People use mobile phones for almost all activities throughout the day. Phones are used while performing activities such as running, cycling and walking on the pavement. Most often we listen to music, browse the Internet or just talk. Unfortunately, it should be noted that the use of a mobile phone is not always safe, as it can distract the attention of a pedestrian or driver, which can lead to a road accident. The topic of using mobile phones at pedestrian crossings is much less frequently discussed compared to using a mobile phone while driving a passenger vehicle. The phenomenon of distracting pedestrians with a mobile phone is becoming an increasingly recognisable phenomenon. In many countries, such behaviour is severely punished. The use of mobile phones by pedestrians and drivers reduces attention. Despite the risk of road accidents, many pedestrians and cyclists are accustomed to using their mobile phones while traveling in traffic. The aim of the article is to draw attention to the problem of using a telephone by pedestrians crossing an intersection with traffic lights. The collected results confirm that pedestrians often use mobile phones while crossing pedestrian crossings. Collected data from observational studies reveal several other important findings. Pedestrians using a mobile phone on a pedestrian crossing walk slower. Pedestrians are oblivious to passing vehicles and often cross the pedestrian crossing without thinking or checking in advance. Pedestrians using a mobile phone at a pedestrian crossing do not pay attention to traffic lights but follow the crowd of other pedestrians.
The aim of the study was to present Ways to Prevent road accidents in Romania. Improving security requires the Involvement of many companies, but only with Their help and cooperation can create a fully functional and effective system for Preventing accidents. The article shows the effectiveness of the Romania safety system in road transport. The study shows that the introduction of modern solutions slowly results in achieving improvement in the management of road, and brings measurable effects in the form of fewer fatalities.
Celem pracy było przedstawienie sposobów zapobiegania wypadkom drogowym w Rumunii. Poprawa bezpieczeństwa wymaga zaangażowania wielu firm, ale tylko z ich pomocy i współpracy można stworzyć w pełni funkcjonalny i skuteczny system zapobiegania wypadkom. W artykule przedstawiono skuteczność systemu bezpieczeństwa Rumunii w transporcie drogowym. W opracowaniu ukazano, że wprowadzenie nowoczesnych rozwiązań powoli skutkuje osiągnięciem poprawy w zarządzaniu transportem drogowym, a także przynosi wymierne skutki w postaci mniejszej liczby ofiar śmiertelnych.
В статье рассматривается система факторов, определяющих скоростной режим безопасного движения АТС, представлены подходы к обоснованию скоростных ограничений, проведена оценка целесообразности изменения этих ограничении в условиях современного состояния дорожно-транспортного комплекса России.
A system of factors that determine the speed limit for safe movement of ATS, presents approaches to the justification of the speed limit, assessed whether to amend these restrictions in terms of the current state of road transport system in Russia.
The task of increase of traffic safety has got a special acuteness for large cities of Russia in connection with expansion of service of passengers of route taxis. In the paper results of research of technical operation’s conditions of route taxis, qualifications and the experience of their drivers are resulted, and also some ways of increase of safety on city routing traffic are offered.
Задачи повышения безопасности дорожного движения приобрели особую остроту для крупных городов Росси в связи с увеличением обслуживания пассажиров маршрутными такси. В данной работе проведён анализ условий технической эксплуатации маршрутных такси и стажа водителей и их квалификации, а также предложены некоторые пути увеличения безопасности на городских маршрутах.
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