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Content available remote Influence of land development on the ecological status of small water bodies
Small water bodies play a specific role in the landscape, as they increase the mosaic pattern of a given area, retain water and affect hydrological regime in adjacent soils. These water bodies are the most important in landscapes that have been largely transformed by man, such as agricultural and urban landscapes. The author of this study assessed the ecological status of small water bodies using the Q index and determined the impact of the development of adjacent areas on their ecological status. The analysis of the Q index referring to water bodies showed that its values changed considerably not only during the whole study period but also during one year (from 1.74 to 4.28). The land use analysis in the designated buffer zones stretching within 500 m and 1000 m from the water bodies showed that arable land occupied the largest area. This fact determines the ecological status of these water bodies. Ecotones that develop around ponds can function as biogeochemical barriers reducing pollution in the area. A total of 116 species of vascular plants were identified in the water bodies under study. Herbaceous plants constituted the largest group – 87 species. Trees and shrubs were represented by 16 species and macrophytes by 16 taxa.
Znaczenie małych oczek wodnych dla środowiska polega na utrzymywaniu jego zróżnicowania biocenotycznego oraz na wpływaniu na cykl biologiczny poprzez zatrzymywanie substancji pokarmowych. Pełnią one również rolę rekreacyjną oraz gospodarczą. Kształtowanie oczek wodnych zachodzi na drodze zróżnicowanych procesów w środowisku. Ponieważ w osadach dennych małych oczek wodnych zachodzi proces akumulacji zanieczyszczeń i składników pokarmowych, mogą one służyć jako względnie prosty wskaźnik zanieczyszczenia środowiska. Celem artykułu jest przegląd cech małych zbiorników wodnych, z uwzględnieniem osadów dennych oraz ich zróżnicowanych klasyfikacji.
The importance of small water bodies for the environment consists in keeping it’s biocenotic diversity and affecting the biocycle by damming nutrients and other substances. They also have econonomical and recreational significance. Forming of ponds took place through various different processes, and they are a subject of ever-changing environment. Since bottom sedmiments of small water bodies can accumulate contaminating nutrients and heavy metals, they are considered to be a relatively simple indicator of environment pollution. This paper aims to present an overview of small water bodies features and significance with emphasis on bottom sediments and their various classifications.
The aim of the study was to determine whether biometric features of plants collected from single-species phytocoenoses developing in ponds can be used to describe habitat conditions of these water bodies. The biometric measurements were carried out in 148 field small water bodies at a total of 198 sites. The length of plants, their dry biomass, and volume of plant shoots were analyzed, converted to 1000 dm3 of water. The biometric measurements showed very large differences in individual parameters of different macrophyte species. The biggest differences were found in the length of elodeids and helophytes (from 1 cm to > 900 cm), regardless of trophic conditions. Although the Polish flora is dominated by plants having a wide ecological range, there are species whose parameters correspond to specific habitat fertility. The highest biometric parameters were found for Ceratophyllum submersum, Sparganium erectum, Typha latifolia and Schoenoplectus lacustris in ponds characterized by increased trophic conditions. In contrast, Myriophyllum spp. alone showed a negative correlation with trophic state indices. The trophic effect on the studied parameters becomes more apparent for species with optima in fertile water bodies. The parameters of Ceratophyllum submersum can be considered as the trophic state index (TSI).
Content available remote Composition and seasonal changes in filamentous algae in floating mats
The occurrence of algal-cyanobacterial metaphyton mats in field (Konojad village) and artificial ponds (Poznań city) was investigated in the Wielkopolska region. The surface area of algal mats ranged between ca. 45% (natural pond) and 10% (artificial pond) of the total water surface, and the mats occurred from the water surface to the bottom; the algal diversity was similar in both types of ponds, i.e. about 10 taxa. The most frequently recorded and dominant taxa in small water bodies were: Spirogyra spp., Cladophora fracta in the artificial pond and Oedogonium spp., Cladophora rivularis in the natural pond. The dynamics of macroalgae demonstrated a pattern comprising different phases of taxa dominance. For example, April regarded as the first phase was characterized by a small amount of metaphyton, represented by Tribonema and Ulothrix taxa. In May, these species disappeared and were replaced by: Oedogonium spp. and Cladophora spp. which formed large aggregations in the field pond, and Spirogyra spp. which abundantly proliferated in the artificial pond. From June, however, Oedogonium and/or Cladophora significantly dominated in the mat structure and at the same time covered a large area of the water surface. The algal community was dominated by common algal taxa, among which single filaments of other taxa could also occur.
Content available remote Can popular systems of trophic classification be used for small water bodies?
The aim of the study was to evaluate the trophic conditions of the waters of twelve small ponds based on the analysis of their physical and chemical parameters according to Carlson's Trophic State Index and OECD. Great differentiation in the trophic status of ponds located in different varieties of landscape was observed and ranged from mesotrophic to weak eutrophic conditions in mid-forest ponds and clay-pits, eutrophic conditions in pastoral ponds, and hypertrophic conditions in urban water bodies. Throughout the analysis, a number of limitations in the classification methods of trophic conditions in the examined water bodies were noted. The specific problems were the shallow depth of ponds, which often corresponded with the depth of the Secchi di
The interior depressions in the Olsztyn area are characterized by high biodiversity. On the basis of floral surveys of 32 small water bodies, 200 species of vascular plants and 10 species of bryophytes were recorded. Phytosociological analysis indicated 45 plant associations. Among the phytocoenoses described, some communities require more attention, including Wolffietum arrhizae, Riccietum fluitantis, Charetum fragilis, the pondweeds Potametum nitentis and P. commpressi as well as communities with Potamogeton trichoides and P. pusillus. In light of their significant natural value, some of the basins studied units should be protected as ecological grounds. Reservoirs located in the Jaroty District, in the vicinity of Lake Track or some reservoirs located within the Gutkowo and Kortowo districts are important points of peatwater or water accumulation. These small water bodies limit the nutrient and pollutant input into the numerous lakes located in the Olsztyn area. Some basins are of a recreational character, including the reservoir located in the central quarter of the town and the water bodies of the Kortowo District. The remaining reservoirs need restoration and litter collection to restore their recreational functions.
Badaniami objęto centralną część Równiny Nowogardzkiej, o powierzchni 440 km². Do analizy przekształceń oczek wodnych oraz oceny stanu ich zachowania posłużyły mapy topograficzne z końca XIX i XX w. (1: 25 000) oraz badania terenowe, przeprowadzone w lipcu i sierpniu 2003 r. Ze względu na dużą dynamikę przekształceń małych zbiorników wodnych na badanym terenie celem pracy stało się określenie przemian oczek w zależności od sposobu użytkowania terenu w czasie ostatnich stu lat oraz ocena wartości przyrodniczych śródpolnych zbiorników na postawie charakterystyki związanej z nimi flory i roślinności wodno-bagiennej. Na podstawie analizy materiałów kartograficznych stwierdzono zróżnicowanie zanikania oczek wodnych w zależności od użytkowania terenu. Spośród 543 oczek wodnych, występujących pod koniec XIX w., do drugiej połowy XX w. przetrwały zaledwie 182 zbiorniki. Z grupy zbiorników występujących na obszarach o niezmienionym sposobie użytkowania najwięcej zanikło na polach, gdzie z 266 oczek (koniec XIX w.) pozostało 70 akwenów. Wśród obecnie istniejących oczek śródpolnych, obok przetrwałych obiektów, zanotowano także 17 oczek nowo powstałych. Roślinność występującą w obrębie odnalezionych w terenie 53 oczek scharakteryzowano na podstawie 239 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych. Wyróżniono 35 zbiorowisk roślinnych, w tym 12 regionalnie rzadkich i zagrożonych. We wszystkich oczkach łącznie zanotowano 187 gatunków roślin naczyniowych i mszaków, w tym wiele cennych przyrodniczo - chronionych, zagrożonych i regionalnie rzadkich.
Studies were conducted within central part of the Nowogard Plain of the total area of 440 km². Topographic maps from the end of the 19 th and 20 th century (1:25 000) and field studies carried out in 2003 provided data for analysis of pond transformation and for evaluation of pond preservation. Considering a high dynamics of transformation of small ponds within the studied area, determination of ponds transformation in relation to land use over previous hundred years and evaluation of natural values of midfield ponds based on characteristics of their flora and wetland vegetation were the aim of the studies. Analysis of the cartographic materials revealed differentiation of pond disappearance related to the land utilization systems. Only 182 out of 543 ponds present at the end of the 19 th century remained till the second half of the 20 th century. Within the group of ponds that occurred in areas of unchanged land use, the highest level of their decline was observed in fields (70 ponds remaining out of 266 ponds recorded at the end of the 19 th of century). Among the presently observed midfield ponds, apart from preserved objects, 17 newly formed water bodies were noted. Vegetation of 53 midfield ponds was characterized based on 239 phytosociological releves. Thirty five plant communities were determined including 12 regionally rare and endangered. A total of 187 species of vascular plants and bryophytes, including many valuable - protected, endangered and regionally rare, were found in all analyzed water bodies.
Badano miąższość, strukturę oraz podstawowe wskaźniki fizykochemiczne osadów dennych zbiorników wodnych Pojezierza Olsztyńskiego. Do badań wytypowano 10 zbiorników wodnych o powierzchni poniżej 1 ha, różniących się parametrami morfometrycznymi, i położonych w różnych typach zlewni. Osady pobrano sondą rdzeniową, wyodrębniając warstwy różniące się morfologicznie i każdą z tych warstw poddano analizom. Analizy laboratoryjne wykazały występowanie znacznego zróżnicowania zarówno zawartości materii organicznej (od 4,2 do 84,6% s.m.), jak i składników biogennych (N: 1,6-50,1 g . kg-1 s.m.; P: 0,15-1,18 g . kg-1 s.m.; K: 0,3-12,1 g. kg-1 s.m.; Ca: 0,2-191,8 g. kg-1 s.m.) w osadach poszczególnych zbiorników wodnych. Zróżnicowanie dotyczyło także warstw występujących w obrębie poszczególnych rdzeni osadów i wykazywało ogólną tendencję zmniejszania się koncentracji biogenów w kierunku głębszych warstw rdzenia. Taki układ zaznaczał się szczególnie pomiędzy pierwszą i druga warstwą osadu, natomiast osady o charakterze torfowym, zalegające w głębszych partiach rdzeni trzech spośród badanych zbiorników, charakteryzowały się odmiennymi właściwościami: większą zawartością materii organicznej, azotu i wapnia, małym stężeniem fosforu i potasu. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły stwierdzić, że osady denne są głównym ogniwem akumulacji składników biogennych w ekosystemie oczek wodnych, decydując o funkcjonowaniu tych zbiorników wodnych jako barier biogeochemicznych ograniczających odpływ zanieczyszczeń ze źródeł związanych z obszarami wiejskimi.
Small water reservoirs are very common element in the agricultural landscape in northern Poland. A great number of the reservoirs make them an important factor reducing the nutrients outflow from rural areas. Small water reservoirs play a role of natural settlers, with the bottom sediments as a place of the pollutants immobilization. Bottom sediments from 10 small water bodies in the Mazury Lake District were investigated. The reservoirs are less than 1 ha of area and have different catchment usage. Thickness of cores, structure and chemical parameters of sediments were analyzed. Analyses showed considerable differences in organic matter content (from 4.2 to 84.6% of dry mass) and nutrients (N: 1.6-50.1 g . kg-1 d.m.; P: 0.15-1.18 g . kg-1 d.m.; K: 0.3-12.1 g. kg-1 d.m.; Ca: 0.2-191.8 g. kg-1 d.m.) in various reservoirs. Differences in chemical composition were observed in particular sediments cores, too. The main trend was following: the deeper layer of a core the lower content of nutrients in a sediment. Investigations showed that bottom sediments are the main place of nutrients accumulation in small reservoir ecosystem. Thus, the sediments decide on the functioning of small water reservoirs as a first biogeochemical barrier for nutrients outtlow from agriculturally used catchments.
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