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Rising efficiency of wastewater purification systems causes an increase in the amounts of sewage sludge. Its land application is economically attractive because of low cost and high efficiency. Using sewage sludge in agriculture is one of the most preferred ways of its disposal. Only stabilized sludge and containing permissible concentrations of heavy metals can be used for this purpose. The heavy metals introduction into the environment may cause a potential problem for public health, especially when they percolate from soil to plants or groundwater. Therefore, the concentrations of heavy metals in sludge intended for agriculture are regulated. Determination of total content of heavy metals in digested sludge is not sufficient for the evaluation of a potential risk to the environment. The mobility and toxicity of heavy metals depend strongly on their specific chemical forms. The concentrations of particular heavy metal fractions are the most important parameters, which should be examined in order to estimate the influence of sludge on the environment. The aim of an article was to evaluate the influence of anaerobic digestion on the concentration and variability of chemical forms of selected heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in the sewage sludge coming from a municipal wastewater treatment plant in Pulawy (Poland). The content of particular forms of heavy metals in raw and digested sewage sludge was determined by means of the BCR (Community Bureau of Reference) method. The BCR method enables separating four fractions of heavy metals: exchangeable, reducible, oxidizable and residual. The results obtained after analyzing raw sludge showed that the majority of the analyzed heavy metals were predominantly associated with the oxidizable and residual fractions. Only in the case of Zn, the reducible form constituted a greater part. In the case of digested sludge, all studied heavy metals exhibited the most dominant oxidizable and residual fractions; however, the percentages of particular fractions were different than in raw sludge. It was noticed that all heavy metals concentrations were higher in digested sludge in comparison to sludge before anaerobic digestion. The content of heavy metals in the analyzed materials did not exceed the admissible Polish levels for the sludge intended for the agricultural use.
The problem of the migration of metal ions in the environment remains a current problem in light of the quality of obtained crops. The necessity of more and more frequent use of alternative sources of biogens in the form of waste substances, poses a threat of loading significant amounts of metals into the soil – including heavy metals harmful to human health and life. The article discusses a significant problem, namely the comparison of the results of the environmental impact of waste, obtained on the basis of legally authorized leaching tests (three-stage leaching test according to PN-EN 12457:2006), with results obtained from sequential chemical extraction (performed in 4-step chemical extraction developed and recommended in European Union countries by Communities Bureau of References – BCR). The study covered an investigation of industry fly ash from the combustion of lignite, in which Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb, Cr, Na, K, Li concentrations and loads were calculated. A mobility of analyzed elements was established on this basis. From heavy metals, the highest values in fraction I were noted for nickel and copper and zinc as well as nickel were noted for fraction IV . Peaking values of electrolytic conductivity in eluates was created by high concentrations of macroelements (Na and K). These tests confirm that the leaching tests used for their application in the natural environment indicate such concentrations at the highest levels that can be obtained at the first or second stage of sequential chemical extraction, and thus their proper full environmental impact is not known.
Problematyka obiegu jonów metali w środowisku pozostaje aktualnym problemem w świetle jakości uzyskiwanych płodów rolnych. Konieczność coraz częstszego wykorzystywania alternatywnych źródeł biogenów w postaci substancji odpadowych stwarza zagrożenie wnoszenia do gleb znacznych ilości metali – w tym szkodliwych dla zdrowia i życia człowieka – metali ciężkich. W artykule poruszono istotny problem, jakim jest porównanie wyników oceny oddziaływania odpadów na środowisko uzyskanych w oparciu o wykonanie prawnie usankcjonowanych testów wymywalności (trzystopniowy test wymywalności wg PN-EN 12457:2006), z wynikami uzyskanymi z badań sekwencyjnej ekstrakcji chemicznej (w pracy wykonano 4-stopniową ekstrakcję chemiczną opracowaną i zalecaną w krajach Unii Europejskiej przez Communities Bureau of References – BCR). Badaniom poddano popiół lotny ze spalania węgla brunatnego w przemyśle energetycznym, w którym oznaczono stężenia Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb, Cr, Na, K, Li. Na tej podstawie określono mobilność analizowanych pierwiastków. Najwyższe stężenia we frakcji I zanotowano dla chromu i miedzi, zaś w pozostałości (frakcja IV) dla cynku i niklu. Wysokie wartości przewodności elektrolitycznej eluatów były wynikiem znacznych zawartości makropierwiastków (Na i K ). Badania te potwierdzają, że testy wymywalności stosowane na potrzeby ich aplikacji w środowisku przyrodniczym wskazują co najwyżej takie stężenia, jakie uzyskujemy na pierwszym ewentualnie drugim stopniu sekwencyjnej ekstrakcji chemicznej. Co za tym idzie, nie poznajemy ich właściwego pełnego oddziaływania na środowisko.
The evolution of chemical speciation of Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, and Zn was investigated in the chronosequence of young sediments, exposed by a currently retreating Arctic glacier on Spitsbergen. Werenskioldbreen is a 27 km2 subpolar, land-terminated, polythermal glacier in recession, located near the SW coast of West Spitsbergen. Three samples of structureless till were collected at locations exposed for 5, 45 and 70 years. Four grain-size fractions were separated: > 63, 20–63, 2–20, and < 2 µm. Speciation of Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, and Zn was determined using a 6-step sequential chemical extraction method: 1) 1 M sodium acetate, 2) 1 M hydroxylamine hydrochloride in acetic acid, 3) sodium dithionite in buffer, 4) acid ammonium oxalate, 5) boiling HCl, 6) residuum. The weathering in the proglacial area of the retreating glacier is very fast. The geochemical fates of the metals in question correlate with each other, reflecting a) the geochemical similarities between them, b) the similarities of their primary mineral sources, c) the significant role of incongruent dissolution. The weathering processes dominating the system are redox reactions and incongruent dissolution, followed by precipitation of secondary phases and partial sorption of aqueous species. As a result, the elements released from weathering minerals are only partially transported away from the system. The remaining part transforms by weathering from the coarse-grained fraction (dominated by fragments of primary minerals) into the fine-grained fraction (in the form of secondary, authigenic minerals or as species sorbed onto a mineral skeleton). This is very strongly pronounced within the chronosequence: the content of each of the metals studied correlates identically with the grain size, despite the differences in their chemical character and affinities. The microscope study presented herein indicates that the role of incongruent dissolution previously was underestimated. Also, the formation of coatings of secondary phases on primary mineral surfaces was observed. All these rapid weathering processes affect the mineral speciation of initial soils as well as the composition of mineral suspensions transported away by rivers to the nearby ocean.
The research was aimed at determining the interaction of municipal sewage sludge with the environment in the aspect of its potential for land applications in agriculture, land reclamation and land adaptation to different uses. Sequential extraction of heavy metals according to Brümmer’s method was used in the study. A detailed interpretation of the data allowed to state that the highest content of copper was found in one of the most mobile bindings (fraction I). For other heavy metals only trace amounts were found in the bindings considered as the most mobile (fraction I-III) which proved less risk posed to the environment. The highest percentage share of heavy metals in the investigated sludge was determined in fractions IV to VII (i.e. in bindings rather unavailable to the ecosystem). It should be highlighted that three out of the seven determined metals were bound in the highest amounts with the organic matter (fraction IV): i.e. Zn 49.97%, Pb 66.58% , Mn 41.91%.; three with silicates (fraction VII): i.e.: Cu 40.60%, Ni 88.58%, Cr 34.33%; and only cadmium was found to be bound (30.29%) with crystalline iron oxides (fraction VI).
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zawartością wybranych pierwiastków w osadach dennych pobranych z rzeki Bytomki płynącej wzdłuż zwału odpadów pogórniczych Hałda Ruda w Zabrzu, jak również ich dystrybucję w poszczególnych frakcjach geochemicznych z wykorzystaniem sekwencyjnej ekstrakcji chemicznej według Tessiera. Całkowitą zawartość pierwiastków określono, wykorzystując technikę EDXRF, natomiast ekstrahenty poszczególnych frakcji Tessiera oznaczano ilościowo za pomocą spektrometru ICP-MS.
The paper presents the results of the research on the content of selected elements in sediments collected from Bytomka River flowing along postmining heap Hałda Ruda in Zabrze, as well as their distribution in the various geochemical fractions by sequential chemical extraction by Tessier. The total content of elements determined using the EDXRF technique and the extractants Tessier individual fractions was quantified by ICP-MS spectrometer.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań specjacji metali ciężkich w wybranych osadach ściekowych wytwarzanych w oczyszczalni ścieków w Gdańsku. Analizowano następujące osady: wstępne, nadmierne, nadmierne zagęszczone, przefermentowane i mechanicznie odwodnione. Oczyszczanie ścieków odbywa się w układzie procesów mechaniczno-biologicznych. Biologiczne oczyszczanie odbywa się w reaktorze trójfazowym pracującym wg zmodyfikowanego systemu UCT. Do oceny form występowania metali ciężkich w osadach ściekowych zastosowano metodę sekwencyjnej ekstrakcji chemicznej. Określono cztery typy kompleksów metali ciężkich: wiązania wymienne, wodorotlenki, organiczne oraz rezydualne. Miedź oraz cynk występowały głównie w połączeniach z substancjami organicznymi, podczas gdy ołów i kadm znaleziono we frakcjach rezydualnych, tj. w formach trudnych do aktywowania. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników oceniono stopień potencjalnego zagrożenia środowiska spowodowanego obecnością metali ciężkich w osadach ściekowych.
Investigation was carried out in municipal WWTP "Wschód" in Gdańsk. The flow of sewage was equal to 94,000 m³/day. The treatment consisted of two stages: the first stage - mechanical (4 screens, 2 sent traps, 4 primary settling tanks) and the second one - advanced biological MUCT system (6 reactors each incorporating the following chambers: dephosfotation, predenitrification, denitrification and nitrification followed by 2 secondary settling tanks) modified by the introduction of an additional chamber, which secures deoxidation of sewage recyrculated between nitrification and denitrification chambers. Sewage sludge (primary and secondary) is stabilized by fermentation process. The last step of sludge utilization is mechanical dewatering. The following sewage sludge was tested: primary, secondary, thickened after the Klein's press, after processes of fermentation and after centrifuges of Noxon. The paper presents the results of investigation referring to the speciation of heavy metals in selected sewage sludge produced in WWTP in Gdańsk. Sequential chemical extraction method was used to evaluate the forms of heavy metals in sewage sludge. Types of heavy metal complexes were described as four fractions (exchangeable bands, hydroxides, organic and residual). Copper and zinc were mainly connected with organic substances. Lead and cadmium were found in residual fraction, e.g. forms which are difficult and very difficult to activate. On the basis of these results the degree of the potential hazard to the environment caused by the contents of heavy metals in sewage sludge can be estimated.
Sewage sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants was chosen for the studies, in which 95% of the treated wastewater was household sewage and 5% was effluent from small businesses. The treatment plants varied mainly with respect to the applied sludge stabilization processes: methane digestion technology was used in Z-R treatment plant and oxygen stabilization method was operated in Z-M plant. Analysis of the data collected from both treatment plant showed that the content of total forms of heavy metals is higher in sewage sludge from the treatment plant with methane digestion technology. The observed relation bas also been confirmed in a number of communicates from U.S. scientists. A qualitative analysis of heavy metals (sequential chemical extraction) showed that despite differentiation in corrections among various heavy metals, their content in the exchangeable fraction (I) and carbonate fraction (II) is small and does not exceed 4% of the total metal content in all fraction. This means the regardless of the applied wastewater treatment process and sewage stabilization method, the content of trace elements is relatively small in the most mobile fraction of the investigated slugde samples. Expect of nickiel (in fraction III) and lead (in fraction IV), the content of any other of the investigated metals was higher in sewage sludge from the treatment plant in which methane digestion process was operated. Cd, Zn, Cu and Pb were to a large degree persistently bound with silicates (fraction V - metals regarded as unavailable to the environment) in the wastewater treatment plant with oxygen stabilization method while in the plant with methane digestion: Cr and Ni.
Do badań wytypowano osady ściekowe z oczyszczalni ścieków komunalnych, w których w 95% oczyszczane były ścieki bytowo-gospodarcze, natomiast pozostała ilość przypadała na ścieki drobnego przemysłu. Oczyszczalnie różniły się głównie procesem stabilizacji osadów. I tak w przypadku oczyszczalni Z-R była to fermentacja metanowa, natomiast w Z-M stabilizacja tlenowa. Analiza wyników badań osadów ściekowych z ww. oczyszczalni ścieków wykazała, że zawartość form całkowitych metali ciężkich jest wyższa w osadach z oczyszczalni, gdzie zastosowano fermentację metanową. Obserwowaną zależność potwierdza część doniesień naukowców amerykańskich. Analiza jakościowa metali ciężkich (sekwencyjna ekstrakcja chemiczna) wykazała, że mimo zróżnicowania w powiązaniach poszczególnych metali ciężkich, we frakcji wymiennej (I) i węglanowej (II) zawartość ich jest niewielka i nie przekracza 4% sumarycznej wartości metali we wszystkich frakcjach. Oznacza to, że bez względu na zastosowany proces oczyszczania ścieków i stabilizacji stabilizacji, zawartość pierwiastków śladowych w najbardziej mobilnych frakcjach badanych osadów jest stosunkowo mała. W przypadku każdego analizowanego metalu, poza niklem (we frakcji III) oraz poza ołowiem (we frakcji IV) zawartość ich była wyższa w osadach z oczyszczalni gdzie prowadzony był proces fermentacji metanowej. W osadach z oczyszczalni ze stabilizacją tlenową, Cd, Zn, Cu i Pb w większym stopniu związane były na trwale z krzemianami (frakcja V - metale uznawane za niedostępne dla środowiska), natomiast w osadach z oczyszczalni z fermentacją metanową - Cr i Ni.
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