The industrial development and economic growth have provided a conducive environment for manufacturing process improvements. However, this progress also poses several challenges to remain competitive and improve efficiency and productivity. Failure mode and effect analysis is a systematic approach that is used extensively in the field of risk management to enhance quality and efficiency in different sectors including manufacturing and healthcare sectors. In this paper, novel approach to enhance the failure mode and effects analysis is proposed. The approach can address the inherent uncertainty involved in assigning numerical values to represent the severity, occurrence and detection of each failure. A case study from a small-scale factor was assessed to ensure the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach.
The new maintenance system of semi-trailer combination as a most used road freight transport means is the subject of interest in this article. The real experiences from practice and creation of the FMEA analysis of the system using software support are the basis of wear and damage analysis of air brake system components used on the semi-trailer combination. The desire to improve market position of the company, customer satisfaction, but also the product specifications, government regulatory requirements, agency recommendations, and legal implications are the grounds for continuous improvement of the product quality, reliability and safety. These reasons push the product manufacturers to perform risk analyses, which helps them identify and minimize system failures during the life cycle of product. One of the risk analysis techniques recommended by international standards to identify possible failure causes is the FMEA methodology. It helps to locate the failures and reduce their consequences, so that the intended function of the machine is fulfilled. In this paper was presented the wear and damage analysis of individual components of air brake system and creating of the FMECA analysis for semi-trailer combination. Base on them, new methods to detect failures of components of air systems, preventive measures and set up of a new planned preventive maintenance system for air brakes was designed. The cost of the proposed maintenance system is 2.2 times higher than the cost of the current maintenance system, but it minimizes the failures and their consequences (traffic accidents).
The most significant issues in businesses within the scope of manufacturing and services are the sustainability of production quality, setting quality standards and reducing the waste amount during the manufacturing process. From this point of view, the aim of this study is to provide a better quality level of supplying households’ apparel needs while reducing the environmental, economic and social problems of the sustainable supply chain of the apparel sector and extending the lifecycle of apparel. The importance of risk analyses and calculations in the applications of industrial sectors plays a vital role in evaluating the factors of sustainability dimensions. In order to address this risk analysis in this research, quality-oriented implementations are applied to determine the failure modes and effect analysis (FMEA). The significant factors are determined via Pareto Analysis (PA) to control and prevent potential errors and failures in the manufacturing systems of the textile industry. To achieve the aim of this study, the methodology of the research focuses on discovering failures of negative impact based on the primary factor degrees with the computing of risk priority numbers (RPNs) in the manufacturing process of the textile-apparel industry in Turkey. According to the ranking of the RPNs, FMEA application and PA enable to decrease the effects of negative factors and risks as well as the waste amount of the apparel-textile industry, as well as to increase the lifecycle of apparel and products.
Najważniejszymi zagadnieniami w biznesie w zakresie produkcji i usług są: trwałość jakości produkcji, nabywanie standardów jakości i zmniejszanie ilości odpadów przy wytwarzaniu produktach. W związku z tym spostrzeżeniem, celem przeprowadzonych badań było zapewnienie lepszej jakości zaspokojenia potrzeb w zakresie odzieży dla gospodarstw domowych przy jednoczesnym zmniejszeniu problemów środowiskowych, ekonomicznych i społecznych związanych ze zrównoważonym łańcuchem dostaw w sektorze odzieżowym i wydłużeniem cyklu życia odzieży. Znaczenie analiz ryzyka i obliczeń w zastosowaniach sektorów przemysłowych odgrywa istotną rolę w ocenie czynników związanych z wymiarami zrównoważonego rozwoju. Aby uwzględnić tę analizę ryzyka w badaniach zastosowano implementację zorientowaną na jakość w celu określenia trybów awarii i analizy skutków (FMEA), a istotne czynniki określono za pomocą analizy Pareto (PA) w celu kontroli i zapobiegania prawdopodobnym błędom i awariom systemów produkcji przemysłu włókienniczego. Metodologia badania skoncentrowana była na wykryciu wad o negatywnym wpływie na proces produkcji przemysłu tekstylno-odzieżowego w Turcji, w oparciu o podstawowe współczynniki z obliczaniem liczb priorytetowych ryzyka (RPN). Zgodnie z rankingiem RPN, aplikacje FMEA i PA zapewniają zmniejszenie negatywnych czynników, zmniejszenie ryzyka, wsparcie wydłużonego cyklu życia produktów, zmniejszenie ilości odpadów w przemyśle odzieżowym i włókienniczym oraz wydłużenie cyklu życia odzieży.
The paper deals with the proposal of new maintenance system on a semi-trailer combination. Analysis of wear and damage of air brake system components used on the semi-trailer combination based on Real experience from practice and creation of the FMEA analysis of the system using software support are presented. The need for continuous improvement of product quality, reliability and safety arises from product specifications, government regulatory requirements, agency recommendations, legal implications and above all a company’s desire to improve its market position and customer satisfaction. These issues require product manufacturers to perform risk analyses that identify and minimize part/system failures throughout the product‘s life cycle. The FMEA methodology is one of the risk analysis techniques recommended by international standards. It is a systematic process to identify potential failures to fulfil the intended function, to identify possible failure causes so the causes can be eliminated, and to locate the failure consequences so the consequences can be reduced.