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In order to reduce the CO2 emission from ships, International Maritime Organization executes the restriction of Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) which limits amount of CO2 when freight of one ton is carried at one mile. Although the realization of higher efficiency of main engine without reduction of engine output is the best solution, it might be impossible. To comply with the EEDI requirements, it is assumed that the ship’s engine power becomes smaller than the existing ship by means of improving the ship propulsive efficiency. However, shiphandling in rough seas is expected to become difficult when the engine power is reduced. In this paper it is shown that the influence of the degraded main engine exerts on the safety of shiphandling in heavy weather based on the simulation study. In these experiments, both the simulation model that decreased engine power corresponding to EEDI requirement and that with the conventional engine power were tested, and masters in active service maneuvered the test ships in the rough seas.
The growing number of large high powered vessels operated in shallow water ports is the reason that port authorities and terminal operators are interested in online monitoring of loads generated by vessels during manoeuvers close to hydrotechnical constructions. The test version of the loads measurement system based on the mobile laboratory and commercial version of monitoring system based on the cloud technology are presented in the paper.
Paper discussed important factors affecting handling of ULCS (ultra large container ships) in Port of Gdańsk. In recent years more such vessels had been calling Gdańsk, including new generation of ULCs called Triple-E launched by Maersk. Studies conducted in Maritime University confirmed feasibility of safe handling of such large vessels but pointed to several factors needed to be taken under consideration to provide required safety level for ship handling operations. Author analysed factors responsible for safe handling ULCs in Gdańsk.
W artykule omówiono ważne czynniki wpływające na manewrowanie dużymi kontenerowcami w porcie gdańskim. W ostatnich latach coraz więcej takich statków zawijało do portu w Gdańsku, włączając w to nową generację ultra dużych kontenerowców typu Triple-E, zbudowaną dla firmy Maersk. Badania przeprowadzone na Uniwersytecie Morskim w Gdyni potwierdziły możliwość bezpiecznego manewrowania takimi statkami, ale wskazały na szereg czynników, które powinny być uwzględnione w celu zapewnienia odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa operacjom manewrowania statkami. Autorzy przeanalizowali czynniki odpowiedzialne za bezpieczne manewrowanie dużymi kontenerowcami w porcie gdańskim.
The paper describes new directions in which the safety of navigation in Pomeranian Bay (Poland) became into a new era since the LNG Terminal in port of Świnoujście begun to attend to a large gas tankers at around 320 meters length, 50 meters breadth, and draught of 12.5 meters. For the safety of naviga-tion in Pomeranian Bay, the Maritime Administration has modified the traffic regulations, directing the ship's traffic to the zones outside the main approaching channel. For some of the ships navigating in to Świnoujście the new regulations mean the necessity of passing the shallow waters, with all consequences of that. The most important effect, being predominating in shallow waters, it is the squat effect. This effect is causing the ship's speed reduction and the increase of fuel consumption. It is very difficult to select the influence of the squat effect from others, like weather conditions, waves high and direction, and sea keeping qualities for ships of different type. This paper is giving the contribution to deep analysis of the above, and is presenting the test results done for passenger/cargo Ferries, travelling as per regular service to the port of Świnoujście: M/F "Gryf" and M/F "Wolin".
Content available Indirect encoding in neuroevolutionary ship handling
In this paper the author compares the efficiency of two encoding schemes for artificial intelligence methods used in the neuroevolutionary ship maneuvering system. This may be also be seen as the ship handling system that simulates a learning process of a group of artificial helmsmen - autonomous control units, created with an artificial neural network. The helmsman observes input signals derived form an enfironment and calculates the values of required parameters of the vessel maneuvering in confined waters. In neuroevolution such units are treated as individuals in population of artificial neural networks, which through environmental sensing and evolutionary algorithms learn to perform given task efficiently. The main task of this project is to evolve a population of helmsmen with indirect encoding and compare results of simulation with direct encoding method.
Current development of the maritime transportation system, namely fleet and ports specialization, growth of vessel sizes, rationalization of routs, trade regionalization etc., has made many traditional approaches and calculation techniques practiced for many long years in port design procedures to be inadequate and insufficient. A generally acknowledged tool for this task today is the simulation technique. In the same time, modern object oriented simulation approach provides usually only ad hoc solution for a project. It lacks the generality that was the main and natural feature of its traditional analytical predecessors. Very high time and labor consumption of simulation comes to a conflict with a very narrow scope of the resulting model’s application domain. This paper describes a new approach used to create a simulation tool for the port designers and planners combining the universality and generality of the analytical (so called “static”) methods with the efficiency and accuracy of the object-oriented simulation. The concept represented in the paper was implemented in the software product, which enabled to conduct experiments that proved the validity and adequacy of the model. The simulation tool was used in several sea port design project and now is a common instrument of several leading port design and consulting company in Russian Federation.
The purpose and scope of this paper is to describe factors to consider when determining the ship’s safe speed as well as the best speed for the sea voyage legs including directions related to vessel speed that are given in ColRegs, voyage orders and charter parties. Author also tried to describe the definition for the following notions: ship maneuvering, ship handling, safe speed, best possible speed for sea voyage legs.
In this paper author depicts the results of the sea trials of the operational test of a Hiload technology at sea waves with the numerical analysis for the dynamic forces and operational risk. The research was carried out on board MT “Navion Anglia” which was engaged in a towing operation through the Atlantic Ocean with a “Hiload DP1” prototype unit docked on her portside alongside, with different ship’s draft and in different weather conditions. Additionally in this paper author presents the methods that can be used for estimating the safety factor SF against sliding and/or operational risk for the towing and/or manoeuvring operation with a “Hiload DP1” unit docked alongside at the open sea.
The hydrodynamic interaction effects between two vessels that are significantly different in size operating in close proximity can adversely affect the safety and handling of these vessels. Many ship handling simulator designers implement Potential Flow (PF) solvers to calculate real-time interaction effects. However, these PF solvers struggle to accurately predict the complicated flow regimes that can occur, for example as the flow passes a wet transom hull or one with a drift angle. When it comes to predicting the interaction effects on a tug during a ship assist, it is essential to consider the rapid changes of the tug’s drift angle, as the hull acts against the inflow creating a complicated flow regime. This paper investigates the ability of the commercial PF solver, Futureship®, to predict the accurate interaction effects acting on tugs operating at a drift angle during ship handling operations through a case study. This includes a comparison against Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations and captive model tests to examine the suitability of the PF method for such duties. Although the PF solver can be tuned to solve streamline bodies, it needs further improvement to deal with hulls at drift angles.
W artykule zaproponowano sposób oceny bezpieczeństwa żeglugi (ryzyka nawigacyjnego) kontenerowców klasy PS, takich jak „Emma Maersk”, w akwenie ograniczonym Zatoki Gdańskiej z wykorzystaniem przestrzennego modelu domeny statku. Istotą proponowanych w pracy metod jest systemowe ujęcie eksploatacji statku morskiego w aspekcie oceny jego bezpieczeństwa podczas manewrów podchodzenia do terminalu kontenerowego DTC Gdańsk Port przy działaniu różnych zakłóceń zewnętrznych.
In this paper author presents the methods that can be used for estimating the safety of shipping (navigational risk) in the restricted sea areas of the Gulf of Gdańsk by means of a three- -dimensional model of ship’s domain specified for the PS Class container vessels ‘Emma Maersk’. The essence of the method suggested in the thesis is the systematic approach to a sea vessel operation in the aspect of estimating its safety while approaching DCT terminal in Gdańsk Port Północny in divergent exterior conditions.
Content available remote Neuroevolutionary Ship Handling System in a Windy Environment
This paper presents the advanced intelligent ship handling system able to simulate and demonstrate learning behavior of artificial helmsman which controls model of ship in a windy environment of restricted water area. Simulated helmsmen are treated as individuals in population, which through environmental sensing and evolutionary algorithms learns to perform given task efficiently. The task is: safe navigation through heavy wind channels. Neuroevolutionary algorithms, which develop artificial neural networks through evolutionary operations, have been applied in this system.
Rozprawa dotyczy problematyki oceny bezpieczeństwa manewrów krytycznych, które decydują o bezpieczeństwie i efektywności wykonania złożonego zadania transportowego statków eksploatowanych w systemie transportowym autostrady morskiej. Na tle perspektyw rozwoju transportu intermodalnego, wprowadzania na obszarze Unii Europejskiej autostrad morskich i związanego z tym zapotrzebowania na systemy oceny bezpieczeństwa operacji manewrowych promów, przedstawiono koncepcję oceny bezpieczeństwa manewrów portowych z wykorzystaniem modelowania zachowania się statku w zakresie małych prędkości na akwenie ograniczonym. W opracowanej metodzie do modelowania ryzyka awarii i oceny efektywności ekonomicznej zastosowanych środków redukcji ryzyka zaproponowano bayesowski diagram wpływu, umożliwiający ocenę bezpieczeństwa w szerokim zakresie zmian warunków otoczenia i struktury rozpatrywanego systemu. Przedstawiono własne oryginalne metody badań eksperymentalnych oddziaływania nabrzeża i dna na efektywność urządzeń napędowych i sterujących statku, w tym badań pola prędkości generowanego przez strumienie zaśrubowe pędników i sterów strumieniowych, z wykorzystaniem modeli fizycznych. Opracowane na podstawie tych badań modele symulacji ruchu statku, zawierające także modele oddziaływania statku na nabrzeże portowe, zostały zaproponowane jako główne narzędzia do obliczeń charakterystyk bezpieczeństwa systemu. Weryfikację i walidację tych modeli przeprowadzono, opierając się na wynikach badań na modelu fizycznym w skali geometrycznej 1:16 i pomiarach wykonanych w terminalu promowym w Porcie Gdynia. Opisano możliwości zastosowania opracowanej metody w systemach wspomagania decyzji kapitana statku i kapitana portu, zintegrowanych z portowymi systemami technologii informacyjnej.
The dissertation deals with the problems of safety assessment of critical manoeuvres determining safety of complex transportation system task performed by ships operated in Motorway of the Sea transportation system. The idea of harbour manoeuvres, based on direct methods, is presented against the prospect of intermodal transport development, introduction of Motorways of the Sea in the European Union and state of art in safety assessment modelling of ship performance at low speeds in restricted areas. Bayesian influence diagrams have been proposed in the developed method as tools for risk modelling and assessment of effectiveness of applied risk reduction measures, allowing safety assessment in a wide range of environmental conditions and pointing to changes in the system. The original experimental methods of berth and sea bottom influence on the effectiveness of ship propulsion and steering devices, as well as a method of propeller and bow thruster jet velocity field measurements, using scale physical models have been presented. The models of ship motion and ship-berth interaction developed on the basis of the experiments are proposed as the main tools for system safety characteristics camputation. Verification and validation of the proposed ship performance models were carried out on the basis of physical model tests using 1:16 scale model and real scale measurements in the Port of Gdynia. The possible application of the developed method in decision support systems for ship and harbour masters, integrated with port information technology systems, is described.
Content available remote Model środowiska wieloagentowego w neuroewolucyjnym sterowaniu statkiem
W artykule tym przedstawiono propozycję użycia neuroewolucyjnego systemu wieloagentowego do wspomagania decyzji manewrowych sternika statku płynącego na ograniczonym obszarze wodnym. W środowisku tym sternik jest osobnikiem określonej populacji, która za pomocą algorytmów ewolucyjnych oraz metod uczenia ze wzmocnieniem dostosowuje się do wyznaczonego zadania, jakim jest bezpieczne przepłynięcie danego obszaru przez wyznaczone jednostki pływające.
This paper presents the proposal of multi-agent environment to simulate and demonstrate learning behavior of helmsmen in ship maneuvering. Simulated helmsmen are treated as individuals in population, which through environmental sensing learn themselves to navigate in restricted waters selecting an optimum trajectory of a vessel. Learning phase of the task is to observe current situation and choose the best action. Neuroevolutionary algorithms are used to solve this task. The best fitted individuals from each population become parents for the next generation of helmsmen in simulated multi-agent navigational situation.
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