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In Poland, despite ambitious plans from 15 years ago, when it was assumed that by 2020, an agricultural biogas plant would be standard in every commune, the potential of agricultural biogas has not been used due to the lack of stable legal regulations and financing programmes for the construction of the plants. The situation has now changed due to new forms of support systems, which motivated the authors to compare two agricultural biogas plants operating in the certificate system and the support system in the form of feed-in premiums. Moreover, the authors pointed to differences in the number of agricultural biogas plants and their capacity by voivodeship due to changes in legal conditions in force in two periods: from 1 January 2011, to 30 June 2016, and from 1 July 2016, to 19 January 2024. Based on the research methods used ‒ including Earnings Before Interest, Taxes Depreciation and Amortisation, the Internal Rate of Return, risk matrix and data analysis in spatial terms ‒ it was indicated that: 1. agricultural biogas plants are characterised by very high sensitivity related to the probability of risk in the case of investment costs, substrate prices and changes in energy prices; 2. financial support is important at the stage of construction of a biogas plant, which largely makes it possible to shorten the payback period and thus increase the willingness of future investors to invest in biogas plants and 3. in the periods analysed, significant differences were noted in the spatial location of biogas plants due to trends towards lower-power biogas plants, which is probably dictated by the constant and predictable premium system in the new support system.
W Polsce potencjał biogazu rolniczego pomimo ambitnych planów sprzed 15 lat, gdzie zakładano, że do 2020 roku standardem będzie biogazownia rolnicza w każdej gminie, nie został wykorzystany ze względu na brak stabilnych regulacji prawnych oraz programów finansowania budowy biogazowni rolniczych. Sytuacja obecnie uległa zmianie ze względu na nowe formy systemów wsparcia, co zmotywowało autorów do porównania dwóch biogazowni rolniczych funkcjonujących w systemie certyfikatów oraz w systemie wsparcia w postaci feed-in premium (FIP). Ponadto, autorzy wskazali na różnice w liczbie biogazowi rolniczych i ich mocy według województw w związku ze zmianą uwarunkowań prawnych, obowiązujących w dwóch okresach: od 1 stycznia 2011 roku do 30 czerwca 2016 roku i od 1 lipca 2016 roku do 19 stycznia 2024 roku. Na podstawie zastosowanych metod badawczych, m.in. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA); Internal Rate of Return (IRR); risk matrix; oraz analiza danych w ujęciu przestrzennym wskazano iż: 1. Biogazownie rolnicze charakteryzują się bardzo wysoką wrażliwością związaną z prawdopodobieństwem wystąpieniem ryzyka w przypadku kosztów inwestycyjnych, cen substratów oraz zmiany cen energii.; 2. Wsparcie finansowe jest istotne na etapie budowy biogazowi, które w dużej mierze pozwala skrócić okres zwrotu i tym samym zwiększyć skłonność przyszłych inwestorów do inwestowania w biogazownie; 3. W analizowanych okresach odnotowano istotne różnice w rozmieszczeniu przestrzennym biogazowni ze względu na tendencje w kierunku biogazowni o mniejszej mocy, co prawdopodobnie jest podyktowane stałym i przewidywalnym systemem premii w nowym systemie wsparcia.
The presented article deals with the use and evaluation of individual risks of work in the environment of Slovak mining company. The mining company is also a manufacturing company. The company mines the raw material and the final product (clinker). The main goal of the article is to monitor the incidence of accidents over the last 10 years, to analyse the group of risks that have a significant impact on accidents in mining companies and to evaluate them. The Risk Matrix, shows the relationship between estimated consequences and probability of risks formation. The next step is to use the workplace Risk Assessment Method to define acceptable risks and minimize the impact on workers. Another method we used is the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) model. The output of the FTA model is the creation of a faulty tree, which resulted in the individual traumatized accidents that resulted in the definition of the resulting risk - namely a load injury.
The article presents a proposal for the use of a risk matrix for assessing the safety of the implementation of rail freight transport. The starting point for considerations related to risk assessment is the conditions arising from the business need and the obligation of entities operating in the railway market to ensure the safety of the implementation of freight tasks. The authors presented selected literature within the framework of the issues discussed. The layers of risk assessment, which include the analytical layer, the decision layer and the elimination layer, indicate the possibility of considering the problem of risk assessment from different perspectives. The identification of direct causes and consequences of undesirable events during the implementation of rail freight transport was also made. The article describes one of the methods of risk management which is the risk matrix. The authors stressed that the construction of a risk matrix should be preceded by an analysis of the factors that affect the safety of rail transportation. This is possible by determining their probability of occurrence and setting values for the consequences of adverse events. The article divides the assignment of levels of adverse events to a five-level risk matrix (slight, low, medium, high, very high). Also presented is a case study considering the risk assessment of rail freight transport in Poland using the risk matrix method for railway accidents in the area of railway lines. Thanks to the development of the risk matrix, a risk management strategy can be used. The last part of the article is a summary, which highlights the possibility of applying the presented approach to risk assessment among entities operating in the rail transport market.
The occurrence of natural and man-made hazards usually leads to the emergence of consequences that affect the living environment. Risk assessment as a process helps to comprehend risk. A risk assessment based on complex semi-qualitative approach to probability of hazard with specified consequences occurrence makes it possible to designate risk levels. In the Transcarpathian region the assessed risk levels distribution has been visualized on risk maps. Such risk maps as a form of risk communication may be used to support resilience strengthening regarding identified hazards and its impact on the society, infrastructure and environment. Based on conducted research, a risk assessment methodology and risk mapping methodology were proposed. Moreover, the usage of proposed methods was referenced to the resilience strengthening and its influence on the sustainable development of the Transcarpathian region. The proposed tool is a solution that is correlated to 30 innovations linking dedicated Disaster Risk Reduction with Sustainable Development Goals.
Występowanie zagrożeń naturalnych i spowodowanych działalnością człowieka prowadzi zazwyczaj do pojawienia się konsekwencji wpływających na środowisko życia. Ocena ryzyka jako proces pomaga zrozumieć ryzyko. Ocena ryzyka oparta na kompleksowym, półilościowym podejściu do prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia zagrożenia o określonych konsekwencjach prowadzi do wyznaczenia poziomów ryzyka. W regionie Zakarpacia oceniony rozkład poziomów ryzyka został zwizualizowany na mapach ryzyka. Mapy ryzyka jako forma komunikacji o ryzyku mogą być zastosowane do wspierania wzmacniania odporności w odniesieniu do zidentyfikowanych zagrożeń i ich wpływu na społeczeństwo, infrastrukturę i środowisko. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań zaproponowano metodologię oceny ryzyka oraz metodologię tworzenia map ryzyka. Ponadto wykorzystanie proponowanych metod odniesiono do wzmocnienia odporności i jej wpływu na zrównoważony rozwój regionu Zakarpacia. Zaproponowane narzędzie jest rozwiązaniem będącym w korelacji z 30 innowacjami łączącymi dedykowaną redukcję ryzyka klęsk żywiołowych z Celami Zrównoważonego Rozwoju.
Content available Risk assessment approaches for offshore structures
Risk assessment and management was established as a scientific field some 30–40 years ago. Principles and methods were developed for how to conceptualize, assess, and manage risk. These principles and methods still represent largely the foundation of this field today, but many advances have been made, linked to both the theoretical platform and practical models and procedures. The purpose of the thesis is to perform a review of these advances, with a special focus on the fundamental ideas and thinking on which these are based. We have looked for trends in perspectives and approaches, and we reflect on where further development of the risk field is needed and should be encouraged. The present study is written for readers with different types of background, not only for experts on risk. However, there is a conflict between the cost impact and safety aspect. E&P managers as well as government supervisor authorities are constantly faced with decisions to be made regarding of safety. In order to ensure comparability and to set priorities application of QRA is a useful tool to justify choices made with regard to personnel safety, environmental protection, asset damage and business reputation, it is recommended to apply the systematic cause analysis method and develop the risk management models which contains an integral approach toward the health, safety and environmental aspect.
The aim of the study was to assess the risk posed by Legionella bacteria in a public building in Krakow. An old building with internal installation risers of different ages, as well as draw-off points of different types, was selected for testing. Samples were collected during two campaigns. In one sample of the first series of tests, no bacteria were found. During the second series of tests, no Legionella bacilli were found in just one sample and in one sample only 4 colony-forming units were detected. At the remaining draw-off points (water taps), the bacteria count detected were greater than the maximum threshold allowed by legal regulations (admissible threshold for public utility buildings – 100 cfu/100 mL). No morphological differences were observed with respect to the occurrence of specific serogroups. In 14 samples, Legionella pneumophila serogroups 2–14 were found, while the Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 was only found in one sample. The risk assessment was also carried out based on a semi-quantitative risk matrix approach and as a quantitative microbial risk assessment. The risk matrix approach was successfully implemented for the recognition of the potential risk associated with the Legionella occurrence in a water system. The calculated annual cumulative risk is high. The research shows that even if the weekly inhalation exposure dose (and therefore the calculated risk) is high, the number of Legionella pneumophila illness cases found can be equal to zero. This is probably due to the large uncertainty associated with QMRA determination. The size of the room in which the contaminated water is used also affects the possibility of infection.
Niniejszy przegląd zawiera opis analizy ryzyka i bezpieczeństwa wykonanej dla elektrofiltru. Przeprowadzenie oceny ryzyka wynika ze standardów ujętych w dyrektywie maszynowej 2006/42/WE. Instalacja odpylania spalin zbudowana jest z wielu elementów oraz zespołów, dla których nie istnieje skuteczna metoda, pozwalająca określić ramy czasowe dla planowych przeglądów zapobiegawczych. Dobrym punktem wyjścia może okazać się metoda RCM (niezawodnościowo zorientowana eksploatacja).
This review describes the risk and safety analysis performed for the electrostatic precipitator (ESP). The risk assessment results from the standards included in the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. The exhaust gas purification installation (dedusting) consists of many elements and assemblies, for which there is no effective method to define a time period for scheduled preventive inspections. The RCM method (Reliability Centered Maintenance) may be a good starting point.
Underground laboratories provide a unique environment for various industries and are the perfect place for developing new technologies for mining, geophysical surveys, radiation detection as well as many other studies and measurements. Unfortunately working in underground excavations is associated with exposure to many hazards not encountered in the laboratories located on the surface. Water inflow, gas burst, roof fall and even seismic hazards translate into high accident rates in the underground mining industry across the globe. Therefore, to minimise the risk of serious accidents, a lot of research investigations related to the development of effective risk assessment procedures are being carried out. One of the initiatives aimed at improving the work safety in underground laboratories in the Baltic Sea Innovation Network project implemented under the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. This study presents the process of compiling a database on hazards within underground laboratories. Finally, a proposal of unification of the procedure for risk assessment, including methods for determining the likelihood and potential impact of unwanted events has been developed.
W artykule opisano uwarunkowania prawne i proceduralne dotyczące zarządzania ryzykiem w systemie zarządzania kryzysowego w Polsce, w optyce wymagań Mechanizmu Ochrony Ludności. W pierwszej części scharakteryzowano obowiązującą procedurę opracowania raportu cząstkowego do raportu o zagrożeniach bezpieczeństwa narodowego. W części drugiej zaprezentowano zmiany w podejściu do zarządzania ryzykiem w perspektywie wymagań Decyzji Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady nr 1313/2013/UE z 17 grudnia 2013 r. w sprawie Unijnego Mechanizmu Ochrony Ludności, opracowane w konsultacji z Rządowym Centrum Bezpieczeństwa.
The article presents legal and procedural conditions for risk management in the crisis management system in Poland. The deliberations present the still applicable procedure for the preparation of a partial report to the report on threats to national security. The second part of the paper presents changes in the approach to risk management in the perspective of requirements of the Decision 1313/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.
Almost every construction investment should contain elements of risk forecasting, whose validity depends, among other things, on the correct assessment of potential threats. These risks were defined by the Authors as risk factors that were characterized and then grouped on the basis of performed research in the scope of their identification. Due to lack of method of scheduling railway investments on the construction market, including risk assessment, a research effort was undertaken [14-17], the result of which is the proposed method. The article presents the main assumptions of the original method of rail investment planning, which on the one hand, will take into account the impact of potential threats identified previously by the Authors, and, on the other, will allow project managers to refer to the conditions in which the implementation of a specific facility is planned. The assumption was made that the method, relatively easy to implement, supported by an appropriate computational program, will encourage teams planning the implementation of railway undertakings to its application and will improve the reliability of the schedules they develop.
Prawie każda inwestycja budowlana, powinna zawierać elementy prognozowania ryzyka, których trafność jest uzależniona między innymi od prawidłowej oceny potencjalnych zagrożeń. Zagrożenia te zostały przez Autorów zdefiniowane jako czynniki ryzyka, które zostały scharakteryzowane a następnie zgrupowane na podstawie wykonanych badań w zakresie ich identyfikacji. W związku z tym, że na rynku budowlanym nie ma metody harmonogramowania inwestycji kolejowych z uwzględnieniem oceny ryzyka, podjęto wysiłek badawczy [14-17], którego efektem jest proponowana metoda. W artykule przedstawiono główne założenia oryginalnej metody harmonogramowania inwestycji kolejowych, która z jednej strony uwzględni wpływ potencjalnych, zidentyfikowanych wcześniej przez autorów specyficznych dla inwestycji kolejowych zagrożeń, a z drugiej pozwoli menadżerom projektu odnieść je do warunków, w jakich planowana jest realizacja konkretnego obiektu. Przyjęto założenie, że stosunkowo prosta we wdrożeniu metoda, wsparta odpowiednim programem obliczeniowym, zachęci zespoły planujące realizację przedsięwzięć kolejowych do jej stosowania i zwiększy wiarygodność opracowywanych przez nie harmonogramów.
This study addresses the problem of training the officers, which are assigned to an electrical-driven vessels equipped with azimuth thrusters. A pair of omnidirectional thrusters in combination with power plant system containing several diesel generators imply a potential for a variety of different emergency scenarios, which also includes partial or full loss of control or blackout. These fault scenarios were classified in the article with predefined risk levels depending on the area, time limitation, mode of operation and fault itself. Mutual responsibilities and action algorithms for bridge and engine teams in a step-by-step manner have been developed for each scenario. Personnel behavioral differences in both expected and unexpected emergencies have also been studied.
The sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk significantly in the last decades. The transport pattern has as a result partly changed with more traffic in remote areas. This change may influence on the risk pattern. The critical factors are harsh weather, ice conditions, remoteness and vulnerability of nature. In this paper, we look into the risk of accidents in Atlantic Arctic based on previous ship accidents and the changes in maritime activity. The risk has to be assessed to ensure a proper level of emergency response. The consequences of incidents depend on the incident type, scale and location. As accidents are rare, there are limited statistics available for Arctic maritime accidents. Hence, this study offers a qualitative analysis and an expert-based risk assessment. Implications for the emergency preparedness system of the Arctic region are discussed.
W niniejszej pracy zaproponowano metodykę wyznaczania obszarów wrażliwych na utratę bezpieczeństwa mikrobiologicznego wody mogącego być pochodną zmniejszenie stężenie dezynfektanta w wodzie transportowanej do konsumenta oraz jej wieku. W modelu badawczym wykorzystano zarówno dane z modelowania zachowania systemu w zmiennych warunkach eksploatacyjnych, jak i dane operacyjne pochodzące z baz danych systemu GIS, systemów SCADA, TelWin umożliwiającego rejestrację stężenia chloru wolnego, wartości przepływu w podsystemie dystrybucji wody.
This paper presents a new developed methodology for determining areas sensitive to the loss of microbiological safety of water. Deterioration of microbiological quality can be an effect of reducing the disinfectant concentration in water delivered to the consumer as well as water age. The research model uses both data obtained as a results of simulation in the EPANET program of various operational states of the water supply system exploitation, and operational data from GIS, SCADA and TelWin system databases, allowing registration of free chlorine concentration, flow values in the water distribution subsystem.
In the work the matrix methods of flood risk analysis and assessment were presented. Also the issue of flood risk in terms of its regulations was presented. The flood risk analysis and assessment were performed with the use of risk matrix for one of the Subcarpathian commune. For this purpose, flood risk maps were prepared and potential flood losses were calculated in accordance with existing legislation.
The new regulation concerning the quality of drinking water offers a number of delegations on the waterworks inform users about the quality of tap water. The study analysis on the public risk health should be prepared. In the paper the analysis and assessment method of the population and property related to failure occurrence of collective water supply systems is presented. Four categories of factors having impact on the multiplicative risk: purity category or probability of danger occurrence, material damage, loss of population health and security were adopted. On this basis four-parametric risk matrix was developed. In the study also examples of application methods were presented. The method can provide a planning tool in crisis management at the local government level.
The paper presents the concept of the risk evaluation for road infrastructure exposed to natural hazards - floods and landslides. Floods and surface mass movements impose a serious threat to the contemporary activities and people’s lives in modern economy. The natural meteorological and hydrological phenomena are main causes of a landslide activation. Typically, heavy or prolonged rain is combined with the progressive flooding. In river valleys, an increased lateral erosion of rivers and rapid snow melting in early spring would also lead to flood events. In Poland, the Carpathian regions are mostly predisposed to the formation of landslides. This may be favoured by the nature of shapes associated with high and steeply sloping slopes of the valleys and flysch geological structure. The paper presents the general characteristics of precipitation in Poland and the concept of a risk assessment with risk matrix. The issue is illustrated by an exemplary detailed risk matrix for a selected section of the road infrastructure in Subcarpathian province.
The Tailings Storage Facility Veliki Krivelj was formed by damming the Krivelj River valley, and it constitutes one of the largest industrial waste disposal sites in Serbia. As such, it represents a big challenge for the Bor Copper Mine in terms of stability preservation and environmental protection. Bering this in mind, it is safe to say that it is of crucial importance to recognize all the risks involved with its operation and management. This paper presents a semi-quantitative assessment of the risks entailed In the management of Tailings Storage Facility Veliki Krivelj, and demonstrates the use of 4×4 risk matrix to estimate the likelihood of potential failure scenarios and consequences and includes the application of the „As Low As Reasonably Practicable“ diagram for final risk evaluation. The results show that the management of the Tailings Storage Facility Veliki Krivelj is associated with risks that vary from negligible to high, i.e. from broadly to conditionally acceptable risks and also suggest that the irregularities in hydraulic elements and hydro-technical structures at Tailings Storage Facility are the ones with the greatest impact in increasing the risks.
Składowisko odpadów poflotacyjnych Veliki Krivelj powstało w dolinie po przegrodzeniu tamą rzeki Krivelj, w chwili obecnej jest to jedno z największych składowisk odpadów przemysłowych na terenie Serbii. W sowim obecnym kształcie stanowi ono wielkie wyzwanie dla zakładu kopalnictwa miedzi Bor, w zakresie ochrony, zachowania i stabilizacji warunków środowiska naturalnego. Mając powyższe względy na uwadze, stwierdzić należy że kwestią absolutnie kluczową jest rozpoznanie wszelkich rodzajów ryzyka związanego z funkcjonowaniem i utrzymaniem wysypiska. W artykule przedstawiono w pół-ilościową analizę ryzyka związanego z funkcjonowaniem składowiska odpadów poflotacyjnych Veliki Krivelj. Zademonstrowane zastosowanie macierzy ryzyka 4×4 do obliczania prawdopodobieństwa awarii w kilku rozpatrywanych scenariuszach działania oraz towarzyszących im skutków. Przedstawiono także zastosowanie diagramu obliczania ryzyka końcowego według schematu „tak niskie, jak tylko praktycznie wykonalne”. Wyniki wskazują, że funkcjonowanie składowiska odpadów poflotacyjnych Veliki Krivelj związane jest występowaniem wielu czynników ryzyka, od pomijalnych do bardzo wysokich poziomów, innymi słowy, od ryzyka powszechnie akceptowanego do czynników akceptowanych warunkowo. Wskazano także, że nieregularne działanie elementów hydraulicznych i hydro-technicznych w ramach urządzeń składowiska stanowi czynnik mający największy wpływ na podniesienie poziomu ryzyka.
Górnictwo węgla kamiennego wciąż pozostaje istotną gałęzią polskiej gospodarki o dużym znaczeniu dla regionu Górnego Śląska. Jest także gwarantem bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski, ponieważ węgiel kamienny – mimo malejącego zużycia – to nadal dominujące źródło energii w polskim bilansie energetycznym. Mając na uwadze powyższe okoliczności oraz konieczność zapewnienia efektywności ekonomicznej tej branży, głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest identyfikacja najważniejszych źródeł ryzyka branżowego oraz ocena ich wpływu na działalność przedsiębiorstw górniczych. By tak postawiony cel osiągnąć, w artykule posłużono się analizą PESTEL oraz macierzą ryzyka. Na postawie wyników badań określono najistotniejsze zagrożenia branżowe oraz sformułowano ogólne wytyczne ukierunkowane na uniknięcie lub minimalizację skutków ich realizacji.
Coal mining is still an important industry in Polish economy and Upper Silesian Region. It also guarantees energy safety in Poland, because hard coal – in spite of decreasing consumption – still remains a key energy source in Polish energy balance. According to above and to the need to ensure efficiency in Polish coal mining, the main aim of this article is to identify the most important industrial risk factors and to estimate their influence on the activity of mining enterprises. To achieve such aim, the authors used PESTEL analysis and risk matrices. Based on the research results the most important industrial risk factors are established. Additionally, the main suggestions at their avoiding or minimizing are formulated.
Wreck of a ship is an incident that must be avoided. Ship accidents are generally caused by a several cases, such as human error, natural disaster, technical errors, missed communication, poor condition of the ship, and many more. Ship wreckage have huge impact for ship navigation, environment, economics, and others. Those impact have many disadvantages for the shipowners, and also for environment. For examples the fuel spills that pollute the environment, make disturbance to sailing ship because the track for those navigation is blocked by the ship wreck and their cargo especially on shallow location (<50 m). These research will discuss the effect the container when it is floats on the sea and its interference other ships. The main objective of this study is to present a risk assessment on the environmental impact of the wreck and container cargo. Wrecks on the seabed is likely to pose a risk to passing ships. container and its contents as well as the possibility of refloat, and also their environmental risks emanating from the wreck and container cargo, such as fuels, lubricants, and chemical cargo. Variations scenario is a collision between ships that pass by floating containers. The frequency of refloating container, and the consequences of the passing ship depends on several factors, which will be the subject of research. However, because of the frequency of refloating containers is unlikely, then the risk is low and does not pose a danger to navigation. These risk assessment using risk matrix 5x5 which is the combined value of the frequency and consequences of the incident. The results of this study indicate the level of risk, whether the risk is accepted, not accepted or received by considering the costs and benefits (ALARP). To consequence, there are two parameters which energy is absorbed and the penetration occurs. The absorbed energy is divided into two, namely the energy absorbed by ship and the energy absorbed by containers. In this study were taken 5 groups based on the size of the vessel. In this cases any 5 size group of vessels is based on the size of the ships that pass in the shipping lanes at the site of the sinking. Assumed these vessels have speed 10 knots at the location. As well as speed drifting containers having 0 to 3 knots.
W artykule poruszono problematykę oraz wykonano analizę stanu bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy w przedsiębiorstwie przemysłowym, której podstawowym elementem jest ocena ryzyka zawodowego.
The article addresses issues and analyzes health and safety at work in an industrial enterprise, the basic element of which is the assessment of occupational risk.
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