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The scope of this paper is that it investigates and proposes a new clustering method thattakes into account the timing characteristics of frequently used feature words and thesemantic similarity of microblog short texts as well as designing and implementing mi-croblog topic detection and detection based on clustering results. The aim of the proposedresearch is to provide a new cluster overlap reduction method based on the divisions ofsemantic memberships to solve limited semantic expression and diversify short microblogcontents. First, by defining the time-series frequent word set of the microblog text, a fea-ture word selection method for hot topics is given; then, for the existence of initial clusters,according to the time-series recurring feature word set, to obtain the initial clustering ofthe microblog.
Purpose: The aim of the publication was to visualize the process of creating knowledge on the example of the CP Factory production line. For this purpose, the data contained in the relational databases and data of the operating production line were used. This data was converted to the form required by the CogniPy environment to create a semantic ontology for product personalization. Design/methodology/approach: With the available software based on ontologies and knowledge charts, the possibility of common human-computer reasoning has been opened, especially in production management. Findings: During the activities carried out, the on-conceptualization of the knowledge contained in the production management system was brought to an ontological form. At the moment, the information contained in the database is not very different from the data existing in the relational database. However, further modeling of ontology can be directed towards the creation of rules, logic and axioms of production processes. Practical implications: The operations and transformations performed presented the operation of CogniPy in the process of creating ontology and materializing the graph and queries. The created ontology takes the form of a universal set of knowledge that makes it open to wide integration with other systems. Originality/value: The publication shows the possibilities of using the CogniPy environment in the construction of ontology and semantic product personalization.
The digitalization of modern manufacturing systems has resulted to increasing data generation, also known as Big Data. Although there are several technologies and techniques under the term Data Analytics for gathering such data, their interpretation to information, and ultimately to knowledge remains in its infancy. Consequently, albeit engineers currently can monitor the factory level, optimization is cut off of the data acquisition, and is based on data related methodologies. The focus should be pivoted on designing and developing suitable frameworks for integrating Big Data to process optimization based on the context of information gathered from the shopfloor. This paper aims to investigate the opportunities and the gaps as well as the challenges arising in the current industrial landscape, towards the efficient utilization of Big Data, for process optimization based on the integration of semantics. To that end, a literature review is performed, and a data-based framework is presented.
Content available remote Extensions of Elementary Cause-Effect Structures
Cause-effect structures are objects of a formal system devised for modeling, testing and verifying properties of tasks, where parallel execution of actions is the most characteristic feature. This is an algebraic system called a quasi-semiring. In this paper elementary cause-effect structures, a system behaviourally equivalent to 1-safe Petri nets, are extended by the following features: weighted edges, multi-valued nodes having capacities (counterpart of place/transition Petri nets), inhibitors and a model of time. The extensions are accomplished by modifying the notion of state and semantics, but leaving unchanged structure of the quasi-semiring expressions.
Content available remote Membrane Creation in Polarizationless P Systems with Active Membranes
Biological membranes play an active role in the evolution of cells over time. In the framework of Membrane Computing, P systems with active membranes capture this idea, and the possibility to increase the number of membranes during a computation. Classically, it has been considered, by using division rules, inspired in the mitosis process. Initially, the membranes in these models are supposed to have an electrical polarization (positive, negative or neutral) and the semantics is minimalist, in the sense that rules are applied in parallel, but in one transition step, each membrane can be the subject of at most one rule of types communication, dissolution or division. This paper focuses on polarizationless P systems with active membranes in which membrane creation rules are considered instead of membrane division rules as a mechanism to construct an exponential workspace, expressed both in terms of number of objects and membranes, in linear time. Moreover, the minimalist semantics is considered and some complexity results are provided in this framework, allowing to tackle the P versus NP problem from a new perspective. An original frontier of the efficiency in this context is unveiled in this paper: allowing membrane creation rules to be applicable in any membrane of the system, instead of restricting them to only elementary membranes, yields a significant boost on the computational power. More precisely, only problems in P can be efficiently solved in the restricted case, while in the non-restricted case an efficient and uniform solution to a PSPACE-complete problem is provided.
Content available remote Concept Blueprints Serving More Focused User Queries
Information Retrieval is about user queries and strategies executed by machines to find the documents that best suit the user's information need. However, this need reduced to a couple of words gives the retrieval system (IRS) a lot room for interpretation. In order to zero in on the user's need many a IRS expands the user query by implicitly adding or explicitly recommending the users further useful terms that help to specify their information need. Queries often do not comprise more than a handful of terms, which, in turn, do not sufficiently represent the user's need. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate an approach that enables users to resort to implicitly more complex query expressions. We call these semantic structures concept blueprints. Furthermore, users have the possibility to define the blueprints on their own. The purpose of the blueprints is to spot more precisely the text passage that fits the user's information need.
Content available remote Semantics and Controllability of Time-Aware Business Processes
We present an operational semantics for time-aware business processes, that is, processes modeling the execution of business activities, whose durations are subject to linear constraints over the integers. We assume that some of the durations are controllable, that is, they can be determined by the organization that executes the process, while others are uncontrollable, that is, they are determined by the external world. Then, we consider controllability properties, which guarantee the completion of the execution of the process, satisfying the given duration constraints, independently of the values of the uncontrollable durations. Controllability properties are encoded by quantified reachability formulas, where the reachability predicate is recursively defined by means of constrained Horn clauses (CHCs). These clauses are automatically derived from the operational semantics of the process. Finally, we present two algorithms for solving the so called weak and strong controllability problems. Our algorithms reduce these problems to the verification of a set of quantified integer constraints, which are simpler than the original quantified reachability formulas, and can effectively be handled by state-of-the-art CHC solvers.
Content available remote From Box Algebra to Interval Temporal Logic
In this paper, we further develop a recently introduced semantic link between temporal logics and Petri nets. We focus on two specific formalisms, Interval Temporal Logic (ITL) and Box Algebra (BA), which are closely related by their compositional approach to constructing system descriptions. The overall goal of our investigation is to translate Petri nets into behaviourally equivalent logical formulas. As a result, the analysis of system properties can be carried out using either of the two formalisms, exploiting their respective strengths and powerful tool support. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we extend the existing translation from BA to ITL, by removing restrictions concerning the way control flow of concurrent system is modelled, and by allowing a fully general synchronisation operator. Second, we strengthen the notion of equivalence between a Petri net and the corresponding logical formula by proving such an equivalence at the level of transition-based executions of Petri nets rather than just by looking at their labels. We also show that the complexity of the proposed translation compares favourably with the complexity of the translation from BA expressions to Petri nets.
Content available remote Wielowymiarowość logistyki a modelowanie systemów i procesów logistycznych
Artykuł traktuje o wpływie wielowymiarowości, złożoności logistyki na trudności modelowania układów logicznie spójnych systemów i dokonujących się w nich procesów realizujących zadania zabezpieczenia i wsparcia wieloaspektowych podmiotów przez logistykę. Autorzy wskazują też na możliwe sposoby modelowania systemów logistycznych o złożonych potencjałach zadaniowych w zakresie zasobów i zdolności zabezpieczenia realizację potencjałów w sferach zastosowania logistyki wielowymiarowej w podmiotach gospodarczych. W kontekście tego uzasadniają, wskazują na ograniczenia ale i zasadność stanowienia autonomicznej teorii oraz praktyki modelowania systemów czy procesów logistycznych oraz potrzebę stosowania specjalnej metodyki modelowania logistycznego gdyż jest szansa i możliwość korzystania z istniejącego dorobku w tym zakresie innych dyscyplin nauki.
The article ponders an impact of multidimensionality and complexity of logistics on difficulties with modeling the arrangements of logically coherent systems and processes completing tasks of support for the multi-aspect entities by logistics. The authors point at the possible methods of modeling logistics systems containing complex task potentials in scope of resources and capacities as well as applying these potentials in the spheres of using multidimensional logistics by the economic entities. In this context the authors explain the limited reasons and needs of creating an autonomic theory and practice for modeling the logistics systems and processes as well as necessity of applying a special methodology of logistics modeling because there is a chance and possibility of using the existing output in the logistics field including other disciplines of the science.
Content available remote Full Axiomatisation of Timed Processes of Interval-Timed Petri Nets
In this paper we use partial order semantics to express the truly concurrent behaviour of Interval-Timed Petri nets (ITPNs) in their most general setting, i.e. with autoconcurrency and zero duration, as studied with its standard maximal step semantics in [1]. First we introduce the notion of timed processes for ITPNs inductively. Then we investigate if the equivalence of inductive and axiomatic process semantics - true for classical Petri nets - could hold for ITPNs too. We will see that the notions of independence and immediate firing obligation seem to be antagonistic ones, and that local axioms, adequate to define processes of classical Petri nets, are not sufficient to caracterize timed processes of ITPNs. We propose several original “global” axioms which reveal to be an effective solution. Thus we yield finally a full axiomatic definition of timed processes for ITPNs.
Content available remote O znaczeniach nazwy złożonej bezpieczeństwo
Autor stara się rozwikłać dylemat związany z realnym i etymologicznym pojmowaniem bezpieczeństwa, jego konwencjonalnym i często polisemantycznym definiowaniem, a naturalnym i istotowym określaniem. W rozwikłaniu tym wskazuje na dwa rodzaje nazw wyróżniane już przez Platona i Arystotelesa, a mianowicie : konwencjonalne i naturalne. Stąd analityka semantyczna i objaśnienie pomieszczone w następnych częściach wywodu dotyczą znaczenia: konwencjonalnego nazwy złożonej bezpieczeństwo, naturalnego tej nazwy w języku polskim i nie tylko w języku polskim. Konkluzją wywodu są konstatacje wskazujące, z jednej strony, na nietrafne i konwencjonalne określenia bezpieczeństwa – najczęściej brak zagrożeń − z drugiej zaś na trafne i naturalne – raczej przez lub za pomocą pieczy, kontroli i troski. Te ostatnie mają umocowanie etymologiczne i semantyczne w archaicznej nazwie występującej w języku polskim, a mianowicie: przezpieczeństwo. Również osadzenie znaczenia nazwy bezpieczeństwo w łacińskim securitas (se – każdy; cura – piecza) znaczy każdą pieczę, nadzór i kontrolę oraz dbałość. Stąd rekomendacja dla takiej naturalnej i trafnej definicji nazwy bezpieczeństwo, która głosi, że jest ono takim stanem rzeczy, którego specyfiką jest piecza, troska i kontrola oraz dbałość. W przeciwieństwie do tej naturalnej definicji, konwencjonalne określenia bezpieczeństwa identyfikują tę nazwę złożoną z brakiem zagrożeń, chociaż może z czymkolwiek, np. pewnością lub niezawodnością albo stabilnością itp.
The author seeks to unravel the dilemma associated with real and etymological conception of security, its conventional and often wildcard definition, and its natural and essential definition. In this illustration, there are two types of names distinguished by Plato and Aristotle: Conventional and Natural. Hence, the semantic analysis and explanations contained in the following parts of the text refer to the meaning of the conventional name of complex security, the natural name in Polish and not only in Polish. On the one hand, the conclusions point to inaccurate and conventional terms of security - most often lack of threats - and on the other hand, on the right and natural - rather by or through custody, control and care. The latter have etymological and semantic fixation in the archaic name found in the Polish language, namely: security (bezpieczeństwo). Also embedding the meaning of the name security in the Latin securitas (se – himself, cura – care) means every self determination, supervision and control, and care. Hence, the recommendation for such a natural and accurate definition of the name of safety, which proclaims that it is such a state of affairs, whose specificity is its concern, control and care. Contrary to this natural definition, conventional security definitions identify this name with “no risk”, although it may, with certainty, such as certainty or reliability or stability, not always be true.
A useful tool for modelling behaviour in theoretical computer science is the concept of coalgebras. Coalgebras enable one to model execution of programs step by step using categorical structures and polynomial endofunctors. In our paper, we start with a short introduction of basic notions and we use this method for modelling structural operational semantics of a simple imperative language.
Content available remote Semantics for Specialising Attack Trees based on Linear Logic
Attack trees profile the sub-goals of the proponent of an attack. Attack trees have a variety of semantics depending on the kind of question posed about the attack, where questions are captured by an attribute domain. We observe that one of the most general semantics for attack trees, the multiset semantics, coincides with a semantics expressed using linear logic propositions. The semantics can be used to compare attack trees to determine whether one attack tree is a specialisation of another attack tree. Building on these observations, we propose two new semantics for an extension of attack trees named causal attack trees. Such attack trees are extended with an operator capturing the causal order of sub-goals in an attack. These two semantics extend the multiset semantics to sets of series-parallel graphs closed under certain graph homomorphisms, where each semantics respects a class of attribute domains. We define a sound logical system with respect to each of these semantics, by using a recently introduced extension of linear logic, called MAV, featuring a non-commutative operator. The non-commutative operator models causal dependencies in causal attack trees. Similarly to linear logic for attack trees, implication defines a decidable preorder for specialising causal attack trees that soundly respects a class of attribute domains.
Content available remote Relating Concrete Defeasible Reasoning Formalisms and Abstract Argumentation
There are a wide variety of formalisms for defeasible reasoning that can be seen as implementing concrete argumentation on defeasible rules. However there has been little work on the relationship between such languages and Dung’s abstract argumentation. In this paper we identify two small fragments of defeasible rule languages on which many concrete defeasible formalisms agree. The two fragments are closely related, as we show. Both arise as ways to express abstract argumentation frameworks in the concrete formalisms. Using these fragments, we establish a close relationship between abstract argumentation under semantics based on complete extensions, and ambiguity blocking logics in the framework of Antoniou et al. These results support a uniform approach to deriving complexity lower bounds for defeasible formalisms, where a lower bound is established for abstract argumentation and can then be extended “for free” to corresponding concrete defeasible formalisms.
Content available remote On Determining the AND-OR Hierarchy in Workflow Nets
This paper presents a notion of reduction where a WF net is transformed into a smaller net by iteratively contracting certain well-formed subnets into single nodes until no more of such contractions are possible. This reduction can reveal the hierarchical structure of a WF net, and since it preserves certain semantic properties such as soundness, can help with analysing and understanding why a WF net is sound or not. The reduction can also be used to verify if a WF net is an AND-OR net. This class of WF nets was introduced in earlier work, and arguably describes nets that follow good hierarchical design principles. It is shown that the reduction is confluent up to isomorphism, which means that despite the inherent non-determinism that comes from the choice of subnets that are contracted, the final result of the reduction is always the same up to the choice of the identity of the nodes. Based on this result, a polynomial-time algorithm is presented that computes this unique result of the reduction. Finally, it is shown how this algorithm can be used to verify if a WF net is an AND-OR net.
Adverbial clauses of time are positioned either before or after their associated main clauses. This study aims to assess the importance of discourse-pragmatics and processing-related constraints on the positioning of adverbial clauses of time in research articles of applied linguistics written by authors for whom English is considered a native language. Previous research has revealed that the ordering is co-determined by various factors from the domains of semantics and discourse-pragmatics (bridging, iconicity, and subordinator) and language processing (deranking, length, and complexity). This research conducts a multifactorial analysis on the motivators of the positioning of adverbial clauses of time in 100 research articles of applied linguistics. The study will use a random forest of conditional inferencje trees as the statistical technique to measure the weights of the aforementioned variables. It was found that iconicity and bridging, chich are factors associated with discourse and semantics, are the two most salient predictors of clause ordering.
Content available remote Towards Deriving Conclusions from Cause-effect Relations
In this work we propose an extension of logic programming, under the stable model semantics, and the action language BC where rule bodies and causal laws may contain a new kind of literal, that we call causal literal, that allows us to inspect the causal justifications of standard atoms. To this aim, we extend a recently proposed semantics where each atom belonging to a stable model is associated with a justification in the form of an algebraic expression (which corresponds to a logical proof built with rule labels). In particular, we use causal literals for evaluating and deriving new conclusions from statements like "A has been sufficient to cause B." We also use the proposed semantics to extend the action language BC with causal literals and, by some examples, show how this action language is useful for expressing a high level representation of some typical Knowledge Representation examples involving causal knowledge.
Content available Continuum as a primitive type
The paper is the revision, extended and full version of the short (6 pages) preliminary presentation of the grounding of the notion of Continuum given in Section 6 of the paper Types and operations ICS PAS Report No. 1030 (also at http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.03043). Here, primitive types (corresponding to the intuitive concept of Continuum) are introduced along with primitive operations, constructors, and relations.
Praca jest znacznym rozszerzeniem i uzupełnieniem Rozdziału 6 pracy Types and operations Prace IPI PAN Nr 1030 (również na http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.03043). Tutaj nowe pierwotne typy (odnoszące się do intuicyjnego pojęcia Continuum) są wprowadzone razem z pierwotnymi operacjami, konstruktorami oraz relacjami.
Grammar engineering is the task of designing and implementing linguistically motivated electronic descriptions of natural language (socalled grammars). These grammars are expressed within well-defined theoretical frameworks, and offer a fine-grained description of natural language. While grammars were first used to describe syntax, that is to say, the relations between constituents in a sentence, they often go beyond syntax and include semantic information. Grammar engineering provides precise descriptions which can be used for natural language understanding and generation, making these valuable resources for various natural language applications, including textual entailment, dialogue systems, or machine translation. The first attempts at designing large-scale resource grammars were costly because of the complexity of the task (Erbach 1990) and of the number of persons that were needed (see e.g. Doran et al. 1997). Advances in the field have led to the development of environments for semi-automatic grammar engineering, borrowing ideas from compilation (grammar engineering is compared with software development) and machine learning. This special issue reports on new trends in the field, where grammar engineering benefits from elaborate high-level methodologies and techniques, dealing with various issues (both theoretical and practical).
Content available remote Analysis of aspects of messages hiding in text environments
In the work are researched problems, which arise during hiding of messages in text environments, being transmitted by electronic communication channels and the Internet. The analysis of selection of places in text environment (TE), which can be replaced by word from the message is performed. Selection and replacement of words in the text environment is implemented basing on semantic analysis of text fragment, consisting of the inserted word, and its environment in TE. For implementation of such analysis is used concept of semantic parameters of words coordination and semantic value of separate word. Are used well-known methods of determination of values of these parameters. This allows moving from quality level to quantitative level analysis of text fragments semantics during their modification by word substitution. Invisibility of embedded messages is ensured by providing preset values of the semantic cooperation parameter deviations.
Niniejsza praca dotyczy badań nad zagadnieniami, które powstają podczas ukrywania wiadomości w środowisku tekstowym, przesyłanym przez elektroniczne kanały komunikacyjne oraz internet. Przeprowadzona jest analiza wyboru lokalizacji w środowisku tekstowym (TE), w którym oryginalne słowo jest zastępowane słowem ukrywanej wiadomości. Wybór i zastąpienie słów w środowisku testowym jest dokonywane w oparciu o analizę semantyczną fragmentu tekstu składającego się ze wstawionego słowa oraz środowiska tekstowego (TE). Dla przeprowadzenia takiej analizy wykorzystano koncepcję parametrów semantycznych grupy słów (wyrażenia) oraz wartości semantycznej pojedynczego słowa. Zastosowano dobrze znane metody określania wartości tych parametrów. To pozwala na przejście od analizy semantyki fragmentów tekstu na poziomie jakościowym do analizy na poziomie ilościowym w przypadku modyfikacji tych fragmentów poprzez zamianę pojedynczych słów. Niewidzialność (niemożliwość wykrycia) wbudowanych komunikatów jest zapewniona przez wstępne określenie wartości odchylenia dla parametru semantycznej zgodności analizowanego wyrażenia.
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