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Soil erosion by water is one of the most important factors affecting contemporary landscape changes within the lowland geoecosystems in Central Europe. Soil erosion by water mainly depends on: rainfalls (especially its intensity and erosivity), length of slope and its inclination, type of cultivation and usage of land, anti-erosion treatments and susceptibility of soils to erosion. The aim of conducted research was to evaluate conditioning and magnitude of secular and extreme soil erosion processes in the Drawsko Lakeland with special considering of rainfall erosivity index (EI30). The main goal was realised through several research tasks. The first task involved examination of surface runoff and slope wash conditionings, course and quantity in the testing plot located within the Chwalimski Potok catchment. The second task was related to evaluate rainfall impact to soil erosion by water processes. It was realised by computation rainfall characteristics: intensity, kinetic energy and erosivity. In order to assess secular and extreme soil erosion impact to land relief changes, research were provided with additional details by conducting three field experiments with simulated rainfall. Stationary observation and quantitative researches of soil erosion (at testing plots) have been conducting within the Chwalimski Brook catchment for three hydrological years (2012–2014). The slope with the test area is located within the 1st order catchment being a subsystem of the Młynski Brook catchment and then followed by the upper Parsęta catchment. This area covers 4.8 hectares and is characterised by short slopes with small height variances up to 10 meters. Historically, the area was covered with agricultural crops, currently they cover about 10% of the area. The slope is covered with gleyic retisols and its average inclination is about 4 degrees with its south-east exposure. The measuring system of soil erosion covered 5 testing plots with different agricultural use (bare fallow, meadow, potatoes, spring and winter crops). Plots are 42 metres long and 4 metres width. In the bottom edge of each plot catchers with volume of 800 dm3 were installed. In this research, only data from black fallow were considered. Such tillage is recognised as a standard in soil erosion studies. Two experiments have been conducted in this testing plot. The third one has been conducted on slope located within an area of undulated morainic plateau in the Kłuda catchment. The slope is characterised by greater height variances than in Chwalimski Brook catchment. The slope, where the experiment has been conducted, is situated within local closed depression and is covered by sands underlain by boulder clay. Its average slope is about 10° with its southwest exposure. Although annual precipitation in the three-year measurement period was comparable with mean value from multi-year period (1987–2014), its intensity and erosivity were distinguishably lower. Such rainfall conditions are not favourable for extreme soil erosion by water processes, thus any relief forms from such geomorphological processes were not observed in the Drawsko Lakeland. Due to lack of that kind of forms, in 2013 and 2014, three field experiments were conducted. The main aim of experiments was to evaluate the impact of high intensity rainfall on soil surface. The first experiment consisted of 5, the second and the third of 4 rainfall simulations. The rainfall was created by using a purpose-built rain simulator, consisting of 3 and 6 sprinklers placed around the testing plot. Despite the slope inclination in the Kłuda catchment was 2.5 times steeper than Chwalimski Potok’s slope, surface runoff attained smaller volume, because of remarkably higher infiltration rate. In 2012–2014, surface runoff and soil loss has occurred 8 times each year. The maximal monthly surface runoff volume was registered in February 2012, and it equalled 10.1 dm3 m−2 and the maximal soil loss value was registered in May 2013 and equalled 3,198 kg ha−1. Annual runoff volumes were between 31.2 dm3 m−2 in 2012 and 38.8 dm3 m−2 in 2013, whereas annual soil loss values ranged from 740 kg ha−1 in 2012 to 5,700 kg ha−1 in 2013. Soil erosion values caused by simulated rainfall during field experiments were similar or significantly higher than annual values. Surface runoff was between 31.2 dm3 m−2 in the first experiment and 34.2 dm3 m−2 in the second one, whilst soil loss was between 4,632 kg ha−1 and 8,637 kg ha−1. The achieved experiment results have been compared with soil erosion rate achieved from stationary observations. The results show that runoff and soil loss considerably increase during rainfalls with high amount, intensity and erosivity. Furthermore, individual extreme erosive events may exceed annual (secular) soil erosion processes. Conducted stationary research indicates that annual soil erosion primarily depends on individual rainfall and erosive events, which considerably exceed mean values. In order to evaluate the soil susceptibility to erosion by water in the Drawsko Lakeland, high resolution potential and actual soil erosion risk maps were prepared. The qualitative assessment of soil erosion risk was based on geoinformation technologies. The model considers following conditions affecting the size of soil erosion: slope steepness and aspect, topographic factor LS (unit upslope contributing area), lithology, rainfall erosivity (Modified Fournier Index calculated from monthly and annual precipitation data) and land use and land cover from Corine Land Cover 2006. To prepare the map of potential soil erosion risk, land use from Corine Land Cover was not considered. Thematic maps have been reclassified into a 4-degree division. The results of the soil erosion risk assessment in the Drawsko Lakeland reveal the fact that a majority of its area is characterized by moderate or low erosion risk levels. Areas with high erosion risk are mostly located in the northern part of the Lakeland. The achieved results from stationary observations and field experiments may indicate that the soil loss magnitude significantly increases during rainfall with higher intensity, greater totals and accumulated in time rainfall events. This may confirm the high potential of soil erosion by water processes of above- -average magnitude and intensity in the discharge of material from agricultural used slopes.
Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy oceny fotogrametrycznych danych wysokościowych, znajdujących się w państwowym zasobie geodezyjnym i kartograficznym, pod kątem ich dokładności wysokościowej, aktualności oraz przydatności do tworzenia prezentacji rzeźby na nowotworzonych mapach topograficznych. Idea ta związana jest z prowadzonymi przez Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii pracami, związanymi z Bazą Danych Obiektów Topograficznych. Prezentowana na mapach topograficznych rzeźba terenu, w postaci tradycyjnego rysunku warstwicowego, wzbogacona będzie o cieniowanie, będące produktem przetworzenia numerycznego modelu terenu. Te dwie formy prezentacji wysokości muszą w jednorodny sposób ukazywać kształt powierzchni terenu. Dotychczasowo wykorzystywane dane w postaci izolinii na warstwach w kolorze sepii nie są źródłem danych mogących dalej funkcjonować w produkcji, z racji braku bezpośredniej możliwości uzyskania z nich prezentacji w postaci cieniowania zboczy, niższej dokładności od tej gwarantowanej przez współczesne technologie pomiarowe, a także z powodu ponad kilkudziesięciu lat, które minęły od czasu ich pozyskania.
This paper concerns evaluation of photogrammetric elevation data, which is stored in the state resources of geodetic and cartographic data and is performed with respect to the data elevation accuracy, timeliness and usefulness for presentation of the terrain relief on new topographic maps. This idea is connected with works performed by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography, concerning the Topographic Objects Database. The terrain relief, which is presented on topographic maps, as conditional contour drawings, will be enriched by shadows, resulting from processing of the digital terrain model. These two forms of presentation of elevations must present, in an uniform way, the shape of the terrain surface. The currently applied data, in the form of isolines on sepia layers are not the source of data which may be continuously used for production purposes. This results from the lack of direct possibility to obtain shadowed slopes, as well as due to their lower accuracy, comparing to the new measurement techniques, as well as due to several decades, which passed since their acquisition.
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W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki analizy morfometrii wybranych grodzisk Ziemi Chełmińsko-Dobrzyńskiej na tle ukształtowania powierzchni terenu obszarów sąsiednich . Celem pracy było wskazanie powiązań między naturalnymi i antropogenicznymi formami rzeźby terenu i stopniem jej zmian w sąsiedztwie grodzisk. Wykorzystano szczegółowe numeryczne modele terenu grodzisk i ich otoczenia, dane teledetekcyjne oraz materiały geologiczno-geomorfologiczne. Badane obiekty zlokalizowane są w dwóch obszarach badawczych – wschodnim obejmującym obszar pogranicza Ziemi Chełmińsko-Dobrzyńskiej i Ziemi Sasinów oraz zachodnim obejmującym dolinę dolnej Wisły. Analizy zostały przeprowadzone na pięciu obiektach na obszarze wschodnim (Chojno, Grążawy, Księte, Nielbark, Pokrzydowo) i jednym na obszarze zachodnim (Kałdus). Wszystkie obiekty przeanalizowano w oparciu o wybrane wskaźniki morfometryczne opisujące w sposób porównywalny ich geometrię. W szczególności brano pod uwagę powierzchnię, długość i szerokość obiektu, kubaturę grodziska, wskaźnik zwartości grodziska, wskaźnik wydłużenia grodziska, ekwiwalent promienia koła i średnie wyniesienie obiektu. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują, że grodziska o małej powierzchni charakteryzują się zwartą geometrią i regularnym kształtem podstawy zbliżonym do okręgu. Ich forma jest niezależna od rzeźby terenu w miejscu lokalizacji. Grodziska o większej powierzchni mające niski wskaźnik zwartości i nieregularny zarys podstawy wykazują formę przestrzenną uzależnioną od ukształtowania powierzchni w miejscu powstania - ich forma została wkomponowana w lokalne ukształtowanie powierzchni. Oprócz tych przypadków można znaleźć także formy pośrednie łączące wskazane cechy. Cechy morfometryczne grodzisk powiązane są z ich znaczeniem w przeszłości – obiekty pełniące funkcje administracyjne w większym stopniu uzależnione były od ukształtowania powierzchni niż obiekty niewielkie, pełniące rolę strażnic. Jakościowe zmiany rzeźby terenu, jakie obserwujemy w obrębie badanych obiektów, w większym stopniu zachodziły w przypadku zwartych form o niewielkiej powierzchni, gdzie człowiek w pełni przekształcał teren pod budowę grodu. Zmiany jakościowe rzeźby terenu w miejscach lokalizacji form większych były mniejsze (mimo większych zmian przestrzennych), z uwagi na przystosowywanie formy geometrycznej grodu do zastanej sytuacji terenowej.
In the paper, results of detailed analysis of morphometric parameters of selected gords (medieval Slavonic fortified settlements) and surrounding areas in Chelmno-Dobrzyn Region were presented. The purpose of the study was to indicate relationships between natural and anthropogenic elements of landform and the degree of change of natural relief in the gords localization. For the study, detailed digital terrain models of the gords and surrounding areas were used as well as remote sensing data and geological and geomorphological materials. The studied gords are located in two tested areas - borderland Chełmno-Dobrzyń Region and Sasin Region in the east and Lower Vistula Valley in the west. The detailed studies covered six different places – five gords in the eastern area (Chojno, Grążawy, Księte, Nielbark, Pokrzydowo) and one in the western area (Kałdus). The studied objects were analyzed on the basis of selected morphometric parameters comparatively describing their geometry (area, length and breadth, volume, compactness ratio, elongation, equivalent radius of the circle, the average height). The analysis of the gords studied showed that objects of small area are characterized by compact geometry and regularly shaped base usually close to a circle. Their geometrical shape is independent of local land relief. Gords of a larger area have low compactness ratio and irregular outline base; their spatial forms depend on the shape of the surface at the location. Morphometric features of the gods depend on their importance in the past – those with administrative functions depended to a greater degree on land relief than small gords serving as watch-towers.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań związków budowy geologicznej z rzeźbą terenu na obszarze Obniżenia Chabówki-Jordanowa. W badaniach tych wykorzystano oprogramowanie GIS oraz narzędzia, jakie ono oferuje, a także metody teledetekcyjne. Zastosowano również metodę lineamentów na bazie interpretacji zapisu cyfrowego modelu wysokościowego. Badany teren mający pogórską morfologię jest wyraźnie obniżony w stosunku do otaczających go pasm Beskidów, czego dowodzą mniejsze wysokości wzniesień oraz wartości wysokości względnych. Jest to związane z tektoniką podłoża. Decyduje ona o tym, że w obrębie Obniżenia Chabówki-Jordanowa mamy do czynienia z zapadliskiem śródgórskim. Przeprowadzone analizy pozwoliły na stwierdzenie, że grzbiety na tym terenie uformowane są przede wszystkim w gruboławicowych piaskowcach formacji magurskiej, a obniżenia i doliny w utworach starszych reprezentowanych przez łupki i kompleksy piaskowcowo-łupkowe. Kierunek przebiegu głównych grzbietów oraz części dolin w większości dowiązuje do kierunków głównych struktur fałdowych. Wyznaczone lineamenty na ogół pokrywały się z uskokami w terenie. Metoda ta pozwoliła na stwierdzenie, że część dolin rzecznych wykorzystuje uskoki poprzeczne.
This study presents the results of researches on correlation between geological structure and terrain morphology of the Orawa-Jordanów Depression. GIS tools and software, as well as remote sensing methods were used in the investigations. Lineaments method basing on DEM data was applied too. The research area bearing foothill morphology is distinctly depressed from the surrounding it Beskidy ranges. The foothills are characterized by lower high peek and relative highs than the Beskids. Morphology of the Chabówka-Jordanów Depression is associated with tectonic structure. The tectonics determines that Chabówka-Jordanów Depression is intermountain tectonic trough. Completed analysis allowed to conclude, that ridges on this terrain are mainly formed of the thick-bedded sandstones of the Magura Formation, and depressions and valleys are dissected in older rocks represented by shale and sandstone-shale complexes. Directions of the main ridges and valleys are parallel to extensions of the main fold structures. Lineaments marked in studied terrain correlate mainly with faults. The lineaments method allowed to conclude that some of valleys exploit the transverse faults.
The natural environment is subject to constant transformation and change as a result of natural factors and human activity. Understanding these mechanisms, as well as identifying the multidirectional trends underlying these environmental changes is of great theoretical and practical importance. The changes taking place in the natural environment are not only local and regional, but also global. Although they proceed slowly, they often lead to disastrous consequences. It is necessary, therefore, to know the mechanisms of the natural environment. This knowledge should be based on a solid understanding of how nature developed in the past, a diagnosing of its current condition, and the ability to identify future trends. The aim of this research was to analyse the functioning of three geoecosystems located within low mountains and foothills, and affected by various human pressure factors, including alkaline emissions and acidification, both of a local type. The study was conducted over roughly a decade from 2002–2011 in geoecosystems located on the border of the Low Beskids and Carpathian Foothills (Szymbark), and in the region of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (Święty Krzyż, Malik). The studies were conducted on experimental plots in stands of deciduous and coniferous trees. At Święty Krzyż, the study was conducted in forests of Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum, in Szymbark in a lime-oak-hornbeam forest (Tilio-Carpinetum), and in Malik in a pine forest (Dicrano-Pinion). The research methods used were consistent with those employed in Integrated Environmental Monitoring. In addition, observations were made of the assimilation organs of fir, spruce, and pine using a Quanta 250 scanning electron microscope (SEM). Differentiation in the studied geoecosystems’ location, elevation above sea level, meteorological conditions, and forest species composition affected the size and source of the incoming air pollution, which in turn determined their functioning. The study showed that in conditions of varying types and intensity of human impact on the geoecosystems, their reaction depended on the location of emission sources, terrain orography, weather conditions, and the systems’ general sensitivity to change. The functioning of the selected geoecosystems was significantly influenced by local, regional and remote SO2 and NO2 emissions, the level of which varied depending on meteorological conditions and the period in which they occurred. Another influencing factor was cross-border pollution, reaching the Świętokrzyskie Mountains from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and the Low Beskids and Carpathian Mountains from Slovakia, as well as pollution originating in the Upper Silesian Industrial Region. Local emissions related primarily to the municipal sector, while in the south-western part of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (Malik) there was additional influence from the cement and lime industry. Because the geoecosystem located in the central part of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (Święty Krzyż) is distinctly elevated above the surrounding region, it is exposed to increased human pressure. The ten-year average value of SO2 concentrations was respectively 1.6 and 2.5 times higher in comparison with the geoecosystem of Malik and Szymbark. In the Świętokrzyskie Mountains’ geoecosystems, horizontal sediments play a significant role in affecting the amount of precipitation reaching the soil. This phenomenon was most clearly marked in the central part of the coniferous stands and occurred mainly during autumn and winter months. This phenomenon was not observed in the Bystrzanka catchment (Szymbark). When evaluating the chemical denudation of a geoecosystem, the deposition of elements in atmospheric precipitation and their transformation in trees plays a crucial role, providing a significant source of the matter circulating in the water catchments. In addition to wet deposition, dry deposition also has a significant impact on the matter balance sheet. Within the forest ecosystem, depending on species composition, the amount of precipitation reaching the forest floor in the form of throughfall and stemflow varies substantially – both being higher in deciduous forests. The factors affecting the amount of precipitation reaching the forest floor include the amount of bulk precipitation, relative humidity and air temperature, the structure and density of tree crowns, seasonal changes, distance from the tree trunk, circumference of the trunk, Summary 150 and roughness of the bark. When passing through tree crowns, water coming from bulk precipitation becomes significantly more acidic or alkaline, depending on the type of human pressure factors present, thus increasing the amount of elements deposited in the soil. This, in turn, affects the rate at which components leach from the soil. It was found that in the studied geoecosystems, an increase in conductivity occurred in the following order: bulk precipitation> throughfall within deciduous stands> stemflow within deciduous stands > throughfall within coniferous stands> stemflow within coniferous stands. Bulk precipitation deposition in the tested systems displayed the following diversity: –– Malik: SO42 – > NO3 – > Ca2+ > Cl – > Mg2+ > Na+ > K+ > NH4+, –– Święty Krzyż: SO42 – > NO3 – > Ca2+ > Cl – > Mg2+ > NH4+ > Na+ > K+, –– Szymbark: NO3 – > SO42 – > NH4+ > Ca2+> Cl – > Na+ > K+ > Mg2+. In temperate forest ecosystems affected by acidic pollutants, the volume of potassium leaching from trees occurs in the following order: autumn (the largest)> summer> spring> winter. The intensity of this process is affected by species composition, the volume of acid deposition, seasonal changes, and the physical-chemical composition (pH) of the precipitation. Rainwater running down tree trunks become acidic regardless of the type of pollutants and tree species. Acidic water reaching the forest floor causes the highest level of soil acidification near the tree trunks, affecting the spatial variability of the rates of soil leaching. Acidification decreases with distance from the tree trunk. The amount of elements present in the surface layer of the soil surrounding deciduous trees decreases with the distance from the trunk; and increases in the case of conifers. The study of pH spatial distribution affected by distance from the trunks of the trees indicates that the greatest acidification occurs within 10 cm of the trunk. In Szymbark, acidification levels reached the silicate buffer range (4.2≥pH>3.8), as well as the aluminum and iron range (3.8≥pH>3.2); in the Święty Krzyż geoecosystem, it was iron (pH <3.2); in Malik – calcium carbonate (pH> 6.3). Among the metals studied, lead was of the greatest importance from the point of view of anthropogenic soil stress in geoecosystems. The highest average lead content in soil samples was found in Święty Krzyż – 77.8 μg∙g–1 d.m., then in Malik – 38.7 μg∙g–1 d.m., and, finally, in Szymbark – 30.0 μg∙g–1 d.m. These values exceed the geochemical baseline. The factor most affecting the surface waters in the studied geoecosystems was calcium of anthropogenic origin. The lowest average calcium concentration levels in soil samples were measured at 287.9 μg∙g–1 d.m. in the Święty Krzyż geoecosystem, in the central part of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Values higher by a factor of at least 1.6 were recorded in Szymbark (462.8 μg∙g–1 d.m.), while the measurements in Malik, in the south-western part of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, indicated a 14-fold increase in calcium (4156.3 μg∙g–1 d.m.). The results can be extrapolated to other areas of lower mountains in Europe in an analysis of the morphogenetic processes and geochemical cycles occurring within catchment areas.
Wieloletnia zmarzlina jest pozostałością po zlodowaceniu kontynentów północnych w plejstocenie. Warstwa przemarzniętego gruntu o średniej miąższości 200-300 m (na Syberii ekstremalnie do 1500 m) w niektórych obszarach przetrwała w postaci ciągłej marzłoci o dużym zasięgu obszarowym, w innych natomiast ma charakter sporadyczny (np. w centralnej i południowej Mongolii). W artykule przedstawiono formy rzeźby terenu charakterystyczne dla zimnego, suchego klimatu - związane z obecnością zmarzliny, opisano zjawiska sezonowe spowodowane okresowym rozmarzaniem przypowierzchniowej warstwy lodu (m.in. spływy soliflukcyjne), a także zaprezentowano problemy budownictwa wynikające z obecności i aktywności tzw. warstwy czynnej.
Permafrost is the residue of northern continents glaciation in Pleistocene. An ice layer of the average thickness of about 200 - 300 m (and extremely in Siberia up to 1500 m) has remained in some areas as the large scale continuous permafrost, and in other, it has a relict character (eg. in central and southern Mongolia). This article presents landforms characteristic of cold, dry climate connected with the presence of permafrost, seasonal phenomena caused by the periodic thawing of the surface ice layer (among others solifluction flows) and construction problems resulting from the presence of the so-called “active layer”.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy współczesnych przemian rzeźby terenu Kielc przeprowadzonej metodami kartografii porównawczej. Określono zmiany form rzeźby terenu, które zachodziły w obecnych granicach administracyjnych miasta od pierwszej połowy XIX do początku XXI w. Szczegółowej analizy dokonano na podstawie badań materiałów kartograficznych w skali 1:10 000 wydanych po 1970 r. Zmiany w okresie wcześniejszym oszacowano na podstawie map archiwalnych w mniejszych skalach.
This paper presents analysis of contemporary changes of landforms in area of the city of Kielce using methods of comparative cartography. Changes of landforms in the last two hundred years, within present administrative borders of the city were investigated. Detailed examination were held on the basis of topographic maps in the scale of 1:10 000, which were made after 1970's. Changes in the earlier period were estimated on the basis of archival maps in smaller scales.
Content available remote Znaczenie rzeźby terenu . w planowaniu przestrzennym na obszarach wyżynnych
Planowanie przestrzenne jest podstawowym narzędziem racjonalnego gospodarowania przestrzenią. Spełnia poprawnie swoje zadania, jeśli opiera się na dobrym rozpoznaniu uwarunkowań przyrodniczych, w tym abiotycznych. Na obszarach wyżynnych i górskich istotną luką w informacji przyrodniczej jest brak szczegółowych map geomorfologicznych. W artykule omówiono znaczenie rzeźby w procesie zrównoważonego gospodarowania przestrzenią. Przedstawiono możliwości, jakie stwarza w tym zakresie Numeryczny Model Terenu.
Spatial planning is a basic tool for the rational management of space. It can properly fulfill its function if based on a thorough recognition of environmental determinants, including abiotic factors. A key feature of planning documents is the spatial presentation of natural resources and phenomena, supplemented with a quantitative description. In upland and mountain areas, the lack of detailed geomorphological maps constitutes a significant environmental information gap. This study discusses the importance of relief in sustainable spatial management. Applications of data possible to obtain from Digital Elevation Model were also presented.
Na obszarach polodowcowych za jeden z elementów determinujących tempo wysychania i zaniku oczek wodnych można uznać położenie danego zbiornika w zróżnicowanym pod względem rzeźby terenu krajobrazie. Celem badań prezentowanych w pracy było określenie ewentualnego wpływu zróżnicowania wzajemnej wysokości zbiorników wodnych na ich wysychanie. Analizą objęto dwa odmienne pod względem genezy i budowy obszary - morenę denną położoną na Równinie Wełtyńskiej oraz obszary sandrów, należące do Pojezierza Myśliborskiego i Równiny Gorzowskiej. Na podstawie danych uzyskanych z map topograficznych stwierdzono, że z istniejących w XIX w. oczek wodnych do końca XX w. na obszarze moreny dennej falistej zanikło 43%, a na obszarach sandrowych - 60%. W przypadkach, gdy różnica poziomów pomiędzy dwoma najbliższymi zbiornikami była większa niż 1 m, zaobserwowano nieznaczną tendencję do zanikania zbiorników leżących powyżej sąsiadującego zbiornika. Dotyczyło to zwłaszcza oczek położonych na obszarach sandrowych.
Location of a small pond in post-glacial landscape of diverse relief is one of the factors determining its drying out and disappearance. The aim of this study was to determine possible effect of altitude differentiation on drying of such ponds. The study involved two areas differing in morphology and origin: an undulate bottom moraine located on Weltyńska Plain and outwash plains located in Myśliborskie Lakeland and Gorzowska Plain (north-west Poland). Basing on data from topographic maps it can be concluded that over 43% of water ponds in moraine areas and 60% of ponds in outwash plains that had existed in the 19th century disappeared till the end of the 20th century If the elevation of the two neighboring small ponds differed by more than 1 m than a slight tendency of faster disappearance of the upper one was noted. This was especially true for ponds located on outwash plains.
Wpływ warunków geograficznych na jakość wód podziemnych w znacznym stopniu polega na zależności pomiędzy rzeźbą terenu oraz charakterem gleb. Obszary górzyste, w odróżnieniu od nizinnych, na ogół wykazują się wyższą jakością wody, m. in. wysoką mineralizacją oraz dobrymi wskaźnikami organoleptycznymi. Wody z obszarów równinnych posiadają nie tylko niską mineralizację wynikającą z zawartości wapnia i magnezu, ale z reguły mają dużą zawartość soli żelaza i manganu, wynikającą z obecności gleb glejowych z poziomami oksydacyjno - redukcyjnymi. Te gleby podwyższają też w wodach podziemnych zawartość amoniaku i siarkowodoru. W części wschodniej powiatu Sanok, gdzie występują tereny górzyste, wody podziemne wykazują wysokie wskaźniki jakości, natomiast na terenach równinnych (zachodnia część powiatu) występują wody o gorszych wskaźnikach ( żelazo, mangan, siarkowodór, amoniak). Dla wód podziemnych z zachodnich terenów powiatu sanockiego należałoby zastosować metody uzdatniania wody polegające na: odżelazianiu, zmiękczaniu, odgazowaniu i filtracji. W artykule przedstawiono wpływ rzeźby terenu oraz charakteru gleb w powiecie Sanok na Podkarpaciu na jakość wód podziemnych.
The influence of geographical conditions on underground water quality depends on a relief of an area and a kind of soil in a region. Water in the mountainous areas is of a very high quality and has a very high mineralization and good organoleptic index. Apparently water from plain areas not only has low mineralization as an effect of calcium and magnesium content but also has a large content of iron and manganese salt. This is an effect of fertile soils which have reduced amount of oxygen. This kind of soil increases a content of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide in the underground water. In Sanok in Podkarpacie and around in the eastern mountainous surroundings, the underground water is of a very high quality but in plain areas which are in the west of the region, water is rather low in indexes such as iron, manganate, hydrogen sulphide or ammonia. For the underground water in the western part of the area utility methods such as iron removal, softening, gas removal and filtration should be applied. The article shows the influence of relief of the area and kinds of soil in the area of Sanok in Podkarpacie on the quality of the underground water.
In strongly eroded areas a considerable part of rural roads turn into road ravines, which is caused first of all by improper localization (arrangement) of roads in relief. Therefore the arrangement of rural roads in relief and hardening of the surface of dirt roads is one of the most important components in shaping agricultural production space in eroded areas. Proper identification of rural road sections requiring protective measures or, in extreme cases, outlining them a new improves the network of rural roads in an economic way, because it allows an effective allocation of available resources according to protection urgency. The paper is a study of an arrangement of road network in relief and of urgency of their protection with the use of the following indices: IARRR (Indicator for the Arrangement of Rural Roads in Relief) and UHRR (Urgency of Hardening Rural Roads) in the area of Mielnica water course basin. The analysis was performed on digital spatial data with GIS. The results of the research show a big share of road with unfavourable parameters and indicate an urgent need to introduce protective actions on the investigated area. Field research confirmed the results of spatial analysis based on IARRR and UHRR indices.
Rzeźba terenu jest jednym z głównych elementów informacji o terenie (SIT/GIS), niezbędnym w zagadnieniach inżynierii środowiska i budownictwa. Przy realizacji prac w zakresie budowy dróg (autostrad), linii kolejowych, zbiorników retencyjnych, sieci energetycznych oraz wodnych itp. konieczne jest posiadanie informacji o ukształtowaniu terenu. Podstawową formą dostarczania informacji przestrzennej o terenie jest w dalszym ciągu odpowiednia mapa sytuacyjno-wysokościowa. Coraz częściej jednak wykorzystywane są interaktywne metody planowania i projektowania, polegające na współpracy człowieka z komputerem w procesie opracowania projektu. Wymaga to posiadania numerycznego modelu danego terenu (NMT), wprowadzonego do pamięci komputera. W zagadnieniach badawczych i projektowych dokładność aproksymacji powierzchni terenu przy pomocy modeli numerycznych/cyfrowych ma zasadnicze znaczenie. Dokładność ta w dużym stopniu zależy od konfiguracji powierzchni terenu. W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienie wpływu kąta nachylenia terenu na dokładność cyfrowej aproksymacji jego powierzchni w aspekcie przeprowadzonych badań eksperymentalnych.
The relief constitutes one of the main elements of the information of the land (LIS/GIS) necessary for environment and civil engineering. Engineers dealing with construction of the country roads (expressway), railway location, storage tanks, power networks and rural water supply systems etc. need information of the land relief. The basic form of this information is a contour map. However, design more often is recently carrying out using interactive methods, with consist in a collaboration of the man and computer, during the designing process. This requires digital land model (DTM). It results from the obtaining adequate accuracy of the DTM, which dependence on the vertical land configuration. In the paper are presented problem of influence of the land gradient on the digital approximation of the land surface with respect to performed experiments.
Artykuł dotyczy oceny dokładności modelu rzeźby terenu pozyskanego dla obszaru Polski z Radarowej Misji Topograficznej Promu Kosmicznego SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission). Ocena dokładności tego modelu bazowała na precyzyjnych danych referencyjnych, które stanowiły profile terenowe pomierzone techniką GPS. Badania dokładnościowe obejmowały swym zasięgiem obszary testowe, reprezentujące różne formy ukształtowania terenu, położone na obszarach odkrytych w granicach administracyjnych 14 województw. Stwierdzono, że dokładność bezwzględna modelu SRTM na obszarze Polski wynosi mH = 2.9 m dla terenów równinnych oraz mH = 5.4 m dla terenów falistych i pagórkowatych. Ocena statystyczna dokładności pomiaru SRTM wykazała, że pomiary interferometryczne obarczone są składową systematyczną błędu. Po wyeliminowaniu składowej systematycznej błedu -okazało się, że dokładność bezwzględna modelu SRTM na obszarze Polski kształtuje się na poziomie mH = 1.0 m dla terenów równinnych oraz mH = 2.7 m dla terenów falistych i pagórkowatych.
Accuracy assessment of relief model aequired from the Shuttle Radar Topographie Mission for the territory of Poland is the subject of the article. Estimation of accuracy of this model was based on precise reference data terrain profiles measured with GPS technique. Accuracy investigations covered test fields representing various forms of relief, located on open areas within 14 voivodships. Due to character of interferometric height measurements urban and forest areas were not included into these studies. Mean errors determined on the basis of height differences between points of terrain profiles and corresponding interpolated points of SRTM model were the measure of accuracy assessment. Comparative analyses were carried out within Intergraph MGE Terrain Analyst software and with the use of 3 DEM Terrain Visualization software tools created by Richard Home. It was found, that absolute accuracy of SRTM model on the territory of Poland is mH = 2.9 m for flat terrains and mH = 5.4 m for undulating/hilly areas. It was also found, that accuracy of interferometric measurement of heights of node points of SRTM model grid is mainly degraded in the process of interpolation of heights of points inside grid, and the degree of this degradation depends on height differences and on size of grid mesh. Estimation of accuracy of SRTM model conducted with the use of big statistical representation revealed, that interferometric measurements are influenced by line component of systematic error. It was found, that while removing this component real absolute accuracy of SRTM model on the territory of Poland reaches mH = 1.0 m for flat terrains and mH = 2.7 m for undulating/hilly areas.
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