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w słowach kluczowych:  scientific sub-disciplines
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This paper aims to identify the key criteria for distinguishing sub-disciplines in management sciences and evaluate their application in national and international science classifications. Documents from 16 different countries and areas were studied semantically. Triangulation was used to study 16 sub-discipline classifications and survey expert opinions among 31 representatives of management sciences from Poland and China to achieve the paper’s purpose. Based on the results, the classifications use various criteria for categorising sub-disciplines, with the key criteria being (1) resources, (2) activity areas, (3) management concepts and methods, and (4) types of organisations. Meanwhile, the extent of their use is well in line with the expectations of the management sciences community representatives participating in the survey. The paper proposes a theoretical framework of 13 distinguishing criteria and characterises 16 classifications of sub-disciplines in management science from different countries. The theoretical considerations provide a good insight into the logic of creating a classification of sub-disciplines. They also provide a better description and understanding of the role of research specialisations in building the identity, organisation, and development of the management sciences community. The results align with a discussion on improving the classifications of management sciences’ subdisciplines. They are essential in identifying future and promising research specialisations within management sciences. They are helpful in the process of reviewing and/or placing particular research issues or problems in specific subdisciplines of management sciences.
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