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Dengue fever (DF) is an infectious disease that is still a problem in Indonesia. The total death rate due to DF was 705 people in 2021; in 2022, this increased to 1183 (Indonesian Ministry of Health, 2023). Seeing this fact, prevention efforts are still needed when handling DF cases in all of the regions of Indonesia. This research was conducted in the Kendari area of Southeast Sulawesi, where there are still cases of DF. The purpose of this study was to create a spatial model of dengue susceptibility using a support vector machine. Landsat 8 imagery was used to intercept data on building density, vegetation density, land use, and land surface temperatures. Rainfall and humidity variables were obtained from the Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG). Based on the modeling results, the districts of Wua-wua, Kadia, Barunga, Poasi, and Puuwatu are areas with high susceptibility. The results of testing the susceptibility model to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Kendari obtained an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.75, meaning that this model was well-accepted.
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie obszarów badawczych, których przedmiotem będą modele struktury funkcjonalno-przestrzennej. Pojęcie takiego modelu jest od dawna znane zarówno w teorii, jak i w praktyce planowania przestrzennego. Dotyczy to zarówno doświadczeń polskich, jak i europejskich. Model taki jest rozumiany z reguły jako zilustrowanie rozmieszczenia w przestrzeni pewnych terenów o określonych funkcjach. Takie rozumienie modelu leży u podstaw teorii planowania przestrzennego. Każdy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego jest w pewnym sensie takim właśnie modelem. Mimo tego w polskim systemie planistycznym od czasów transformacji ustrojowej w połowie lat 90. jest to pojęcie bardzo rzadko używane. W chwili obecnej model taki został wprowadzony jako wymagalny element zintegrowanych strategii rozwoju gmin. Pojęcie modelu wymaga więc ponownego zdefiniowania, uwzględniającego zmieniające się otoczenie prawne oraz nowe podstawy teoretyczne. W dyskusji nad tym problemem należy uwzględnić teorię oraz doświadczenia wypracowane oraz zebrane zarówno na gruncie praktyk planowania przestrzennego, jak i strategicznego. Przeprowadzenie koniecznych badań wymagać będzie zastosowania metod analizy porównawczej obejmującej jak najszerszy zakres modeli. Wnioski z tych badań mogą być cennym wkładem do praktyki planowania.
The aim of the article is to indicate the research areas that will focus on models of functional and spatial structure. The concept of such a model has been known both in the theory and practice of spatial planning for a long time. This applies to both Polish and European experiences. Such a model is usually understood as illustrating the spatial distribution of certain areas with specific functions. This understanding of the model has been at the heart of spatial planning theory, practically since its beginnings. In a sense, every zoning plan is such a model. Despite this, in the Polish planning system since the political transformation, in the mid-1990s, this term has been very rarely used. At present, the need to create such a model has been introduced as a required element of integrated municipal development strategies. The concept of a model now needs to be redefined, taking into account the changing legal environment and new theoretical foundations and needs. The discussion on this problem should take into account the theory and experience developed and gathered in both spatial and strategic planning practices. Carrying out the necessary research will require the use of comparative analysis methods covering the widest possible range of models. The conclusions of this research can be a valuable contribution to the practice of spatial planning.
Trzecia część cyklu artykułów opisujących, jak realizować projekty drogowe od numerycznego modelu istniejącego terenu do dokumentacji projektowej w programie OpenRoads™ Designer firmy Bentley. Seria poświęcona jest praktycznym narzędziom i procesom, które pomogą w pełni wykorzystać możliwości oprogramowania. Cykl powstał na podstawie książki pt. OpenRoads™ Designer. Projektowanie dróg w BIM autorstwa Krzysztofa Jędrycha, Michała Latały, Jana Poślady oraz Tadeusza Zielińskiego wydanej przez Multiconsult Polska. W artykułach wykorzystano fragmenty książki.
The paper is the third part of a series of articles describing how to implement road projects from an existing digital terrain model to design documentation in Bentley’s OpenRoads™ Designer. It is devoted to practical tools and processes that will help you get the most out of your software. The series was based on the book OpenRoads™ Designer. Designing roads in BIM by Krzysztof Jędrych, Michał Latała, Jan Poślada, and Tadeusz Zieliński, published by Multiconsult Polska. The articles include excerpts from the book.
Content available remote A model of destructive processes based on interval fuzzy rough soft sets
This work presents a spatial model of destructive processes for the real-time GIS-based decision support systems. A dynamic fuzzy rough soft topology represents a structure of a geoecotechnogenic system that contains a multitude of interacting processes, which evolve in space and time. In disaster conditions, some of the interacting processes can be destructive. Their dynamics are modeled using the spread model. The area of interest is represented as an approximation by a grid of cubic cells. This allows taking into account the peculiarities of the initial information obtained from drones using remote sensing techniques and having a significant uncertainty. The proposed model reduces the computational complexity and provides the acceptable performance of real-time DSS.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przestrzenny model destrukcyjnych procesów dla systemów wspomagania decyzji opartych na GIS w czasie rzeczywistym. Dynamicznie rozmyta topologia przybliżona reprezentuje strukturę geo-eko-techno-gennego systemu, który zawiera wiele interakcji procesów, które ewoluują w przestrzeni i czasie. W warunkach katastrofy niektóre z oddziałujących procesów mogą być destrukcyjne. Ich dynamika jest modelowana przy użyciu modelu spreadu. Obszar zainteresowania jest reprezentowany jako przybliżenie przez siatkę komórek sześciennych. Pozwala to na uwzględnienie specyfiki początkowej informacji uzyskanej z dronów za pomocą technik teledetekcji i posiadającej znaczną niepewność. Proponowany model zmniejsza złożoność obliczeniową i zapewnia akceptowalną wydajność DSS w czasie rzeczywistym.
BIM -Building Information Modeling is the fastest growing branch of modern design and execution of buildings. In the United States there is a requirement for the design of public investment based on BIM technology. Similar legislation has been in force since 2016 in the United Kingdom. In the near future also in Poland, it becomes necessary the use of BIM technology in the implementation of investments co-financed from European Union funds. The most important part in the design of a new approach is the treatment of structural parts of geometric models, as information which can be changed as desired at any stage of design. A comprehensive approach to design using BIM technology allows to carry out a series of analysis and collision detection at the design stage, in order to reduce costs at the stage of execution of the investment. The paper presents the design of the structural part of a reinforced concrete building, multi-storey in BIM technology. It uses an innovative design approach, enabling the analysis of the object using CAD (Computer Aided Design), which previously was based BIM method and a new approach based on the method of CAE (Computer Aided Engineering), which permit the object generated in BIM, static-strenght analysis. The article presents opportunities and benefits of BIM methods, using innovative design CAE/CAD.
Wykonanie prac budowlanych w istniejących obiektach wymaga znajomości układu i rozmieszczenia pomieszczeń, ich wielkości oraz detali wykończeniowych. Budynki współczesne mają zwykle aktualną dokumentację, z której można skorzystać w przypadku remontu czy przebudowy. Inaczej jest z obiektami zabytkowymi. Ich dokumentacja budowlana jest praktycznie niedostępna, a mnogość detali i często rozczłonkowana bryła utrudnia pomiar inwentaryzacyjny takiego obiektu. Wówczas informacje o budynku można zebrać, stosując metodę skaningu laserowego 3D, która pozwala szybko i szczegółowo pomierzyć obiekt. Na podstawie tych danych możliwe jest opracowanie pełnej dokumentacji inwentaryzacyjnej. Przydatność danych z pomiaru uzależniona jest jednak od wielu czynników. W chmurze punktów, powstałej w wyniku pomiaru skanerem, mogą występować zakłócenia, zanieczyszczenia lub braki danych, co utrudnia pracę projektanta. W artykule przedstawiono niektóre problemy występujące podczas pomiarów skanerem laserowym 3D oraz obróbki uzyskanych danych.
Construction works in existing buildings require the knowledge of not only the arrangement of particular rooms, but also their respective sizes or finishing details. When it comes to contemporary buildings, one can usually access their construction documentation to achieve this objective. However, when it comes to historical buildings, the situation is a bit more complicated as their construction documentation is practically unavailable and the multitude of details and often fragmented bodies hamper any survey works. This is when a 3D laser scanner comes into play. It allows for taking quick and detailed measurements based on which a complete survey documentation can be prepared. However, usefulness of such data depends on many factors. A point cloud created as a result of scanning may have certain disturbances, noise or simply miss some data, which makes the designer’s work difficult. The following paper presents some of the problems resulting from laser scanning and the computer processing of data obtained this way.
The spatial aspect of urbanization is expressed in the features and the layout of urban areas, forming specific spatial models in the regional scale. In the morphological approach, this criterion is essential. The paper presents the results of research on the spatial models of the selected European agglomeration and compares their features to the model of Warsaw agglomeration.Due to the differences in terminology for the urban areas in the global cities, the research adopted concepts used in the projects and programs of the European Union co-ordinated by the ESPON, which mainly define them as “built up areas”. The biggest difference between the spatial structure of built-up areas of most European agglomerations and the Warsaw agglomeration is completely different morphology of their suburban areas. In the first case we have mostly to do with the contrasting relatively densely built-up teams and systematically solved open space, in the second – with monotonous tracts of land built extensively, with only local concentrations. Suburbanization models are so very different. The comparison of spatial models of the Warsaw agglomeration and selected European agglomerations can demonstrate significant differences between them, and can help to determine the main reasons for this variation.
This article is devoted to the use of a mathematical model of a flood runoff for calculating rainfall runoff hydrographs from small catchments of the northwest coast of the Black Sea. The described model was tested and applied for the following catchments located in various geographical conditions, with various amounts of initial data: experimental catchments in Zacarpathian, the northwest of the Black Sea region – Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, small catchments of the northern part of Vietnam, etc. This work was carried out on the basis of Moldavian Water-Balance Station databases. The development of a complex approach to a mathematical simulation of the formation of the processes of rain floods from small catchments is also given further investigation in this article. A brief description of the structure of a flood runoff spatial model from small catchments then provided. As well as this, the advantages of using radiolocation measurement of rainfall in the mathematical modeling of the formation of a flood runoff are shown. The results of construction runoff hydrographs confirm the possibility of applying this spatial model with the use of radar information. The optimization of model parameters was made with the data of 123 floods. The values of the quality criterion S/σ turned out not to exceed the value 0.8 in 81% of the considered cases of floods.
The Inowrocław salt dome can be considered one of the model structures in the Polish Lowlands. Salt structures formed as the result of halotectonic and halokinetic action. The Permian salt was squeezed upwards from deep geological levels due to the overburden load, using fractured zon es and faults. The salt dome is presented as a dynamie three- A Piątkowska K Czuryłowicz M Przyłucka -dimensional geological model developed using advanced technology to create and visualize 3D spatial data. Thanks to the relationship between the dynamics of the land surface and natural geological processes, the results and conclusions can be quickly drawn. For this purpose, average values of displacements in mm peryear, obtained by Satellite Radar Interferometry - Persistent Scatterers (PS) for the time span 1992-2006, are presented in the form of interpolation, creating a surface ofground movement (subsidence and uplift) above the Inowrocław salt dome.
Content available Proces projektowania wciągników łańcuchowych
W artykule przedstawiono proces projektowania wciągników łańcuchowych z napędem pneumatycznym i hydraulicznym opracowanych w ramach projektu celowego nr ROW III-238/2013 realizowanego przez Fabrykę Maszyn i Urządzeń OMAG Sp. z o.o. oraz ITG KOMAG. Głównym celem projektu było opracowanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań wciągników łańcuchowych. Proces projektowania był wspomagany specjalistycznym oprogramowaniem.
Designing the chain hoists with pneumatic and hydraulic drive, developed within the targeted project No. ROW-III-238/2013 realized by OMAG Machine and Equipment Plant and KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, is presented. Development of innovative solutions of chain hoists was the main project objective. Designing was aided by the special software programme.
W programach studiów na kierunku Budownictwo realizowanych jest szereg przedmiotów, w ramach których wykładane są szczegóły dotyczące planowania, projektowania i realizacji obiektów budowlanych. Omawiane są budynki i budowle takie jak m.in. drogi, mosty, tunele, wiadukty. Większość tych obiektów jest rozproszonych w terenie i trudno było by pokazać je w trakcie zajęć. Natomiast omawianie konstrukcji w oparciu o opis obiektu, fotografie czy rysunki nie zawsze pozwala wyobrazić sobie rzeczywiste kształty i rozmiary budynków, dróg, mostów i wiaduktów. W takiej sytuacji z pomocą może przyjść technologia skaningu laserowego 3D. Pomiary wykonane skanerem laserowym pozwalają przedstawić wybrane obiekty w postaci przestrzennych modeli. Dają możliwość ich obracania i przybliżania w celu zapoznania się ze szczegółami konstrukcyjnymi obiektu. Artykuł przedstawia możliwości zastosowania skanera laserowego 3D w dydaktyce.
The programs of study in field of civil engineering include a number of objects, which concern with details of the planning, design and realization of buildings. These are buildings and structures such as, roads, bridges, tunnels, viaducts. Most of these objects are located far from university and it was difficult to show them on the lessons. Discussing the structure based on the description of the object, photographs or drawings do not always allow to imagine the actual shapes and sizes of buildings, roads, bridges and viaducts. In such a situation, 3D laser scanning technology could be helpful . Measurements performed with a laser scanner allows to introduce selected objects in the form of spatial models. They give you the ability to rotate and zoom them in order to know the details of construction of the object. The article presents the possibility of using a 3D laser scanner in teaching.
Mobile heavy machines as unsprung vehicles exhibit low dissipation ability, hence the ride even at low speeds may give rise to intensive vertical and angular vibration. Vibrations thus produced are mostly in the low-frequency range and hence energy dissipation in tires will reduce the vibration intensity in a minor degree only. Particularly dangerous situations occur when the road wheels break away from the road surface due to the ’galloping’ effect. Kinematic excitation acting on the wheels is mostly uncorrelated stochastic (random) processes, giving rise to the "snake meandering" effect. That implies a major restriction on the ride velocity, which negatively affects the machine performance. The motion of tired wheels will always involve certain slipping. While investigating the feasibility of increasing the efficiency of the vibration reduction systems, one ought to take into account the variable adhesion of road wheels due to different dynamic loading acting on the vehicle axles during the ride. This study investigates the motion of unsprung mobile machines, taking into account the dynamic processes in the driving system under the conditions of the variable adhesion of road wheels. The model of interaction between a tired wheel and the terrain takes into account the relationship between the road wheel adhesion factor and the slipping action, as well as the impacts of the differential gear on distribution of drive torque. The 3D (spatial) model of a backhoe loader is considered. It is a two-axle self-propelled machine on a wheeled chassis. The mathematical model constitutes nonlinear and non-stationary differential equations of motion. Their stability is therefore associated with vibration intensity. Simulations in the time domain were supported by Matlab-Simulink. The purpose of this study is to improve the safety features during the ride of mobile heavy machines, basing on the parametric optimization of the model.
W artykule, w sposób syntetyczny przedstawiono realizowane w ostatnich latach prace nad Jednolitą Bazę Danych Geologicznych złoża węgla brunatnego Złoczew oraz wykorzystaniem jej przy aktualnie opracowywanym cyfrowym modelu geologicznym złoża. Tworzony w systemie MineScape przestrzenny model geologiczny złoża Złoczew, zarówno odwzoruje stan wiedzy o złożu na podstawie posiadanej dziś dokumentacji geologicznej, jak i pozwoli w przyszłości na aktualizowanie go nowymi informacjami geologicznymi o złożu z odwierconych otworów.
In this article Uniform Geological Database of Złoczew brown coal deposit which will be applied to acquisition of geological model of this deposit was presented. This MineScape System geological model bases on actual state of geological documentaction of Złoczew deposit. In the future updating of the model will be possible.
Content available remote Rewolucja 3D w Toruniu
Układy tłokowo-korbowe są jednym z najważniejszych elementów każdego silnika spalinowego w pojazdach samochodowych. W artykule przedstawiono model funkcjonalny wraz z ogólnym opisem budowy poszczególnych jego elementów. Dla lepszego zobrazowania części układu tłokowo-korbowego zostały wykonane modele trójwymiarowe przy wykorzystaniu zintegrowanych systemów komputerowych wspomagających projektowanie. Systemy te są w dzisiejszym czasie bardzo istotną pomocą dla współczesnego inżyniera i coraz częściej są stosowane we współczesnych realiach przemysłowych.
System of Piston-Connecting rod is one of the most important elements of any combustion engine in cars. The article presents a functional model together with a general description of the construction of its individual elements. For a better illustration of the piston - connecting rod were made using three-dimensional models of integrated computer systems supporting the design. These systems are in today time a very important means for the modern engineer and are increasingly being used in today's industry.
A method for structural analysis of lattice transmission towers considered to be spatial trusses is proposed. It consists in automatic elimination of mechanical instability from the structure. The instability result from the existence of the so-called out-of-plane nodes in a structure model. The method is based on blocking the possible displacements of out-of-plane nodes and the information concerning the need for blocking the specific displacement is obtained from analysis of the system stiffness matrix. Through application of the spatial rod finite elements lattice transmission towers may be analysed with the use of spatial truss models. The short characteristic of the in-house computer program applied for identification of truss members not satisfying the load capacity criterion, comparison of the results obtained by use of the method and ones obtained by applying the plane truss model and the frame model with the reduced member flexural stiffnesses are also presented.
Content available remote Multimode VCSEL Thermal and Spatial Model
We present a VCSEL model that addresses the spatial dependence and thermal behavior of VCSELs based on multimode rate equations without sacrificing the numerical efficiency demanded by the circuit-level simulation of optoelectronic systems. The model is more comprehensive and parameters are easier to determine. The equivalent circuit of the model and expressions of circuit elements are given. It is implemented into SPICE-like simulators to simulate the dc, ac and transient features of VCSELs. The simulated results exhibit good agreements with references.
Zaprezentowano model lasera typu VCSEL (vertical cavity surface emitting laser). Analizowano właściwości przestrzenne i termiczne. Zaproponowano schemat zastępczy modelu i przeprowadzono symulacje.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie metody modeli przestrzennych choremes, jej ewolucji i możliwości wykorzystania w badaniach organizacji przestrzeni, prowadzonych w skali globalnej, krajowej i lokalnej. Wykorzystanie tej metody omówiono na przykładach z literatury i własnych opracowań. Odnoszą się one do różnej tematyki: geopolityki, organizacji przestrzeni kraju i regionu, struktury miast oraz procesu globalizacji, rozwoju turystyki, specyfiki obszarów nadgranicznych, miast portowych.
The aim of the article is to present choremes spatial organisation models method, its evolution and usage possibilities. The term un choreme, a French neologism, was used by a French geographer Roger Brunet for the first time in 1980. The method enables phenomena and processes presentation using simple geometrie figures. Ali the symbols create a matrix of 28 geometrie symbols, which according to R. Brunet are supposed to analyse and present every area (fig. 1). The model analysis consists of spatial structure and dynamies presentation. Both of them are the spatial logie elements. The models can be used in investigations carried out at different scales: global, country, regional and local. They can cover differentiated themes, too. They are used in physical geography research as well as in socio-economic geography and spatial economy. In the article there are given examples taken from the literature and author's research examples. Choremes model analysis for global issues is presented on the Greater Middle East region examination. The country scale research is undertaken on the instances of Burkina Faso and Kyrgyzstan, the countries of different socio-economic development level. The regional scale example examines development tendencies in Central Region in France. Hanoi development analysis shows spatial organisation models use at local scale. There are also given examples of differentiated themes being tested by chorśmes analysis. Besides geopolities, country and region spatial organisation and city structure, also globalisation process, tour-ism development and analyses of frontier areas, port cities and islands are mentioned as the model usage examples. The last part of the article discuss advantages and disadvantages of the method. The choremes analysis enables investigation of the complex problem, influ-enced by multiple conditionings. On the base of the analysis conclusions, the assumptions of future spatial organisation development can be madę. The models can be also used as regional policy judgment means. They are especially useful in case study analysis and due to their easy perception, they may be implemented as didactic method. The choremes are compared to J. Lacan's mathemes and C. Levis-Strauss' mythemes, the methods used in psychoanalysis and ethnology, respectively. Schematism, generalisation and lack of precise location are the main method disadvantages being raised. Another criticism states the area cannot be reduced to simple geometrie figures and there are no laws shaping it. The last disadvantage mentioned in the article reveals the necessity of avallability of diverse sources of information in order to select the most important conditionings.
Celem niniejszego referatu jest porównanie dokładności odtworzenia kształtu elementu łopaty wirnika nośnego śmigłowca pozyskanego ze zdjęć cyfrowych i skaningu naziemnego. Zdjęcia wykonano aparatem cyfrowym CANON EOS20D. Automatyczne dopasowanie zdjęć (matching), wykonano przy wykorzystaniu programu PhotoModeler Scanner. Do pomiaru badanej powierzchni metodą skaningu naziemnego, wykorzystano precyzyjny skaner optyczny ATOS II firmy GOM, który jest stosowany w pomiarach przemysłowych. Porównanie wygenerowanych modeli 3D, z modelem projektowym obiektu, wykonano w programie NX Siemens, będącym zaawansowanym programem typu CAD/CAM/CAE. Dopasowanie modeli wykonano na całym obiekcie, na wybranych profilach badanej łopaty wirnika. Ocenę dokładności otrzymano na podstawie pomiaru odchyłek na 148 punktach, dla których policzona została wartość średnia. Wymagana dokładność, określona przez specjalistów, odtworzenia kształtu tego rodzaju elementu konstrukcyjnego śmigłowca wynosi 0.1 mm. W prezentowanym eksperymencie otrzymano dla modelu fotogrametrycznego 0.42 mm, dla modelu ze skaningu laserowego 0.22 mm.
The purpose of this paper is to compare the accuracy of shape of an element of the main rotor of a helicopter reconstructed from digital photographs and terrestrial scanner. The purpose of the main rotor is to generate the thrust necessary for the flight (forward, backward, sideward), as well as the moments for stability and control. The construction of such types of objects requires very high precision, since the admissible error of the reproduced part amounts to 0.1 mm. To carry out an analysis of the accuracy, 3D models obtained from different data were generated. A first reference model was created from the design data.. Design data allow to draw profiles of the main rotor and then describe its surface, and it is possible to measure coordinates of any point of the object. A second model was obtained from digital images taken by the Canon EOS 20D camera and with use of two types of coded and uncoded reference points placed on the object. Automatic image matching was executed in the PhotoModeler Scanner software. The third model was reconstructed on the basis of data from terrestrial laser scanning, where the industrial precise ATOS II scanner from the GOM company was used. In addition, special target points for automatic scan matching on this object were located. A comparison of these two generated 3D models with the reference model was carried out in the NX program, which is an advanced CAD/CAM/CAE software. Based on the analysis, both evaluation of the accuracy of the generated models and the time consumption and economic aspects were compared.
Artykuł zawiera analizę porównawczą odpowiedzi dynamicznej dwóch typów modeli numerycznych budynków (o różnej liczbie kondygnacji): przestrzennego oraz tarczowego z uwzględnieniem podatności podłoża. Przedstawiony został taki sposób tworzenia zastępczego modelu 2D wybranej ściany, aby odpowiedzi ze względu na obciążenia statyczne jak i dynamiczne modeli tarczowego i przestrzennego były zbliżone z inżynierskiego punktu widzenia. Zaproponowany algorytm postępowania stanowić może skuteczne narzędzie analizy wytężenia uszkodzonych budynków.
Procedure of replacing the 3D model by equivalent 2D one is realised the separation of one wall from the spatial model and creating its plane model. It can be accepted, only when results of statical and dynamical problems for both models are close. Direct separation of the wall from 3D model does not fulfil the above condition. Hence, the process of suitable modification of the plane model parameters is presented. Some comparative analyses of 3D and 2D models of buildings with different storey numbers are obtained.
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