Rozwój równomierny wszystkich: małych, średnich i dużych portów morskich jest niezbędny ze względu na konieczność obsługi coraz większego wolumenu towarów. Ich rola ze względu na wielofunkcyjne zastosowanie jest znaczna, zwłaszcza w sytuacji, gdy zmieniające się proporcje funkcji portowych wpływają na efektywność działalności portu. Słabością polskich portów jest niestety ich znaczne oddalenie od oceanicznych szlaków żeglugowych, autostrad morskich oraz słabe połączenia transportowe na lądzie z głównymi regionami i miastami kraju.
The uniform development of all: small, medium and large seaports is necessary due to the need to service an increasing volume of goods. Their role due to multifunctional use is significant, especially when the changing proportions of port functions affect the efficiency of port operations. The weakness of Polish ports is unfortunately their considerable distance from ocean shipping routes, sea motorways and poor transport connections on land with the main regions and cities of the country.
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Fisheries and recreation-sports (mainly passenger cruises and yachting) are among main activities in small sea ports in Poland. Fishery activities have been decreasing whereas recreation-sport activities have been increasing since 2004. A proper operation of ports requires the adjustment of their infrastructure facilities to a changing profile of their activities. In the small ports under this research, the infrastructure facilities, in terms of length/size and technical standards, not always meet requirements of port users. However, the condition of fishery and recreation-sports infrastructure facilities may vary. Ports owned by the municipalities (gminas) as well as by the marine boards representing the state treasury are in a better situation compared to the private operators as far as the acquisition of public resources for the improvement of the port facilities is concerned. Such bodies may benefit from the use of EU structural funds available for such projects.
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