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It is well known that if plastic wastes are not well managed, it has a negative impact on the environment as well as on human health. In this study, recycling plastic waste in form of strips for stabilizing weak subgrade soil is proposed. For this purpose, a weak clay soil sample was mixed with 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.4% of plastic strips by weight of soil, and the experimental results were compared to the control soil sample with 0% plastic. Laboratory tests on the Standard compaction test, Unconfined compression test (UCS), and California bearing ratio (CBR) were conducted according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The results of the study reveal that there are significant improvements in the strength of weak soil stabilized with plastic waste strips. Accordingly, the Standard Proctor test shows that there is a small increment in the maximum dry density of the soil when it is mixed with plastic strips. The result from the CBR test shows that there is a significant increment of CBR value with the plastic strip content. The unconfined compressive strength test also shows that increasing the percentage of plastic strips from 0 to 0.4% resulted in increased strength of soil by 138% with 2 cm length plastic strips. Therefore, this study recommends the application of plastic strips for improvement of the strength of soft clay for subgrade construction in civil engineering practice as an alternative weak soil stabilization method.
Content available remote Triaxial tests on weak cohesive soils – some practical remarks (Part 2)
This paper is a continuation of the paper “Triaxial tests on weak cohesive soils – some practical remarks (part 1)” and concerns the problems related to the preparation of weak cohesive soils for triaxial testing. This part (2/2) presents detailed description and discussion of the issues related to installation of specimen in the apparatus and assembling various accessories before the main test. It is based on the Authors’ own experience and literature review. Some solutions, which make the work with weak soils easier and, at the same time, increase the reliability of the results, are suggested e.g.: the paraffin method or the use of a special frame enabling repositioning of local microdisplacement sensors during the triaxial test. The issues connected with soil sampling and forming of triaxial specimens have been included in part 1/2 of this article. In the Authors opinion, the text (parts 1 and 2) may constitute an important hint for researchers completing a triaxial testing station intended for testing weak cohesive soils.
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi kontynuację opisu zagadnień poruszanych w części pierwszej artykułu „Triaxial tests on weak cohesive soils – some practical remarks (part 1)”, dotyczących specyfiki badania słabych gruntów spoistych w warunkach trójosiowego obciążenia. W tej części (2/2) omówiono i przedyskutowano na podstawie doświadczeń własnych oraz danych dostępnych w literaturze zagadnienia związane z montowaniem próbki w komorze aparatu trójosiowego oraz przygotowaniem jej do badania. Wytypowano rozwiązania ułatwiające pracę ze słabymi gruntami spoistymi i zwiększające wiarygodność wyników – stosowanie bezkontaktowych lokalnych czujników przemieszczenia z możliwością ich przestawienia w trakcie badania. Zagadnienia dotyczące pobierania próbek in situ i ich formowania do badań trójosiowych zawarto w części 1/2. Zdaniem Autorek treść obu artykułów (części 1 i 2) może stanowić istotną wskazówkę dla badaczy kompletujących stanowisko do badań trójosiowych słabych gruntów spoistych.
Content available remote Triaxial tests on weak cohesive soils – some practical remarks (Part 1)
Standard procedures of triaxial testing recommended e.g. in Eurocode 7 are often unsatisfactory in case of weak cohesive soils (soft and very soft clays, clayey soils with organic content, etc.), mainly due to the high deformability of these soils. Forming a specimen from material sampled in situ and installation of the necessary equipment (a membrane, filter paper strips or on-sample sensors, etc.) may be very difficult and can influence the quality of the test results. This paper (part 1/2) presents detailed description and discussion of the issues related to weak soil sampling and forming of triaxial specimens, based on the Authors’ own experience and literature review. Some solutions, which make the work with weak soils easier and, at the same time, increase the reliability of the results, are suggested e.g.: an “extra consolidation” in a sampler or alternative preparation of the specimen from slurry. Due to the ampleness of the problems related to testing of weak cohesive soils, another issues, such as installation of a triaxial specimen in a chamber or equipping it with different accessories, have been described in part 2 of this paper. In the Authors opinion, the text (parts 1 and 2) may constitute an important hint for researchers completing a triaxial testing system designated for testing weak cohesive soils.
Standardowe procedury badań trójosiowych rekomendowane np. przez Eurocod 7 w przypadku słabych gruntów spoistych (plastyczne i miękkoplastyczne iły, grunty spoiste z zawartością części organicznych itp.) są często niewystarczające. Z powodu znacznej odkształcalności takich gruntów formowanie próbki z materiału pobranego in situ, jak również instalacja niezbędnego wyposażenia takiego jak: membrana, paski filtracyjne oraz czujniki napróbkowe, może sprawiać wiele trudności, zarówno w trakcie wykonywania tych czynności, jak i późniejszej analizy wyników badania. W niniejszym artykule (część 1/2) szczegółowo omówiono i przedyskutowano na podstawie doświadczeń własnych oraz danych dostępnych w literaturze zagadnienia związane z pobieraniem próbek in situ i ich formowaniem do badań laboratoryjnych. Wytypowano rozwiązania ułatwiające pracę z takimi gruntami i zwiększające wiarygodność wyników – “dokonsolidowanie” gruntu w próbniku lub przygotowania próbki z pasty gruntowej. Ze względu na obszerność problematyki pozostałe zagadnienia (montaż do komory badawczej i instalację czujników) zawarto w części 2. Zdaniem autorek, treść pracy (części 1 i 2) możestanowić istotną wskazówkę dla badaczy kompletujących stanowisko do badań trójosiowych słabych gruntów spoistych.
Many researchers have done study to estimate the value of undrained shear strength for fine grained soils like clay or silt. Determining of undrained shear strength and compressibility parameters in laboratory are really tedious and time consuming. Therefore, a correlation between undrained shear strength and Atterberg limits is useful for restraint of testing number and costs. Central tendency parameters such as an average, deviation standard and coeffi cient of variation are performed to analyze the data of soft clay in Pontianak, Indonesia. Based on analysis that undrained shear strength coincides with 50 percentile of distribution data meanwhile undrained compressive strength is around twice of cohesion for testing using unconfi ned pressure. This relationship is the most familiar equation. Moreover, undrained shear strength using mean value is more realistic for correlation between undrained shear strength and Atterberg limits on some equations from previous findings.
Content available remote Characterization of the anisotropy of a normally consolidated soft clay
The natural soils were deposited in successive layers during thousands of years. They develop different horizontal and vertical shear strengths, characteristic of their in-situ anisotropic behaviour. This article describes the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of resistance and deformability of a normally consolidated soft clay, based on the standard triaxial test results. The results presented highlight the anisotropic character of this natural clay and determine its parameters of aelotropy. The analysis carried out made it possible to note that the hyperbolic approach of determining deformation moduli (nonlinear elastic behaviour) is adapted probably better than the linear elastic approach (Hooke's law) and undoubtedly more relevant than the analysis of structures founded on anisotropic soils.
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