Artykuł koncentruje się na dostępnych urządzeniach wykorzystywanych w sieciach sensorowych do badania parametrów życiowych człowieka, a także wiedzy dotyczącej sensorów i ich wrażliwości na zakłócenia elektromagnetyczne. Przedstawiono podstawowe pojęcia opisujące badaną problematykę, które pozwalają na jej zrozumienie. Dodatkowo wskazano na wymagania dotyczące implementacji sieci sensorowej według wymagań służb. Pozwoli to na zobrazowanie problematyki dotyczącej opracowania uniwersalnej sieci sensorowej podwyższającej bezpieczeństwo żołnierza na polu walki. Należy mieć również na uwadze, że przy docelowej implementacji konieczne będzie przeprowadzenie dodatkowych badań w utrudnionych warunkach ze względu na promieniowanie elektromagnetyczne.
The article deals with the currently available devices used in sensor networks to examine human vital signs and the available knowledge about sensors and their sensitivity to electromagnetic interference. The article contains the basic concepts describing the studied issues that allow us to understand the being researched scientific field. In addition, it contains requirements for the implementation of the sensor network for the requirements of the services. This will allow you to illustrate the issues related to the development of a universal sensor network that increases the security of a soldier on the battlefield. It should also be borne in mind that with the final implementation it will also be necessary to carry out additional tests in difficult environments due to electromagnetic radiation.
The main aim of the paper is to develop a distributed algorithm for optimal node activation in a sensor network whose measurements are used for parameter estimation of the underlying distributed parameter system. Given a fixed partition of the observation horizon into a finite number of consecutive intervals, the problem under consideration is to optimize the percentage of the total number of observations spent at given sensor nodes in such a way as to maximize the accuracy of system parameter estimates. To achieve this, the determinant of the Fisher information matrix related to the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates is used as the qualitative design criterion (the so-called D-optimality). The proposed approach converts the measurement scheduling problem to a convex optimization one, in which the sensor locations are given a priori and the aim is to determine the associated weights, which quantify the contributions of individual gaged sites to the total measurement plan. Then, adopting a pairwise communication scheme, a fully distributed procedure for calculating the percentage of observations spent at given sensor locations is developed, which is a major novelty here. Another significant contribution of this work consists in derivation of necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimality of solutions. As a result, a simple and effective computational scheme is obtained which can be implemented without resorting to sophisticated numerical software. The delineated approach is illustrated by simulation examples of a sensor network design for a two-dimensional convective diffusion process.
W artykule oceniono możliwość zastosowania protokołu OLSR w sieciach sensorowych rozwijanych w terenie zurbanizowanym. Ocenę przeprowadzono na podstawie wyników badań symulacyjnych. Scenariusz badawczy zakładał, że w terenie miejskim poruszają się mobilne platformy z zamontowanymi czujnikami. Porównano efektywność sieci (strata i opóźnienie pakietów oraz narzut) z protokołem AODV i OLSR ze standardowymi i zmodyfikowanymi parametrami. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły możliwość zastosowania protokołu OLSR w takim scenariuszu.
This paper presents the efficiency evaluation of the OLSR protocol for sensor networks in urban areas. Simulation experiments were conducted to compare results for the OLSR with the standard and adjusted parameters and with the AODV protocol. The scenario assumed that mobile platforms carrying sensors were moving in the urban environment. The following metrics were used for the evaluation: PDR (Packet Delivery Ratio), packet delay, routing overhead. Results confirmed that adjusted OLSR outperforms AODV and standard OLSR.
In the 21st century wireless sensor networks have gained much popularity due to their flexibility. This progress has enabled the use of sensor nodes on an unprecedented scale and opened new opportunities for the so-called ubiquitous computerization. The total freedom of nodes distribution within the wireless network, where the wireless characteristic is one of the greatest advantages of the use of wireless sensor networks, implies its greatest weakness, i.e. the limitation of mobile power sources. To overcome this challenge specialized routing protocols, such as LEACH, were ushered in for making the effective use of the energy of the nodes themselves. The purpose of this article is to show how the life of a sensor network depends on the number of nodes equipped with a mobile limited power source.
W XXI wieku sieci czujników bezprzewodowych zyskały bardzo dużą popularność przede wszystkim ze względu na swoją elastyczność. Szybki rozwój oraz postępy w tej dziedzinie umożliwiły wykorzystanie czujników na bezprecedensową skalę i otworzyły nowe możliwości dla tzw. wszechobecnej komputeryzacji. Całkowita swoboda rozmieszczenie węzłów w sieci bezprzewodowej, jest jedną z największych zalet zastosowania tej technologii. Niestety atut ten jest ten przyczyną największej słabości bezprzewodowych sieci sensorowych tj. zapewnieniem wydajnego, bezprzewodowego źródła zasilania. Jednym ze sposobów sprostowania temu wyzwaniu było opracowanie specjalistycznych protokołów routingu takich jak LEACH, których celem było efektywne wykorzystanie mobilnych źródeł energii umieszczonych w samych węzłach. Badanie przeprowadzone i opisane w tej publikacji ukazuje wpływ liczebności węzłów na życie badanej sieci sensorowej z wykorzystaniem protokołu LEACH.
W artykule przedstawiono architekturę systemu obsługi statków powietrznych, mającego za zadanie gromadzenie i analizę danych na temat stanu struktury kadłuba oraz wspierającego odpowiednie działania w przypadku wykrytych uszkodzeń. Opisano komponenty systemu i przedstawiono jego funkcjonalność w kontekście wymagań bezpieczeństwa. Praca została wykonana w ramach międzynarodowego projektu ASTYANAX zrealizowanego pod egidą Europejskiej Agencji Obrony (European Defence Agency).
This paper addresses a framework for the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system on an aerodyne (rotorcraft and airplane platforms) structure. Authors describe the architecture of SHM Distributed Maintenance System (SHMDMS), including the general idea, functionality of its components and safety analysis. The work has been done for the ASTYANAX project supported by European Defence Agency.
Architektura CUDA firmy NVIDIA jest architekturą wielordzeniowych procesorów graficznych, w której jest stosowany model przetwarzania wielowątkowego. Procesor graficzny w architekturze CUDA może być traktowany jako procesor SIMD z pamięcią wspólną. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie CUDA do rozwiązania problemu 3–SAT. Przedstawione zostały 3 wersje algorytmu oraz wyniki przeprowadzonych badań eksperymentalnych.
The NVIDIA's CUDA architecture is multi–core GPU architecture with the multithreaded processing model. The GPU of CUDA architecture can be treated as a SIMD processor with shared memory. This work presents solving the 3–SAT problem using CUDA architecture. Three versions of algorithm are proposed. Apart from that the results of experimental tests are presented.
The work treats the problem of fault detection for processes described by partial differential equations as that of maximizing the power of a parametric hypothesis test which checks whether or not system parameters have nominal values. A simple node activation strategy is discussed for the design of a sensor network deployed in a spatial domain that is supposed to be used while detecting changes in the underlying parameters which govern the process evolution. The setting considered relates to a situation where from among a finite set of potential sensor locations only a subset of them can be selected because of the cost constraints. As a suitable performance measure, the Ds-optimality criterion defined on the Fisher information matrix for the estimated parameters is applied. The problem is then formulated as the determination of the density of gauged sites so as to maximize the adopted design criterion, subject to inequality constraints incorporating a maximum allowable sensor density in a given spatial domain. The search for the optimal solution is performed using a simplicial decomposition algorithm. The use of the proposed approach is illustrated by a numerical example involving sensor selection for a two-dimensional diffusion process.
Recent advances in technology have enabled the development of low cost, low power and multi functional wireless sensing devices. These devices are networked through setting up a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Sensors that form a WSN are expected to be remotely deployed in large numbers and to self-organize to perform distributed sensing and acting tasks. WSNs are growing rapidly in both size and complexity, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to develop and investigate such large and complex systems. In this paper we provide a brief introduction to WSN applications, i.e., properties, limitations and basic issues related to WSN design and development. We focus on an important aspect of the design: accurate localization of devices that form the network. The paper presents an overview of localization strategies and attempts to classify different techniques. A set of properties by which localization systems are evaluated are examined. We then describe a number of existing localization systems, and discuss the results of performance evaluation of some of them through simulation and experiments using a testbed implementation.
An approach to determine a scheduling policy for a sensor network monitoring some spatial domain in order to identify unknown parameters of a distributed system is discussed. Given a finite number of possible sites at which sensors are located, the activation schedule for scanning sensors is provided so as to maximize a criterion defined on the Fisher information matrix associated with the estimated parameters. The related combinatorial problem is relaxed through operating on the density of sensors in lieu of individual sensor positions. Then, based on the adaptation of pairwise communication algorithms and the idea of running consensus, a numerical scheme is developed which distributes the computational burden between the network nodes. As a result, a simple exchange algorithm is outlined to solve the design problem in a decentralized fashion.
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W związku z rosnącą popularnością bezprzewodowych sieci sensorowych oraz rosnącą liczbą ich aplikacji i rozwiązań technicznych autorzy przedstawiają w niniejszej pracy najczęściej stosowane w bezprzewodowych sieciach sensorowych interfejsy radiowe (wraz z ich modyfikacjami – dostosowanymi do konkretnych aplikacji).
In connection with constantly growing popularity of the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN, growing number of their applications and technical solutions designed for WSN, in this paper the authors are presenting radio interfaces commonly used in the WSN. Some of their modification and adaptations are also described, to show wide verity of the radio technologies used on daily basis in different WSN implementations designed for different purposes.
Body area networks (BANs) are recently an innovative proposal for integrating data from wearable sensors in multimodal health and behavior surveillance systems. To allow unlimited subject's mobility, they commonly use wireless long-distance transmission (e.g. GPRS) requiring considerable amount of power, particularly in buildings, where the radio carrier is weak. We postulate to embed in the BAN an additional short-distance gateway (e.g. WiFi or Bluetooth) communicating with the corresponding access point being part of subject's house or workplace infrastructure, and providing a wired connection with the health center. This paper presents the project and test results of a simple prototype of human surveillance system with automatic switching between the short- and long-distance data gateway depending on the subject localization. Assuming the subject is spending up to 80% of the monitoring time within closed areas, the prototype allows to save a considerable amount of money for the communication service, and to raise the autonomy of the sensor network by 41%.
Sieci sensorowe na powierzchni ciała (ang. body area network) są obecnie innowacyjną propozycją integracji informacji medycznych pochodzącej z przetworników będących elementami ubrania w multimodalnych systemach monitorowania zdrowia i zachowania. Powszechnie wykorzystują one bezprzewodowe łącze dalekiego zasięgu (np. GPRS) w celu zapewnienia nieograniczonej mobilności osoby nadzorowanej. W celu prawidłowej transmisji, szczególnie wewnątrz budynków, gdzie poziom sygnału radiowego jest niski, wymagają one znacznej mocy zasilania. Prezentowany pomysł polega na implementacji w sieci BAN dodatkowego łącza transmisji danych o krótkim zasięgu (np. WiFi lub Bluetooth), umożliwiającego komunikację z lokalnym punktem dostępowym będącym częścią infrastruktury domu lub miejsca pracy osoby monitorowanej i udostępniającym przewodowe połączenie z centrum monitorowania. Artykuł opisuje projekt i rezultaty testów prototypu systemu śledzenia zachowania i zdrowia człowieka z automatycznym wyborem kanału transmisji danych dalekiego lub krótkiego zasięgu, w zależności od lokalizacji osoby monitorowanej. Przy założeniu, że osoba ta spędza 80% czasu monitorowania w pomieszczeniach, prototyp umożliwia znaczące oszczędności opłat za usługi telekomunikacyjne i przedłużenie czasu autonomicznej pracy sieci sensorowej o 41%.
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In a typical moving contaminating source identification problem, after some type of biological or chemical contamination has occurred, there is a developing cloud of dangerous or toxic material. In order to detect and localize the contamination source, a sensor network can be used. Up to now, however, approaches aiming at guaranteeing a dense region coverage or satisfactory network connectivity have dominated this line of research and abstracted away from the mathematical description of the physical processes underlying the observed phenomena. The present work aims at bridging this gap and meeting the needs created in the context of the source identification problem. We assume that the paths of the moving sources are unknown, but they are sufficiently smooth to be approximated by combinations of given basis functions. This parametrization makes it possible to reduce the source detection and estimation problem to that of parameter identification. In order to estimate the source and medium parameters, the maximum--ikelihood estimator is used. Based on a scalar measure of performance defined on the Fisher information matrix related to the unknown parameters, which is commonly used in optimum experimental design theory, the problem is formulated as an optimal control one. From a practical point of view, it is desirable to have the computations dynamic data driven, i.e., the current measurements from the mobile sensors must serve as a basis for the update of parameter estimates and these, in turn, can be used to correct the sensor movements. In the proposed research, an attempt will also be made at applying a nonlinear model-predictive-control-like approach to attack this issue.
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Many applications of wireless sensor networks (WSN) require information about the geographical location of each sensor node. Self-organization and localization capabilities are one of the most important requirements in sensor networks. This paper provides an overview of centralized distance-based algorithms for estimating the positions of nodes in a sensor network. We discuss and compare three approaches: semidefinite programming, simulated annealing and two-phase stochastic optimization-a hybrid scheme that we have proposed. We analyze the properties of all listed methods and report the results of numerical tests. Particular attention is paid to our technique-the two-phase method-that uses a combination of trilateration, and stochastic optimization for performing sensor localization. We describe its performance in the case of centralized and distributed implementations.
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This paper describes new technical challenges that arise from networking dynamical systems. In particular, the paper takes a look at the underlying phenomena and the resulting modeling problems that arise in such systems. Special emphasis is placed on the problem of synchronization, since this problem has not received as much attention in the literature as the phenomena of packet drop, delays, etc. The paper then discusses challenges arising in prominent areas such as congestion control, sensor networks, as well as vehicle networks and swarms.
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The paper deals with the problem of optimal path planning for a sensor network with mutliple mobile nodes, whose measurements are supposed to be primarily used to estimate unknown parameters of a system modelled by a partial differential equation. The adopted framework permits to consider two- or three-dimensional spatial domains and correlated observations. Since the aim is to maximize the accuracy of the estimates, a general functional defined on the relevant Fisher information matrix is used as the design criterion. Central to the approach is the parameterization of the sensor trajectories based on cubic B-splines. The resulting finite-dimensional global optimization problem is then solved using a parallel version of the tunneling algorithm. A numerical example is included to clearly demonstrate the idea presented in the paper.
Unia Europejska zakłada zmniejszenie liczby wypadków drogowych do roku 2010 o połowę. Wypadki pochłaniają w świecie blisko milion istnień ludzkich rocznie. Tylko w Polsce – 7000. W cywilizowanych państwach staną się wkrótce trzecią przyczyną zgonów.
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