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Statistical data on occupational diseases registered by the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź indicates a renewed increase in the number of pneumoconiosis in Poland in recent years, especially in the section of PKD (Polish Classification of Business Activities) – mining. Simultaneously, in 2018, because of the implementation of Directives of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, changes were introduced to Polish legislation in the field of protection of workers against the risk of exposure to carcinogens or mutagens related to the respirable fraction of crystalline silica formed during work. Considering this information, the members of the Department of Safety Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology attempted to assess the dust hazard and the frequency of occurrence of respiratory diseases among the employees of the preparation plant of mine X exposed to the harmful effects of industrial dust produced in the work process. The following methods were used as part of the research: individual dosimetry, infrared spectrometry, directional interview, diagnostic tests, and spirometry. The obtained results made it possible to identify workstations with the highest exposure to the harmful effects of industrial dust and to recognize the impact of this action in the form of pathological changes in the respiratory system in 18.4% of the miners surveyed
The risk of industrial dust in the work process is one of the greatest challenges not only in Europe but also in the modern world, where over a million people die each year from pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases. In Poland, one of the most numerous groups of employees constantly exposed to polluted air at the workplace are miners employed in hard coal mines, who in 2021 they accounted for 89.8% of all exposed persons in Poland (34,876 employees). In order to assess the impact of industrial dust hazards on the health of miners, employees of the Department of Safety Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology, in cooperation with students of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin and a pulmonology specialist, conducted a pilot assessment of the effects of long-term exposure of employees of the preparatory departments of mine X to mine dust. The scope of diagnostic tests included: interview with the patient, physical and spirometric tests. Among the surveyed miners, 18.4% had various disorders and changes in the respiratory system, including the diagnosed pneumoconiosis. The article describes the health effects of long-term exposure of miners to mine dust and the partial results of the diagnostic tests.
Interpretation of the spirometric results in young children aged 3 years and onward was a difficult task, because existing reference values usually covered age range of 7–18 years. Recently two big studies concerning 'all ages' reference equations were published: the study of The Asthma UK Initiative (Stanojevic et al. AJRCCM 2009) and the so called GLI2012 values (Quanjer et al. ERJ 2012); both providing equations with LMS approach for spirometric reference values for age range of 3–95 years. The aim of the study was to test the applicability of the new sets of equations in a group of healthy Polish children of Caucasian descent. The analysis was performed on a data gathered from children admitted to outpatient department for diagnostic reasons. Children performed impulse oscillometry (IOS) measurements and spirometry. Elevated value of oscillometric resistance at 5 Hz (R5) eliminated children from analysis as well as forced expiratory time less than 1.5 s. Final analysis was performed on results obtained from 142 children aged 4–10 years. Z-scores and percent of predicted values were calculated for FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC using both sets; additionally z-score and percent predicted was also calculated for FEV0.75/ FVC using Stanojevic's equation. The distribution of all calculated z-scores was normal. For FEV1/FVC mean ± SD of z-score was 0.01 ± 0.80 using GLI2012 and -0.15 ± 0.79 using Stanojevic's set. Mean value of percent predicted values using GLI2012 was 100.2 ± 5.5% for FEV1/FVC, 107.4 ± 9.4% for FEV1 and 106.6 ± 10.1% for FVC. Our results confirm applica-bility of the new sets of reference values in young Caucasian children from Poland and point out the potential diagnostic value of FEV0.75/FVC.
Exposure to heavy metals, particularly lead, takes place in the ceramics industry. Lead is used in glaze to produce smooth and brilliant surfaces; thus, there is a likelihood of occupational adverse effects on humans. Urine samples were collected from 49 glazers at the start and end of the work shifts (98 samples). Solid phase extraction was used for separation and pre-concentration of the analyte. Samples were analysed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Lung function tests were performed on both control and lead exposed subjects. Statistical analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to evaluate the data obtained. The concentration of lead in glazers was 6.37 times higher than in the control group. Lung functions were significantly lower in the glazers compared to the control group (p < 0.001). Results showed that poor ventilation systems, overtime work and work history are effective determinants of high exposure levels.
Content available remote Oscylometria impulsowa w ocenie stanu drobnych dróg oddechowych
W pracy prezentowane są wyniki pomiarów własności układu oddechowego techniką oscylometrii impulsowej (IOS). Prezentujemy wyniki pomiarów uzyskanych u 555 osób dorosłych w wieku 45-96 lat (w tym 328 mężczyzn) oraz ich porównanie z klasycznie stosowanym badaniem spirometrycznym. Wyniki wskazują na wysoką korelację wskaźników spirometrycznych i oscylometrycznych, różnicowanie pomiędzy obturacją i jej brakiem oraz możliwość wykorzystania w ocenie stanu obwodowych dróg oddechowych.
The paper presents the results of assessing respiratory system properties using impulse oscillometry. We present the results obtained in 555 adults aged 45-96 years (328 men) and the comparison with classic spirometry. The results show high correlation between oscillometric and spirometric indices, differentiating among obstructed and non-obstructed patients and possibility to use in evaluating the state of small airways.
W pracy omówiono podstawy wykonywania badania spirometrycznego ze uwzględnieniem procedury pomiaru krzywej przepływ – objętość oraz kryteriów jakościowych oceny spirometrii na podstawie zaleceń standaryzacyjnych. Dokonano analizy jakości pomiaru krzywej przepływ objętość w trzech grupach: u dzieci, u osób w podeszłym wieku oraz uzyskanych w trakcie Światowego Dnia Spirometrii. Podkreślono rolę personelu wykonującego badania oraz sformułowano kilka postulatów dotyczących realizacji sprzętowo – programowych systemów spirometrycznych.
The authors present description of the spirometry focusing on forced flow volume loop measurements and corresponding requirements according to ERS/ATS 2005 [2,3] and PTChP [4] 2006 statements. The introduction to actually applied solutions in supporting automatic assessment of quality assurance (QA)criteria is also presented. The quality analysis of spirometric measurements was performed for three different groups: children younger than 10 years, the group of elderly people and the spirometry obtained during the World Spirometry Day. All the three groups expressed different quality problems: the main problem in children group was too restrictive value of the demanded time of forced expiration (especially regarding significant correlation between the age and the forced expiratory time) – only 23.9% children fulfilled this re-quirements, in the group of elderly people lack of plateau on the expiratory end was the mostly registered error – 60,2%. In the spirometries obtained during the World Spirometry Day the significant number of non-repetitive measurements and the small number of properly performed measurements (only 28%) was the most interesting aspect. The authors concluded that competence and qualifications of the laboratory staff played the most important role in ensuring the quality of spirometry. However, some demands could be addressed to manufacturers of spirometry equipment.
The forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), the fundamental index in obstructive lung disease diagnosis, depends on both resistive (RP) and compliant (CP) properties of the respiratory system (RS). The study aim was to test initially a method that could differentiate their influence to aid spirometry interpretation during screening examinations. Tests were done on a virtual RS elaborated previously. After respiratory muscle relaxation, a part of air was exhaled passively to an added compliance (Cad) or through an added resistance (Rad). The CP and RP were estimated from mouth pressure changes under different conditions of RS and measurement (different obstruction severities, various Cad and Rad values, etc.). Measurements had to be performed after maximal inspiration to avoid dependence of results on the lung volume. The Cad maneuver enabled to estimate the CP properly. Inertances and bronchi collapse caused pressure fluctuations, whereas bronchi reopening modified pressure rise after airflow interruption. Rad > 0.8 kPa s/L eliminated these problems and made the RP estimation independent from the Rad value and the CP. The calculated value of resistance depended on both airway resistance and parenchyma viscosity (like FEV1) and viscosity of other tissues. Since collapse instantaneous observation in real patients is impossible, initial but extensive tests illustrating influence of the collapse on measurement could be done only on a virtual RS.
Badanie freeflowmetryczne (FFM) pozwala na ocenę wpływu techniki wydechu na wartości parametrów oddechowych. W niniejszym projekcie wykorzystano badanie FFM w celu zbadania mechanizmów zmian zachodzących w układzie oddechowym na skutek treningu pływackiego. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie wydechu przez zasznurowane usta i przez nos istotnie redukuje pułapkę powietrzną. Pozwala to przypuszczać, że przyczyną występowania pułapki powietrznej u pływaków może być wiotkość dróg oddechowych.
Freeflowmetry allows to evaluate influence of exhalation technique on spirometric parameters. This project uses freeflowmetric examination to explore the changes occurring in respiratory tract of young swimmers. We found that pursed lips breathing and nose breathing significantly reduces air trapping. Therefore, it is possible that air trapping in swimmers may be caused by limpness of respiratory tract.
Specyfika reakcji organizmu człowieka, a w szczególności jego układu oddechowego, układu krążenia, aparatu ruchu i przemian metabolicznych podczas wysiłków o różnym charakterze – krótkotrwałych o submaksymalnej i maksymalnej intensywności oraz długich o intensywności od umiarkowanej do wysokiej – jest punktem wyjścia do planowania metod i środków treningowych. W pracy dokonano oceny wybranych parametrów oddechowych, jako reakcji na wytrzymałościowy trening o lekkiej intensywności i długim czasie trwania, przeprowadzony na stołach rehabilitacyjno-rekondycyjnych Slender-Life. Badaniami objęto 50-osobową grupę pacjenów przebywających na leczeniu sanatoryjnym w Sanatorium MSWiA w Koło-brzegu. Podczas 19-dniowego cyklu treningowego pacjenci poddani zostali 3-krotnemu badaniu wybranych parametrów oddechowych, takich jak: ruchomość klatki piersiowej i badanie spirometryczne, uwzględniające wykonanie pomiarów statycznych i dynamicznych. Wykazano statystycznie istotną poprawę większości badanych parametrów, co świadczy o poprawie wydolności fizycznej organizmu i zwiększonej adaptacji układu oddechowego do wysiłku. Jednocześnie pozytywne przyjęcie przez pacjentów zastosowanej formy aktywności zachęca do propagowania i korzystania z tego rodzaju treningu zdrowotnego.
The specific nature of human body reactions, especially in the respiratory, circulatory and locomotor system, as well as the metabolism during physical excerises – from shorttime with submaximum and maximum intensity to longterm with moderate to high intensity – is a starting point for planning the training methods. In the paper, selected respiratory parameters as a response to the low intensity and long-time training carried out on Slender-Life rehabilitation-reconditioning tables, were evaluated. The research involved a group of 50 patients of the Health Resort of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration in Kołobrzeg. During the 19-days training cycle, the patients were subjected to a triple examination of selected respiratory parameters, such as: chest mobility and spirometric examination including statistical and dynamic measurements. The statistically significant improvement of most examined parameters was observed, what implies the improvement of physical fitness of patients and better adaptation of their respiratory systems to the training. Furthermore, the patients' positive reaction to the applied form of activity was observed, what may help to promote such type of the health-related training method.
Telemedicine is one of the most innovative and promising applications of technology in contemporary medicine. Telemedical systems, a sort of distributed measurement systems, are used for continuous or periodic monitoring of human vital signals in the environment of living. This approach has several advantages in comparison to traditional medical care: e.g. patients experience fewer hospitalizations, emergency room visits, lost time from work, the costs of treatment are reduced, and the quality of life is improved. Currently, chronic respiratory diseases comprise one of the most serious public health problems. Simultaneously patients suffering from these diseases are well suitable for home monitoring. This paper describes the design and technical realization of a telemedical system that has been developed as a platform suitable for monitoring patients with chronic pulmonary diseases and fitted to Polish conditions. The paper focuses on the system's architecture, included medical tests, adopted hardware and software, and preliminary internal evaluation. The performed tests demonstrated good overall performance of the system. At present further work goes on to put it into practice.
W czasie nurkowania na układ oddechowy nurka zaczyna oddziaływać szereg czynników mogących modyfikować pracę płuc. Te czynniki są wskazywane jako zaburzające prawidłową pracę płuc w czasie nurkowania, a także po wynurzeniu. Nieprawidłowości utrzymujące się po pobycie w warunkach podwyższonego ciśnienia i działania pozostałych czynników stresowych, mogą przyczyniać się do zmniejszenia efektywności działania nurka po powrocie do warunków normobarii. Istotne jest więc określenie czy, i ewentualnie jak długo takie zmiany się utrzymują oraz jakie są możliwości ich minimalizowania. W badaniach uczestniczyło 19 osób w wieku 22,1š1,3 lat. Wszystkie ekspozycje hiperbaryczne odbywały się w komorze hiperbarycznej Zakładu Technologii Nurkowania i Prac Podwodnych Akademii Marynarki Wojennej w Gdyni. Badane osoby były sprężane w komorze hiperbarycznej dwukrotnie: do ciśnienia 2 atmosfer (10 metrów) oraz do ciśnienia 3 atmosfer (20 metrów). Czas pobytu na zadanych głębokościach wynosił 20 minut. W przypadku obu ekspozycji jako mieszaninę oddechową wykorzystano sprężone powietrze. Sprawność układu oddechowego, określano wykonując badanie spirometryczne z wykorzystaniem spirometru MicroLab ML3500 (Micro Medical, Wielka Brytania). Przed każdym pobytem w komorze hiperbarycznej wykonywano badanie spoczynkowe oraz badanie po ekspozycji hiperbarycznej. Analizując wyniki, można zauważyć, że wyższe wartości prawie wszystkich parametrów zostały uzyskane w pomiarach wykonanych po pobycie w komorze hiperbarycznej. Potwierdza to brak negatywnych zmian w funkcji płuc po jednorazowej ekspozycji hiperbarycznej. Porównanie wartości badanych parametrów spirometrycznych z wartościami należnymi wskazuje, że pozostają one poniżej lub na granicy norm, co świadczy o występowaniu umiarkowanych zmian obturacyjnych w obrębie średnich i małych oskrzeli. Potwierdza to, że nieistotne zmiany w pracy płuc obserwowane po jednorazowym nurkowaniu, mogą w wyniku częstych i wielokrotnych nurkowań ulegać pogłębianiu i utrwalaniu, prowadząc do uszkodzeń obturacyjnych dolnych dróg oddechowych
During diving a number of factors capable of affecting pulmonary function begin to influence a diver's respiratory system. These factors are shown as disrupting the proper functioning of lungs during diving as well as after surfacing. The negative effects that extend their influence beyond the stay in an increased pressure environment and other stress factors may contribute to lowering the effectiveness of a diver's functioning after that person returns to normal pressure conditions. It is, therefore, imperative to determine whether and for how long such changes endure, and to seek ways to minimize their effects. Nineteen subjects participated in the study, with a mean age of 22.1 š 1.3 years. All of the hyperbaric exposures took place in a hyperbaric chamber at The Department of Diving Technology and Underwater Works at the Naval Academy in Gdynia, Poland. The subjects were exposed to increased pressure twice: in one session to the pressure of 2 atmospheres (10 meters), and in the other session to the pressure of 3 atmospheres (20 meters). The stay lasted 20 minutes. In both cases, compressed air was used as respiratory substance. The efficiency of the respiratory system was evaluated through a spirometric examination with a MicroLab ML3500 (Micro Medical, Great Britain) spirometer. Before each session in the hyperbaric chamber, a control examination was performed. Another examination was conducted after an increased pressure exposure. It can be observed from the results that the higher values of virtually every parameter were obtained during the examination performed after the hyperbaric chamber sessions. This confirms the fact that there are no negative changes in pulmonary function after a single hyperbaric exposure. The juxtaposition of the examined spirometric parameters with the due values indicates that they remain below or at normal level. This, in turn, suggests the presence of moderate constrictions in the medium and small bronchi. These results confirm that insignificant changes in pulmonary function observed after a single diving may increase and become more permanent as a result of frequent divings, leading to constriction damage of the lower respiratory tract.
Adolescent idiopathic kyphosis causes not only spinal deformities but also rib cage abnormalities that lead to abnormal residual volume and pulmonary capacity revealed in pulmonary function testing (PFT). The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of a physical activity program on respiratory function in surgical patients with kyphosis. From October 2006 to October 2007, a total of 34 patients (age range, 22-42 years) with kyphosis and a thoracic curvature between 45° and 88° were examined prospectively at a sports medicine clinic belonging to National Iranian Oil Company (N.I.O.C.). The patients underwent clinical and radiographic examinations of the vertebral deformity, chest radiography, PFT, evaluation of peak expiratory flow rate, and 6-min walk tests (6MWTs) before and after joining a physical activity program for 4 months. The improvements in FVC, inspiratory capacity, FEV1, expiratory reserve volume, and performance assessed by 6MWT were observed after activity. General condition of patients improved after the exerscise program. This was reflected by both PFT and 6MWT results.
Badanie spirometryczne określa jakość wentylacji płuc. Funkcjonowanie układu oddechowego oparte jest na mechanizmie wentylacji. Podstawowymi zaburzeniami układu oddechowego są zmiany o charakterze obturacyjnym, restrykcyjnym oraz mieszanym. W pracy zaprezentowano nowy model badania spirometrycznego. Estymaty parametrów modelu wyliczane są na podstawie wyników spirometrii. Parametry modelu dostarczają nowych informacji na temat kondycji układu oddechowego. Pozwalają również na jednoznaczne rozróżnienie zdrowego i chorego pacjenta. Weryfikacja, przeprowadzona za pomocą symulacji zaburzenia funkcji płuc, potwierdziła diagnostyczną przydatność parametrów modelu uzyskanych na podstawie wyniku pomiaru spirometrycznego.
The spirometry measurements assess the efficiency of the pulmonary ventilation. The respiratory system functioning is based on the ventilation mechanism. The basic degradation of the patient's breathing condition are obstructive, restrictive and mixed pulmonary diseases. In this paper, a new model of the spirometry measurement is presented. The model parameter estimates are obtained on the basis of spirometry measurements. The model parameters allow obtaining the new information concerning breathing conditions. They allow distinguishing between healthy and diseased subjects. The verification, based on the disease simulation, revealed the diagnostic usefulness or model parameters obtained on the basis of spirometry measurements.
W pracy przedstawiono propozycję wykorzystania wyników modelowania pomiaru spirometrycznego do celów diagnostycznych. Zastosowanie praktyczne modelu wymaga określenia wartości referencyjnych parametrów modelu w zależności od cech antropologicznych pacjenta. Zaprezentowano liniowy i nieliniowy opis wyznaczania tych wartości. Błąd aproksymacji wartości referencyjnych parametrów, wyznaczonych z wykorzystaniem nieliniowego równania referencyjnego, umożliwia obliczenie wartości referencyjnej badanego parametru (w zależności od płci, wieku i wzrostu) z dobrą dokładnością, wystarczającą do różnicowania stanów zdrowia. Daje to możliwość wsparcia procesu diagnostycznego nowymi informacjami uzyskanymi dzięki zastosowaniu modelu pomiaru spirometrycznego.
The paper presents the application of model respiratory mechanism based on the spirometry measurement. The model parameter estimates are obtained based on the spirometry test results. The model parameters enable to obtain the new information concerning breathing conditions. The diagnostic practice requires the reference values of model parameters, which depended on anthropometric data of the subject. The linear and non-linear reference equations are presented. The Mean Squared Error obtained for the non-linear reference equation, in comparison to quantitative change in parameter value on different state of health condition, allows us to postulate that the spirometry respiratory model parameter estimates could be successfully applied for diagnostic purposes.
The relationship between Forced Expiratory Volume in one second (FEV1) and the Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) is intensively used in diagnosing because of its quantitative description with the index FEV1/FVC. There is not such index for the relationship between airflows (Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) and Maximal Expiratory Flow at xx% of FVC (MEFxx, where xx = 75, 50, 25%)). Our aim was to describe that relationship quantitatively with the angle alfa between the 4-dimensional vector F = [PEF, MEF75, MEF50, MEF25] and the plane determined by two reference vectors: the mean of such vectors for the young and elderly. The reference vectors were found with data for 1,120 males and 1,625 females - Polish (white) population, healthy, never-smoking, aged 18 - 85 yrs, who performed a technically adequate spirometry maneuver. Upper Limit of Normal (ULN) was determined with the linear regression of the 5th percentiles of alfa on age (0.074*age + 2.76). Such an ULN seems to well indicate both improper examination and non-healthy persons.
Content available remote Spirometry measurement model - the diagnostic purpose support
The paper presents a new model of respiratory mechanism based on the spirometry measurements. The spirometry test assesses efficiency of the lung ventilation. The respiratory system functioning is based on the ventilation mechanism. Thus the quality of the lung depends on the quality of lung ventilation. Respiratory system modelling supports a diagnostic process. The model parameter estimates are obtained on the basis of the spirometry test results. The model parameters enable us to obtain the new information concerning breathing conditions. These parameters make it also possible to distinguish between healthy and diseased subjects. The spirometry measurement model presents itself as a new diagnostically helpful aid.
Content available remote A model-based approach to the forward and inverse problems in spirometry
The respiratory system is one of the most essential systems sustaining human life. Its complexity raises, however, serious difficulties when one is trying to analyse the lung structure or function experimentally. An alternative approach consists in conducting research via mathematical modelling. This paper reviews the most essential model-based approaches to the so-called forward and inverse problems in spirometry, focusing on research the author has been involved in. A few selected results achieved with the aid of the mathematical models of the forced expiration illustrate the state of the art, and current challenging issues in modelling the respiratory system are depicted.
Content available remote A multi-method approach to measurement of respiratory system mechanics
A multi-method system developed for complex investigations of lung mechanics is described. The system includes complementary measurement techniques such as forced oscillations, interrupter technique, methods for measurement of pulmonary mechanics during artificial ventilation and spirometry. These techniques are completed by computational models enabling an analysis of the relation between the lung structure, function, pathology and measurement results. This set-up is a first step towards a new-quality approach to research into the respiratory system via multi-method fusion.
Układ oddechowy jest podstawowym systemem podtrzymującym funkcje życiowe organizmu człowieka. Wysoce złożona budowa płuc i wielorakość zachodzących w nich procesów powodują, że opracowano wiele metod badania układu oddechowego. Obejmują one zarówno techniki pomiarowe jak i modelowanie matematyczne. Każda z metod dostarcza innego zasobu informacji o płucach. Wydaje się, że ich połączenie może stanowić podstawę jakościowo nowego podejścia w badaniach nad układem oddechowym. Z tego też powodu zbudowano system łączący kilka uzupełniających się technik pomiarowych, takich jak wymuszone oscylacje, przerywanie przepływu powietrza, pomiar właściwości mechanicznych płuc podczas sztucznej wentylacji i spirometria. Techniki te wzbogacone zostały o zaimplementowane modele komputerowe płuc działających w różnych warunkach, pozwalające analizować związki pomiędzy ich strukturą, funkcjonowaniem, zachodzącymi procesami patologicznymi i wynikami pomiarów Skonstruowany system stanowi pierwszy krok w kierunku bardziej szczegółowego, wiarygodnego i wyczerpującego zrozumienia funkcjonowania układu oddechowego, bazującego na fuzji wyników wielu metod badawczych.
The aim of the study was to find out whether the level of arterial oxygen saturation (Sa02) during sleep in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients can be predicted on the basis of the static or dynamic lung volumes measurements or respiratory resistance measurements performed during wakefulness in the sitting and supine positions. Nineteen OSA patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the high and low Sa02 during sleep apneas (85:3% vs 78:9%). In the patients with the high Sa02 there was a bigger vital capacity (both in the sitting and supine positions), a lower residual volume/ total lung capacity ratio in the supine position and a smaller decrease of the expiratory reserve volume on adopting the supine posture, a higher mid-expiratory-flow, both in the sitting and supine positions, and a higher peak-expiratory-flow in the supine position as compared with patients with the low Sa02 during sleep apneas. The respiratory resistance and forced-expiratory-volume 1sec/vital capacity ratio were similar in both groups. Conclusion: the measurements of the lung volumes and capacities in the both the sitting and supine position allow predicting the level of the arterial oxygen desaturation during the episodes of sleep apnea in the OSA patients. Small-airways disease (that can be detected in the sitting and especially, in the supine position) leads to a more severe arterial oxygen desaturation during sleep in the OSA patients. The respiratory resistance does not influence the arterial oxygen desaturation in the OSA patients.
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