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The utilisation of the thermal emissions of modern ship power plants requires the development and implementation of essentially new methods of using low-temperature waste heat. Thermoacoustic technologies are able to effectively use lowtemperature and cryogenic heat resources with a potential difference of 500–111 K. Thermoacoustic heat machines (TAHMs) are characterised by high reliability, simplicity and environmental safety. The wide implementation of thermoacoustic energy-saving systems is hampered by the low specific power and the difficulties of directly producing mechanical work. An efficient approach to converting acoustic energy into mechanical work entails the utilisation of axial pulse bidirectional turbines within thermoacoustic heat engines. These thermoacoustic turbogenerators represent comprehensive systems that consist of thermoacoustic primary movers with an electric generator actuated by an axial-pulse bidirectional turbine. The development of such a thermoacoustic turbogenerator requires several fundamental issues to be solved. For this purpose, a suitable experimental setup and a 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of a thermoacoustic engine (TAE) with bidirectional turbines were created. The research program involved conducting physical experiments and the CFD modelling of processes in a TAE resonator with an installed bidirectional turbine. The boundary and initial conditions for CFD calculations were based on empirical data. The adequacy of the developed numerical model was substantiated by the results of physical experiments. The CFD results showed that the most significant energy losses in bidirectional turbines are manifested in the output grid of the turbine.
In the last decade evolution of the requirements for training and professional competences of ship’s crewmembers, including ship engineers can be observed. Despite the implementation of training programs according to IMO requirements in maritime training centres, a different level of competence of young people beginning their professional career on ships in the engine department is observed. The article discusses general conventions, goals, and effects of the "BS Cadet Program" training program, introduced by one of the larger German ship-owner to improve the competencies of crewmembers at the operational level, who will take duties of the watch engineer in the ship engine room soon. General idea of this training program is reducing the time of the path career what is a standard in most shipping companies. Such idea in this program is utilised by directly merging theoretical knowledge with professional practice on special prepared training vessel. The work present also comparison of the acquired knowledge verification results of training participants with the results of engine cadets from last semester of the UMG Faculty of Engineering. The comparison includes computer exercises of Marine equipment and machineries (UNITEST Company – CBT) also genera ship and engine room knowledge checked by written test called “Final Test” carried out on the end of 3 months training.
W artykule zostały omówione ogólne założenia, cele oraz efekty działania programu szkoleniowego „BS Cadet Program”, jaki wprowadził jeden z większych niemieckich armatorów w celu poprawy wyszkolenia członków załóg na poziomie operacyjnym w dziale maszynowym, którzy dopiero będą obejmować obowiązki mechanika wachtowego w siłowni okrętowej. W pracy zawarto również porównanie wyników weryfikacji zdobytej wiedzy przez uczestników szkolenia z wynikami studentów Wydziału Mechanicznego po ostatnim roku nauki.
The article discusses general conventions, goals and effects of the "BS Cadet Program" training program, introduced by one of the largest German shipowners to improve the competences of crew members at the operational level, who will take up duties of the watch engineer in the ship engine room soon. The work also presents the results comparison of verification of knowledge acquired by participants during the training with the results gained by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering students being after their last semester of studies.
One of key ways of assuring a high level of reliability of a ship power plant is to design redundancy of its structural elements, for example redundancy of prime drivers, drivelines etc. This paper deals with issues related to the redundancy as a way increasing dependability of the ship power and propulsion systems. Especially, fundamental characteristics of dependability, major design strategies influencing the reliability, and types of redundancies related to ship power and propulsion systems are presented.
Power and propulsion systems of offshore units must be of a very high level of reliability. The loss of ability to perform functions of their components causes generally to very high economic losses, which may be increased by unused the weather window resulting to postponing the planned offshore operations. To ensure carrying out so expensive offshore operations in the most reliable way, various types of redundancies are built-in ship power plants. This paper deals with issues related to application of redundancy in ship power plants of offshore vessels. Especially, evolution of redundancy application in ship power plants, and design solution of redundancy for offshore vessels are presented. Moreover, the specifics of these offshore operations so important from the point of view of minimizing financial losses due to any interruptions caused by failures of power and propulsion systems are discussed in detailed way.
Systemy wytwarzania energii i napędu statków oceanotechnicznych muszą mieć bardzo wysoki poziom niezawodności. Utrata zdolności do wykonywania funkcji przez ich elementy strukturalne z reguły powoduje bardzo wysokie straty ekonomiczne. Straty te mogą być zwiększone przez niemożność wykorzystania tzw. okna pogodowego, skutkującego odłożeniem w czasie zaplanowanych operacji oceanotechnicznych. W celu zapewnienia niezawodnej realizacji tak kosztownych operacji, różne rodzaje nadmiarowości są wprowadzane do projektowanej struktury siłowni okrętowej. W artykule omówiono zagadnienia związane z zastosowaniem redundancji w siłowniach okrętowych statków oceanotechnicznych. W szczególności zaś zaprezentowano ewolucję stosowania redundancji w siłowniach okrętowych oraz rozwiązania projektowe nadmiarowości zastosowane w siłowniach okrętowych statków oceanotechnicznych. Ponadto, omówiono szczegółowo specyfikę przeprowadzanych operacji oceanotechnicznych istotnych ze względu na minimalizację strat finansowych związanych z ewentualnymi przerwami spowodowanymi awariami systemów wytwarzania energii i napędu statków oceanotechnicznych.
Power and propulsion systems of offshore units must be of a very high level of reliability. Loss of ability to perform functions of their components causes generally to very high economic losses, which may be increased by unused the weather window resulting to postponing the planned offshore operations. To ensure carrying out so expensive offshore operations in the most reliable way, various types of redundancies are built-in ship power plants. This paper deals with issues related to application of redundancy in ship power plants of offshore vessels. Especially, evolution of redundancy application in ship power plants and design solution of redundancy for offshore vessels are presented. Moreover, the specifics of these offshore operations so important from the point of view of minimizing financial losses due to any interruptions caused by failures of power and propulsion systems are discussed in detailed way.
Jednym z istotnych sposobów zapewnienia wysokiego poziomu niezawodności siłowni okrętowych jest zaprojektowanie redundancji jego elementów strukturalnych, np.: nadmiarowości strukturalnej systemów generowania energii, układów napędowych itp. W niniejszym artykule omówiono zagadnienia związane z nadmiarem, jako sposobem zwiększenia niezawodności systemów generowania energii i napędu statku. W szczególności zaś zostały zaprezentowane podstawowe cechy niezawodności, główne strategie oddziaływania na niezawodność oraz rodzaje nadmiarowości w odniesieniu do systemów generowania energii i napędu statku.
One of the key ways of assuring a high level of reliability of a ship power plant is to design redundancy of its structural elements, for example redundancy of prime drivers, drivelines etc. This paper deals with issues related to the redundancy as a way increasing dependability of the ship power and propulsion systems. Especially, fundamental characteristics of dependability, major design strategies which influence reliability, and types of redundancies related to ship power and propulsion systems are presented.
W referacie przedstawiono algorytm wyszukiwania statków podobnych o możliwie dużym nasyceniu automatyką przy stosunkowo niedużych jej kosztach. jako zadanie optymalizacji wielokryterialnej. Opracowany algorytm wykorzystuje metodę ważonych zysków na podstawie podobieństwa sumarycznego całego statku jako sumy ważonej podobieństw cząstkowych: ogólnego, napędu głównego, elektrowni oraz poszczególnych instalacji. W tym celu opracowano hierarchiczną strukturę automatyki siłowni okrętowej do projektowania automatyki na podstawie rozwiązań zastosowanych na statkach podobnych w oparciu o informacje zawarte w opisie technicznym i zestawieniu aparatury kontrolno-pomiarowej. System przewidziany jest do wspomagania projektowania i doboru automatyki siłowni, w którym najczęściej wykorzystuje się projekty wcześniej zbudowanych statków podobnych.
The paper presents an algorithm for searching out similar ships with maximal range of automation elements and minimal costs as a multi-criteria optimization task. The proposed algorithm uses the method of weighted profits based on the similarity of the summary of the whole ship as a weighted sum of the partial similarities: general, propulsion, power and individual installations. For this purpose, the hierarchical structure of the ship power plant automation for aided design on the basis of other designs of similar ships from their technical descriptions and specifications of control and measurement points.
In the article an approach to the problem of estimating reliability data based on physical models is proposed. The possibility of reliability assessment for selected elements of ship pipelines, based on the recognition of the destructive physical phenomena taking place in them, is discussed. To do this, an overview of these phenomena has been made. In addition, a preliminary review of existing measures of destruction of materials has been made to check their suitability for possible use them to solve a given problem. The article is an introduction to further, more detailed considerations.
Artykuł poświęcony został opracowaniu systemu, którego celem jest ocena zagrożeń życia i zdrowia operatorów siłowni okrętowej. Stworzony system oparto na mechanizmie wnioskowania rozmytego. Wykorzystanie tego systemu umożliwi identyfikację czynników niebezpiecznych dla operatorów siłowni okrętowej oraz pozwoli wskazać niezbędne działania korekcyjne. Metodę oceny zagrożenia operatora siłowni okrętowej stworzono w ramach projektów badawczych [7] i [8]. Odnosiła się ona jednak do wczesnych faz projektowych. Opracowany system oceny zagrożeń stanowi bezpośrednią kontynuację prac w tym zakresie w odniesieniu do późniejszych etapów projektu siłowni okrętowej.
This paper describes a system for assessing risks of engine room operators. This system is based on the mechanism of fuzzy inference. Use of this system will help to identify the factors harmful to operators and will determine the necessary corrective actions. The method of engine room operator risk assessment has been developed in research projects [7] and [8]. However, it referred to the early phases of design. Developed system of risk assessment is a direct continuation of work in this field in relation to the later stages of ship power plant design.
Complex technical objects such as ship power plant are the source of many hazards to their operators. Identification and elimination of these hazards on the finished objects is very labor-intensive task and involves significant financial outlays. Therefore, it would be advisable to carry out these activities much earlier – at the design stage. However, this entails to some difficulties. Depending on the design phase the designer has a limited amount of information from which the operator’s safety can be assessed. Additionally, this information is associated with considerable uncertainty. These difficulties can be overcome by using subjective estimates of persons having practical knowledge in the field of our interest – the experts. Such knowledge can be formulated most easily in linguistic categories, that is fuzzy logic language. In the paper the basis of construction of ship power plant operator risk assessment system at the design stage are presented. This system was based on a fuzzy inference mechanism. For this purpose linguistic variables are defined. Based on these variables, fuzzy risk assessment would be carried out. Variables were related to each other within the fuzzy rule base. Fuzzy inference in the system is based on the Mamdani model. Use of this system will enable the identification of hazards for the operators of ship power plant and will indicate the necessary corrective actions.
Złożone obiekty techniczne, takie jak siłownia okrętowa, stanowią źródło wielu zagrożeń dla ich operatorów. Przeprowadzanie identyfikacji i eliminacji tych zagrożeń na gotowym obiekcie jest bardzo pracochłonne i wiąże się ze znacznymi nakładami finansowymi. Z tego też względu celowym wydaje się przeprowadzenie tych czynności znacznie wcześniej – już na etapie projektu. Wiążą się z tym jednak pewne problemy. W zależności od etapu projektowego projektant dysponuje ograniczoną ilością informacji, na podstawie których można wnioskować o bezpieczeństwie operatora. Dodatkowo informacje te wiążą się z dużą niepewnością. Trudności te można pokonać, wykorzystując subiektywne oszacowania osób posiadających praktyczną wiedzę w interesującej nas dziedzinie, czyli ekspertów. Najłatwiej taką wiedzę formułować w kategoriach lingwistycznych, czyli języku logiki rozmytej. W pracy przedstawione zostały podstawy budowy systemu oceny zagrożeń operatora siłowni okrętowej na etapie jej projektowania. System ten oparty został na mechanizmie wnioskowania rozmytego. W tym celu określono zmienne lingwistyczne, na podstawie których dokonywana będzie rozmyta ocena zagrożeń. Zmienne te powiązane zostały ze sobą w ramach bazy reguł rozmytych. Wnioskowanie rozmyte w systemie odbywa się na podstawie modelu Mamdaniego. Wykorzystanie tego systemu umożliwi identyfikację czynników niebezpiecznych dla operatorów siłowni okrętowej oraz pozwoli wskazać niezbędne działania korekcyjne.
Complex technical objects such as ship power plants are the source of many hazards to their operators. Identification and elimination of these hazards on the finished objects is a very labor-intensive task and involves significant financial outlays. It would therefore be advisable to carry out these activities much earlier - at the design stage. However, this entails certain difficulties. Depending on the design phase, the designer has a limited amount of information from which the operator's safety can be assessed. Additionally, this information is associated with considerable uncertainty. These difficulties can be overcome by using subjective estimates of persons having practical knowledge in the field of our interest - experts. Such knowledge can be formulated most easily in linguistic categories, i.e. fuzzy logic language. This paper presents the construction basis for a ship power plant operator risk assessment system at the design stage. This system was based on a fuzzy inference mechanism. Use of this system will enable the identification of hazards for ship power plant operators and will indicate the necessary corrective actions.
This paper presents comparison of two methods for assessment of hazards to ship power plant operator, used in the preliminary stage of ship power plant design process: the matrix method and that based on fuzzy logic. And, it reports this way results of realization of the research projects [1, 2] financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.The assessment of hazard to ship power plant operator, carried out at preliminary design stages meets certain difficulties resulting from that information connected with his safety are scarce or associated with high uncertainty. Therefore fuzzy logic was decided to be used to safety assesment. It was found out that at preliminary design stages application of the fuzzy-logic-based assessment yielded better results as compared with the classic matrix method.
System projektowania siłowni okrętowych powstał w Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni. Jest on podzielony na dwa moduły: pierwszy dokonuje identyfikacji obszarów o największym poziomie zagrożenia dla operatorów realizujących zadania eksploatacyjne, a drugi gromadzi te informacje w celu uzyskania szczegółowych danych co do obszarów zagrożenia i wskazuje zasady projektowania, umożliwiające zmniejszenie poziomu zagrożenia.
This paper constitute a part and continuation of research project "Safety design method of complex technical objects". In the paper basic assumptions and general results obtained within a framework of this project are presented. The main goal of this project was to create an advisory system for safety design purposes. The essential part of the paper contain a description of this system and also present a proposition of system development. This development allow to improve operator safety by changing the structural attributes of hazard area.
W artykule przedstawiono problemy występujące podczas badania niezawodności siłowni okrętowych pływających obiektów oceanotechnicznych, zwłaszcza statków transportowych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na badanie systemów o stałej i zmiennej strukturze pracy, które dominują w siłowni okrętowej statku. Charakteryzują się one ponadto możliwością wystąpienia uszkodzeń katastroficznych i parametrycznych. W analizie uwzględniono dwa najczęściej spotykane rozkłady uszkodzeń: wykładniczy i Weibulla. Jako przykład prezentacji wyników obserwacji uszkodzeń jednego z systemów siłowni okrętowej przedstawiono wyniki uszkodzeń systemu parowego uwzględniające przyjętą ważność uszkodzeń jego elementów.
Problems occurring during investigation of reliability of marine power plants of swimming maritime objects, especially transport ships, are presented. Particular attention is paid to investigation of systems of constant and variable work structure, which are predominates in ship power plant. These systems are characterized by possibility of occurring catastrophic and parametric damages. Analysis includes two most common failure distributions: exponential and Weibull. Results of damages of steam system including assumed importance of it's components damages are presented as example of results of observation of damages of one of marine power plant systems.
Objectivity and rationality in making decision, assumed optimal in given conditions, forces to apply an evaluating (quantitative) approach to the problem, hence to search for such their parameters (indices) which, in a given decision situation, can be deemed most adequate. And, to precisely determine the task it is necessary to specify also its duration time, apart from conditions in which it will be realized. When considering propulsion engine, i.e. the main element of ship propulsion system, especially important becomes not only the problem which amount of energy could be at one’s disposal but also within which time interval it could be delivered. Therefore apart from applying the commonly used reliability indices, it seems sensible to consider the operation in such evaluating approach as it could be determined by energy and time simultaneously. The presented method may be deemed a valuable supplement to the ways have been applied so far of description of reliability features of the driving system, considered crucial for ship power plant and ship itself.
Operation of ship propulsion system is associated with realization of definite operational goals. If to elements of the system the operational reliability strategy could be applied, the situation would be very simple as existing conditions would unambiguously determine application of means being on hand. However decision to reject application of the strategy (even if hypothetical) becomes obvious with a view of necessity of ensuring an acceptable level of safety to ship and environment as well as presence of associated formal and legal limitations. Therefore complexity of operational reality makes that means intended for operation may be used in various ways. Objectivity and rationality in making decision, assumed optimal in given conditions, forces to apply an evaluating (quantitative) approach to the problem, hence to search for such their parameters (indices) which, in a given decision situation, can be deemed most adequate. To precisely determine the task it is necessary to specify also its duration time, apart from conditions in which it will be realized. When considering propulsion engine, i.e. the main element of ship propulsion system, especially important becomes not only the problem which amount of energy could be at one's disposal but also within which time interval it could be delivered. Therefore apart from applying the commonly used reliability indices, it seems sensible to consider the operation in such evaluating approach as it could be determined by energy and time simultaneously.
The frequent cause of ships’ detentions by port authorities are abnormalities of ship power plant functioning. Each extended ship lay time in port results in waste of ship operating time thus costs rise to shipowners. This is connected with improper ship power plant management. In order to avoid this, a ship engineer should have at his disposal computer aided system supporting him in managing of ship power plant. Such a system can be worked out on condition that mathematical formula which represents the decision – making process of an engineer has been built. The present work shows approache to the problem according to the situation in which the engineer is made to take certain decisions. In formulation of the most substantial operating states of a ship like lay time in harbour and sea voyage the ‚knapsack algorithm’ was applied. For both approaches objective function was formulated.
This paper presents a development of the known qualitative method for assessment of energy system operation, applied to ship main propulsion system as an example. According to this interpretation operation can be presented as a physical quantity. In this aspect , based on the selected functional system of the ship, was assessed usefulness of the quantity for description reliability features of the system. To the analysis was applied Poisson’s uniform process which made it possible to elaborate a model of run of worsening the considered system’s operation taken as a random process of identical independent decreases of energy efficiency within a given time interval.
This paper presents application of fuzzy logic to assessment of degree of hazard to ship power plant operator. For the assessment a system of computer-aided identification of hazardous zone within ship power plant, was used. The system’s variables representing the subject-matter knowledge in safety design area were transformed into fuzzy sets by means of appropriate linguistic variables and membership functions. The assessing of safety level of operator with the use of fuzzy inference was performed by means of an expert system programmed in the PROLOG LPA language.
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