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Celem badań było poznanie wpływu składowiska odpadów komunalnych na występowanie mezofauny (Acari, Colembola) w środowisku glebowym na terenie składowiska i w jego najbliższym otoczeniu. Badania przeprowadzono na terenie składowiska odpadów komunalnych w Tarnowie w latach 2010–2011. Próbki gleby pobierano z czterech stanowisk zlokalizowanych na terenie składowiska i w jego sąsiedztwie w okresie wiosny, lata oraz jesieni. Izolację mezofauny z gleby przeprowadzono za pomocą aparatu Tullgrena. Wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz wykazały, że na terenie bezpośrednio przylegającym do czynnego sektora składowiska liczebność mezofauny glebowej była najmniejsza. Wykazano istotną ujemną korelację między zawartością kadmu, niklu, cynku, miedzi, chromu i wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych (WWA), takich jak: naftalen, fenantren, antracen, fluoranten, chryzen, benzo(a)antracen, benzo(a)piren, benzo(b)fluoranten, benzo( a)perylen, a liczebnością skoczogonków w glebie. Występujące w glebie nikiel, miedź i chrom miały istotny wpływ na występowanie roztoczy glebowych na terenie składowiska. Wykazano, że liczebność mezofauny glebowej była większa w glebie o odczynie lekko kwaśnym niż zasadowym.
The aim of the wok was to investigate the effect of municipal landfill in Tarnów on the occurrence of mesofauna (Acari, Colembola) in soil in the landfill site and in its immediate surroundings. The study was conducted at the municipal landfill in Tarnów in 2010–2011. Soil samples were collected in spring, summer and autumn at four sites located in the area of the landfill and in its vicinity. The soil mesofauna was isolated in the Tullgren apparatus. Conducted analyses revealed that the lowest number of soil mesofauna was in soil from plots located near the active landfill sector. There was a significant negative correlation between the content of cadmium, nickel, zinc, copper, chromium and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) such as: naphtalene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, chrysene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)fluoranthene, benzo(a)perylene, benzo(a)pyrene, and with the springtails number in the soil. Presence of elements Ni, Cu and Cr in soil had a significant effect on the occurrence of soil mites in the landfill. It has been shown that soil mezofauna was more numerous in the slightly acidic than alkaline soil.
Content available The occurrence of soil mesofauna in organic crops
This study presents the quantitative and qualitative analysis of soil arthropods (Arachnida: Acari, Hexapoda: Collembola) occurring in four norfolk crop rotation, cultivated by organic method. The field research was carried out in the years 20142015 at the Experimental Research Station Swojec, belonging to the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences and at an organic farm in Kamieniec Wrocławski, Poland. In both locations, irrespectively of crop type, Prostigmata were the most common soil mites. Astigmata and predatory Gamasida were less numerous, while Oribatida were the least numerous. The largest number of springtails was noted in organic cultivation of winter rye. Less numerous Collembola were present in oat and fodder pea, and in the smallest number in organic cultivation of potato. Obtained results suggest that organic cultivation of cereals promotes the occurrence of beneficial mesofauna, mainly due to the lower frequency of agrotechnical activities in comparison to potato cultivation. The most numerous species of Collembola were: representatives of genera Mesaphorura and Desoria.
Celem pracy była analiza ilościowa i jakościowa zgrupowań stawonogów glebowych (Arachnida: Acari, Hexapoda: Collembola) występujących w czterech uprawach płodozmianu norfolskiego, prowadzonych metodą ekologiczną. Doświadczenie polowe prowadzono w latach 2014-2015, w Rolniczym Zakładzie Doświadczalnym Swojec, należącym do Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu oraz w gospodarstwie ekologicznym w Kamieńcu Wrocławskim. W obu miejscowościach, niezależnie od rośliny uprawnej, do najliczniejszych roztoczy glebowych należały Prostigmata. Mniej liczne były Astigmata oraz drapieżne Gamasida, a najmniej liczne Oribatida. W przypadku skoczogonków najwięcej tych stawonogów stwierdzono w ekologicznej uprawie żyta ozimego. Mniej licznie Collembola występowały w uprawie owsa i grochu pastewnego, a w najmniejszej liczbie w ekologicznej uprawie ziemniaka. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań można stwierdzić, że ekologiczna uprawa zbóż sprzyja występowaniu pożytecznej mezofauny, głównie ze względu na mniejszą częstotliwość wykonywania zabiegów agrotechnicznych w porównaniu do uprawy ziemniaka. Najliczniej oznaczanymi gatunkami Collembola były: Mesaphorura oraz przedstawiciele rodzaju Desoria.
Life form spectrum is an informative parameter in a comparative analysis of ecological structure of Collembola communities, and a valuable indicator of conditions of soil environment. This suggests a search of adequate methods of its determination. In the present study, two methods of evaluation of life form spectra in springtail communities are compared. A usual approach is a determination of the species composition and abundance, with a subsequent formal distribution of the species present among the life form categories of a chosen system, e.g. among epedaphic, hemiedaphic and euedaphic life forms considered as dwellers of litter surface and upper horizon, of litter depth and topsoil, and of soil horizon, respectively (Hopkin 1997). By this method (A) all the specimens of a given species are attributed to the same life form. However, species populations contain juveniles with smaller body size, thinner cuticle and weaker pigmentation, which tend to be more sensitive to environmental constraints and to dwell deeper in soil than adults. Therefore the attribution of juveniles and adults of a given species to the same life form may not be accurate. Another approach is a direct attribution of a life form category to each collembolan individual during the determination process, according to the visual assessment of its morphological characters (body size and development of pigmentation, number and pigmentation of ommatidia). In that case representatives of a given species might be attributed to more than one life form category, e.g. adults to epedaphic whereas juveniles to hemiedaphic life form, or to hemi- and euedaphic life form, respectively (method B). To compare both methods, mass collembolan material of a microcosm experiment carried out in a beech-oak forest at Mikolajki Research Station (NE Poland) and aimed at investigation of mesofauna/earthworm interactions, was used. The comparison showed a statistically significant bias between the spectra of Collembola life forms estimated by methods A and B: the latter spectrum was shifted to the favour of euedaphic forms. The range of the bias was larger in soil than in litter horizon. Method B is suggested to be closer to a real life form distribution in a collembolan community and may be used for corrections of the data obtained by the traditional taxonomic method A.
Celem badań było określenie liczebności i przynależności ekologicznej zgrupowań skoczogonków występujących na plantacji żyta ozimego uprawianego w wieloletniej monokulturze (89-letniej) w porównaniu do pięciopolowego płodozmianu. Badania przeprowadzono w Stacji Doświadczalnej SGGW w Skierniewicach, w latach 2010-2011. Collembola wypłaszano z gleby z wykorzystaniem aparatów Tullgrena. Skoczogonki liczniej występowały w płodozmianie pięciopolowym w porównaniu do monokultury. Stawonogi te okazały się wrażliwe na zmiany parametrów fizyko-chemicznych gleby i występowały w większych liczebnościach na poletkach o wyższej zawartości węgla organicznego i próchnicy. Skoczogonki hemiedaficzne były najliczniejszą grupą w porównaniu do form epigeicznych i euedaficznych w obu kombinacjach doświadczenia.
The aim of the study was to determine the abundance of springtails and classify them to certain ecological groups on winter rye plantation in a long-term monoculture (89 years) in comparison with a 5-crop rotation. The research was conducted at Experimental Station SGGW in Skierniewice, in 2010-2011. Collembola were extracted from soil using Tullgren apparatus. Springtails were more numerous in 5-crop crop rotation compared with monoculture. These mesofauna was very sensitive to changes of soil physicochemical properties and occurred in larger number in plots with higher organic carbon and humus content. Hemiedaphic springtails were the most numerous group in comparison with euedaphic and epigeic groups in both treatments of the experiment.
The communities of soil mesofauna were studied in the year 2004 along three transects crossed shelterbelts of different age (6, 11 and 170 years old) and adjacent wheat fields at a distance of 0.5, 15 and 50 m. Studies were carried out in the Gen. D. Chłapowski Landscape Park near Turew, Western Poland (16 [degrees] 45'E, 52 [degrees] 01'W). The age of shelterbelts vegetation affected soil mesofauna of adjacent fields in a diverse way. The mean density of mites amounts 7.4 x 10[^3] ind. m[^-2] and 2.6 x 10[^3] ind. m[^-2] respectively for the shelterbelts and fields. Densities of Acarina communities were affected not only by the presence of a shelterbelt (P = 0.000) but also its age (P = 0.02) and the distance from it (P = 0.000), and these effects were similar in spring and autumn (P = 0.08). The mean density of springtail noted in shelterbelts of different age was 2.0 x 10[^3] ind. m[^-2]. Although the effect of the the shelterbelts. age on the density of Collembola was not found (P= 0.3), the densities were different in shelterbelts and in adjacent fields (P = 0.006) but statistical significance was found only between spring and autumn (P = 0.000). The distance from the shelterbelt influenced (though less intensely) the density of Collembola on adjacent field (P = 0.01). Eighteen species of Collembola were found in studied shelterbelts and fields. Isotoma notabilis Schaff. usually dominated in shelterbelts. Its contribution to abundance of communities varied depending on the age of shelterbelts (in 6 years old shelterbelt it constituted as many as 71% of the whole community). In 11 years old shelterbelt Schoetella ununguiculata (Tullb.), was more common than Isotoma notabilis Schaff. and in the 170 years old shelterbelt the dominant species was Onychiurus armatus (Tullb.). Proisotoma minuta (Tullb.), Isotoma notabilis or Onychiurus armatus dominated in adjacent fields though their contribution was depended on shelterbelt.s age and on the distance from it.
Collembola often play an important controlling role in the interrelationship between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and host plants. However there are little data to prove AMF dispersing ability of Collembola. In our experiment Folsomia candida (Willem) did not consume the spores of Glomus mossea (Nicol. and Gerd.) and G. intraradices )Schenck and Smith), but Sinella coeca (Schott) consumed 45% of the G. mossea spores and 71% of G. intraradices spores. Both species were able to disperse mycorrhiza in the soil, but the efficiency of dispersal was different. F. candida carried the infection more effectively than S. coeca, in spite of the fact that F. candida did not consume the spores in the food choice experiment. The total plant biomass was 23% higher in the presence of F. candida and 8.5% higher in the presence of S. coeca then in the control treatment without Collembola. The water content of the plants was also a little higher in the presence of both Collembola species (about 10%) than that of the control plants, but this difference was not statistically significant. Collembola improved the dispersion of the AM fungi, therefore enhanced the nutrient and water uptake of the plant.
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