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w słowach kluczowych:  road traffic engineering
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Walking is a basic form of activity for every human being and has many advantages, including health, economic and environmental benefits. Every journey made using various means of transport begins and ends on foot. As is well known, the group of road users particularly exposed to the risk of serious injury in road accidents, apart from cyclists, also includes pedestrians. These are the so-called vulnerable road users. Pedestrians are a group of road users that is often deprecated by many drivers of motor vehicles, but very important in road traffic. Pedestrian injuries and pedestrian fatalities have enormous social and economic consequences. The problem of high pedestrian risk on Polish roads is well known and has been widely described in the scientific literature last few years. However, the reasons for this state of affairs have not been fully explained, as evidenced by the statistics of road traffic incidents. Despite many studies in this area, the causes indicated in the research often differ depending on the area of analysis, the environment in which the incident took place, location, participants of the incident, environmental conditions, behaviorism and many other features. Therefore, the main goal of the article was to determine the factors influencing the formation of fatalities in road traffic accidents among pedestrians in accidents involving pedestrians and motor vehicles in the Silesian Voivodeship (Poland) in 2016-2021. The logit model presented in the article allowed for the conclusion that the main attributes influencing the increasing the risk of pedestrian death in road accidents involving a pedestrian with a motor vehicle include such features as driving under the influence of alcohol by the driver, exceeding the speed limit by the vehicle driver, when the road incident involves a heavy vehicle (truck, bus), a pedestrian is a male, pedestrian is over 60 years old, is under the influence of alcohol, the incident took place outside built-up area, at night, i.e. from 10:00 p.m. up to 6:00 a.m, in other than good weather conditions. The obtained results can be used in various activities, campaigns aimed at improving the safety of pedestrian traffic in the area of the analysis.
The transport accessibility of cities decreases with the increase in road traffic. Planners, traffic engineers, and road managers are looking for solutions that will reduce congestion on city streets without limiting transport accessibility to the city center. The article presents an overview of solutions used in Poland and abroad that aim to encourage people who travel by car to the city center to use other means of transport. The solutions were identified that can contribute to reducing road traffic in the city without limiting its transport accessibility based on the area inventory in Krakow. The next part of the article analyzes the use of P&R parking and the bike-sharing Wavelo system in Krakow in 2018. The results of the conducted analyses indicate that the most entrances to the P&R parking in Krakow were in the morning hours, whereas the most exits from these parking were in the afternoon. The holiday months were characterized by a lower use of parking space compared with the remaining months. These conclusions may indicate that the people using the analyzed parking lots are mainly commuters. On the contrary, the analysis of the use of the bike-sharing Wavelo system in Krakow allows for the conclusion that a large numer of people used rental bikes for short journeys. These trips can complement the journeys made with the use of public transport or as a continuation of the journey after leaving the car in the P&R parking. Investments and development of this type of solutions may be an incentive for people traveling by car to use another means of transport.
The assessment of psychotechnical parameters (that is, critical gaps and follow-up times) of vehicle drivers at roundabout Hitachi Taga, Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan was presented in this paper. The basis for this assessment were empirical data from measurements in the field, made in two different years. The first field measurement took place two years after the construction of the roundabout in 2014, and the second one in 2019. The results comparison of 2014 and 2019 was aimed at assessing possible changes in the psychotechnical parameters in time. This assessment was carried out as one of the element of the project titled “Analysis of the applicability of the author's method of roundabouts entry capacity calculation developed for the conditions prevailing in Poland to the conditions prevailing at roundabouts in Tokyo (Japan) and in the Tokyo surroundings”, financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.
General traffic measurements are carried out to determine basic traffic characteristics on voivodeship roads and national roads. The basic measure obtained during these measurements is annual average daily traffic. This is the number of vehicles that have passed over a specified point of a road section within a 24-h period on average within one year. For voivodeship roads, average daily traffic, average daily evening traffic and average daily night traffic are also determined. In the case of national roads, average daily summer traffic and average daily winter traffic are determined. The article presents a comparison of the characteristics for national roads in the Silesian Voivodeship and for national roads in Poland in the period 2000-2015.
Content available remote Weather conditions and the risk of road incident occurrence
In an atmospheric environment, a man is subjected to the influence of many factors of a stimulus nature, which probably affect into the behaviour of drivers in road traffic and the risk of them being exposed to certain road incidents. The aim of the paper was to answer the question whether weather conditions and what values of atmospheric parameters have an impact on the increase of the risk level regarding the occurrence of a road incident. The analyses were carried out using the road network in Elbląg as an example. There were based on detailed information regarding road incidents occurrence covering two years, and also atmospheric conditions that were made available. The work undoubtedly demonstrates that atmospheric conditions have an impact on considered risk. Moreover, the increase of this risk is highly influenced by atmospheric parameters such as humidity and air temperature.
W środowisku atmosferycznym człowiek podlega oddziaływaniu wielu czynników o charakterze bodźcowym, co w przypadku kierowców przekłada się potencjalnie na ich zachowania w ruchu drogowym oraz na poziom ryzyka narażenia na określone zdarzenia drogowe. W artykule podjęto próbę udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy warunki pogodowe mają wpływ na wzrost poziomu ryzyka zdarzenia drogowego oraz jakie ewentualne wartości parametrów atmosferycznych decydują o tym w stopniu istotnym. Analizy przeprowadzono na przykładzie sieci drogowej Elbląga. Ich podstawą były zebrane z dwóch lat szczegółowe informacje dotyczące liczby wypadków drogowych oraz udostępnione dane warunków atmosferycznych, w jakich one zaistniały. W pracy wykazano, że warunki atmosferyczne wpływają bez wątpienia na rozważane ryzyko oraz że spośród parametrów atmosferycznych znaczny wpływ na jego wzrost mają między innymi wilgotność i temperatura powietrza.
This article discusses the results of an analysis of road traffic safetyrelated changes introduced in T. Kościuszki and Królowej Jadwigi Streets in Dąbrowa Górnicza between 2006 and 2015. These changes were caused by the redevelopment and traffic reorganization at two intersections on T. Kościuszki Street and one intersection on Królowej Jadwigi Street. Previously, the traffic flow through these intersections was controlled by means of road signs. Since then, traffic lights have been installed at two of them, while the third one has been converted into a single-lane roundabout.
Tools for counting traffic are not only used to obtain information about traffic conditions and necessary data in order to design new transport system infrastructure. They primarily allow for the assessment of road users’ communication needs, as well as their dynamic mobility in the transport network of the analysis area. In these aspects, general traffic measurements (GTM), which, since 1965, have been performed in Poland every five years, are extremely helpful. The article presents the results of a detailed analysis of the data derived from the GTM conducted in the period 2005-2015 on voivodeship roads. The analysis was carried out using results from the West Pomeranian Voivodeship.
Content available Czynnik ludzki a bezpieczeństwo w ruchu drogowym
Niniejszy artykuł porusza zagadnienia z dziedziny inżynierii ruchu. Zgodnie z jej założeniami ruch drogowy to system składający się z 3 nierozerwalnych elementów, którymi są człowiek, pojazd oraz droga. W artykule autorka skupiła się na powiązaniach pomiędzy 2 z tych elementów: człowiekiem jako użytkownikiem drogi a drogą, która powinna być elementem podporządkowanym możliwościom i wygodzie użytkownika. Pierwsza część artykułu stanowi wprowadzenie do tematyki. Zostały w niej zaprezentowane dane dotyczące liczby wypadków w ruchu drogowym spowodowanych czynnikiem ludzkim oraz kategorie błędów popełnianych przez kierowców. W dalszej części przeanalizowane zostały biologiczne czynniki wpływające na działania kierowcy, takie jak wzrok, uwaga oraz czas reakcji (ze szczególnym naciskiem na niedoskonałości tych czynników, które powinny być uwzględnione przy projektowaniu dróg oraz organizowaniu ruchu – dzięki temu możliwe jest zapewnienie wyższego poziomu bezpieczeństwa w ruchu drogowym). Celem niniejszego artykułu jest opracowanie praktycznych wniosków do projektowania dróg i organizacji ruchu, które pomogą lepiej dostosować infrastrukturę transportu drogowego do możliwości i naturalnych ograniczeń człowieka. Wnioski te zostały zawarte w podsumowaniu.
This article deals with issues in the field of traffic engineering. According to its assumptions, traffic is a system consisting of three inseparable elements which are man, vehicle and road. In this article, the author focuses on the relationship between two of these elements: human as a road user and a path that should be a subordinate of the user’s capabilities and convenience. The first part of the article is an introduction to the topic of the article. There are presented the data on the amount of road traffic accidents caused by human factors and the categories of errors committed by drivers. In the further part there were analyzed the biological factors which have influence on driver’s actions such as sight, attention and reaction time with particular emphasis on the imperfections of those factors which should be taken into account when designing roads and organizing traffic because it lets to provide a higher level of road safety. The purpose of this article is to develop practical conclusions for road design and traffic management that will help to better adjust the road transport infrastructure to the capabilities and natural limitations of the human person. These conclusions are included in the summary.
The main objectives of all the types of implementation in the field of ITS include facilitation of road traffic that results from efficient utilization of the network of roads, improving road safety and efficient services for travellers. The scope of activities within ITS systems includes road traffic management, demand management, support for management of public transportation, information for passengers, management of vehicles’ fleet, management of incidents and support for rescue teams, advanced technologies inside vehicles and problems of electronic payments and collection of tolls. The ITS applications necessitates development of a strategic basis that regulates the principles of design, implementation and decision-making. Such a basis is provided by ITS architecture. This paper presents the standardization requirements and the structure of services in terms of ITS, discusses the organizational questions concerning architecture and presents current state in terms of development of the national ITS architecture
Ronda turbinowe to nowy, w polskich warunkach, typ skrzyżowania. Są to skrzyżowania wielopasowe (w Polsce najczęściej dwupasowe), które nie posiadają wad typowych dla rond wielopasowych, takich jak niski poziom bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego oraz niepełne wykorzystanie wewnętrznych pasów ruchu na skrzyżowaniu. W Polsce funkcjonują dwie grupy rond turbinowych. Pierwsza z nich to grupa rond turbinowych zaprojektowanych pod względem geometrii i organizacji ruchu na wzór holenderskich rond turbinowych, czyli z wyniesionymi ponad powierzchnię jezdni separatorami pasów ruchu. Druga grupa to ronda turbinowe z organizacją ruchu odpowiadającą całkowicie lub częściowo organizacji ruchu typowej dla rond turbinowych, ale na których nie zainstalowano wyniesionych separatorów oddzielających poszczególne pasy ruchu, a ich funkcję pełni tylko pojedyncza linia ciągła typu P-2. Jak powszechnie wiadomo, zastosowanie rond jednopasowych czy dwupasowych w odpowiednich warunkach drogowo-ruchowych powoduje całkowite wykluczenie bądź redukcję niektórych typów zdarzeń drogowych. Interesującym wydaje się zatem poznanie struktury typów oraz przyczyn zdarzeń drogowych występujących na tych nowych typach rond. W artykule przestawiono ogólną ocenę stanu bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego dla grupy rond turbinowych z wyniesionymi ponad powierzchnię jezdni separatorami pasów ruchu. Analizę tę przeprowadzono w oparciu o dane statystyczne uzyskane z bazy SEWiK. Jak wykazały wyniki przeprowadzonych badań, na rondach turbinowych, z wyniesionymi ponad powierzchnię jezdni separatorami pasów ruchu, występuje ogólnie wysoki poziom bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego.
Turbo roundabout is new in Polish conditions type of intersection. Turbo roundabout are multilane roundabouts (in Poland usually with two-lane), which do not have typical disadvantages of multilane roundabouts such as low level of road traffic safety and under-utilization internals road traffic lanes. There are two groups of turbo roundabouts at present in Poland. First of them is a group of turbo roundabouts designed in terms of geometry and road traffic organization like Dutch turbo roundabouts, that is with durable, raised lane dividers. The second one are turbo roundabouts with road traffic organization like on typical turbo roundabouts, without raised lane dividers but with dividers in the form of continuous line type P-2. As it is well known, the use of one-lane or two-lane roundabouts under appropriate road and traffic conditions results in total exclusion or reduction of certain types of road accidents. Therefore, it is interesting to discover the structure of types and causes of road accidents occurring on this new type of roundabouts. The evaluation of the road traffic safety on turbo roundabouts with durable, raised lane dividers have been presented in this article. This analysis was conducted on statistical data get from SEWiK base. As the results of research shown, on turbo roundabouts with raised lane dividers is generally high level of road safety.
Zarządzanie ryzkiem strategicznym na poziomie kraju obejmuje także ochronę życia i zdrowia uczestników ruchu drogowego. Jednym z narzędzi zarządzania ryzkiem są modele prognostyczne wybranych miar ryzyka. Do jednym z pierwszych etapów budowy takich narzędzi jest identyfikacja czynników wpływających na ryzyko wypadku drogowego. W pracy przedstawiono metodykę identyfikacji najbardziej istotnych czynników wpływających na zmiany wybranych miar ryzyka społecznego i indywidualnego na poziomie strategicznym kraju. W przypadku wskaźnika śmiertelności ofiar wskazano także ranking tych czynników i kształt zależności.
Strategic risk management at national level also includes the protection of life and health of road users. One of the tools of risk management are forecasting models of selected risk measures. One of the first stages of development of such tools is to identify the factors affecting the risk of an accident. The paper presents methodology to identify the most important factors affecting the changes in selected measures of social and personal risk at strategic national level. As for the mortality indicator, the ranking of those factors and dependency shape was also presented.
Determinanty struktury programu sygnalizacji. Analiza przepustowości skrzyżowań przy stałoczasowych programach sygnalizacji z różną liczbą faz. Analiza sprawności skrzyżowań przy zmiennoczasowych programach sygnalizacji z różną liczbą faz ruchu.
The determinants of structure of signalling programme. Analysis of crossing capacity for constant time signalling programmes for various number of phases. Analysis of crossing effectiveness for variable time signalling programmes for various number of phases.
Metody obliczeń i wybrane techniki wyznaczania przepustowości wartości granicznych odstępów czasu. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań empirycznych na dwunastu rondach Górnego Śląska. Wpływ cech geometrycznych ronda na wartość granicznego odstępu czasu.
The methods of counting and the selected techniques of assigning limiting time interval. The results of research on twelve traffic circles at Upper Silesia. The influence of geometric features on the value of limiting time interval.
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