Inland waterways in Poland possess significant potential; however, they are not extensively utilized due to their classification parameters. One avenue for enhancing their importance is through investments, which could include the construction of lateral navigation channels. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of such a project on a selected section of the Noteć River (part of International Waterway E70), considering environmental characteristics, nature protection forms, existing infrastructure, and monuments. Two variants were developed to assess potential collisions with existing infrastructure, quantify environmental damage, and identify navigational bottlenecks along the waterways.
Śródlądowe drogi wodne w Polsce mają ogromny potencjał. Nie są jednak szeroko wykorzystywane ze względu na ich parametry klasyfikacyjne. Jednym ze sposobów na zwiększenie ich znaczenia są inwestycje, które mogą uwzględniać budowę lateralnych kanałów żeglugowych. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena wykonalności takich projektów na wybranych odcinkach rzeki Noteć (stanowiącej część Międzynarodowej Drogi Wodnej E70), z uwzględnieniem charakterystyki środowiskowej, form ochrony natury, istniejącej infrastruktury i zabytków. Opracowano dwa warianty w celu oceny potencjalnej kolizji z istniejącą infrastrukturą, oceny ilościowej szkód dla środowiska i zidentyfikowania wąskich gardeł wzdłuż dróg wodnych.
This paper presents the results of a study aimed at determining the possibility of water retention in the lakes located in the upper and middle reaches of the Noteć Zachodnia River in central-west Poland. The study was conducted on the basis of the analysis of available hydrological data and contemporary and archival topographic basemaps. The research was supplemented by a field study from the years 2011-2016, during which numerous surveys and hydrometric measurements were made. Their goal was to determine the natural range of water fluctuations in the lakes under consideration and to identify potential flows in the Noteć Zachodnia River. Observations and calculations allowed the determination of damming ordinates that are within the range of natural water fluctuations of the lakes. On the basis of this information and the previously prepared model of terrain, including the test area, the authors designated zones within the lakes at the required water level and calculated the useful and flood capacity of those water reservoirs. Subsequently, the possibilities of reducing the flood wave on the Noteć Zachodnia River were determined. Calculations were made for 2011, i.e. a year for which the highest winter spate for over 30 years has been documented. It has been shown that, by using only the flood capacities of surveyed lakes, it would be possible to reduce the flood wave on the Noteć Zachodnia River by 30% for the profile closing its catchment below Kamienieckie Lake. The results indicated the validity of damming the lakes located in the catchment of the Noteć Zachodnia River. Water retention in these lakes would restore the water resources in the area and allow reduction of the flood wave during heavy rains. This action would positively affect the ecosystems associated with the river system and would assist the flood protection system in central and west Poland.
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The regulated (engineered) section of the Noteć River located in Nakło County (in Polish referred to as powiat nakielski) along with the Bydgoszcz Canal is part of the international E70 waterway established in the 1990s, which is supposed to ultimately connect Rotterdam with Klaipeda. It is assumed that this fact should constitute a stimulus for a more dynamic economic development of the county, especially in the tourism sector. This opinion is reflected in the already prepared planning documents that serve the establishment of a long-term strategy of the socio-economic development for local authority units. The paper provides a critical evaluation of the attractiveness and accessibility of tourist attractions located in Nakło County in the context of the anticipated regeneration of the E70 waterway. It has been pointed out that the attractiveness of a waterway for the tourist traffic is provided not only by the accompanying heritage infrastructure but also by the natural and cultural potential of the adjacent areas and their tourist development. For this reason, Nakło County can currently only be a transit area for tourists travelling along the E70 waterway rather than a separate and self-sustaining destination.
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