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Natural gas is one of the potential combustion engine fuels whose proportion in the overall energy balance is expected to increase. Owing to some of its properties, its use requires a dual-fuel supply system; thus, the use of natural gas as a fuel for diesel engines is currently limited. Systems that supply gas fuel to diesel engines do not usually interfere with the engine control system. This solution significantly reduces system-installation costs. However, as demonstrated in the present study, it considerably changes the course of the combustion process, which increases thermal and mechanical loads. In this case, the combustion process can be controlled by changing the liquid fuel injection pressure or advancing the injection angle. This, however, requires interference with the engine control system.
The worldwide aim of reducing environmental impact from internal combustion engines bring more and more stringent emission regulations. In 2017 by EU has been adopted new harmonized test procedure called WLTP. In general terms this test was designed for determining the levels of harmful emissions and fuel consumption of traditional and hybrid cars. This procedure contains specific driving scenarios which representing real-life driving patterns. Test cycles contain vehicle velocity versus time profiles and directly in powertrain analysis on the test benches cannot be used. In order to back calculate drive cycles to engine rpm versus torque profiles a simple longitudinal vehicle dynamics method was used in this paper. Moreover, in order to determine most representative engine operation points during WLTP a density based grid clustering method was implemented. The experimental part of the study focuses on the comparative evaluation of the effect of various diesel to LPG substitution ratios (0% LPG, 10% LPG, 20% LPG and 30% LPG) on combustion and emission characteristics of dual-fuel diesel engine.
This work contains considerations on the structure of the road tractor market in Poland in the context of their types of fuel supply systems and the possibility of adapting modern dual-fuel solutions in them. The current injection solutions in most vehicles available on the market indicate the possibility of highly effective use of modern dual-fuel or RCCI fuel supply solutions.
Content available A review of technical solutions for RCCI engines
Engines working in dual-fuel mode need special conditions to ignite air-fuel mixture without spark plug in a good moment with high combustion efficiency. To create homogenous air-fuel mixture the conditions in the cylinder are even more demanding. Many concepts of ignition was developed, but the most effective needs perfect mixing of fuel and air, which is a serious technical challenge. Technical solutions for dual-fuel engines cover the complexity of these problems thus leading to the further development of ignition systems in internal combustion engines. Fuel supply systems, the operation strategy of them, the shape of the combustion chamber are the most important elements to change and develop for correct operation of dual-fuel engines. The literature analysis showed a small amount of research carried out to optimize the operation of dual-fuel engines The variety of engines in which a dual-fuel system can be used requires much more research about them, and solutions necessary for their correctly operation.
The article presents an overview of technical solutions for dual fuel systems used in internal combustion engines. It covers the historical and contemporary genesis of using two fuels simultaneously in the combustion process. The authors pay attention to the value of the excess air coefficient in the cylinder, as the ignitability of the fuel dose near the spark plug is a critical factor. The mixture formation of compression ignition based systems are also analyzed. The results of research on indirect and direct injection systems (and their combinations) have been presented. Research sections were separated based to the use of gasoline with other fuels or diesel oil with other fuels. It was found that the use of two fuels in different configurations of the fuel supply systems extends the conditions for the use of modern combustion systems (jet controlled compression ignition, reactivity controlled compression ignition, intelligent charge compression ignition, premixed charge compression ignition), which will enable further improvement of combustion efficiency.
W artykule przedstawiono syntetycznie sposoby zapłonu mieszanki paliwowo-powietrznej w silnikach spalinowych wraz z charakterystyką ich kluczowych wad oraz zalet, problematyką ich stosowania oraz możliwością rozwoju. Dalszy rozwój tłokowych silników będzie wymagał drastycznego ograniczenia emisji szkodliwych składników spalin oraz dwutlenku węgla będącego najistotniejszym gazem cieplarnianym emitowanym przez silniki spalinowe. Z tego powodu zmianom muszą ulec nie tylko same silniki spalinowe, lecz także przede wszystkim stosowane paliwa. Aby były najskuteczniejsze, powinno się wykorzystywać samozapłon homogenicznej mieszanki paliwowo-powietrznej, co przy dzisiejszym stanie rozwoju technicznego nie jest możliwe w sposób pozwalający na realizację najbardziej zaawansowanych sposobów samozapłonu. W literaturze zagranicznej można znaleźć wiele publikacji dotyczących różnych sposobów zapłonu samoczynnego (ZS) w silnikach spalinowych, w tym zapłonu samoczynnego w silnikach dwupaliwowych. W literaturze krajowej nie ma jednak na ten temat wielu pozycji i choć można znaleźć prace dotyczące zapłonu samoczynnego w silnikach jednopaliwowych [1-10], to temat dwupaliwowego zasilania silników o ZS nie jest zbyt obszernie opisany. Z tego powodu godne uwagi wydaje się opublikowanie artykułu poruszającego ten istotny dziś temat.
The article presents synthetically the methods of ignition of the air-fuel mixture in Internal Com-bustion (IC) engines along with the characteristics of their advantages and disadvantages, the problems of their use and the possibility of development. The further development of piston engines will require a drastic reduction in the emission of harmful exhaust components and carbon dioxide, which is the most important greenhouse gas emitted by IC engines. For this reason, not only the engines themselves must be changed but fuels as well. For the most effective use of them, self-ignition of a homogeneous fuel-air mixture should be implemented. In the present state of technical development is not possible to widespread use the most ad-vanced ways of self-ignition methods. Typical homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI), where an engine uses only one type of the fuel and correctly self-ignite in the full scope of work is still not implemented in a serial production. In the foreign literature, there is a significant number of publications on various methods of Compression Igni-tion (CI) in IC engines, including IC in Dual Fuel (DF) engines. The Polish literature, however, is extremely sparse in this matter, and one can find a number of works on CI in single-fuel engines [1-10], but the topic of DF fueling is not too extensively described. For this reason, it seems important to publish an article on this important topic today
Today’s passenger car CNG engines are based on petrol engines which typically have restrictions preventing the exploitation of the full potential of methane based fuels, especially if they have to be operated also on petrol as a second fuel. Additionally, the use of threeway-catalysis limits the engine operation to λ = 1. Here, we present the efficiency potential and the raw emission characteristics for a dedicated four cylinder passenger car CNG engine without sticking to the usual combustion peak pressure and λ limitations. Lean combustion reduces the knocking tendency but, because of the higher pressure levels, increases the ignition energy demand. Therefore, different ignition systems (spark plug, prechamber, Diesel pilot) have been used.
The paper presents some results of examination of DF CI engine fuelled with kerosene-based fuel (Jet A-1) and propane. The aim was to obtain the maximum engine thermal and overall efficiency and checking the engine emissions for the application of significant share of propane as a main source of energy. The fuel which initiates the ignition was Jet A-1 provided by common rail system during the beginning of compression stroke. Propane was provided to inlet manifold in a gas phase. The method of providing of both fuels to the engine cylinder allowed to create nearly homogeneous mixture and realized HCCI process for dual fuelling with Jet A-1 and propane. It was possible to compare two combustion strategies PCCI and HCCI for fuelling of CI engine with single fuel (Jet A-1) and dual fuelling with Jet A-1 and propane. The results of experiment show that the NOx and soot emissions are much lower than for standard CI or SI engines. The results also show very interesting potential role of propane in control of HCCI dual fuel combustion process which gives the new perspective of dual fuel engine development. The low levels of toxic components in exhaust gases encourage to test and develop this type of fuelling which could radically confine the negative influence on the environment as well as enable to apply an alternative fuels.
W artykule zaprezentowane zostały wyniki badań dwupaliwowego, doładowanego silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym, zasilanego gazem naturalnym. Celem głównym prowadzonych badań było określenie wpływu parametrów wtrysku inicjującej zapłon dawki oleju napędowego tj.: wielkość oraz kąt początku wtrysku na emisję cząstek stałych. Badania wykazały, że przy stosowaniu podziału dawki oleju napędowego na dawkę pilotującą i główną, pomimo znaczącego (70%) udziału energetycznego paliwa gazowego w spalanej mieszaninie emisja cząstek stałych jest porównywalna a nawet większa od tej uzyskanej na paliwie standardowym. Wcześniejsze badania silnika dwupaliwowego wykazały, że istnieje wyraźna potrzeba stosowania podziału dawki oleju napędowego na dawkę pilotującą i dawkę główną. Podział ten w istotny sposób wpływa na przebieg wywiązywania się ciepła a zarazem stanowi skuteczną metodę redukcji maksymalnej szybkości narastania ciśnienia spalania, co pozwala na zwiększania udziału paliwa dodatkowego. Z punku widzenia emisji cząstek stałych podział taki nie jest korzystny. Uzyskane wyniki badań wskazują, że wielkości dawek pilotującej i głównej oraz ich kąt początku wtrysku w istotny sposób wpływają na warunki tworzenia się cząstek stałych.
The paper presents the results of research on dual-fuel, compression ignition engine, powered by natural gas. The main objective of the conducted research was to determine the impact of injection parameters initiating the ignition of a diesel oil dose, i.e.: the size and injection timing, on the emission of particulate matters. Studies have shown that when using a split of the diesel dose for the pilot and main dose, despite the significant (70%) share of natural gas in the mixture being combusted, the emission of particulate matters is comparable and even higher than that obtained on standard fuel. Previous studies of the dual-fuel engine showed that there is a clear need to divide the diesel dose into a pilot dose and the main dose. This division significantly affects the course of heat release, and at the same time is an effective method of reducing the maximum rate pressure rise, which allows increasing the share of gaseous fuel. From the point of view of particulate emissions, such division is counterproductive. The obtained results indicate that the values of pilot and main doses and their injection timing significantly affect the conditions of formation of particulate matters.
In the Internal - Combustion Engines and Vehicles Division of the Humanistic-Technological University named after Kazimierz Pułaski in Radom there have been carried out research for many years on self-ignition dual-fuel engine with using different substitute fuels of low value of cetane number. Previous research showed possibilities of using considerable energy fractions of gaseous fuel [1, 8, and 9]. In the present paper there are presented selected results of research concerning utilization of natural gas. During execution of examinations it was observed that together with the change in energy fraction of gaseous fuel and change of degree of recirculation of exhaust gases the change of overall efficiency of engine as well as the change of parameters of combustion process takes place. In this paper there was made an attempt of evaluating the impact of application of different fractions of gaseous fuel and the degree of recirculation of exhaust gases on the parameters of combustion process. There was also made an attempt to clarify causes of the changes in values of overall efficiency as a result of observed changes in the course of combustion.
W Zakładzie Pojazdów i Silników Spalinowych Uniwersytetu Technologiczno-Humanistycznego im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego w Radomiu od szereg lat są prowadzone badania dwupaliwowego silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym z wykorzystaniem różnych paliw zastępczych o małej wartości liczby cetanowej. Dotychczasowe badania wykazały możliwości stosowania znacznych udziałów energetycznych paliwa gazowego [1, 8, 9]. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano wybrane wyniki badań dotyczących wykorzystania gazu ziemnego. W trakcie badań zaobserwowano że wraz ze zmianą udziału energetycznego paliwa gazowego oraz zmianą stopnia recyrkulacji spalin zmianie ulega sprawność ogólna silnika a także parametry procesu spalania. W artykule podjęto próbę oceny wpływu stosowania różnych udziałów paliwa gazowego oraz stopnia recyrkulacji spalin na parametry procesu spalania. Podjęto także próbę wyjaśnienia przyczyn zmian wartości sprawności ogólnej w wyniku zaobserwowanych zmian przebiegu spalania.
The use of alternative energy sources for internal combustion (IC) engines is being raised. The most promising fuel in such application is natural gas in gaseous state, which mainly consists methane. It is mainly being used as an engine fuel for both monofuel and dual fuel configuration. Many investigations confirmed the benefits of application of dual fuel compression ignition engine fuelled with natural gas. The aim of this paper is analysis of engine operation parameters and emissions for two different locations of gas injector in the inlet duct. The operation parameters and NOx emission from this research are presented and compared for different natural gas shares in total energy delivered to the cylinder with fuel. The parameters are compared to monofuel operated engine.
Użycie alternatywnych źródeł energii w silnikach spalinowych systematycznie rośnie. Za najbardziej obiecujące uważa się paliwa gazowe bogate w metan, które mogą służyć do zasilania silników jedno- i dwupaliwowych. Udział w rynku silników spalinowych o zapłonie samoczynnym jest znaczący, natomiast wiele badań wykazało również szereg zalet takich silników pracujących w konfiguracji dwupaliwowej z CNG. Celem artykułu jest analiza wskaźników pracy i emisji silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym z wtryskiem CNG w dwóch punktach układu dolotowego o różnym oddaleniu wtryskiwacza od zaworu dolotowego. Przedstawiono szereg parametrów pracy oraz emisję NOx zmierzoną przy różnych udziałach paliwa gazowego w całkowitej energii dostarczanej do cylindra wraz z paliwem. Parametry odniesiono do silnika zasilanego wyłącznie olejem napędowym.
The paper presents the main reasons for the limitations as to the share of gaseous fuel in dual fueling in commercial engine applications. It also indicates the proposals of solutions aiming at increasing of the share of this fuel. The investigations were conducted in two stages. The first stage of the investigations involved gradual increase in the share of propane at a simultaneous phasing out of the amount of diesel fuel so that the excess air coefficient remained on the same level. The second stage of the investigations involved a maximum possible share of propane with a simultaneous adjustment of the diesel fuel injection parameters. The investigations were performed for three different values of the charging pressure: 200, 400, 600 mbar and for a naturally aspirated variant. The obtained results led to a conclusion that modifying diesel fuel injection parameters and increasing the charging pressure allow a significant increase in the share of gaseous fuel up to 70% of the total energy contained in both fuels.
The article presents an issues concerning selection of controlling algorithms for operation of supercharged compression ignition engine fueled additionally with CNG gas, including implemented control procedures, adjustment algorithms and operational algorithms. As the result, the engine which is run in dual fuel system operates under control of two controllers, factory ECU controller, governing fueling with the base fuel (Diesel oil) and all fueling parameters, and the second controller for gaseous fuel supply. Priority of operation of the controllers relates to fueling with Diesel oil, while the gas is treated as supplementary fuel. Due to possibility of usage of factorymade original ECU controller as used with Diesel oil supply; it has been presented proposal of its software in form of array algorithms.
The study presents results of a research work on two various Diesel engines adapted for dual fuel feeding with CNG gas and diesel oil. The first engine is naturally aspirated, medium-sized engine, corresponding to engines mounted as power units in trucks and buses. Natural gas was used as the main fuel to this engine, and amount of diesel oil was reduced to minimum according to criterion of correct operation of injection system and reliable ignition of gaseous mixture. The second engine was a high-speed, supercharged engine of Fiat 1.3 MJT type, destined to powering of passenger cars. This engine is equipped with modern engine technologies, high-pressure injection system of Common Rail type with division of fuel dose and recirculation of exhaust gases, with catalytic converter and DPF filter. To fueling of this engine was used small additive of gas, aimed at reduction of smokiness of exhaust gases. Performed research has shown beneficial effect of gas on engine efficiency, reduction of concentration of nitrogen oxides, smokiness of exhaust gases and emission of particulate matter. Simultaneously, however, emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons had increased, especially in area of partial engine loads. Results of the study are pointing at possibility of installation of dual fuel system in traction engines with different size.
The occurrence of knocking combustion is one of the basic problems of dual-fuel compression-ignition engines supplied with diesel oil and gaseous fuel. In order to detect this phenomenon and evaluate its intensity, several methods are commonly used, including the analysis of pressure of working medium in the combustion chamber of the engine or vibrations of certain engine components. This paper discusses the concept of using mass fraction of hydroxyl radicals as the indicator of the occurrence of knocking combustion. Current knowledge on the conditions of hydroxyl radical formation in the engine combustion chamber has been systematized and the results of research on this subject have been presented. Theoretical considerations are illustrated by exemplary results of simulation studies of the combustion process in a dual-fuel compression-ignition engine supplied with diesel oil and methane. The conclusions drawn may be useful for the development of dual-fuel engine control systems.
The dual-fuel engine enables application of various fuels. One of such fuels is propane or its mixture with butane (LPG). Application of such fuels results in reduction of engine operation costs. The paper presents effect of application of such fuel in a turbocharged dual-fuel engine on basic operating parameters, exhaust emissions and basic combustion parameters. Test results in the form of load characteristics for various boost ratios obtained for dual-fuel engine were compared to corresponding results obtained for conventional engine operating on diesel fuel only. The obtained results indicate that it is possible a dual-fuel operation with the propane energy share of 70% for maximum engine loads.
W artykule omówione zostały wybrane kryteria doboru zespołów napędu głównego statków offshore z uwzględnieniem zdatności tych statków do wykonania zadania eksploatacyjnego i bezpieczeństwa żeglugi.
This article discusses the selection criteria for offshore main propulsion unitss, taking into account the suitability of these vessels for the performance of the operational task and the safety of navigation.
The paper shows selected results of simulations performed in AVL Boost software, covering several aspects of methane combustion in compression ignition engine with the participation of pilot injection of diesel fuel.
Artykuł przedstawia wybrane wyniki symulacji przeprowadzonych w programie AVL Boost obejmujące wybrane aspektu procesu spalania metanu w silniku o zapłonie samoczynnym przy udziale dawki wstępnej oleju napędowego.
The paper shows selected results of simulations performed in AVL Boost software, covering several aspects of propane combustion in compression ignition engine with the participation of pilot injection of diesel fuel.
Artykuł przedstawia wybrane wyniki symulacji przeprowadzonych w programie AVL Boost obejmujące wybrane aspektu procesu spalania propanu w silniku o zapłonie samoczynnym przy udziale dawki wstępnej oleju napędowego.
W artykule zaprezentowano i omówiono wyniki badań wpływu zmian ciśnienia wtrysku oleju napędowego na osiągi, emisję składników toksycznych spalin oraz przebieg procesu spalania w dwupaliwowym silniku zasilanym odparowany propanem. Badania przeprowadzono na jednocylindrowym badawczym silniku o zapłonie samoczynnym firmy AVL. Zastosowany wysokociśnieniowy, zasobnikowy układ wtryskowy oleju napędowego pozwolił na dostosowanie parametrów wtrysku do zasilania dwupaliwowego i pracę silnika ze znacznym 65% udziałem energetycznym paliwa gazowego przy jednoczesnym doładowaniu. W badaniach mimo zmian ciśnienia wtrysku, wielkość dawki oleju napędowego była stała. Również współczynnik nadmiaru powietrza dla wszystkich przeprowadzonych prób był stały i wynosił 1.25 co odpowiadało pełnemu obciążeniu badanego silnik. Badania wykazały zarówno wyraźny wpływ zmiany ciśnienia wtrysku oleju napędowego na szereg parametrów badanego silnika, jak i konieczność zmiany parametrów wtrysku w przypadku stosowania różnych udziałów obu paliw.
The paper presents and discusses results of investigation on the effect of diesel oil injection pressure on engine performances, toxic exhaust emissions and combustion in a dual-fuel engine operating on evaporated propane. The investigation was carried out on a test stand with a single-cylinder AVL compression ignition engine. The applied high-pressure storage diesel oil injection system anabled to adjust injection parameters for dual-fuel operation mode and engine operation with 65% energy share of the gaseous fuel and with super-charging. Although the injestion pressure varied, the diesel oil charge was constant. Also the air excess coefficient was constant during the whole investigation and equal to 1.25 what corresponds to the full engine load. The investigation revealed clear effect of diesel oil injection pressure on many engine parameters as well as the necessity to adjust injection parameters in case of various proportions of both investigated fuels.
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