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The liquidation process of mines is very complex and long. It relates to various hazards, including post-mining seismicity and deformations of ground surface. The above issues are the subject of the research project under which the monitoring of ground surface movements is carried out in the area of the closed coal mine “Kazimierz-Juliusz”, which is currently being flooded. The monitoring is carried out using the GNSS technique and satellite radar interferometry (InSAR). The project makes use of radar data from the Copernicus project, which is being implemented by the European Commission in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA). InSAR monitoring started in December 2020. Additionally, we analyzed the impact on ground surface of 5 rock tremors of the energy not exceeding 6.5E + 05 J (tremor magnitude Mw = 2.1), which were reported in the investigated area in 2018–2020. The article presents the results of qualitative analysis involving the relationship between seismic activity and vertical movements of ground surface. To investigate potential changes in altitude, DInSAR technology was applied. On the basis of interferometric images generated from radarograms in the periods before and after the tremor, in January 2019, it was found that vertical movements of ground surface were possible to occur. Altitude changes can be characterized with the values in the range of single millimeters, which are only slightly beyond the accuracy range of the InSAR method. The analysis of interferograms, comprising wider time databases, indicated that the impact of the tremor on the deformations of ground surface is incidental.
Proces likwidacji kopalń jest bardzo złożony i długotrwały. Towarzyszą mu różne zagrożenia, wśród których można wymienić sejsmiczność pogórniczą oraz deformacje powierzchni terenu. Problematyka ta jest przedmiotem projektu badawczego, w ramach którego wykonywany jest monitoring ruchów powierzchni na terenie nieczynnej już kopalni „Kazimierz-Juliusz”, która jest obecnie zatapiania. Monitoring realizowany jest z wykorzystaniem techniki GNSS oraz satelitarnej interferometrii radarowej (InSAR). W projekcie wykorzystywane są dane radarowe z projektu Copernicus, który realizowany jest przez Komisję Europejską we współpracy z Europejską Agencją Kosmiczną (ESA – European Space Agence). Monitoring techniką InSAR rozpoczęto w grudniu 2020 roku. Dodatkowo przeanalizowano powierzchniowe skutki pięciu wstrząsów górotworu o energii nieprzekraczającej wartości 6,5E+05 J (magnituda wstrząsu Mw = 2,1), które zarejestrowano w rejonie badań w latach 2018–2020. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy jakościowej związków aktywności sejsmicznej z ruchami pionowymi powierzchni terenu. W celu zbadania potencjalnych zmian wysokościowych wykorzystano technologię DInSAR. Na podstawie obrazów interferometrycznych wygenerowanych z radarogramów w okresach przed i po wstrząsie, w styczniu 2019 roku, stwierdzono możliwość wystąpienia pionowych ruchów powierzchni terenu. Zmiany wysokościowe scharakteryzować można wartościami w zakresie pojedynczych milimetrów, wykraczających tylko nieznacznie poza zakres dokładności metody InSAR. Analiza interferogramów, obejmujących szersze bazy czasowe, wskazała na incydentalny wpływ wstrząsu na deformacje powierzchni terenu.
Frequency-magnitude distribution was investigated in Elazig city and the surrounding area (coordinates ranging from 38.1° N to 39° N for latitudes and 39° E to 40° E for longitude) to reveal the present-day crustal stress within the region. For this study, a complete set of 5603 earthquakes of Md≥1 from 1 January 2000 to 31 August 2020 were localized from the Bogazici University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, Regional Earthquake-Tsunami Monitoring Center (KOERI) catalogue. For the whole study region, spatial mapping of the frequency-magnitude distribution was thus produced. The frequency-magnitude distribution (b-value) for seismicity within the study area was not homogeneous. Outstanding variations in the b-value were detected with b ranging from b≈slightly more than 0.3–2. In this region, low b-values are mostly dominant in the region except for a few local areas. This study also shows that accumulated stresses are high particularly at the Pütürge segment in contrast to the fault drawn in the south, which represents the main thrust belt that runs through Hani-Lice and stretches to Çüngüş. As expected, stress accumulation in reverse faults is fairly higher. However, the sharing of the tension formed in the compression zone of the Arabian Plate and the Anatolian plate (i.e. stress partitioning in a sense), results in a low share in the reverse fault belt.
Mining operations cause volumetric deformations within the rock mass and changes in its density, to which the gravimetric method is sensitive. These changes are particularly well seen in periodic measurements of the local gravity field. The paper analyses the relationship between the movement of a longwall in a coal seam and the change in the distribution of the gravity field in time and space observed on the ground surface. Relative gravimetric measurements were carried out in six series between 2018 and 2020; before the start of coal extraction, with the progress of the longwall and after the cessation of mining. Collected data allowed differential maps of changes in gravity to be plotted. Differential anomalies between the subsequent measurement series, and the reference one were then analysed. The distribution and temporal variations of the anomalies suggest a relationship between changes in density distribution of the rock medium in the longwall overburden, and the change in the stress state in the rock mass caused by the passage of the longwall front. An attempt was made to relate the variability of the state of stresses in the longwall overburden to the intensity of seismic tremors with energy > 10-4 J accompanying longwall exploitation.
Hydraulic structures, dams and technological equipment are exposed to dynamic loads which are caused by natural seismicity and technical seismicity. Measurement of induced vibrations and dynamic motions of structures can be used to find out more facts. It is an effective way to find out if the structure has been exposed to undesired stress or warn in time of possible exceedance of safety limits. Based on the measurement we can also assess the condition of technological equipment. The measurement can be used to assess the realized design of a structure or also as a basis for the design of reconstruction and improvements of constructions. The paper presents practical examples of measurements, conclusions and measures derived from them.
Budowle hydrotechniczne, zapory i urządzenia technologiczne narażone są na obciążenia dynamiczne wywołane sejsmicznością naturalną oraz sejsmicznością techniczną. Pomiary drgań indukowanych i dynamicznych ruchów konstrukcji może posłużyć do poszerzenia wiedzy o budowli. Jest to skuteczny sposób na sprawdzenie, czy konstrukcja została narażona na niepożądane naprężenia lub bieżące ostrzeżenia o możliwym przekroczeniu granic bezpieczeństwa. Na podstawie pomiarów możemy również ocenić stan urządzeń technologicznych. Pomiary mogą być wykorzystany do oceny realizowanego projektu budowli lub jako podstawa do projektowania przebudowy i usprawnień konstrukcji. W artykule przedstawiono praktyczne przykłady pomiarów, wnioski i kroki podjęte na ich podstawie.
W artykule przedstawiono program SWIP5, przeznaczony do pracy w obserwatoriach sejsmologicznych, instytutach badawczych i centrach monitoringu zagrożenia sejsmicznego, takich jak kopalnie. Celem jego opracowania, łączącego rozwiązania sejsmologii górniczej z sejsmologią ogólną, było ułatwienie rutynowej analizy danych sejsmicznych na różnym poziomie zaawansowania. SWIP5 ma budowę modułową. Składa się z rdzenia umożliwiającego podstawowe operacje oraz niezależnych od rdzenia modułów, w oparciu o które użytkownik może tworzyć własną funkcjonalność programu. Artykuł prezentuje zasadę budowy programu i analizy danych sejsmicznych, sposób przechowywania wyników oraz metody współpracy z innymi narzędziami do badania zagrożenia sejsmicznego.
SWIP5 (Seismic Waves Interpretation Program) is designed to work in seismological observatories, research institutes, and seismic hazard monitoring centers such as mines. The purpose of its development was to facilitate at various levels the analysis of seismic data. The use of SWIP5 ranges from elementary analysis to scientific research. Depending on the configuration the SWIPcan be used at various stages of the seismic hazard investigation. During its design, we made efforts to combine experiences of mining and global seismology. The program is modular. It consists of a core enabling basic operations and controlling modules, which users can build independently, added or removed during the SWIP5 exploitation depending on the needs so that the user can create their functionality of the SWIP5. The program is now routinely used at the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and implemented at the Central Mining Institute. The article presents how the program works and analyzes seismic data, the method of storing the results, and cooperation with other tools for the study of the seismic hazard.
Afghanistan has been subjected to many disastrous earthquakes in the past as it is situated in a seismically vigorous region. The converging edge of the Arabian, Indian, and Eurasian plates accounts for the high seismicity of the region. An Mw 7.5 earthquake hit northern areas of Afghanistan along with Pakistan on the October 26, 2015, with its epicenter positioned in the Hindu Kush (HK) region of Afghanistan at 45 km southwest of Jarm. Resulting in 115 deaths and impairment to 7679 buildings, the earthquake was of an intermediate depth (210 km), which was instigated from reverse faulting. In the current investigation, we investigated the instrumental earthquake data acquired from the multiple data sources for the period of ugust 4, 2015 to March 27, 2016 and from the main earthquake catalog; the aftershocks were classifed by exploiting Reasenberg’s algorithm. Numerous histograms of time, the hour of the day, depth, and magnitude have been formulated for explaining the disparity of aftershocks. The foremost inconsistency happens within the 3 days after a mainshock of the HK 2015 earthquake, as disclosed by the outcomes. The Gutenberg-Richter law was exploited to analyze the size dissemination of aftershocks, and the observed value of b is 1.02+/−0.06. In and around the epicenter of the HK 2015 earthquake, for the depiction of the decay proportions of aftershock sequences, Omori-Utsu law was exercised. The “p value,” which is the decay component, is computed to be 1.46+/−0.08.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki obserwacji zmian pola grawitacji ziemskiej rejestrowanych w czasie występowania wstrząsów górotworu wywołanych podziemną eksploatacją węgla na terenie Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego. Zmiany pola grawitacji rejestrowane są w sposób ciągły przez dwa grawimetry pływowe gPhoneX zainstalowane w dwóch, różnych pod względem sejsmiczności górniczej rejonach Zagłębia. Jeden z grawimetrów zainstalowano w południowej części GZW, w rejonie kopalni ROW w Rybniku. Na tym obszarze odbywa się intensywna eksploatacja pokładów węgla na głębokości około 1 km. Ogniska wstrząsów powodowanych eksploatacją znajdują się w odległościach epicentralnych od 0 do 3 km od miejsca instalacji stacji grawimetrycznej, tj. w bliskim polu falowym zdarzeń sejsmicznych. Drugi grawimetr rejestruje zmiany siły ciężkości w północnej części GZW, na terenie pogórniczym w Katowicach, gdzie eksploatacja została dawno zakończona. Zarejestrowane przez ten instrument antropogeniczne zdarzenia sejsmiczne pochodzą z odległości od kilku do kilkudziesięciu kilometrów - z obszaru odległych aktywnych kopalń węgla, a tym samym z pola dalekich zdarzeń sejsmicznych. Celem artykułu jest analiza zbioru danych sygnałów sejsmo-grawitacyjnych pochodzących od wstrząsów górniczych zarejestrowanych przez grawimetry w okresie blisko 14 miesięcy, od listopada 2018 r. do grudnia 2019 r. w aspekcie ich przydatności do badania ruchów górotworu wywołanych sejsmicznością towarzyszącą eksploatacji. Wykonywane za pomocą układu grawimetrów pływowych mogą istotnie wzbogacić informację sejsmologiczną uzyskiwaną z tradycyjnych górniczych sieci sejsmologicznych w przedziale bardzo niskich częstotliwości ruchów górotworu.
The article presents the results of observations of changes in the Earth’s gravity field recorded during the occurrence of rock mass shocks caused by underground coal mining in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Changes in the gravitational field are recorded continuously by two gPhoneX tidal gravimeters installed in two regions of the USCB, different in terms of mining seismicity. One of the gravimeters was installed in the southern part of the USCB, near the ROW mine in Rybnik. Intensive exploitation of coal seams takes place in this area at a depth of about 1 km. The foci of mining tremors are located at distances from 0 to 3 km from the place of installation of the gravimetric station, i.e. in the near field of seismic events. The second gravimeter records changes in gravity in the northern part of the USCB, in the post-mining area in Katowice, where exploitation has ended. The anthropogenic seismic events recorded by this instrument come from a distance of several to several dozen kilometers - from the area of distant active coal mines, and thus from the distant field of seismic events. The purpose of the article is to analyze the set of seismo-gravity signals coming from mining tremors recorded by gravimeters over a period of almost 14 months, from November 2018 to December 2019 in the aspect of their usefulness for the study of mining induced rock mass movements. Due to their distinctness, observations conducted by tidal gravimeters system can significantly enrich seismological information obtained from traditional mining seismological in a very low frequency range of rock mass motions.
Content available remote Seismicity analysis of selected faults in Makran Southern Pakistan
This study was focused on evaluation of seismicity yield of key faults guarding the terrestrial Makran region (Balochistan and Iran) using updated datasets. The Makran onshore region is bounded by paramount strike-slip faults (Chaman fault, Ghazaband fault, Ornach-Nal fault and Minab fault). We have compiled the earthquake’s catalog and performed iterative processes for declustering of independent main shocks, estimation of magnitude completeness and b-values. The main shocks of disastrous earthquakes, e.g., Mw 7.7 Quetta (1935) and Mw 7.7 Awaran (2013), have epicenters along the Ghazaband fault and splay of Chaman fault, respectively. The earthquake source parameters such as moment magnitude, focal depth, focal mechanism, and epicenter location was utilized in mapping and seismicity evaluation of the faults. The focal mechanism solution was derived to determine the fault mechanics in generating the Mw>5.0 events along these faults. This study helped us to compare the seismological profles of each boundary fault and present the seismological information including the characteristics of events on/along fault, estimation of re-occurrence period, corresponding b-value, and hazard potential of the of the key faults. Since our study is based on recent dataset, i.e., inclusion of 2013 Mw 7.7 Awaran earthquake, the estimated results could help in better planning against the earthquake hazard in near-feld cities & coastal towns of southern Pakistan.
Koyna region in western India experienced more than 1,00,000 earthquakes of diferent magnitudes (M ~ 1.0–6.3) in the past fve decades. Earthquakes in this region are believed to be triggered by a change in fuid pressure due to the percolation of the reservoir (Koyna and Warna reservoir) water into the subsurface. A drilling program was set up by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, India and International Continental Scientifc Drilling Program (ICDP) to study the deep subsurface lithol ogy, structure, thermal attributes, etc. as the area is covered by~950 m of thick Deccan basalts. This paper reviews all the hypotheses proposed by earlier workers to explain the mechanism of reservoir trigger causing earthquakes and summarizes such theories to a simple generic model. Slip tendency analysis was further carried out based on the proposed model to explain the dependence of fault slip on fault geometry, rock mechanical properties, stress and fuid gradients. Finally, faults at various depths were characterized (favourably oriented, unfavourably oriented and severely misoriented) based on their potential to go into failure.
The Eastern Indian Shield (EIS) consists of two cratonic nuclei, namely Singhbhum craton and Chhotanagpur Granitic Gneissic terrain. This area contains several crisscross faults, lineaments, shear zones, numerous hot springs and three major rivers (e.g., Ganga, Brahmaputra and Damodar). The area is regionally covered by 7 seismic stations and jointly recorded 16 events from the study area, and less noisy waveforms of 4 events were used for focal mechanism analysis using the Cut and Paste method. The focal parameters of these 4 events were compiled with results of 8 events computed by diferent workers for the study area. To understand the detailed tectonics, focal mechanisms of 21 events for the Himalayan segment were taken from CMT Harvard catalog of duration 1976–2017. Spatial variations of operative stress felds for major tectonic domains were analyzed in the present study based on stress inversion of focal mechanism parameters. We observed strike-slip-dominated movements in the EIS, which changes partially into extension in the northeast part between the Ganga and Brahmaputra Rivers. Thrust-dominated movements evidenced by focal mechanisms and the pure compression in the western segment of the Himalaya in the north might be promoting shear movements in the EIS and adjoining regions. The pure strike-slip in the eastern segment of the Himalaya and its deeper level account for lateral shearing and eastward movements of diferent tectonic blocks. The normal faulting earthquakes in the northeast part might be indicating stretching in the basement because of convergence of Indian lithosphere beneath the Myanmar plate.
To study the difference in seismic vulnerability of multiple typical structures in multiple intensity zones, the seismic damage of 7099 buildings of Dujiangyan masonry structure (MS), reinforced concrete structure (RC) and bottom frame seismic wall masonry (BFM) in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China is summarized and analysed. First, a statistical analysis of the data is carried out, the empirical seismic vulnerability matrix and model curves are established by considering the number of storeys, the age and the fortification factors.The vulnerability curves of the cumulative exceeding probability of the empirical seismic damage and the grade of the seismic damage in multiple intensity zones are shown. The mean damage index vulnerability matrix model is proposed and verified using the empirical seismic damage matrix of typical structures.
In recent years, seismic time series has been used to construct complex network models in order to describe the seismic complexity. The effect of the factor focal depth has been elided in some of these models. In this paper, we aim to construct a new complex network model for seismicity by considering depth factor from the earthquake catalog and investigate the statistical properties of the network. Since the networks have been proved to be scale-free and small-world properties, the new network models should be studied whether the properties have changed. The results show that the new network model by considering depth factor is still scale-free and small-world. However, it is found that its average degree is smaller than the original network. The clustering coefficient increases at the year including mainshocks. The assortativity coefficient, which demonstrates preferential attachment of nodes, is positive and shows consistent pattern when main shocks occur.
In this study, a model based on multivariate autoregressive forecast of seismicity (MARFS) algorithm is adopted to forecast seismic activity rates in northwest Himalaya, using the compiled homogenized moment magnitude (MW) based catalogue. For this purpose, each source zone delineated by Yadav et al. (Pure Appl Geophys 170:283–295, 2012) is divided into a spatial grid interval of 0.5° × 0.5° while the entire catalogue span (1975–2010) is segregated into six time periods/grids to estimate seismic activity rates spatially and temporally. These seismic activity rates which are estimated from spatial density map of hypocenters exhibit high values in Chaman Fault (Zone 1), Hindukush-Pamir region (Zone 3) and the mega thrust systems, i.e., Main Central Thrust, Main Boundary Thrust and Himalayan Frontal Thrust (Zone 4). Then, the seismic activity rates during 2011–2016 could be forecasted by extrapolating (through auto-regression procedure) those observed for previous time periods. The forecast seismic activity rates are estimated within the values of 0 and 7.57 with high values primarily observed in Hindukush-Pamir region of Zone 3 and the gently north-dipping thrust fault systems (Main Central Thrust, Main Boundary Thrust, Himalayan Frontal Thrust) of Zone 4. Finally, the associated area under the curve of receiver operating characteristics graph suggests the superiority of forecasting model with respect to random prediction, whereas results of the data-consistency test, i.e., N test of our model, exhibit consistency in between the observed and simulated likelihoods. Moreover, the hypothetical t test performed in between the spatial grids of forecast seismic activity rates and observed seismic activity rates confirms that the former is consistent with the latter.
In a recent study, Papadakis et al. (Physica A 456: 135–144, 2016) investigate seismicity in Greece, using the non-extensive statistical physics formalism. Moreover, these authors examine the spatial distribution of the non-extensive parameter qM and show that for shallow seismicity, increase of qM coincides with strong events. However, their study also reveals low qM values along the North Aegean Trough, despite the presence of strong events during 1976–2009. Consequently, the present study further examines the temporal behaviour of parameters qM and A, to reveal their relation with the evolution of the earthquake sequence. Through temporal examination of these parameters, we aim to show that the seismogenic system of the North Aegean Trough presents high degree of interactions after strong earthquakes during the studied period. Our findings indicate that increase of qM signifies the existence of long-range correlations. If its value does not significantly decrease after a strong earthquake (i.e. M ≥ 5) then the studied area has not reached the state of equilibrium.
Producing accurate seismic hazard map and predicting hazardous areas is necessary for risk mitigation strategies. In this paper, a fuzzy logic inference system is utilized to estimate the earthquake potential and seismic zoning of Zagros Orogenic Belt. In addition to the interpretability, fuzzy predictors can capture both nonlinearity and chaotic behavior of data, where the number of data is limited. In this paper, earthquake pattern in the Zagros has been assessed for the intervals of 10 and 50 years using fuzzy rule-based model. The Molchan statistical procedure has been used to show that our forecasting model is reliable. The earthquake hazard maps for this area reveal some remarkable features that cannot be observed on the conventional maps. Regarding our achievements, some areas in the southern (Bandar Abbas), southwestern (Bandar Kangan) and western (Kermanshah) parts of Iran display high earthquake severity even though they are geographically far apart.
The use of a newly developed earthquake simulator has allowed the production of catalogs lasting 100 kyr and containing more than 100,000 events of magnitudes ≥4.5. The model of the fault system upon which we applied the simulator code was obtained from the DISS 3.2.0 database, selecting all the faults that are recognized on the Calabria region, for a total of 22 fault segments. The application of our simulation algorithm provides typical features in time, space and magnitude behavior of the seismicity, which can be compared with those of the real observations. The results of the physics-based simulator algorithm were compared with those obtained by an alternative method using a slip-rate balanced technique. Finally, as an example of a possible use of synthetic catalogs, an attenuation law has been applied to all the events reported in the synthetic catalog for the production of maps showing the exceedance probability of given values of PGA on the territory under investigation.
The Karviná region is well known as an area with an intensive mining induced seismicity. The local geological pattern, especially subsurface sedimentary layers, belongs to one of the most important factors that influence the amplification of seismic effect on the surface. In order to investigate the amplification effect, there are used methods of spectral ratio that enable to analyse records of vibrations. In the present study, two methods, signed as SSR (standard spectral ratio) and HVSR (horizontal to vertical spectral ratio), were used for the site effect evaluation. The analysis was performed in the populated Doubrava locality where high seismic loading on the surface due to mining induced seismicity is documented.
Budowa modeli fizycznych górotworu jest możliwa przy założeniu szeregu uproszczeń odnoszących się do własności fizykomechanicznych ośrodka skalnego. Konsekwencją ich są niedoskonałości modeli numerycznych. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki analiz zmierzających do sposobu określenia wartości modułu sprężystości górotworu uwarstwionego, którego wartość można by odnieść do jego wielkogabarytowego fragmentu. Podstawą analiz były informacje charakteryzujące fragment złoża w otoczeniu pokładu i sejsmiczności indukowanej jego eksploatacją.
Construction of physical models of rock mass is possible with the assumption of a number of simplifications relating to the physical and mechanical properties of the rock medium. The imperfection of numerical models is the consequence of such approach. The article presents the results of analyzes aimed at how to determine the value of the modulus of elasticity of stratified rock mass, the value of which could be referred to its large-size segment. Information characterizing a portion of a deposit in the surrounding of a seam and seismicity induced by its mining.
The velocity (~242 km•s-1) of the Solar System around the galactic center within the universal pressure (~10-10 Pascal) produces energies within the earth’s volume that is equivalent to that released by the sum of all earthquakes per unit time. The available energy within the earth and solar volume from the expected spatial variations of this pressure along this perimeter, which requires about 250 million years to traverse, can accommodate the increased geomagnetic activity from the expanding solar corona over the last approximately 100 years as well as the increase in global warming. Inferences of a varying structure of space that may explain the periodicity and range in solar cycles as well as anomalous minimums (such as the Maunder phenomenon) suggest a central galactic singularity with spatial ripples exhibiting peak-to-peak troughs that approximate the earth’s circumference and frequencies in the order of 7 to 8 Hz. The precise velocity-universal pressure flux density may also explain the millilux-range magnitude of the earth’s night (air) glow. These results and the application of these concepts indicate that origins of seismicity, slow drifts in the intensity of geomagnetic activity, and global warming (and cooling) trends are products of differential interactions with quantitative fluctuations in sub-matter space and that the subtle variations encountered as the Solar System moves along this 1021 m perimeter may be more significant than previously assumed.
This paper presents a wavelet-based multifractal approach to characterize the statistical properties of temporal distribution of the 19822012 seismic activity in Mammoth Mountain volcano. The fractal analysis of time-occurrence series of seismicity has been carried out in relation to seismic swarm in association with magmatic intrusion happening beneath the volcano on 4 May 1989. We used the wavelet transform modulus maxima based multifractal formalism to get the multifractal characteristics of seismicity before, during, and after the unrest. The results revealed that the earthquake sequences across the study area show time-scaling features. It is clearly perceived that the multifractal characteristics are not constant in different periods and there are differences among the seismicity sequences. The attributes of singularity spectrum have been utilized to determine the complexity of seismicity for each period. Findings show that the temporal distribution of earthquakes for swarm period was simpler with respect to pre- and post-swarm periods.
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