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Content available Security threats to port critical infrastructure
Critical infrastructure is a key element of the functional security of any country. Sea ports (but also river ports) are part of the CI system of the country. The security of such sites is particularly important for the continuity of supply and transit of goods transported by vessels. Ports have always been protected from potential threats. Today, these threats have become more real, particularly as a result of the Russian Federation’s attack on Ukraine. Poland, which today has the status of a frontier state, is a target of espionage and sabotage activities. Security is a state of non-threat. This is the state to which we aspire in every area of modern life of every society, every country. Seaports, like other places, which are essential (special) for the unimpeded and secure delivery of goods. They’ve always been under special surveillance and special protection. Destruction of the port makes it impossible to transport by sea, which is obvious. Threats to port security come from different sources, but at a time of ongoing war in Ukraine, terrorist attacks come to the fore. It is also necessary to highlight the hybrid actions on the border with Belarus, which affect the state of security. Poland, as a front-line country, is particularly vulnerable to acts of terror, diversion and espionage, which is confirmed by the actions of the special services. Monitoring of seaports is part of the security strategy of the critical infrastructure of these places. The threat of CI ports is real, especially at the present time. This applies in particular to the LNG terminal in Świnoujście, which is regularly visited by ships (gas carriers) supplying raw materials of strategic importance. Violation of security rules (principles) may lead to a threat that cannot be ruled out, however, the most important and dangerous are those that come from the outside and are of an intentional nature.
Artykuł dotyczy zagrożeń infrastruktury krytycznej portów morskich w Polsce. Infrastruktura krytyczna jest kluczowym elementem bezpieczeństwa funkcjonowania każdego państwa. Porty morskie, a także porty rzeczne wchodzą w skład systemu IK kraju. Bezpieczeństwo takich miejsc jest szczególnie istotne dla ciągłości dostaw i tranzytu towarów przewożonych statkami. Porty zawsze były chronione przed potencjalnymi zagrożeniami. Dziś zagrożenia te stały się bardziej realne, szczególnie w wyniku ataku Federacji Rosyjskiej na Ukrainę. Polska, która dziś ma status państwa przygranicznego, jest celem działań szpiegowskich i sabotażowych. Monitoring portów morskich wpisuje się w strategię bezpieczeństwa infrastruktury krytycznej tych miejsc. Zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa IK jest realne, zwłaszcza obecnie. Do-tyczy to w szczególności terminalu LNG w Świnoujściu, który regularnie przyjmuje statki (gazowce) dostarczające surowce o znaczeniu strategicznym. Najbardziej niebezpieczne są te zagrożenia, które pochodzą z zewnątrz i mają charakter zamierzony.
Content available remote Kluczowa inwestycja dla rozwoju Portu Gdynia
Z tekstu dowiesz się: dlaczego roboty czerpalne w Porcie Gdynia to jedna z najważniejszych inwestycji, jakie prace są realizowane, jakie dodatkowe korzyści przyniesie pogłębienie akwenów portowych.
The construction of Patimban Port in West Java Province has a potential to increase the flow of exported and imported goods in West Java. The increase will have an impact on the rising traffic flow of vehicles to or from Patimban port. The government has included the construction of the Subang-Patimban toll road in the national spatial plan. This research analyzes stakeholders and the criteria that they expect in the selection of alternative routes to Patimban port. The Multi Actor Multi Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) methodology used aims to evaluate differences in criteria between stakeholders. The selection of alternatives for all stakeholders uses two calculation methods or scenarios, namely, the similarity of weight for all stakeholders as scenario I and weighting the numer of criteria considered by stakeholders in determining the alternative chosen trace as scenario II. The result of the selected alternative calculation is different between scenario I and scenario II.
Currently, focus on dry ports in the People's Republic of China (PRC) is growing, and therefore, the number of dry ports in the country is actively increasing. Due to the multifunctionality of dry ports, they meet the modern requirements of China's transport policy, which prioritizes improving the quality of providing transportation services by providing general access to value-added and high-quality services. The purpose of the PRC's transport system is also to facilitate the movement of freight flows within the State's territory, due to a faster modal shift, increased accessibility of transport, development of auxiliary functions, and construction of integrated transport hubs. Dry ports deal with the mentioned tasks; however, with the increase in the number of dry ports in the PRC, the issue of optimizing the interaction between dry ports has become urgent. The purpose of this research is to scientifically substantiate the need for strengthening technological cooperation between dry ports. The problem of determining the optimal structure of the system of interaction of dry ports was solved using the method of discreteevent simulation and the anyLogistix software tool. The results of assessment of the economic efficiency of the interaction between dry ports are presented. The results of experiments with a model of China’s dry port system showed the possibility of increasing the total profit of participants of the supply chain by 2.3 times and their profitability by 2.6 times, reducing the cost of container transportation by 1.3 times, and fully meeting the demand for transportation. It has been proven that the cooperation of dry ports in supply chains provides enhanced opportunities for processing cargo flows, as a result of the redirection of cargo consignments from overloaded dry ports to dry ports with reserves ith processing capacity. A methodology for optimizing the structure of the system of interaction of dry ports is presented. The methodology is proposed for use as a tool for strategic and current planning of supply chains.
The paper studies two different types of container strategy: the traditional one, which involves container allocation into positions with a minimum stack height; and the “temperature” one, which considers the positions with a minimum “temperature” for the containers in the stack below. The “temperature” in this case means a metric which is connected to the storage (dwell) time of the containers. Particularly, this value can be represented by container selection probability or number of days stored in the container yard. Utilization of different metrics results in significantly different numbers of moves. Therefore, the authors compare two container stacking strategies: the traditional one and the temperature strategy with different metrics. It is stated that these strategies can be compared only by simulation modelling. The paper describes the main algorithms used to provide simulation modelling. The results of the research show that the temperature strategy with container dwell time as temperature metrics can save 6% of the total moves necessary to maintain the container flow.
W artykule zaprezentowane zostały praktyczne aspekty bezpieczeństwa rozwiązania problemów związanych z przemieszczaniem sztuk ciężkich i ładunków wielkogabarytowych z wykorzystaniem systemów hydrauliki siłowej w portach morskich. Przemieszczanie ładunków o parametrach przekraczających możliwości tradycyjnych środków transportu nabiera coraz większego znaczenia gospodarczego i związane jest z dynamicznym rozwojem różnych gałęzi przemysłu. Drogą morską przewożone są największe z nich, a szczególnym wyzwaniem w tym zakresie jest wprowadzenie takiego ładunku na pokład statku lub barki. Każdy przewóz ładunku ponadnormatywnego stanowi duże wyzwanie logistyczne dla firm, które muszą posiadać odpowiednią wiedzę oraz środki do jego realizacji.
The article presents practical elements of solving problems related to the transport of heavy and oversized cargoes with the use of force hydraulics systems in seaports. Moving loads with parameters exceeding the capabilities of traditional means of transport is gaining more and more economic importance and is associated with the dynamic development of various industries. The largest of them is transported by sea, and a particular challenge in this area is the introduction of such cargo onto the ship or barge. Each transport of oversize cargo is a great logistical challenge for transport companies, which must have the appropriate knowledge and means to carry it out.
W artykule zaprezentowano wybrane zagadnienia rozwoju przestrzennego portu morskiego w Gdyni, w szczególności kwestie dotyczące jego uwarunkowań rozwojowych. Wskazano także na relacje między portem a miastem. Port morski i miasto Gdynia są wyjątkowym przypadkiem rozwoju jednostki portowo-miejskiej, w której odwrotnie niż w innych przypadkach najpierw powstał port, a następnie przy nim zaczęło rozwijać się miasto. Uwarunkowania te miały znaczący wpływ na rozwój struktury przestrzenno-gospodarczej zespołu portowo-miejskiego. Opracowanie uzupełniono syntetyczną analizą perspektyw oraz barier rozwojowych Portu Gdynia.
The article presents selected issues of the spatial development of the seaport in Gdynia, in particular its development conditions, as well as the relationship between the port and the city. The seaport and the city of Gdynia are a unique case of development of a port-city unit where, contrary to other cases, the port was created first and then the city started to develop. These conditions had a significant impact on the development of the spatial and economic structure of the port-city complex. The study was supplemented with a synthetic analysis of perspectives and barriers to development of the Port of Gdynia.
Artykuł prezentuje podejścia wybranych portów morskich do zrównoważonego rozwoju oraz prowadzenia polityki w oparciu o koncepcje zielonego portu. W aktualnych realiach rozwój portów morskich nie powinien skupiać się wyłącznie na tradycyjnej aktywności związanej z rozwojem zasobów portowych – rozwoju infrastrukturalnego czy suprastrukturalnego. Nowe formy działalności wychodzić powinny poza granice ich funkcjonowania i obejmować m.in. kwestie związane z otoczeniem społecznym i wrażliwością środowiskową. Wyniki badania obrazują priorytety działalności rozwojowej portów oraz wskazują obszary, które wymagają zwiększonej uwagi. Podjęcie działań w tych obszarach jest niezbędne w celu intensyfikacji działalności równoważącej korzyści ekonomiczne ze społecznymi i środowiskowymi.
The article presents selected seaports’ approaches to sustainable development and policy-making based on the green port concept. In the current reality, the development of seaports should not only focus on traditional activities related to the development of port resources – infrastructural or suprastructural development. New forms of activity should go beyond the boundaries of their operation and include, inter alia, issues related to the social environment and environmental sensitivity. The survey results illustrate the priorities of port development activities and indicate areas that require increased attention. Action in these areas is necessary to enhance activities that balance economic, social and environmental benefits.
Seaports are not only transport nodes but they are also important links in the land-sea transport chains and global supply chains. Due to the nature of their activities, seaports have a significant impact on both their internal and external environment. This necessitates the implementation of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This concept focuses on, to a large extent, considering the positions of all the stakeholders when planning and implementing company strategies. Pursuant to the Act on Seaports and Harbours, the seaports in Szczecin and Świnoujście are ports of primary importance to the national economy. A great challenge for the ports is to simultaneously balance their development with caring for the environment. The aim of this article is to determine whether the seaports in Szczecin and Świnoujście are socially responsible and what the result of their impact on the natural environment and society are. This article uses the case study method, which analyses the activities undertaken by the port management as well as the enterprises that are part of the port service supply centres in Szczecin and Świnoujście, and assesses the effects of these activities. From the results, it can be stated that the Ports Authority, through its business, pro-environmental, pro-social and pro-employee activities, implements the goals of CSR and is a socially responsible entity, although more could be done.
This article discusses the issue of seaport competitiveness. This is one of the most important issues in port studies. Conducting a port competitiveness analysis focuses on comparing components of port competitiveness for selected ports or terminals. First, a comparative analysis of selected seaports was performed in the article, followed by a detailed analysis of selected terminals in indicated ports. The main purpose of the article is to assess the effect of the new investment in the seaport in the town of Police (the construction of the railway connection with the national network) on its competitive position in relation to seaports in the immediate vicinity. To achieve the assumed goal, the following research methods were used: literature review, documentary method, linear weighting method, and variant analysis. The areas covered by the research study are selective seaports in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship (Szczecin, Świnoujście, and Police), Poland. Based on the research studies completed so far, it was shown that connecting a seaport with the national rail network may be a significant factor affecting the port’s competitiveness in relation to the ports located in the direct vicinity.
Content available Synergistic approach to port development
The research based on the analysis of existing theory of port development prediction and control reveals the contrariety between existing models and the requirements of practice. Historically formed toolkit briefed in previous publications of the authors and summarised in this article does not answer to the strategic question of the decision-makers about the development program of a given port. Existing models explain in detail why the port was developed in a particular way without elaborations of the exact directions for future development. Due to the nature of the studied subject it is impossible to create a single model of the process of port development using the traditional methodological principles, which fact is postulated in the article. Since the modern port is a complex, stepwise, multi-level dynamic system, it cannot be adequately mapped using traditional linear system, which is a methodological simplification of reality. As a result, the port models constructed within the linear paradigm suffer significant loss of properties, which from the outset limits the scope of their applicability. To study the strategic characteristics of port development, especially included in the associated spatial-economic clusters, it is convenient to make use of well-established research in other fields of knowledge. The principal task of the authors was not the transfer of the general provisions of this theory and the creation of a methodological concept which is already used in the transport business, but elaborating specific models of development, focusing on the study of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the studied objects. The paper represents the results of modeling the interaction and evolution of port populations serving the hinterland. The results confirmed the theoretical assumptions and the possibility of achieving stated goals.
The operation efficiency of a port with an approach channel to a great extent depends on decisions made by the port authority and harbor master over the channel scheduling. Currently there are no formal methods which allow to evaluate the influence of the channel schedule on the ship turnaround time, especially when the throughput capacity is restricted. The relevant system has a complex structure that rules out common mathematical methods. The paper studies some typical structures of these systems and offers an approach for developing adequate simulation models. These models enable the conduct of comparative studies of different variants of approach channel scheduling and serve as a toolkit to support the decision-making procedure for harbor master and port operators.
Znane metody prognozowania zapotrzebowania na transport towarów oparte są na danych szeregów czasowych, które nie zawsze są dostępne. Celem artykułu jest ocena użyteczności metody jakościowej szacowania popytu na przewozy ładunków żeglugą śródlądową na zapleczu portów morskich w przypadku niedostępności danych historycznych. Oceniana metoda obejmuje pięć etapów i opiera się na badaniu popytu, które przeprowadzono wśród gestorów ładunków. Weryfikację przeprowadzono na przykładzie Odrzańskiej Drogi Wodnej, analizując potencjalne operacje wykonywane w ramach żeglugi śródlądowej do/z portów morskich w Szczecinie i Świnoujściu, przy założeniu, że droga wodna została zmodernizowana do klasy żeglowności III. Uzyskane wyniki badań pozwoliły określić zalety i wady prognozowania opartego na badanej metodzie jakościowej, wskazując na jej użyteczność, i mogą być przydatne dla zarządów portów morskich, spedytorów, firm transportowych i instytucji rządowych podejmujących decyzje w zakresie rozwoju infrastruktury śródlądowych dróg wodnych.
Known methods of forecasting the demand for goods transport are based on given time series, which are not always available. The article aims to assess the usefulness of the qualitative method of estimating the demand for cargo transport by inland waterways in seaports hinterland when historical data are unavailable. The assessed method consists of five stages and is based on a demand survey, which was carried out among cargo senders. The verification performed on the Oder Waterway example, analysing potential operations performed in inland shipping to/from seaports in Szczecin and Świnoujście, on the assumption that the Waterway has been modernized to navigability class III. Obtained research results allowed to determine the strengths and weaknesses of predicting using analysed qualitative method pointing to its usability and can be useful for seaports authorities, forwarders, transport companies and government institutions making decisions regarding the development of inland waterway infrastructure.
World transport faces a serious challenge, which involves the detrimental impact of its activity on the environment. Marine transport is a significant link in the worldwide transport system, which provides the free flow of diversified cargoes and offers competitive prices compared to other modes of transport for the carriage of goods. Seaports enabling waterborne transport have a major impact on the economic, social and natural environment. Port managing authorities show growing awareness of the negative influence of port units on the surrounding environment. Concurrently, environmentally friendly measures are implemented in line with the principles of sustainable development. The article aim is to present the characteristics of the green ports concept in response to ports struggle with environmental problems. The article presents port development background and the evolving approach to environmental issues. The seaport in Gdynia is an example of pursuing a sustainable development policy, and informally is well embedded in the concept of green ports.
Content available remote Wiadukt Biskupia Górka : budowa zmierza do finału
Budowa obiektu mostowego Biskupia Górka w Gdańsku jest ważnym etapem przebudowy Traktu św. Wojciecha, elementem docelowego układu drogowego w ciągu DK91 dochodzącego do portu morskiego łączącego Pomorze z południem kraju. Realizacja inwestycji o wartości około 165 min zł rozpoczęła się jeszcze w 2018 r. i powoli zmierza do zakończenia.
The main goal was to analyse the system of calculating fees in Port of Gdańsk and port of Klaipeda for collecting oil waste to port reception facilities and to check if shipowners are subject to restrictions related to this. This article analyses two sea ports, i.e. the ports of Gdańsk and Klaipeda. Waste management play for the ports of Gdansk and Klaipeda was used for this analysis. Waste types that could be delivered to port reception facilities were analyzed along with the permissible amount of waste delivered in port as part of the tonnage fee. After analysing the available data, it has been concluded that both seaports allow for the discharge of oil waste and oil residues to port reception facilities. Each port has its own separate waste management plan, which sets out the procedure for notifying the port of waste going to the port from vessel. However, each port has its own separate method of calculating fees for waste delivered at the port. The port of Gdansk applies a fixed tonnage fee for a certain amount of waste. If it is exceeded, additional fees are charged. The Klaipeda port, on the other hand, charges a fixed tonnage fee, allowing any amount of waste from a seagoing ship to be delivered. The article compares the ports of the Baltic Sea in terms of fees and the possibility of receiving waste from seagoing vessels. This will allow further analysis of the adaptation of seaports to applicable environmental requirements.
Nowadays, seaports are not only important links between land and sea transport chains, but also serve as logistics centres. Due to their nature, they have an impact on environments both near and far, which requires the implementation of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) concept. In practice, this primarily means taking into account stakeholder expectations in planning and implementing marketing strategies. CSR is becoming the subject of interest not only for major seaports but also smaller ports with regional significance. The Port of Gdansk is the largest in Poland and one of the largest in the Baltic Sea Region, and it therefore plays a significant role in the region’s development. The aim of this article is to define the CSR areas of the Port of Gdansk Authority S.A., and the socially responsible tasks undertaken by port operators and the whole port service centre under the name of the Port of Gdansk.
Celem artykułu jest określić czy działalność Portu Zewnętrznego przyczyni się do zwiększenia wolumenu kontenerów przeładowywanych w polskich portach. Na wstępie przedstawiono powód, dla którego podjęto decyzję o budowie Portu Zewnętrznego. W pierwszym rozdziale zaprezentowano historię konteneryzacji oraz obecne realia towarzyszące przewozom kontenerowym w Polsce i na świecie. Następnie zdefiniowano czym jest port i terminal kontenerowy. Określono rolę terminali kontenerowych we współczesnym handlu światowym oraz sposób ich współdziałania. Opisano inwestycje, które mają lub prawdopodobnie będą mieć miejsce w Porcie Gdynia. Na koniec poddano analizie projekt budowy Portu Zewnętrznego pod kątem przeładunku kontenerów.
The aim of the article is to determine if activity of the External Port will contribute to increase the numer of containers passing through the Polish ports. The introduction shows the reason why decision of building the External Port was made. First chapter shows the history of containerization and present-day reality of container transport in Poland and the world. Then it is define what is a port and container terminal. Next, the role of container terminals in modern world trade and the way of their cooperation was determined. The article describes the investments that take, or probably will take place, in the Port of Gdynia. In the end project of building the External Port was analyzed in terms of containers flow.
Content available remote Analiza zintegrowana portu morskiego w Ustce w wymiarze obronnym
Opracowanie ma charakter koncepcyjny i dotyczy analizy zintegrowanej Portu Morskiego Ustka w kontekście jego wykorzystania w wymiarze obronnym. Przeanalizowano planowaną przebudowę portu. Zasadniczo jest ona ukierunkowana na zapewnienie funkcji rybackich i nie zawiera elementów planowania cywilnego, typowego dla krajów NATO. W rozważaniach nad aspektem obronnym portu wzięto pod uwagę rozwiązania, które mogłyby zwiększyć jego potencjał logistyczny właśnie w tym obszarze. W opracowaniu wykorzystano analizę SWOT/TOWS, główny element analizy zintegrowanej, w celu wskazania pożądanej strategii rozwoju, umożliwiającej zwiększenie potencjału portu w Ustce w wymiarze obronnym.
The study is conceptual in nature and concerns the analysis of the integrated Maritime Port of Ustka in the context of its use in the defense dimension. The planned reconstruction of the port was analyzed. Basically, it is aimed at providing fishing functions and does not contain elements of civil planning, typical for NATO countries. In considering the defensive aspect of the port, solutions were taken into account which could increase its logistic potential in this very area.
Content available remote Porty Szczecin i Świnoujście przyjmą więcej pociągów towarowych
Za prawie 1,5 mld zł zostanie zrealizowany projekt poprawy kolejowego dostępu do portów morskich w Szczecinie i Świnoujściu. Prace obejmują infrastrukturę PKP PLK - stacje Szczecin Port i Świnoujście, a także terminal kontenerowy Grabowski na terenie Portu Szczecin i tory zdawczo-odbiorcze w Porcie Świnoujście.
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