantiles have been presented in the paper.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is application of statistical models in tribological properties simulation of composite materials based on porous ceramic preforms infiltrated by liquid aluminium alloy. Design/methodology/approach: The material for studies was produced by a method of pressure infiltration of the porous ceramic framework. In order to investigate the influence of reinforcing phase's shape the comparison was made between the properties of the composite material based on preforms obtained by Al2O3 Alcoa CL 2500 powder sintered with addition of pore forming agent in form of carbon fibres Sigrafil C 10 M250 UNS from Carbon Group company and composite materials based on much more expensive commercial fibrous preforms. The wear resistance was measured by the use of device designed in the Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials. The device realize dry friction wear mechanism of reciprocating movement condition. The simulation of load and number of cycles influence on tribological properties was made by the use of statistical models. Findings: The received results show the possibility of obtaining the new composite materials with required tribological properties moreover those properties can by simulated by the use of statistical models. Practical implications: The composite materials made by the developed method can find application as the elements of devices where beside the benefits from utilizable properties the small weight is required (mainly in aircraft and motorization industries). Originality/value: Worked out statistical models can be used as helpful tool to predicate the wear of aluminium matrix composite materials in condition of dry friction.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is application of statistical models in tribological properties simulation of composite materials based on porous ceramic preforms infiltrated by liquid aluminium alloy. Design/methodology/approach: The material for studies was produced by a method of pressure infiltration of the porous ceramic framework. In order to investigate the influence of reinforcing phase's shape the comparison was made between the properties of the composite material based on preforms obtained by Al2O3 Alcoa CL 2500 powder sintered with addition of pore forming agent in form of carbon fibres Sigrafil C 10 M250 UNS from Carbon Group company and composite materials based on much more expensive commercial fibrous preforms. The wear resistance was measured by the use of device designed in the Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials. The device realize dry friction wear mechanism of reciprocating movement condition. The simulation of load and number of cycles influence on tribological properties was made by the use of statistical models. Findings: The received results show the possibility of obtaining the new composite materials with required tribological properties moreover those properties can by simulated by the use of statistical models. Practical implications: The composite materials made by the developed method can find application as the elements of devices where beside the benefits from utilizable properties the small weight is required (mainly in aircraft and motorization industries). Originality/value: Worked out statistical models can be used as helpful tool to predicate the wear of aluminium matrix composite materials in condition of dry friction.
W artykule przedstawiono, na przykładzie maszyn podstawowych górnictwa odkrywkowego, wybrane aspekty naturalnego procesu degradacji obiektów technicznych. Zaproponowano statystyczną metodę szacowania parametrów degradacji w oparciu o symptomy diagnostyczne badań tensometrycznych, termowizyjnych i wibroakustycznych.
Selected aspects of the natural degradation process of the technical object were presented. Statistical estimation model of the degradation parameters was proposed. This model should use diagnostic symptoms taken from the tensometry, the thermovision and the vibroacoustic testing.
We show that the simultaneous measurement of yields and fluctuations is capable of falsifying and constraining the statistical hadronization model. We show how such a measurement can test for chemical non-equilibrium, and distinguish between a high temperature chemically equilibrated freeze-out from a supercooled freeze-out with an oversaturated phase space. We perform a fit, and show that both yields and fluctuations measured at RHIC 200 GeV can be accounted for within the second scenario, with both the light and strange quark phase space saturated significantly above detailed balance. We point to the simultaneous fit of the K/đ fluctuation and the K*/K ratio as evidence that the effect of hadronic re-interactions after freeze-out is small.
The aim of this research is to provide reliable information, provided in the form of statistical models, regarding the possibilities of modifying the structure and the mechanical properties of fancy yarns by changing the component yarns’ characteristics and the machine settings. Three types of fancy yarns (spiral yarns, loop yarns and bunch yarns) were produced via the ring twisting method. The statistical dependencies between (some) component yarn characteristics and machine settings as input and (some) fancy yarn characteristics and structure as output are presented in this paper
Prezentowany artykuł przedstawia wyniki szerokiego spektrum badań dotyczących nitek ozdobnych, prowadzonych w ramach wspólnego projektu międzynarodowego zawartego pomiędzy Belgią i Polską. Celem tych badań było dostarczenie rzetelnych informacji, opartych na wynikach analiz statystycznych, dotyczących możliwości modyfikacji struktury i właściwości mechanicznych wybranych grup nitek ozdobnych w oparciu o parametry charakteryzujące nitki komponentowe oraz parametry opisujące proces produkcyjny (nastawy maszyn skręcających). Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań pozwalają na przedstawienie „przepisów” realizacji różnych typów nitek ozdobnych.
Algorithms based on statistical models compete favorably with other global optimization algorithms as proved by extensive testing results. Recently, techniques were developed for theoretically estimating the rate of convergence of global optimization algorithms with respect to the underlying statistical models. In the present paper these technictues are extended for theoretical investigation of P-algorithms without respect to a statistical model. Theoretical estimates may eliminate the need for lengthy experimental investigation which previously was the only method for comparison of the algorithms. The rcaults obtained give new insight into the role of the mnderlying statistical model with respect to the asymptotic properties of the algorithm which will be useful for the implementation of new versions of the algoritlmns.
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