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With regard to demographic ageing, there is an increasing need to study and understand the factors affecting labour market participation beyond age 50. The present study focuses on the relation between late employment (economic activity) and health condition among the Czech population aged 60+ with respect to gender. The control group used consists of Czechs aged 50-59 with the relation between economic activity and health condition with respect to gender is also investigated. The findings also showed that the health status of economically active Czech seniors in both age groups is worse than that of economically inactive ones. This outcome is in contradiction of previous researches which have found that poor health is the most frequently cited reason for an early exit from labour market to early retirement. Also these findings emphasize the increasing need of implementation of age management on the organizational as well as on the national level.
Rozważając starzenie się społeczeństwa, istnieje coraz większa potrzeba zbadania i zrozumienia czynników wpływających na uczestnictwo w rynku pracy po 50. roku życia. Niniejsze badanie koncentruje się na związku między późnym zatrudnieniem (działalność gospodarcza) a stanem zdrowia wśród ludności czeskiej w wieku 60+ z uwzględnieniem płci. Grupa kontrolna składa się z Czechów w wieku 50-59 lat, przy czym bada się również związek między aktywnością zawodową a stanem zdrowia w odniesieniu do płci. Wyniki pokazały, że stan zdrowia aktywnych ekonomicznie czeskich seniorów w obu grupach wiekowych jest gorszy niż stan biernych zawodowo. Wynik ten stoi w sprzeczności z wcześniejszymi badaniami, które wykazały, że zły stan zdrowia jest najczęstszym powodem wczesnego wyjścia z rynku pracy na wcześniejszą emeryturę. Wyniki te podkreślają również rosnącą potrzebę wdrożenia zarządzania wiekiem zarówno na poziomie organizacyjnym, jak i krajowym.
Postępujące zmiany demograficzne w krajach UE, w tym także w Polsce, związane ze starzeniem społeczeństwa wymuszają zaplanowanie i podejmowanie działań, które pozwolą na jak najlepsze wykorzystanie potencjału osób starszych na rynku pracy i przedłużenie ich aktywności zawodowej. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane czynniki determinujące gotowość do kontynuowania pracy przez osoby w wieku emerytalnym. Na poziomie indywidualnym omówiono determinanty demograficzno-społeczne oraz psychologiczne, tj. wartości i postawy wobec pracy. Prezentując organizacyjne determinanty gotowości do kontynuowania pracy skoncentrowano się na psychospołecznych właściwościach środowiska pracy, takich jak możliwość rozwoju, wymagania, kontrola nad prac wsparcie społeczne czy niepewność pracy.
Age related demographic changes in t the EU, including Poland, require making best use of the potential of older people in the labor market and extending their occupational activity. This article presents selected factors which determine willingness to work beyond retirement age. It discusses demographic, social and psychological determinants at the level of the individual ,i.e., values and attitudes towards work. By presenting organizational determinants of willingness to work beyond retirement age, the article focuses on the psychosocial qualities of the working environment, i.e, job development opportunities, job demands, job decision latitude, social support and job insecurity.
Kapitał ludzki wyrażony za pomocy poziomu wykształcenia, jak również charakteryzowany poprzez posiadane kompetencje ogólne, stanowi jeden z głównych czynników wpływających na aktywność zawodową osób w wieku produkcyjnym, szczególnie w grupie osób starszych. Aktywność edukacyjna pomaga człowiekowi w zaadaptowaniu się do zmiennych warunków życia na każdym jego etapie oraz wpływa na podniesienie się jakości życia. W przypadku osób starszych pozwala również na niwelowanie stereotypów związanych z wiekiem, likwiduje marginalizację społeczną tej grupy, pozytywnie oddziałuje na samoocenę oraz umożliwia na wiązywanie nowych kontaktów społecznych. W artykule przedstawiono opinie pracowników 50+ na temat uczenia się. Przebadanych zostało 208 osób w wieku 50+ zatrudnionych w firmach dużych, małych i średnich, zarówno prywatnych, jak i państwowych Badani starsi pracownicy w większości (86%) uważają, ze szkolenie jest ważne w każdym wieku. Większość z tych osób chce się szkolić (69%), a główne motywy do podejmowania szkoleń to chęć zdobycia nowych kwalifikacji, rozwijania zainteresowań oraz kwestie finansowe.
Human capital expressed with level of education and overall competences is one of the key factors which influence professional activity in productive age especially among elderly. Educational activity helps people to adapt to changing conditions of life on each of rts stage and also increases quality of life. In case of elderly, it also allows to eliminate stereotypes about senility and social marginalization, and has a positive impact on self esteem and allows to establish social contacts. The aim of the article is to present opinion of workers aged 50+ about learning 208 workers aged 50+ employed in big, medium or small private or state owned companies took part in questionnaire research. Great part of older workers (86%) think that training is important in all ages. Most of them want to train (69%) and their main motives are: wish to purchase new qualifications, wish to develop interests and financial motives.
Zmiany demograficzne zachodzące w Europie określane potocznie mianem „starzenia się społeczeństw", są przyczyną poważnych wyzwań na rynku pracy. Istnieje potrzeba, aby wydłużać zdolność do pracy zatrudnionych ponad przeciętny wiek, w którym do niedawna pracownicy odchodzili na emeryturę. Realizacja tak określonego celu jest możliwa tylko wtedy, gdy zatrudnieni na dłużej zachowają zdrowie, sprawność fizyczną i umysłową. Pracodawcy mogą im w tym zakresie zaoferować istotne wsparcie, podejmując działania w obszarze tzw. „zarządzania wiekiem". Wdrażanie zarządzania wiekiem polega na realizacji w firmach - w ramach różnych procesów - konkretnych działań skierowanych na utrzymywanie zdolności do pracy pracowników. W artykule przedstawiono przykłady dobrych praktyk podejmowanych w wybranych przedsiębiorstwach w zakresie zarządzania wiekiem. Praktyki zaprezentowano w podziale na 7 grup odnoszących się do odrębnych procesów zarządzania. Omówiono cele realizowanych działań oraz wyzwania związane z ich wdrażaniem w firmach. Zaprezentowane w artykule dobre praktyki mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w innych przedsiębiorstwach, w których dostrzega się problemy związane z utrzymywaniem zdolności do pracy pracowników.
Demographic changes in Europe, often described as "aging societies", are an important challenge to the labour market. It is necessary to support workers' employability beyond the age when they used to retire. This will be possible only if workers remain physically and mentally fit. Employers can significantly support workers' efforts by implementing age management, various actions aimed at maintaining employ ability. This article presents examples of good practices in age management m selected companies. Those practices were divided into 7 groups related to different management processes. They can be applied in other companies, which experience problems associated with maintaining workers’ employability. This article also discusses the objectives of age management and challenges associated with its implementation.
Foot slippage is the most widespread unforeseen event causing falls on the same level, and a potentially contributing factor to falls from height and falls to a lower level. Statistical data on the number of slip-related accidents at work show the importance of the problem of slipping and indicate the need to continuously improve preventive measures designed to reduce injuries related to slipping, tripping, and falling (STF) on the same level. It is therefore necessary to continuously and insightfully analyze the causes of falls and undertake efforts to eliminate the occurrence of slip- and trip-induced workplace accidents. The occurrence of slips and trips is primarily related to the type and quality of floor surfaces, but it also depends on the biomechanical characteristics of the lower limbs in the transitional phases of walking gait, sole material and tread, human factors such as age, weight, and motor and vision function, the ability to adapt to the floor surface conditions, as well as on a number of factors linked to the workplace environment and work organization. This problem is going to escalate as a result of the higher retirement age, due to which many persons over the age of 60 will have to continue working, often in hazardous conditions.
Certain workplaces are called jobs with limited tenure. Due to physical or psychosocial risk factors, often coupled with qualification mismatches, workers cannot grow old in them. That may lead to premature exit into retirement, to a period of drawing a work incapacity pension or to a long spell of unemployment. A horizontal career change, which enables the worker to move on to a less burdening workplace while preserving social status, is a possible solution. The objective of the “Horizontal career change—a new job opportunity for older employees” project is to develop a model of career changes for workers employed in jobs with limited tenure and to implement it in the form of an information- and communication technology-based tool. Possible applications range from individual career planning, through institutionalized vocational reintegration, to personnel development in small and medium-sized enterprises.
Objectives. The aim of this study was to determine the associations between demographics, work, lifestyle, housework, and the work ability of workers. Methods. Employees between the ages of 20 and 69 (N = 651), employed at a Brazilian public institution, responded to a questionnaire on demographics, work, lifestyle characteristics, and work ability. Results. Work ability decreased significantly with age among the women. The younger group had higher scores on the work ability index than the older age groups, except for mental resources. The logistic regression analysis showed that higher age, lower education, and long work history at the institution were significantly associated with reduced work ability. Conclusions. The progressive aging, the low level of education, and the long duration work in the studied institution were related to a reduction in work ability, which increases the risk of work disability or early retirement.
The aim of this study was to investigate the work ability in ageing workers suffering from osteoarthritis (OA), coronary heart disease (CHD) or hypertension (H). One hundred and sixty-six OA and 355 CHD/H outpatients were evaluated. The Work Ability Index (WAI) served for work ability assessment. Patients’ results were compared with the results of a control group of 225 healthy young workers. Statistical analysis was performed with ANOVA tests. WAI in female and male CHD/H patients was higher than in OA patients (p < .01), better work ability was related to better education (p < .01), white-collar work (p < .01) and better recreation (p < .01); subjective work ability was determined mostly by the objective health status. The promotion of work ability among workers suffering from advanced age-related diseases should be closely related to the promotion of health. It is indicative to improve occupational education and skills, already at an early stage of a disease.
Postural control is a common mechanism to compensate for unexpected displacements of the body. In the older population, a slip or fall due to a failure of postural control is a common cause of morbidity and mortality. The ability of postural control decreases with aging or neuropathy. In this study, 2 groups, diabetics and non-diabetics in the older population, were compared to determine how patterns of postural sway during quiet standing were related to the detection of perturbation. The SLIP-FALLS system was applied to the measurement of sway and detection of perturbation. In phase 1 of the development of the predictive model, neural network algorithms were applied to find determinant variables for perturbation detection. In phase 2, a fuzzy logic inference system was developed to investigate the relationship between sway and perturbation detection. Results of this study may be applied to the design of floor mats or shoe insoles for preventing fatigue in workplaces.
This study was to determine the main health-related reasons, age and occupation of those who took early retirement due to total work inability. This was done through an analysis of the data from Poland’s Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) from 2000 and 2001. An analysis of these data showed an increase in the number of certificates confirming total inability to work in people over 40 years old. Over 50% of certificates work were issued to workers in 2 age-groups: 45–49 and 50–54. Diseases of the circulatory system, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue as well as mental and behavioural disorders are the main causes of early inability to work. Approximately 70% of people who obtained certificates confirming total inability to work had blue- and blue-and-white-collar jobs.
Content available Anthropometry for Design for the Elderly
This paper presents anthropometric data on elderly people in Australia. Data were collected in the metropolitan city of Sydney, NSW, Australia. In all 171 elderly people (males and females, aged 65 years and above) took part in the study. Mean values, standard deviations, medians, range, and coefficients of variation for the various body dimensions were estimated. Correlation coefficients were also calculated to determine the relationship between different body dimensions for the elderly population. The mean stature of elderly Australian males and females were compared with populations from other countries. The paper discusses design implications for elderly people and provides several examples of application of the anthropometric data.
The aim of this study was to design a prescriptive exercise program for people of various age and fitness basing on the popular in Japan Radio Physical Fitness Exercise, a program based on an experimental approach. The evaluation indices used in the experiment were heart rate (HR), oxygen consumption, and electrical activity of the rectus femoris, latissimus dorsi, and trapezius muscles, which measured during various motion elements of the program performed at various rate. The results of this study enable to calculate equations for predicting HR during exercise from relative metabolic rate (RMR). The data on HR, RMR, and myoelectric potential presented in this study may be a basis for designing individual exercise programs for elderly people.
Content available Job Redesign Needs for Aged Workers
The aim of this paper is to explore and present a proposal for redesigning elements of the workplace for agech workers. The method of research was to observe, record, and measure the actions of sitting workers performing assembly operations on electrical products in the Kani Plant Nagoya Works of Mitsubishi Electric Co. (Japan). The evaluation index used in the experiment was obtained by measuring time motion elements, cycle time per product, and motion velocity waves of elderly workers. Those motion characteristics were then compared to the motion characteristics of young workers. The results led to job redesign elements being identified to reduce handling factors of high difficulty for aged workers and to the necessity to consider a coefficient of correction in Method Time Measurement (MTM) according to differences in the manufactured object’s weight.
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