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Purpose: Spinal dura mater plays a crucial role in the biomechanics and protection of the spine. Therefore, the present study investigated the dura mater's mechanical and basic morphological properties to learn more about the biomechanical behaviour of this fibrous membrane. Methods: Tissue strips, oriented in the longitudinal and circumferential directions, were cut from the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae parts of the porcine spinal cord. Uniaxial tensile tests were performed using a device with a speed of 4 mm/min until rupture of the sample. Results: It was demonstrated that the dura mater is a heterogeneous, anisotropic material. The longitudinal excised specimens showed the highest values of mechanical properties (ultimate force (FU), the stiffness coefficient (k), ultimate tensile strength (σUTS), and Young’s modulus (E)) compared to those of the circumferentially. Confocal microscopy and sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay enabled us to visualise collagen and elastin elements more efficiently without a need for sample fixation. Conclusions: The spinal dura mater mechanical properties are not uniform along the entire length of the spinal cord, but, in the case of morphological features, no major differences were noticed. The utilisation of SRB occurred to be a non-destructive, fast, and efficient tool for visualising even the smallest elastic fibres on different depths of examined samples. The mechanical and morphological properties of the dura mater provided by this study can be further used in computational modelling to understand injury mechanisms better and help develop injury prevention strategies.
Artykuł przedstawia obecnie stosowane urządzenia wspomagające proces rehabilitacji kręgosłupa. Urządzenia te opisano w układzie od najprostszych do najbardziej złożonych, jednocześnie wskazując na pewien trend rozwojowy. Pokazuje on, że rozwój tych urządzeń przebiega od prostych pomocy mechanicznych w kierunku coraz bardziej skomplikowanych urządzeń mechatronicznych wyposażonych w czujniki pomiarowe oraz komputery zbierające i analizujące dane pomiarowe celem określenia postępu w rehabilitacji pacjenta. Zestawienie funkcji poszczególnych urządzeń pokazuje, że coraz więcej urządzeń wykorzystuje analizę komputerową danych zapisanych w trakcie zabiegów, co skutkuje praktycznie już pełną automatyzacją procesu leczenia. Zaletą jest możliwość przeprowadzenia tego zabiegu pod kontrolą terapeuty oraz analiza postępów tego procesu dzięki informacjom zebranych z układów pomiarowych.
The article presents currently used devices supporting the process of spine rehabilitation. These devices are described in the arrangement from the simplest to the most complex ones, at the same time indicating a certain development trend. It shows that the development of these devices proceeds from simple mechanical ones that only help in the rehabilitation process towards more and more complicated mechatronic devices which are equipped with measuring sensors and computers for collecting and analyzing measurement data in order to determine the progress of patient’s rehabilitation. A summary of the functions of individual devices is shown in the table, which shows that more and more devices use autotherapy as a tool to recover lost health. The undoubted advantage of this form is the ability to carry out this operation independently under the supervision of the therapist and to analyze the progress of this process thanks to the information collected from the measurement systems.
Wstęp i cele: Zespół regresji kaudalnej charakteryzuje się występowaniem zmian w budowie kości i zaburzeń struktur miękkotkankowych. Niewielka częstość występowania tego zespołu skłania do analizy poszczególnych opisów przypadków w odniesieniu do prac uogólniających. Materiał i metody: W oparciu o wyniki przeglądu piśmiennictwa z ostatnich 25 lat dokonano syntetycznej analizy zmian w budowie kręgosłupa, kości miednicznych i kości części wolnych kończyn dolnych w obrazie zespołu regresji kaudalnej. Wyniki: Do zmian kostnych spotykanych w zespole regresji kaudalnej należą m.in. agenezja kręgów, rozszczep kręgosłupa, odwrócenie kifozy krzyżowej, zniekształcenie miednicy, skrócenie kości udowej i stopa końsko-szpotawa. Inne zmiany o istotnym znaczeniu klinicznym to np. dysplazja stawów biodrowych i przykurcze stawów kończyn. Wniosek: Zmiany kostne w zespole regresji kaudalnej cechują się znaczną różnorodnością, osobniczą zmiennością oraz współistnieniem zmian stawów i struktur miękkotkankowych a standardowe medyczne techniki obrazowania umożliwiają ich wykrywanie i monitorowanie.
Introduction and aim: Caudal regression syndrome is characterized by changes in bones and disturbances in soft tissue structures. The low incidence of this syndrome prompts the analysis of individual case reports in relation to generalizing works. Material and methods: Based on the results of a review of the literature in the last 25 years, a synthetic analysis of the changes in the structure of the spine, the hip bones and bones of the free parts of the lower extremities in the picture of caudal regression syndrome has been carried out. Results: Bone changes observed in caudal regression syndrome include: agenesis of the vertebrae, spina bifida, reversal of the sacral kyphosis, pelvic deformities, shortening of the femur and clubfoot. Other changes of significant clinical significance are, for example, the hip dysplasia and the limb joint contractures. Conclusion: Bone changes in caudal regression syndrome are characterized by considerable diversity, individual variability and coexistence of changes in joints and soft tissue structures, and standard medical imaging techniques enable their detection and monitoring.
The purpose of this paper was to obtain and compare information about spine metrics properties and indicate of polymer materials for the manufacture of spinal implants using 3D printing. The resulting properties will allow to select the material which have similar spine metrics properties or better. The literature review will be helpful to develop methodology of 3D printing in producing implants of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs (Val). The project consists three main phases: creation a creation model which is based on generating of a 3D model (Val) discs of tomographic images spine using software specially developed for medical image processing and CAD software (Val) discs, creation of a prototype implant and performance strength tests on the obtained implant.
Activation of back musculature during work tasks leads to fatigue and potential injury. This is especially prevalent in dentists who perform much of their work from a seated position. We examined the use of an ergonomic dental stool with mid-sternum chest support for reducing lower back muscle activation. Electromyography of lower back extensors was assessed from 30 dental students for 20 s during three conditions in random order: (a) sitting upright at 90° of hip flexion on a standard stool, (b) leaning forward at 80° of hip flexion on a standard stool, and (c) leaning forward at 80° of hip flexion while sitting on an ergonomic stool. Muscular activity of the back extensors was reduced when using the ergonomic stool compared to the standard stool, by 33–50% (p < 0.01). This suggests a potential musculoskeletal benefit with use of a dental stool with mid-sternum chest support.
Purpose: Whiplash injuries to the cervical spine represent a considerable economic burden on society with medical conditions, in some cases persisting for more than a year. Numerous studies of whiplash injuries have been made for occupant normal seated position, leaving the analysis of neck injuries for out-of-normal positions not well documented. For that purpose, a detailed human cervical spine finite element model was developed. Methods:The analysis was made for four most common occupant seated positions, such as: Normal Position with the torso against the seat back and the head looking straight ahead, Torso Lean forward position with the torso away from the seat back for approximately 10°, Head Flexed position with the head flexed forward approximately 20° from the normal position and HeadFlexed with Torso Lean forward position with the head flexed forward approximately 20° and torso 10° from the normal position. Results: The comparative study included the analysis of capsular ligament deformation and the level of S-curvature of the cervical spine. The developed model predicted that Head Flexed seated position and Head-Flexed with Torso Lean forward seated position are most threatening for upper and lower cervical spine capsular ligament respectively. As for the level of S-curvature, the model predicted that Head-Flexed with Torso Lean forward seated position would be most prone to neck injuries associated with it. Conclusions:This study demonstrated that the occupant seated position has a significant influence on potential whiplash injuries.
Przedstawiony artykuł jest studium nad problemem wykorzystania inercyjnego systemu pomiarowego w obiektywnej ocenie biernej podatności kręgosłupa na rozciąganie. Przeprowadzone badania miały na celu sprawdzenie, czy zaproponowany system może zostać wykorzystany do oceny zagadnienia rozciągliwości kręgosłupa. W artykule zaproponowano pomiar orientacji punktów odniesienia położonych w pobliżu osi kręgosłupa, jako najlepszą metodę oceny efektywności pojedynczego zabiegu. Metoda analizy zakłada wykorzystanie 10 punktów odniesienia umieszczonych po obu stronach kręgosłupa w płaszczyźnie osi czołowej człowieka.
This paper studies the problem of the use of the inertial measurement system in an objective assessment of passive vulnerability of spine stretching. The aim of the research was to establish whether the proposed system can be used to assess an issues of spine extensibility. In this paper it has been suggested to use the measurement of the orientation of the reference points which are located near the spinal axis as the best method for assessing the eff ectiveness of a single treatment. The analytical method involves using 10 reference points located on the both sides of the spine in the coronal plane of the body.
The complex kinematic structure and the method of support of the spinal motion segments significantly influence mechanical properties of the intervertebral disc (IVD). Because of this, the aim of this study was to analyse the effect of support of the spinal motion segment on selected mechanical properties of the intervertebral disc. The research involved two groups of study: with intact segments (IS) and with acutely injured segments (AIS). In a long-term cyclic compression test, the spinal segments were loaded with a force of 150-650N. The study has shown that in the case of damage to articular processes, intervertebral disc height decreases by 0.09mm, and this decrease is 50% greater than in the case of intact segments. The most significant increase in the stiffness coefficient, greater by 63% in the case of injured segments, occurs after 50 000 cycles, which leads to pathological changes taking place in the structure of annulus fibrosus. In assessing the mechanical properties presented in this study, we should bear in mind that this is not a description of the properties of the intervertebral disc alone but also of the elements working with it.
Pomiar momentów sił mięśniowych jest ważnym elementem diagnostyki i treningu sportowego. Stosowane w tym celu urządzenia muszą być dostosowane do specyfiki badanej grupy mięśniowej oraz warunków prowadzenia pomiaru. Przedmiotem pracy było opracowanie własnej konstrukcji urządzenia do pomiaru momentów sił mięśniowych zginaczy i prostowników tułowia. Realizację tego zadania poprzedziła analiza anatomii i biomechaniki kręgosłupa. Przedstawione rozwiązanie umożliwia pomiar w dwóch pozycjach: stojącej oraz siedzącej co znacznie ułatwia dostosowanie warunków pomiaru do indywidualnych potrzeb.
Measurement of muscle torque is important factor in diagnostics and sport training. The main aim of the presented research was elaboration of the own project of the station for measurement torques of trunk flexors and extensors. This was leaded by deep analysis of the anatomy and biomechanics of the spine. Another important element was review and analysis of available solutions for equipment designed for measurement trunk flexors and extensors torques. During the analysis the need for construction that allows measurement in both standing and seating position were specified.
Content available Research of cyclist’s spine dynamical model
The purpose of the paper is to present a dynamic model of bicyclist’s lumbar spine for the evaluation of linear and angular variation of intervertebral distance in sagittal plane. Ten degrees of freedom biomechanical model of the spine was solved numerically. Larger loads acting on a cyclist spine occur mostly while sitting in a sport position in comparison with recreation or middle sitting. The load on lumbar spine region is influenced by cycle’s tire pressure, road bumps and wheeling speed. The biggest linear and angular displacements were found between L4–L5 vertebras. The biggest load protractile spine muscle experiences in the sport sitting position. Maximum vertebrae rotation and linear variation values in wheeling regime with 1.5 Bar tyres pressure and at a speed of 10 km/h are 0.46° and 0.46 mm. Maximum vertebrae rotation and linear variation values for a 23 year old, 1.74 m high and 73 kg of mass (bicycle mass ~ 7 kg) man in wheeling regime with 3.5 Bar tyres pressure and at a speed of 30 km/h are 3.9° and 1.23 mm. The biggest variation of rotation in sagittal plane between two nearest lumbar spines is about 1°. Because of this displacement the frontal part of last mentioned disc is compressed with 530 N more and dorsal disc part as much less.
The aim of this study was to perform comparative analysis of a rifle shot loads in the thoracic spine region for different shooting positions (prone and standing). This effect is related to the action of high energy pulse coming from a special object, equipped with a 12.7mm magnetorheological (MR) damping system. In numerical simulations the results of measurement of thrust force as a function of time for the system employing the principle of a short barrel recoil was used. Performed for different values of pulse numerical analysis helped to determine how thrust forces, arising from the movement of system, impact on the anatomical structures of the thoracic spine, and to indicate the optimal shooting position and dumping parameters taking into account the formation of the human spine injuries
The paper discusses the purpose of a spinal disc implant. Indicated a significant effect on the material pair of friction on the frictional resistance. Tribological test results of spinal disc implants performed on the simulator. Discussed the mechanism of wear of the implants. Drew attention to the destructive role of wear products.
Wraz z wiekiem i spadkiem aktywności ruchowej, obniża się zdolność krążka międzykręgowego do zachowania prawidłowej koncentracji wody. Stanowi to jedną z przyczyn przyspieszających powstawanie zmian degeneracyjnych w czasie pracy kręgosłupa. W przedstawionej pracy wyznaczono dynamikę procesu uwodnienia elementów segmentu ruchowego kręgosłupa. Równocześnie ocenie poddano wpływ elementów kostnych i chrzęstnych na uwodnienie pierścienia włóknistego krążka międzykręgowego.
W artykule scharakteryzowano sposoby leczenia dysfunkcji i urazów kręgosłupa oraz przedstawiono różne elementy konstrukcyjne stosowane w chirurgii kręgosłupa. Z uwagi na bardziej znaczący aspekt społeczny większą uwagę zwrócono na techniki leczenia inwazyjnego wykorzystujące stabilizatory i implanty krążka międzykręgowego. Przedstawiono różne rozwiązania stabilizatorów płytkowych i prętowych. W zakresie implantów międzytrzonowych omówiono rozwiązania konstrukcyjne dotyczące jądra miażdżystego i całego krążka międzykręgowego. Przegląd konstrukcji stabilizatorów i implantów wskazuje na tendencje rozwojowe idące w kierunku przywrócenia ruchomości implantowanego odcinka kręgosłupa. Rozwiązaniami spełniającymi powyższe oczekiwania są mobilne implanty krążka międzykręgowego.
The methods of treating spinal dysfunctions and injuries were characterized and various components used in spinal surgery were presented in this article. More attention was paid to invasive treatment techniques using intervertebral disk stabilizers and implants due to their greater social significance. Various solutions of plate and rod stabilizers were presented. In the scope of interbody implants, design solutions pertaining to the nucleus pulposus and the entire intervertebral disk were discussed. The survey of stabilizer and implant designs indicates developmental tendencies in the direction of restoring mobility of the implanted segment of the spine. Mobile implants of the intervertebral disk are solutions fulfilling the above expectations.
Ailments linked to back pain is a serious problem not only medical but also social. Not only elder people but also people in working age suffers from problems related to spine pain. The most common disorders of the spine are pain syndromes of the lumbar part where center of gravity of the human body is located and w here major forces are acting on the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. The market currently offers a variety of spinal implant solutions (FIG 1). In the Metal Forming Institute there is realized research Project entitled Investigations and spine implants functionality evaluation in material and tribological aspects. In the frame of the Project it was designed and manufactured special simulator adapted for intervetebrals pine discs implants investigations. Simulator scheme is presented on FIG. 2. Main goals of the realized Project are: • Investigation of friction-mechanical processes during implant usage. • Evaluation of wear intensity of various types of intervertebral discs and investigations of appearing wear products. • Selection of optimal material and surface machining method providing minimal wear of intervertebral disc elements wear. For experiments there was implant designed by K. Skalski and J. Skoworodko selected [1], which consists of 3 elements: upper liner, lower liner and nucleus pulpous (FIG. 3). Actually there are 3 types of friction couple materials tested: 316L steel - polyethylene UHMWPE – 316L steel, titanium alloy Ti6Al4V – polyethylene UHMWPE and nitrided Ti6Al4V titanium alloy – polyethylene UHMWPE. In fluence of number of cycles on friction coefficient, surface roughness and poliethylene linner thickness change illustrates FIG. 4. As it results from performed investigations, too high hardness level of metal elements (upper and lower clasps) provides to accelerated wear of the polyethylene part. New challenge is application of “metal-metal” friction couple.
Pierścień włóknisty, wraz z jądrem miażdżystym, stanowi główny element budujący strukturę krążka miedzykręgowego. Na podstawie jednoosiowego testu mechanicznego określono podstawowe właściwościach mechanicznych zewnętrznej warstwy pierścienia włóknistego krążka międzykręgowego. Parametry mechaniczne określono zarówno w część przedniej jak i tylnej segmentu ruchowego dla odcinka piersiowego i lędźwiowego kręgosłupa.
Annulus fibrosus with nucleus pulposus are the building structure of intervertebral disc. Using uniaxial tensile test were determined mechanical properties of outer single lamellar samples of annulus fibrosus. Experimental results were calculated for anterior and posterior margin of motion segments in thoracic and lumbar section of spine.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań wybranych własności mechanicznych płytek granicznych kręgów pochodzących od 3 gatunków zwierząt (dzika, cielaka i kozy). Testy przeprowadzono na kręgach piersiowego i lędźwiowego odcinka kręgosłupa, zarówno dla górnej jak i dolnej powierzchni. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań doświadczalnych określono maksymalną siłę niszczącą oraz sztywność w zależności od odcinka kręgosłupa, położenia płytki granicznej oraz pochodzenia materiału badawczego.
In the article selected mechanical properties of vertebral endplates of animal origin for 3 different species: boar, goat and calf obtained in examinations, were presented. The tests involved elements from 2 parts of spine (thoracic and lumbar) and from both sides of vertebrae (lower and upper endplates). Both the maximum failure force and stiffness were determined depending on the part of a spine, position of the endplate and the origin of the tested vertebrae.
Content available remote Influence of whiplash injury on cervical spine stability
The aim of this study was to define the influence of whiplash injury on cervical spine stability. The study involved 72 patients who had suffered from sprain injury to cervical spine of 0(degree)-III(degree) according to QTF. To verify the results the authors examined the control group whose representatives have never suffered from any cervical spine injury and met all the exclusion criteria. Conventional plain radiographs in both groups showed three lateral views: maximum flexion, neutral (resting) position and maximum extension view. The results of image studies were subjected to roentgenometric analysis to find mechanical symptoms of instability according to radiological criteria: AADI, anterior translation and regional angulation. The authors demonstrated that there was no influence of whiplash injury on mechanical stability of cervical spine measured on radiograms in static-functional lateral views.
Ultradźwięki wykorzystywane są w leczeniu wielu schorzeń narządu ruchu, między innymi dolegliwości bólowych związanych ze zmianami zwyrodnieniowo-wytwórczymi kręgosłupa. Celem pracy jest ocena wpływu fali ultradźwiękowej na napięcie mięśni prostowników grzbietu w odcinku lędźwiowym kręgosłupa oraz ocena efektywności terapii w leczeniu choroby zwyrodnieniowo-wytwórczej odcinka lędźwiowo-krzyżowego kręgosłupa u pacjentów z zespołem bólowym. Materiał i metody. Materiał badawczy stanowiło 60 pacjentów, podzielonych na dwie grupy badawcze. Grupa I poddana była zabiegom nadźwiękawiania, grupa II stanowiła grupę kontrolną. U każdego pacjenta wykonano pomiar stanu napięcia mięśniowego za pomocą zegarowego miotonometru Szirmai oraz dokonywano subiektywnej oceny dolegliwości bólowych na podstawie skali VAS (Visual Analogue Scale). Wyniki i wnioski. Zastosowanie zabiegów ultradźwiękowych u pacjentów ze zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi w odcinku lędźwiowo- krzyżowym istotnie zmniejsza napięcie mięśni prostowników grzbietu. Wykazano, że zabiegi ultradźwiękowe powodują zmniejszenie dolegliwości bólowych.
Ultrasound therapy is used to treat many disorders of locomotory system and to reduce back pain in patients with spondyloarthrosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of ultrasound therapy on muscule’s tension in the lumbar spine, as well as to evaluate the pain level. Materials and methods. The research was performed on 60 patients, divided into two groups. The first group was subjected to ultrasound therapy, whereas the second one served as the control group. Tension of muscles was measured by means of Szirmai miotonometr. Back pain was evaluated using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Results and conclusion. The statistically decrease of muscle tension and pain level were observed within the lumbar spine in patients with osteoarthritis as a result ultrasound therapy.
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