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The paper deals with the problem of road noise pollution in the context of spatial development. The analysis was motivated by the changes in the permissible noise levels that occurred on 1 October 2012 and the high urban pressure on areas located along the main traffic routes. On selected examples of sites located in the districts of Bemowo and Białołęka in Warsaw, the location of land functions is shown on the background of the course of isophones of acceptable noise levels. The analysis was based on data from acoustic maps for Warsaw developed in 2012 and 2017, planning studies, database of topographic objects and current state of development. Based on 20 features and 9 surface and quantitative indicators, determined using ArcGis software, the degree of road noise pollution in planning terms was shown. The analysis has been demonstrated that the changes in legislation have resulted in the acoustic “freeing up” significant areas along the main road, express and accelerated main roads and a reduction in the number of buildings that were considered to be at risk of noise pollution by the law before 2012. The acoustic release indicators for the general area were in the range of 0.71–0.74 for LN and 0.56–0.74 for LDWN. In relation to acoustically sensitive areas the results were in the range of 0.81–0.84 for LN and 0.64–1.00 for LDWN.
Content available remote Wpływ warunków ruchu drogowego na prognozy hałasu
Obecnie istnieje wiele metod i modeli prognozowania poziomu hałasu w otoczeniu dróg. Wyniki otrzymywane dzięki tym modelom różnią się dokładnością ze względu na różne podejście do parametrów ruchu drogowego. Najczęściej nie uwzględniają one warunków ruchu drogowego, co może skutkować błędami w oszacowaniu poziomu hałasu drogowego. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pilotażowych badań wskazujących na skutki nieuwzględnienia przepustowości odcinka drogowego oraz warunków ruchu w analizach hałasu.
Currently, there are many methods and models for estimating the level of road traffic noise in surrounding of roads. The accuracy of the results, obtained by using these models, differ due to different usage of traffic parameters, among others. In the majority, these methods do not take into account traffic conditions, which may result in errors in estimating the level of road traffic noise. The article presents the results of pilot studies indicating the effects of omitting the capacity and traffic conditions of a road section in estimating the level of road traffic noise.
Ekrany akustyczne są jednym z najpopularniejszych i dotychczas najpowszechniej stosowanych rozwiązań ochrony przed hałasem na polskich drogach. Wynika to ze stosunkowo prostej, a przede wszystkim znanej technologii ich wykonania oraz wysokiej skuteczności redukcji hałasu. Ich stosowanie budzi często wiele kontrowersji dotyczących zasadności i potrzeby ich użycia, wynikających z dużych kosztów budowy, ograniczeń dostępności do drogi oraz niewielkich walorów estetycznych. Pomimo to dobrze zastosowane i spełniające określone warunki są urządzeniami skutecznymi, a w niektórych przypadkach jedynymi możliwymi zwłaszcza w przypadku niewielkiej ilości miejsca i zabudowie chronionej zlokalizowanej w bliskiej odległości od drogi. Z uwagi na istotny wpływ lokalizacji oraz wymiarów ekranu na skuteczność redukcji hałasu, a także duże koszty ich realizacji, w artykule zwrócono uwagę na poprawny dobór wielkości geometrycznych przy projektowaniu ekranów akustycznych.
Acoustic barriers are one of the most popular and the most commonly used solutions to protect against traffic noise on Polish roads. This is due to the relatively simple and, above all, known technology of their implementation and the high effectiveness of noise reduction when certain conditions are complied. Their use, however, often cause a lot of controversy regarding the validity and need for their use, due to high construction costs, restrictions on access to the road and low aesthetic values. Despite this, well implemented and satisfying certain conditions, acoustic barrier is an effective device, and in some cases the only possible to use – especially when space is tight and protected buildings located in close proximity to the road. Due to the significant impact of the location and dimensions of the acoustic barrier on the noise reduction efficiency, as well as the high costs of their implementation, the article emphasizes the correct selection of geometric sizes in the design of acoustic barriers.
Noise pollution is a level of environmental noise which is considered as a disturbing and annoying phenomenon for human and wildlife. It is one of the environmental problems which has not been considered as harmful as the air and water pollution. Compared with other pollutants, the attempts to control noise pollution have largely been unsuccessful due to the inadequate knowledge of its effects on humans, as well as the lack of clear standards in previous years. However, with an increase of traveling vehicles, the adverse impact of increasing noise pollution on human health is progressively emerging. Hence, investigators all around the world are seeking to find new approaches for predicting, estimating and controlling this problem and various models have been proposed. Recently, developing learning algorithms such as neural network has led to novel solutions for this challenge. These algorithms provide intelligent performance based on the situations and input data, enabling to obtain the best result for predicting noise level. In this study, two types of neural networks – multilayer perceptron and radial basis function – were developed for predicting equivalent continuous sound level (LAeq) by measuring the traffic volume, average speed and percentage of heavy vehicles in some roads in west and northwest of Tehran. Then, their prediction results were compared based on the coefficient of determination (R2) and the Mean Squared Error (MSE). Although both networks are of high accuracy in prediction of noise level, multilayer perceptron neural network based on selected criteria had a better performance.
Przedstawiono możliwości wspomagania zadań analizy uciążliwości akustycznej hałasu drogowego z wykorzystaniem map akustycznych. Zaproponowano model identyfikacji zdarzeń akustycznych wywołanych źródłami liniowymi w środowisku. Model uwzględnia parametry obiektów środowiska o charakterze ilościowym i jakościowym.
There were presented possibilities of supporting analysis of acoustic nuisance of road traffic with the use of acoustic maps. There was proposed a model of identification of acoustic events caused in the environment by linear sources. The model takes into account parameters of objects in the environment, both of quantitative and qualitative nature.
The study is aimed to quantify the effects of social noise exposure (personal music players (PMP), events with high noise exposure) and the exposure to the other environmental noise sources in the selected sample of Slovak university students. The validated ICBEN methodology was used to assess noise annoyance. The measurement of ambient noise levels was done using hand-held sound level analyzer. There were 526 university students (143 males and 383 females, average age 23 ± 2.2) enrolled into the study so far, 192 in the exposed housing facility to road traffic noise and 326 in the control housing facility in Bratislava. The social noise exposure was quantified and followed according to the authorized methodology of the study Ohrkan. From the total sample 416 (79.4%) students reported the use of PMP in the last week for the average time of 314 minutes. There was a significant difference in PMP use between the exposed (85.34%) and the control group (76.31%) (p = 0:01). Among PMP users 28.1% exceeded the LAV (lower action value for industry = 80 dB). The results showed the importance of road traffic and the social noise as well and the need for prevention and intervention in these vulnerable groups.
The paper presents a retrospective study for selection of noise barrier for road traffic noise abatement. The work proposes the application of Fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution) approach is selection of optimal road traffic noise barrier. The present work utilizes the fuzzy TOPSIS model proposed by Mahdavi et al. (2008) in determination of ranking order of various types of noise barriers with respect to the various criteria considered. It is suggested that application of this approach can be very helpful in selection and application of optimal noise barrier for road traffic noise abatement.
Rozwój transportu niesie ze sobą wiele niekorzystnych zjawisk, w tym zanieczyszczenie środowiska spalinami i hałasem. Hałas stanowi bardzo duży problem na obszarach komunikacyjnych, a jego redukcja stała się priorytetem w Unii Europejskiej i w wielu krajach na świecie. Dlatego projektowanie i realizacja wszelkich inwestycji transportowych odbywa się obecnie z uwzględnieniem prognoz oddziaływania hałasu na ludzi i środowisko. W artykule przedstawiono model prognozowania długookresowego hałasu samochodowego z uwzględnieniem zmian średniego dobowego ruchu pojazdów. Zastosowana metoda badawcza objęła oprócz budowy modelu przeprowadzenie badań symulacyjnych dla różnych dróg propagacji dźwięku oraz weryfikację eksperymentalną.
Development of transport brings with it many adverse effects, including environmental pollution by exhaust gases and noise. Noise is a very big problem in the transport areas, and its reduction has become a priority in the European Union and in many countries of the world. Therefore, designing and implementation of all transport investment is currently taking place with regard to forecasts the impact of noise on people and the environment. The article presents model for predicting long-term traffic noise including changes of average daily traffic. The applied research method embraced in addition to development of the model simulation studies for different routes of sound propagation and experimental verification.
Content available Wpływ hałasu drogowego na ptaki
Szybki rozwój sieci drogowej oraz infrastruktury z nią związanej wywiera silną presję na środowisko oraz żywe organizmy, wykorzystujące siedliska zlokalizowane w pobliżu dróg. Negatywne skutki tego procesu polegają na utracie i fragmentacji siedlisk użytkowanych przez zwierzęta. Osobnym zagadnieniem jest wzrost zanieczyszczeń powietrza i gleby w sąsiedztwie szlaków komunikacyjnych. Ważnym problemem jest oddziaływanie hałasu na zwierzęta egzystujące w pobliżu dróg, w tym szczególnie na ptaki. Hałas generowany przez pojazdy zakłóca komunikację dźwiękową ptaków zwłaszcza w okresie formowania się par i wczesnej inkubacji jaj. Zasadnicze funkcje śpiewu ptaków to sygnalizacja rywalom własnego gatunku zajęcia terytorium oraz co najważniejsze przywabienie partnera. Hałaśliwe „tło” w sąsiedztwie drogi powoduje trudności w porozumiewaniu się osobników. Ogólnie zjawisko zakłócania komunikacji głosowej pomiędzy osobnikami przez hałas drogowy, wywołuje tzw. „maskowanie” ważnych sygnałów biologicznych. Najbardziej wrażliwe na wpływ hałasu drogowego okazują się gatunki wydające dźwięki o niskim paśmie częstotliwości ze względu na skuteczność ich maskowania przez hałas charakteryzujący się podobnym spektrum częstotliwości. W efekcie działania hałasu drogowego powstają zmiany w natężeniu a nawet częstotliwości śpiewu ptaków. Niektórzy autorzy zwracają również uwagę na modyfikujący wpływ czynników klimatycznych oraz struktury i typu siedliska w rozprzestrzenianiu się hałasu. Większość wykonanych dotychczas badań dotyczy okresu lęgowego, a tylko nieliczne prace zajmują się oddziaływaniem hałasu na ptaki w okresie migracji lub w okresie zimowania. Najczęściej podejmowanym zagadnieniem przez badaczy jest ocena zagęszczeń lęgowych ptaków przy drodze. W większości badań zaobserwowano spadek liczebności i bogactwa gatunkowego osobników w sąsiedztwie szlaków komunikacyjnych. Jednak niektóre gatunki ptaków, ze względu na tzw. „efekt krawędzi”, który modyfikuje zasobność bazy pokarmowej oraz mikroklimat, występują w większych zagęszczeniach właśnie przy drogach. Ważnym zagadnieniem jest również modyfikujący wpływ hałasu na drapieżnictwo przy drogach.
The dynamic development of road infrastructure negatively influences the natural environment and animals using habitats near roads. The main negative effects of this process are primarily: loss and fragmentation of habitats. Another problem is an increase in pollutants and noise intensity in the vicinity of roads. An important problem is negative influence of traffic noise on animals and especially birds. Road noise generate by vehicles disturb vocal communication between birds, mainly in the time of pair formation and early incubation period. Difficulties in communication evoked by noise seem to be one of the main problems in functioning in noisy surroundings. The main functions of birds’ singing are related with territorial defence and mating a partner. Another important effect on birds’ functioning near roads results in the masking of important biological signals due to noise . Masking important signals for territorial defence or partner selection can have as a consequence a negative influence on reproductive success. Species of birds which emit low frequency sounds are particularly exposed to this negative impact. As a results of traffic noise the changes in the volume and frequency of emitted sounds during singing are observed. Some authors pay attention to such factors as local climate or habitat and vegetation structure, because they have an important influence on the propagation of traffic noise. Most of the studies carried out previously concerns the breeding season, and only a few works to describe the impact of noise on birds during migration or wintering. The most frequently reported problem for researchers is to assess the densities of breeding birds near the roadside. The majority of species react with a drop in numbers at roadsides. There are species which are also known to appear with higher density at roadsides. Usually this is related with a richer plant vegetation structure at roadsides and the appearance of the so-called “edge effect”. Some results indicate that bird density at forest peripheries can reach values 40% higher than in the deep forest. An explanation of causes for such a state of matters are the higher numbers of invertebrates found at forest edges. The important factor influencing bird populations breeding at roadsides is also nest predation. Noise and visual disturbance can modifying predator pressure near roads.
Zgodnie z wymogami Unii Europejskiej do oceny hałasu drogowego należy stosować zarówno metody pomiarowe jaki obliczeniowe. Metody obliczeniowe hałasu samochodowego są niezastąpione w procesie projektowania inwestycji transportowych i pomagają znacznie obniżyć koszty w procesie ciągłego bądź okresowego monitoringu hałasu w środowisku. Problem badawczy podejmowany w artykule określony został poprzez zdefiniowanie i analizę wybranych wskaźników i parametrów mających podstawowy wpływ na poziom hałasu drogowego. Metoda badawcza została zrealizowana poprzez budowę modelu geometryczno-akustycznego drogowego obszaru komunikacyjnego, a następnie przeprowadzenie badań symulacyjnych z uwzględnieniem zmian wybranych parametrów oraz z zastosowaniem algorytmu obliczeniowego hałasu akustycznego zalecanego do stosowania na obszarze Unii Europejskiej.
In accordance with EU requirements for the assessment of road traffic noise, both measurement and calculation methods should be used. Computational methods of road noise are irreplaceable in the design of transport investment and help significantly reduce costs in the process of continuous or periodic monitoring of environmental noise. The research problem taken up in the article is specified by defining and analysis of selected indicators and parameters that influence on road noise level. Research methodology was realized by building a geometric-acoustic model of the road traffic area ,and then conducting simulation studies with regard to changes of selected parameters and applying the noise calculation algorithm recommended for use in the European Union.
Content available remote Badania hałasu drogowego z uwzględnieniem różnych metod obliczeniowych
Metody obliczeniowe hałasu drogowego stanowią ważny element w procesie oceny warunków akustycznych na obszarach komunikacyjnych oraz są niezastąpione w procesie projektowania inwestycji transportowych. Mogą być również bardzo pomocne przy projektowaniu optymalnych tras logistycznych (tras dostaw) na terenach, gdzie obowiązują dopuszczalne wartości hałasu. Celem artykułu jest określenie skuteczności rożnych metod obliczeniowych hałasu drogowego stosowanych w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Problem badawczy podejmowany w artykule określony został poprzez zdefiniowanie i opisanie wybranych wskaźników i parametrów mających podstawowy wpływ na poziom hałasu drogowego. Metoda badawcza została zrealizowana poprzez budowę modelu geometryczno-akustycznego drogowego obszaru komunikacyjnego, a następnie przeprowadzenie badań symulacyjnych z uwzględnieniem różnych algorytmów obliczeniowych hałasu akustycznego.
Road traffic noise calculation methods are an important element in the process of acoustic conditions assessment for the areas of road traffic and are indispensable in the process of transport investments design.They can be very helpful in design of optimal logistics routes (supply routes) in areas where there are noise limits. The purpose of this paper is to detrmine effectiveness of different methods for calculation of road traffic noise used in the European Union. Research problem in the article was determined by defining and describing of selected indicators and parameters, which influence a basic noise level. Research methodology was realized by building a geometric-acoustic model of the road traffic area and then conducting simulation studies taking into account the different algorithms for calculating the acoustic noise.
Metody obliczeniowe hałasu drogowego stanowią ważny element w procesie oceny warunków akustycznych na obszarach komunikacyjnych oraz są niezastąpione w procesie projektowania inwestycji transportowych. Mogą być również bardzo pomocne przy projektowaniu optymalnych tras logistycznych (tras dostaw) na terenach, gdzie obowiązują dopuszczalne wartości hałasu. Celem artykułu jest porównanie rożnych metod obliczeniowych hałasu drogowego stosowanych w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Badania symulacyjne przeprowadzono dla modelu obszaru komunikacyjnego, w którym uwzględniono wybrane parametry pojazdów drogowych oraz szlaków komunikacyjnych, jak również sąsiadujących z nimi terenów zabudowanych.
Road traffic noise calculation methods are an important element in the process of acoustic conditions assessment for the areas of road traffic and are indispensable in the process of transport investments design.They can be very helpful in design of optimal logistics routes (supply routes ) in areas where there are noise limits. The purpose of this paper is to compare different methods for calculation of road traffic noise used in the European Union. Simulation study was performed for the model of the road traffic area, which includes the selected parameters of road vehicles, routes and also built-up areas.
In the paper, the simulation PROP5 program with the road model defined as a noise source and road surroundings model, is used to predict the efficiency of noise protecting means for the chosen building. The appropriate models of verified accuracy have been chosen by comparison of the simulation results with field measurements (Walerian et al., 2010). Here, using the pre-tested simulation program, the possibility of acoustic climate improvement has been analyzed in the ranges of practical variations of the input parameters. The road parameters: its geometry (number of lanes and their positions) and traffic structure over lanes (vehicle flow rates and their average speeds) have been taken under consideration as changeable parameters, that could be corrected to obtain acoustical climate improvement. Moreover, an acoustical screen designing has been considered. The screen efficiency has been evaluated under conditions defined by the input parameters of the road and its surroundings.
In the paper, the simulation PROP5 program is used to predict the sound level in proximity of a road with defined surroundings. The simulation involves road geometry (number of lanes and their positions) and traffic structure (vehicle flow rates and their average speeds), with equivalent omnidirectional point sources representing vehicles. In Part I of the paper, the agreement between measurement and simulation results is tested to verify the accuracy degree of the applied models of a road, as a noise source and propagation throughout surrounding space. In Part II, using the pre-tested simulation program, the possibility of acoustic climate improvement has been analyzed.
Content available remote Wybrane problemy hałasu drogowego i sposoby ich rozwiązywania
Hałas drogowy, jako problem techniczny i społeczny. Działania Unii Europejskiej nakierowane na ograniczenie poziomu emisji i uciążliwości nadmiernego hałasu drogowego - dyrektywa 2002/49 EC. Unijny program badawczy SBLENCE -„Reducing Surface Transport Noise in Urban Area". Syntetyczna charakterystyka przedsięwzięć ograniczających poziom emisji hałasu drogowego oraz zmniejszających jego uciążliwość.
Road traffic noise as a problem of technical as well as social dimension. European Union activities aimed at limiting the emission level and strenuousness of the excessive road traffic noise-2002/49 EC Directive. EU, SILENCE -„Reducing Surface Transport Noise in Urban Area " research program. Concise characteristics of the undertakings reducing road traffic noise emission level and lowering its strenuousness.
Hałas środowiskowy, a szczególnie jego podstawowe źródło – hałas komunikacyjny - to wg zapisu dyrektywy 2002/49/WE „jeden z głównych problemów środowiskowych w Europie”.
Content available remote Evaluation of transportation noise in urbanised areas. A case study
The paper describes a study of noise emission levels by roads inside an urban setting. For this purpose simultaneous measurements were performed: a) noise levels Leq, L10 and L90, b) vehicle flow and c) traffic composition. Vehicle flow and traffic composition have been used to estimate sound emission levels using mathematical models. Models were developed for two different situations, either as a function of a single variable (vehicle flow, VF), or as a function of two variables (VF and percentage of heavy vehicles, HV). Results of the prediction models agreed well with measured noise levels, especially for the model considering the two independent variables, VF and HV.
Content available remote Noise mapping in Romania within the framework of EU directive 2002/49/EC
The demand for environmental noise information in Romania will increase in the near future, first of all due to the integration of the country in the European Union. Some of the European Commission noise directives have already been transposed in Romanian legislation. According with this new legislation, Romania - like the EU countries - has to provide noise maps and also to prepare noise action plans with measures to reduce noise levels when limits are exceeded. The purpose is the definition of a common approach intended to avoid, prevent or reduce the harmful effects of the environmental noise. The paper aims to present the Romanian first experience on noise mapping, during the year 2006, by respecting the requirements of European Directive 2002/49/EC. The general context is described and also specific methods for a practical case study are discussed.
Content available remote Efficiency of noise reduction by a road speed bump
The vehicle noise from a road with a bump consists of the deceleration noise, bump noise, and acceleration noise. The bump is modeled by the Dirac delta function. The linear density of sound energy (in Joules per meter) is used for the calculation of sound energies, ec and e, emitted by a vehicle on a road without- and with a bump, respectively. The ratio η = (ec - e)/e defines the efficiency of noise reduction by a speed bump. To determine η, four measurements of the sound exposure level have to be done. The example of such measurements and calculation of η is given.
Content available remote Effects of traffic composition on noise generated by typical Brazilian roads
The effects of traffic composition on the noise generated by typical Brazilian roads are analyzed in this work Composition is defined as the percentage of heavy vehicles (trucks and buses) with respect to the overall number of vehicles. Noise measurements were made at 10 m from lane edges of three typical roads at the city of Florianópolis, SC. All sites had indentical characteristics, such us, long and horizontal straights, free of reflections from buildings and walls, traffic flowing average speed of 80 km/h, and distant from traffic lights and round abouts. Measurements were made on the same days of the week and at the same time (from 06:00 to 10:10 h). On these three roads a total of 149 measurements were made and for each of them the percentile level L10 and the equvalent level Leq were calculated. These levels were plotted against the composition of the traffic from which were obtained empirical expressions, with reasonably good correlation indexes, which can be used for predicting road traffic noise levels based on the knowledge of traffic parameters. Information obtained in this work will help authorities to foresee the response of communities to typical Brasilian road traffic noise.
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