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Niniejszy artykuł powstał na bazie badań przeprowadzonych w ramach realizacji projektu pn. „Wdrażanie koncepcji Smart Villages w województwie mazowieckim”, finansowanego ze środków budżetu Województwa Mazowieckiego i zawiera fragmenty raportu sporządzonego na potrzeby wyżej wymienionego projektu. Celem artykułu jest określenie rekomendacji dotyczących działań lidera w odniesieniu do wzmacniania udziału mieszkańców w kształtowaniu i wdrażaniu działań na rzecz rozwoju obszarów wiejskich, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem budowania zaangażowania członków społeczności lokalnej. Wyniki badań przedstawione w artykule zostały opracowane na podstawie danych zgromadzonych w toku analizy desk research oraz badań ilościowych (badanie ankietowe) i jakościowych (wywiad pogłębiony).
This article is based on the research carried out as part of the project entitled "Implementation of the Smart Villages concept in the Mazovian Voivodeship", financed from the budget of the Mazovian Voivodeship, and includes excerpts from the report prepared for the project mentioned above. The purpose of the article is to identify recommendations for the leader's activities about strengthening the participation of residents in the formation and implementation of rural development activities, with particular emphasis on building the involvement of local community members. The research results presented in the article were developed based on data collected during desk research analysis, quantitative (questionnaire survey), and qualitative (in-depth interview) research.
The Boko-Haram insurgency has affected livelihoods in the Northeast Nigeria in all ramifications. This study reviewed scholarly submissions on the drivers and impact of the insurgency in the area. The outcome of the review showed that the insurgency is driven mainly by poverty, religious extremism, and politics. Equally, the insurgency has affected rural livelihoods entirely and has exacerbated food insecurity, unemployment, and poverty. This is because critical infrastructure like schools, hospitals, markets, and electricity/telecommunication facilities have been largely destroyed, and residents of some communities are still displaced. Hence, to better the livelihood of the people in communities where normalcy has been restored, there is the need to promote agriculture and trade by securing the communities and enhancing access to affordable agricultural inputs.
Rebelia Boko-Haram wpłynęła negatywnie na poziom życia mieszkańców północnego-wschodu Nigerii. W tym badaniu dokonano przeglądu opinii naukowych na temat czynników powodujących i wpływu rebelii na ten obszar. Wyniki przeglądu wykazały, że rebelia jest napędzana głównie przez biedę, ekstremizm religijny i politykę. Rebelia znacząco wpłynęła na obniżenie dochodów na wsi i zaostrzyła brak bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego, zwiększyła poziom bezrobocia i ubóstwa. Wynika to z faktu, że infrastruktura krytyczna, taka jak szkoły, szpitale, rynki oraz instalacje elektryczne/telekomunikacyjne, została w dużej mierze zniszczona, a mieszkańcy niektórych społeczności nadal są przesiedlani. Dlatego też, aby poprawić warunki życia ludzi w społecznościach, w których przywrócono normalność, istnieje potrzeba promowania rolnictwa i handlu dla lokalnych społeczności i zwiększenie dostępu do przystępnych cenowo środków produkcji rolnej.
The objective of the paper is the identification of priority directions of activities for multi-functional rural development, followed by their social assessment in the context of the paradigm of the multifunctionality of such areas. Consequently, the current assumptions of the idea were confronted with reality, and expectations were confronted with need. The analysis also covers the activity of respondents in the scope of activities for multifunctional development. According to the obtained results, progress and activities in the scope of the economic (development and modernisation of technical infrastructure, technological progress, innovativeness) and social function (development and modernisation of social infrastructure) are of key importance. The paper is based on the results of a survey conducted in 2021. The survey covered residents of rural areas in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship.
Celem pracy jest identyfikacja priorytetowych kierunków działań na rzecz wielofunkcyjnego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich, a kolejno ich ocena społeczna w kontekście paradygmatu wielofunkcyjności tych obszarów. W konsekwencji dokonano konfrontacji obecnych założeń idei względem realiów oraz konfrontacji oczekiwań względem potrzeb. Badaniu poddano również aktywność ankietowanych w ramach działań podejmowanych na rzecz wielofunkcyjnego rozwoju. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że kluczowy jest postęp i działania w ramach funkcji ekonomicznej (rozbudowa i modernizacja infrastruktury technicznej, postęp technologiczny, innowacyjność) i społecznej (rozbudowa i modernizacja infrastruktury społecznej). Praca powstała na podstawie wyników badań ankietowych zrealizowanych w 2021 roku. Badaniem objęto mieszkańców obszarów wiejskich województwa mazowieckiego.
In recent years, China has put forward policies to improve rural infrastructure and promote the development of rural industries causing to dramatic transition in the living and employment conditions. Moreover, under the pressure of the high expenditure of living and the difficulty of finding jobs, new changes have taken place in the spatial behavior pattern of farmers’ residence and employment. Based on a field survey of 839 observations in 123 villages in Poyang Lake basin, China, we developed indicators to evaluate the suitability of rural living facilities (SLF) and work facilities (SWF). Multinomial logit regression model was used to measure the relationship between SWF, SLF and the spatial behavior patterns of farmers. The results show that: (1) SWF development in rural areas lags behind SLF; (2) Higher SLF is most distributed in suburban areas ; (3) Higher SWF is mostly distributed in suburban towns and characteristic towns; (4) The effects of SLF and SWF on the spatial behavior patterns of farmers are significantly positive; (5) Farmers in the urban-rural amphibious pattern usually obtain a higher income level, and also bring vitality to the countryside.
W ostatnich latach Chiny przedstawiły politykę poprawy infrastruktury wiejskiej i promowania rozwoju przemysłu wiejskiego, powodując istotne zmiany w warunkach życia i zatrudnienia. Ponadto, pod presją wysokich wydatków na życie i występujących trudności ze znalezieniem pracy, nastąpiły nowe zmiany w przestrzennym wzorcu zachowań rolników w miejscu zamieszkania i pracy. Na podstawie ankiety terenowej obejmującej 839 obserwacji w 123 wioskach w dorzeczu jeziora Poyang w Chinach, opracowaliśmy wskaźniki do oceny przydatności ułatwiania życia na wsi (SLF) i ułatwiania pracy (SWF). Do pomiaru związku między SWF, SLF a przestrzennymi wzorcami zachowań rolników zastosowano wielomianowy model regresji logitowej. Wyniki pokazują, że: (1) rozwój SWF na obszarach wiejskich pozostaje w tyle za SLF; (2) SLF jest najbardziej rozpowszechniony na obszarach podmiejskich, podczas gdy; (3) Wyższe SWF są rozprowadzane głównie w miejscowościach podmiejskich i miejscowościach charakterystycznych; (4) Wpływ SLF i SWF na przestrzenne wzorce zachowań rolników jest znacząco pozytywny; (5) Rolnicy funkcjonujący w układzie miejsko-wiejskim zwykle uzyskują wyższy poziom dochodów, a także wnoszą witalność wsi.
The article deals with the issue of supporting the technological modernization of agriculture by investing in infrastructure surrounding the farms with the use of a financial instrument in the form of the Rural Development Program (RDP) based on the Lubuskie Voivodeship. The article describes, among other things, the importance of infrastructure and support for its development in rural areas in the process of functioning and modernization of the agricultural sector. For the purposes of the article, the data obtained from the Department of Rural Development Programs of the Lubuskie Marshal’s Office on expenditure and effects of RDP use in 2007-2020, in infrastructure investments in rural areas of the Lubuskie Voivodeship was analysed. In the article, the authors attempted to present the instrument in the form of the Rural Development Program as a tool for indirect impact on the process of modernization and transformation of agriculture in the Lubuskie Voivodeship, primarily by changing the infrastructural conditions for the functioning and development of agricultural production in rural areas.
The paper attempts to describe the possibilities of shaping the environment and spatial development of the rural administrative areas of Białowieża, using the tools of planning documents. The natural and cultural space of Białowieża rural administrative district is particularly sensitive to any investment activities. It is impossible to overestimate its value, and the need to take care of it is a natural necessity, determining all activities, especially planning and architectural-urban planning ones, responsible for its future shape. The aim of the study is to indicate ways of searching for such possibilities so that the two – natural and cultural – structures harmoniously interpenetrate each other. Subsequent steps and activities are described in detail, starting with a very precise identification of the resources of the space under analysis, followed by the execution of an architectural and urban planning inventory, conducting a nature and landscape study up to the development of a list of parameters and indicators, and ending with the development of a three-dimensional model of the settlement units of the rural district, based on the provisions of the draft local spatial development plan.
The beginning of the XXI century was marked by a transitional period in the formation of the world energy system. The issue of energy saving is characterized by significant diversity and is a necessary strategic direction for the efficient use of production capacity with optimal energy costs. Intensive economic development and the use of non-renewable natural resources are currently of concern due to the danger of disturbing the ecological balance in the environment due to the burning of huge amounts of fossil fuels and emissions of various harmful substances. Biofuel production is becoming an alternative to traditional energy and can be a guarantee of solving problems of energy efficient and environmentally friendly development of rural areas. This work is a continuation of research work on the efficiency of biofuels production from energy crops and waste. The aim of the research is to assess the importance of biofuels production from the energy, economic and social aspects for sustainable development of rural areas of the world and Ukraine in particular. The conducted SWOT-analysis made it possible to determine the strategic directions of world biofuels production development. The results showed that biofuels production has a significant potential to decarbonize the economy, reduce reliance on crude oil, improve the environment by reducing emissions, create new “green” jobs in rural areas. The combination of social, economic and energy benefits will have a synergistic effect.
Początek XXI wieku dał się poznać jako okres przejściowy w kształtowaniu się światowego systemu energetycznego. Obecnie aktualnymi problemami gospodarki są wzrost bieżących kosztów produkcji i konkretnych inwestycji w energetykę, kształtowanie sprzyjającego klimatu gospodarczego dla dalszego rozwoju kompleksu paliwowo-energetycznego, rozwój przez społeczność światową zaawansowanych regulacji, metod i skoordynowanych globalnych strategii rozwoju energetyki. Jednocześnie poprawa poziomu życia ludności i jej kondycji społeczno-ekonomicznej w dużej mierze zależeć będzie od racjonalnego wykorzystania nośników energii i potencjału zasobów naturalnych, co na obecnym etapie zarządzania nabiera szczególnego znaczenia. Społeczno-ekonomiczna potrzeba zapewnienia większości krajów własnych źródeł energii rodzi problem ze znalezieniem paliw alternatywnych. Równocześnie coraz bardziej zauważalne są szkody dla środowiska spowodowane emisjami z samochodów napędzanych benzyną i olejem napędowym. Jeśli chodzi o uzasadnienie ekonomicznej i społecznej konieczności kształtowania i rozwoju rynku biopaliw, należy wziąć pod uwagę kilka czynników, poczynając od względów bezpieczeństwa energetycznego, dywersyfikacji produkcji krajowej, wspierania innowacji, a kończąc na efektywności ekonomicznej i społecznej. Rozwój rynku biopaliw, poparty wysoką motywacją, pozwala na społeczne przesunięcie wzrostu zatrudnienia na obszary wiejskie i poprawę bezpieczeństwa środowiska dzięki odnawialnym źródłom energii.
The geopark Altai has a set of unique geological, geographical, and archaeological objects. Its basis is made by geological space with a specific relief that plays an important role, and on certain sites, it takes the first place in comparison with other types of objects. The peculiar feature of the geopark Altai is that in its territory there is a landscape connection among archaeological, geological, and geographical objects, which at certain sites is penetrated by mental and cultural fluids causing a deep interest of tourists in this territory. In this regard, the authors consider the relief as an object of cognitive, educational, and practical activities of the geopark Altai. Therefore, the following tasks were set up: to find a site for the realization of several types of activities by the geopark and to develop a theoretical scientific and a popular science base for their implementation. As a result of the work done, the authors allocated the site within the boundaries of the geopark Altai where modern dynamics of the relief are characterized by the maximum speed. On this site, it is possible to recreate the processes that created the relief in the geological past and to study these processes now. The specifics of weather and climatic conditions in this region made its relief very important for economic activity of the population inhabiting this territory. Therefore, as of today, the study of the condition of certain surface sites and forecasting the development of relief-forming processes is an important part of any activity on the described territory. The long-term geological, ecological, geographical, and archaeological research conducted by the authors on the territory of the Altai Republic served as materials for this study. The geological materials were collected by the methods adopted in this field of research (field survey of structures and rocks, cartographic methods, analysis of general geological data, and others). The ecological and geographical results were obtained using geochemical, hydrochemical, analytical, and others.
The article analyzes trends of electronic business in the context of rural development. To highlight the theoretical insights of the topic, the concept of e-business is discussed. This includes analyzing e-business concepts and models, exploring how e-business functions, establishing what factors are important for the development of e-business in rural regions and analyzing statistical data and studies. To understand the aforementioned, a survey was conducted. It was designed to find out whether consumers in rural areas are buying online, whether they are doing business in the region, and whether they are going to start e-businesses. The survey confirmed the hypothesis that consumers have a need to buy rustic or bio goods and services, and business transfer to e-space encourages business development in rural areas.
As a result of the progressive spatial imbalance in terms of economic development, a significant part of rural territories are stagnant and remain in an economic impasse. Therefore one should consider the possibility of reversing or at least slowing down this process by taking action aimed at their development. The purpose of the study is to analyze key factors affecting development leading to economic stabilization of rural areas by increasing their competitiveness. Attention was focused on the basic factors stimulating economic development. The new approach requires the implementation of local space development by using opportunities and activities that can ensure its stimulation and stability primarily by focusing on competitive resources.
W następstwie postępującej nierównowagi przestrzennej pod względem rozwoju gospodarczego znaczna część terytoriów wiejskich jest ogarnięta stagnacją i pozostaje w impasie gospodarczym. Należy więc zastanowić się nad możliwościami odwrócenia, a przynajmniej spowolnienia tego procesu, podejmując działania służące ich rozwojowi. Obszary wiejskie potrzebują zwiększenia konkurencyjności terytorialnej. Celem opracowania jest analiza kluczowych czynników mających wpływ na rozwój prowadzący do stabilizacji gospodarczej obszarów wiejskich poprzez wzrost ich konkurencyjności. Uwagę skupiono na podstawowych czynnikach stymulujących rozwój gospodarczy. Nowe podejście wymaga wdrożenia rozwoju lokalnej przestrzeni poprzez wykorzystanie możliwości i sposobów działania, mogących zapewnić jego przyspieszenie i trwałość, głównie poprzez skupienie uwagi na konkurencyjnych aktywach.
Scalenia gruntów są najtrudniejszym postępowaniem geodezyjno-prawnym, gdyż dotyczą prawa własności. W procesie tym nie można nadać ani odebrać prawa własności, można natomiast zmienić jego zasięg poprzez właściwe ukształtowanie granic nieruchomości. Mówi się, że scalenia gruntów są lekarstwem na „nowotwór przestrzeni”, jakim jest rozdrobnienie gruntów, zaniechanie rolniczego ich wykorzystywania, brak planów miejscowych czy wadliwa polityka przestrzenna. Współczesne scalenia gruntów są narzędziem do wprowadzenia nowego porządku gruntowego umożliwiającego wielkokierunkowy rozwój obszarów wiejskich. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia najistotniejsze informacje dotyczące scaleń gruntów, w szczególności uwarunkowania prawne, instytucjonalne, finansowe i administracyjne. Przedstawia procedurę scalenia gruntów, zasady przeprowadzenia postępowania administracyjnego, przebieg prac technicznych oraz korzyści wynikające z przeprowadzenia tego procesu. Opracowanie to stanowi kompendium wiedzy w zakresie scalenia gruntów.
Land consolidations are the most difficult geodetic and legal proceedings, as they concern property rights. In this process, you cannot give or take away ownership, but you can change its range by properly shaping the boundaries of the property. It is said that land consolidation is a remedy for „space cancer” which is land fragmentation, abandonment of agricultural use, lack of local plans or defective spatial policy. Contemporary land consolidation is a tool for introducing a new land order that enables multi-directional development of rural areas. This article presents the most important information about land consolidation, in particular legal, institutional, financial and administrative conditions. It presents the procedure of land consolidation, the principles of conducting administrative proceedings, the course of technical work and the benefits resulting from carrying out this process. This study is a compendium of knowledge in the field of land consolidation.
The goal of the monograph was to: • show sample spheres of functioning and cooperation of institutions acting for rural development and principles of developing processes and procedures for organizing or modernizing information and knowledge as well as define adequate inventive methods for generating ideas, • elaborate on principles and rules of the methodology for generating ideas in the construction of options for solving problems, formulating criteria and conducting the evaluation of solution variants, selecting the optimal variant and implementing the chosen variant as the final result of the study, • distinguish the sample thematic areas of knowledge management in rural areas and define adequate methods of creativity and innovation, with pointing out the stages of appropriate methodologies and methods applied. The presentation of the typology and characteristics of inventive methods for generating solutions and creating knowledge, in the context of methodologies to improve organization of rural areas, which strengthen their competitiveness and innovation based on the principles of sustainable development, was assumed as the main research problem requiring a solution. Problems and methods for generating solutions were defined in conjunction with the study entitled “Organizational standards and rural development in the context of information and knowledge management” (Krakowiak-Bal, Wdowiak, Ziemiańczyk 2017 – subsection 3.3), and the issue of knowledge creation and corresponding methods with the study entitled “Knowledge management in rural development” (Krakowiak-Bal, Łukasik, Mikuła, Pietruszka-Ortyl, Ziemiańczyk 2017). These connections in the case of the aforementioned studies consisted in: • emphasizing the possibilities of applying heuristic methods in generating ideas of solutions presented in Chapter 2 and 3 of this monograph together with the methodologies and Anglo-Saxon methods of improving the organization, including rural areas, presented in the aforementioned Subchapter 3.3, and • emphasizing also the possibilities of applying the heuristic Japanese methods of continuous improvement in knowledge creation, presented in Chapter 4 of this monograph in conjunction with the Japanese methods of continuous improvement of the organization, presented in the aforementioned Subchapter 3.3, in the context of the second study cited above. Solutions generation is a fundamental element of the process of improving the organization, including the organization of rural areas, presented in the monograph. This activity is carried out through the following groups of activities: preparation and definition of a project problem, creation of solution variants and setting evaluation criteria, evaluating options and developing the best solution. Taking into account the review and defined research methodologies (Krakowiak-Bal, Wdowiak, Ziemiańczyk 2017, pp. 118-136), their stages in which solutions are generated can be pointed out. And so in: • the descriptive and improvement approach the stage was described as ‘the critical analysis and evaluation of the empirical material accumulated in the course of observation’, • the functional modeling approach the stage was expressed as ‘the analysis of the latest, model solutions’, • the diagnostic functional approach the stage was defined as ‘a method of idealization in finding optimal solutions’, • the general outline of the above approaches in view of J. Trzcieniecki – in the phase of ‘analysis and assessment of improvements’, • the classical methodology as ‘preparation of conditions and costs’, • the diagnostic methodology as ‘analysis and synthesis’, • the prognostic methodology as ‘building a reference system’ (in the context of purpose, entry, exit, course of organization process, environment, set of system elements), • the study of methods of work as ‘critical analysis and assessment of the facts’, • the analysis of values according to W. Biliński as ‘reflections – creative discussion” and “selection of the optimal solution’, • the analysis of values according to Z. Martyniak as ‘analysis of functions and searching for new solutions’, • the methodology of spatial organization of work as ‘analysis of solution variants’. Basic processes with the application of knowledge, also in rural areas, i.e. operational knowledge management tasks include (Krakowiak-Bal, Łukasik, Mikuła, Pietruszka-Ortyl, Ziemiańczyk 2017, p. 68 et seq.): • identification (localization of knowledge), • transfer (acquiring, disclosing, disseminating knowledge and sharing knowledge), • gathering (systematic collection of knowledge and its codification), • selection of sets of knowledge, • new knowledge creation, • combining sets of knowledge, • saving, or registration of knowledge in a codified form, • storage of knowledge carriers, • assessing the usefulness of knowledge, • applying knowledge (creating visions and concepts of action, solving problems and performing current tasks). Knowledge creation consists in the appropriate selection and use of the specificity of selected methods in knowledge management. This specificity concerns the Japanese methods of so-called continuous improvement in knowledge creation, presented in Chapter 4 of this monograph. The detailed layout of the study presented below was conditioned not only by the assumed aims of the elaboration, but also by the specificity of Anglo-Saxon epistemology, also referred to as the Western or the Japanese epistemology. The mainstay for the notion of knowledge in the western perspective, formulated on the basis of philosophy as ‘justified and true belief’, is the Plato’s idea stating that ‘absolute truth can be derived from rational reasoning based on certain axioms’. This was the cause of criticism by Aristotle who emphasized the pivotal role of sensual perception in this regard. However, the following issues contributed to the success of Plato’s approach (Nonaka, Takeuchi 2000): • Descartes’ rationalism, allowing skepticism with the conviction ‘I think; therefore I am’, • Locke’s empiricism, emphasizing experience as a source of ideas, dividing them into perceptions and reflections, • combination of empiricism with rationalism and Kant’s statement that not all knowledge results from experience, • the Hegelian dialectical unity of opposites, • introduction of interaction between the cognizer and the cognizing person as well as the relationship between man and the environment in Marx’s view, • linking knowledge strictly to Heidegger’s action, rejecting completely the thinking subject in the concept of Descartes, • pragmatism and the statement that ‘only the effective idea is true’, because ideas are devoid of values if they do not go into action, propagated by James. In turn, the Bacon’s concept of operational knowledge which emphasizes social effects and comprises the essence of civilization progress is the foundation of the organizational concept of knowledge in Japanese terms, formulated by I. Nonaka and H. Takeuchi (2000), exposing “the ability of the corporation as a whole to generate new knowledge, its dissemination and embodiment in products, services and systems”. These two perceptions of knowledge, the Anglo-Saxon and the Japanese, form the basis for differentiating in the study two different theoretical approach-es and practical applications of methods for generating solutions (Chapter 2 and 3) and for knowledge creation (Chapter 4). Chapter 1 of the study, consisting of three subchapters, is the background for reflection, emphasizing the role of heuristics, hermeneutics and semiology in the process of building a set of rules for creative thinking and presentation of solutions. The systems of thinking, heuristic and cognitive biases defined by D. Kahneman are the essence of this chapter. The considerations are complemented by hermeneutic analysis and exegesis, the indicated types of heuristics and their characteristics as well as the semiological aspects. Chapter 2, containing three subsequent subchapters, presents the characteristics and typology of selected inventive methods in the context of the basic concepts and evolution of methods. The criteria for division and typologies of the inventive methods precede the characteristics of selected inventive principles and solutions. The possibilities and principles of applying inventive methods are presented in Chapter 3. First, rural areas as the subject of the study are presented (Subchapter 3.1). In the subsequent subchapters theoretical foundations of the theory of creative thinking and knowledge creation (Subchapter 3.2) as well as the methodology of knowledge creation and creatics as the basic research tool (Subchapter 3.3) are discussed. Subchapter 3.4 presents the IDEAL model as the method for formulating decision problems. Inventive methods in organizational design are discussed in Subchapter 3.5 whereas the assumptions of the industrial inventics and the algorithm for inventive problems solving are described in Subchapter 3.6. Subchapter 3.7 concerning the methodology for generating solutions with the indication of inventive methods finalizes the chapter. Chapter 4 deals with corporate models of knowledge organization and methods of knowledge creation. The first group includes and defines the SECI spiral, the OPEC spiral and the DCCV spiral as well as the Gilbert, Probst, Raub and Romhardt’s model. The second one includes: the EDIS spiral of debate in the aspect of the double debate principle (4.2.1.), the Experimental EEIS spiral in the context of verification (4.2.2.), the Hermeneutical EAIR spiral in the context of reflection (4.2.3.), the Triple Helix spiral of knowledge creation processes (4.2.4), the ARME spiral of revolutionary knowledge creation (4.2.5.), the Knowledge Pentagram of Nakamori in the i-System approach (4.2.6.), the Nanadsudaki Septagram of seven spirals of knowledge creation (4.2.7) and the Creative Space model (4.2.8.). In the future, the thematic scope of the study should be enriched with further methods of creative thinking in management, knowledge creation and organization methods as well as considerations regarding models for intellectual resource management in rural organizations. The authors hope that the work will contribute to the dissemination of the inventive methods for generating solutions as well as knowledge creation and organization methods among employees of institutions co-contributing to rural development. It can also become a source of information and a textbook for learning about these methods for students at environmental and agricultural universities. Moreover, it might be a contribution to scientific research in this field.
Zarówno w miejskich, jak i wiejskich kompozycjach urbanistycznych parki mogą pełnić szczególną rolę oraz wpływać na układ przestrzenny. We wsi Strzelce Wielkie centrum oraz otaczający je krajobraz otwarty powiązane były kompozycyjnie ze znajdującym się w tej miejscowości parkiem dworskim. Zespolony z układem urbanistycznym, determinował on wygląd i lokalizację najważniejszych historycznych elementów wsi.
In urban composition of both rural and urban areas, parks may play a significant role with particular influence on the spatial arrangement. In Strzelce Wielkie the village center and the surrounding open landscape were connected compositionally with the local manor park. As an significant element of urban layout, the park determined the form and location of the most important historical elements of the village.
Geodezyjne urządzanie obszarów wiejskich przeżywa obecnie swoisty regres, wywołany utrzymującym się stosunkowo niewielkim frontem prac scaleniowych. Równolegle problemy strukturalne gospodarstw oraz znacznie szerzej – obszarów wiejskich, należą do największych problemów rozwojowych Polski. Dlatego należy rozważyć wprowadzenie do praktyki biur geodezji i terenów rolnych szerokich postępowań dla tzw. kompleksowego urządzania obszarów wiejskich, które obejmowałoby szerokie działania, umożliwiające zrównoważony rozwój przestrzenny i strukturalny gmin wiejskich oraz rozwiązanie występujących lokalnie problemów. Chodzi szczególnie o szerokie (kompleksowe) działania obejmujące przygotowanie i przeprowadzenie przekształceń przestrzennych i infrastrukturalnych potrzebnych lokalnie do zachowania i poprawy funkcji gospodarczej (w tym rolnictwa), mieszkaniowej, przyrodniczej i kulturowej tych obszarów, co ma za zadanie wspieranie trwałej poprawy warunków pracy i życia na wsi.
The geodetic arrangement of agricultural areas is currently experiencing a specific recession due to continuing its relatively small land consolidation works. Simultaneously, the structural problems of farms and more significantly – rural areas are Poland's greatest development problems. Therefore, it is important to consider putting into practice to the regional office of surveying and agricultural land a wide range of proceedings for the so-called comprehensive arrangement of rural areas which would include extensive actions that enable the sustainable spatial and structural development of rural municipalities and solve local problems. This is particularly about broad (comprehensive) activities involving the preparation and implementation of spatial and infrastructural transformations that are locally needed to preserve and improve the economic (including agriculture), housing, natural and cultural functions of these areas, in order to promote sustainable improvement in working and living conditions in the countryside.
Content available remote Institutional framework of administration of rural development in Lithuania
More and more attention is being paid to condition of the rural development and activities of the administrative institutions regarding the rural development in Lithuania. In scientific literature it is widely discussed the development of the rural development policy but responsible institutions are not researched widely. However, it is important to highlight the fact that the administration of the rural development starts in the institutions, which are appointed to implement the policy. Emphasis is placed on preparation and implementation of EU programs. In this context, the activities of responsible institutions are significant. In recent scientific sources management solutions regarding optimization and development of more efficient activities of institutions are analyzed in great detail. In addition, it is often highlighted that many perspectives in Lithuania is implemented throughout the solutions regarding corresponding agricultural and rural development solutions. The research aim – to determine possible functions, which could be included in the framework of the rural development administration. In foreign scientific sources the activities of institutions are analyzed throughout the perspective of system formation and system systemization principles.
Coraz więcej uwagi poświęca się warunkom rozwoju obszarów wiejskich i działaniom instytucji administracyjnych w zakresie rozwoju obszarów wiejskich na Litwie. W literaturze naukowej szeroko omawiany jest rozwój polityki rozwoju obszarów wiejskich, ale instytucje odpowiedzialne za ten rozwój nie są kompleksowo badane. Ważne jest jednak podkreślenie faktu, że zarządzanie rozwojem obszarów wiejskich rozpoczyna się w instytucjach, które są wyznaczone do realizacji polityki. Nacisk kładziony jest na przygotowanie i wdrażanie programów Unii Europejskiej. W tym kontekście działania odpowiedzialnych instytucji są znaczące. W najnowszych źródłach naukowych bardzo dokładnie przeanalizowano rozwiązania zarządcze dotyczące optymalizacji i rozwoju efektywniejszych działań instytucji. Ponadto często podkreśla się, że wiele perspektyw na Litwie jest wdrażanych w ramach odpowiednich rozwiązań w zakresie rozwoju rolnictwa i rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Celem badań jest określenie ewentualnych funkcji, które mogłyby zostać włączone w ramy administracji rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. W zagranicznych źródłach naukowych działalność instytucji jest analizowana w perspektywie tworzenia systemu i zasad systematyzacji. Słowa kluczowe: ramy instytucjonalne, rozwój obszarów wiejskich, system.
Duża część obszarów wiejskich w Polsce wymaga głębokich zmian strukturalnych. Obszary te (zwłaszcza południowej i południowo-wschodniej Polski) charakteryzuje nadmierne rozdrobnienie gruntów rolników indywidualnych, niekorzystny rozłóg gruntów w gospodarstwach rolnych, zły stan (lub brak) infrastruktury technicznej i instytucjonalnej, a także zachodzą na nich niepokojące procesy demograficzne (takie jak migracja ludności wiejskiej do miast i starzenie się lokalnej ludności). Możliwe jest uzyskanie poprawy istniejącej sytuacji, dzięki realizacji programów rozwoju obszarów wiejskich, m.in. scalenia gruntów. Celem pracy jest ocena efektów przestrzennych prac scaleniowych prowadzonych w Polsce w latach 2007–2013. W badaniach oparto się na reprezentatywnej próbie 38 obiektów scaleniowych z różnych części Polski. Wybrane obiekty badawcze poddane zostały analizie pod kątem wynikających z przeprowadzonego procesu scalenia zmian podstawowych parametrów charakteryzujących strukturę przestrzenną gruntów: współczynnika zmniejszenia ogólnej liczby działek oraz współczynnika zwiększenia średniego pola powierzchni działki na obiekcie badawczym.
A large percentage of rural areas in Poland require deep structural changes. Such lands (in particular, areas in southern and southeastern Poland) are characterized by the excessive fragmentation of land owned by individual farmers, a disadvantageous expanse of lands, and the poor condition of the technical and institutional infrastructures (or a lack thereof). Disadvantageous demographic processes (such as the migration of inhabitants from villages to cities and aging of the local population) also occur in those areas. It is possible to improve the current conditions through the effective implementation of rural-area development programs, such as the implementation of land-consolidation works. The objective of this work is to assess the spatial effects of land-consolidation works carried out in Poland. The research was based on a representative sample of 38 study objects located in different parts of Poland. For the assumed study objects, changes of the basic parameters that characterize the spatial structure of the lands were examined. These resulted from the performed land-consolidation process: the coefficient of the decrease in the total number of parcels and the coefficient of the increase in the size of the average plot for the examined objects.
The process of globalization has fundamentally changed the significance of innovations in the development of rural areas. The modernisation paradigm in agriculture has been replaced by the post-productivist regime, which means a change of the innovation order. The linear diffusion of the innovation model is being replaced by a network, endogenous model. The former concentrated on adaptation of innovations and operated at the macro-social level; the latter focuses on processes of social learning of innovation and on the creation of hybrid social networks at the micro-social level. In the modernisation paradigm, innovations were created outside of the agricultural sector. In the endogenous model, the significance of social innovation and participation of different social actors are crucial. The main purpose of the paper is to analyse how the new network model of innovation is being creating and what groups of social actors participate in the process of change.
Content available Zarządzanie procesami i innowacjami w rolnictwie
Innovation is a very sensitive matter. Especially if we are talking about the farm, which is a producer of the safe food. There are currently various definitions of safe food, especially what is organic food. In order to fulfill this condition, there is a need for a closer cooperation between the farmers and the operators of the agricultural sector. Production of safe food cannot fall only on the farms, but in this chain must be accompanied by all those, who contribute to the food to actually be ecological and safe for consumers. Continuous improvement of competences and its testing will lead to the dynamic development of Polish farms, which will result in keeping up with the specifics of our time.
Skuteczne zarządzanie innowacjami wymaga czegoś więcej niż tylko skupienia się na jednym aspekcie, np. kreatywności, rozwijaniu nowych produktów czy usług albo tylko na pracach badawczo-rozwojowych. Ważny podkreślenia jest fakt, że należy skupiać się na zintegrowaniu różnych podejść przy założeniu występowania interakcji pomiędzy zmianami zachodzącymi na rynku, w technologiach i w przedsiębiorstwach. Obecnie próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czym jest innowacyjność, już nie wystarczy.
The land consolidation process is a measure transforming the spatial structure of rural areas in the countries of the European Union and Poland. It is a complex, extremely labour-consuming investment process preceded by a detailed inventory of the existing state, and analysis of objectives and tools as well as effects expected after its completion. It should constitute a component of sustainable and multifunctional development of rural areas, stimulating the development of functions fulfilled by such areas in the economic, social, and environmental aspect. Through changes in the ownership structure and land use, it permits designation of functional-spatial areas, therefore reducing potential spatial conflicts. It has a positive effect on the development of agriculture, and particularly ecological production, and other non-agricultural functions. The article presents a concept of the multicriteria model of spatial analyses aimed at supporting sustainable and multifunctional development of rural areas, with particular consideration of the land consolidation process. The concept of the model was prepared in accordance with the assumptions of the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. This permitted ordering the rich resource of diverse input data in a logical structure for the purpose of development of multi-variant solutions to a given decision problem , and selection of the exclusive, most appropriate proposal. The model is a tool in the GIS (Geographic Information System) environment. Due to this, information obtained as a result of analyses can be presented in the form of legible thematic maps. This will undoubtedly support the process of space development in rural areas. It is an important, efficient opinion-making tool allowing for a broader insight exceeding individual interests.
This paper examines the postwar evolution of land consolidation policy in Japan in light of change in its agenda, scope, approach, policy tools and contexts with the aim to identify its possibilities and limitations for rural development. With a focus on Land Improvement Act (LIA) and other relevant policy tools and schemes, it analyzes the distinctive traits of policy change for the five sequential periods of the postwar era that reflects on socio-economic and political trends. Highlighting the change from government-led and infrastructure-based approach to community-based and managerial-oriented one to land consolidation as an integrated part of broader agricultural and rural development policy, the study suggests future evolution of land consolidation policy that is likely to involve further diverse interests in sustainable development held by a broad range of stakeholders including rural, urban and international communities.
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