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Content available remote A new approach to bounded linear operators on C(ω*)
We discuss recent results on the connection between properties of a given bounded linear operator of C(ω*) and topological properties of some subset of ω* which the operator determines. A family of closed subsets of ω*, which codes some properties of the operator is defined. An example of application of the method is presented.
Artykuł przedstawia metodę badania własności ograniczonego operatora liniowego na C(ω*) poprzez badanie własności pewnej rodziny domkniętych pozbiorów ω* wyznaczonej przez ten operator. Przedstawiony został przykład zastosowania tej metody w przypadku projekcji.
This paper is concerned with weak uniformly normal structure and the structure of the set of fixed points of Lipschitzian mappings. It is shown that in a Banach space X with weak uniformly normal structure, every asymptotically regular Lipschitzian semigroup of self-mappings defined on a weakly compact convex subset of X satisfies the (ω)-fixed point property. We show that if X has a uniformly Gâteaux differentiable norm, then the set of fixed points of every asymptotically nonexpansive mapping is nonempty and sunny nonexpansive retract of C. Our results improve several known fixed point theorems for the class of Lipschitzian mappings in a general Banach space.
Content available A retract principle on discrete time scales
In this paper we discuss asymptotic behavior of solutions of a class of scalar discrete equations on discrete real time scales. A powerful tool for the investigation of various qualitative problems in the theory of ordinary differential equations as well as delayed differential equations is the retraction method. The development of this method is discussed in the case of the equation mentioned above. Conditions for the existence of a solution with its graph remaining in a predefined set are formulated. Examples are given to illustrate the results obtained.
Content available remote A Study of the Basic Parameters Describing the Structure of Chenille Yarns
The basic parameters describing the structure of chenille fancy yarns produced on a chenille yarn machine have been characterised. The effect of the properties of the component yarns, and that of machine parameters on the final count of the chenille yarns, have been studied. For this purpose chenille yarns were produced in different pile lengths, twist levels, yarn counts of component yarns, and an expression is derived to determine the final count of these chenille yarns. Correlation analysis confirmed a strong linear relationship with a high value of correlation coefficient (above 0.95) between the final count values of chenille yarn samples obtained from the expression (formula) and that obtained from the measurements.
Scharakteryzowano podstawowe parametry opisujące strukturę fantazyjnych przędz szenilowch, wytwarzanych na maszynie do produkcji przędz szenilowych. Badano wpływ właściwości przędz składowych oraz parametrów maszyny na końcowy numer przędzy. W tym celu wyprodukowano przędze szenilowe o różnej długości okrywy, skręcie i masie liniowej przędz składowych. Opracowano zależność dla określania końcowego numeru przędzy szenilowej. Analiza korelacji potwierdziła wyraźną liniową zależność, przy wysokiej wartości współczynnika korelacji (powyżej 0.95) pomiędzy końcowym numerem przędzy szenilowej obliczonej na podstawie wyżej wspomnianej zależności, a numerem stwierdzonym na podstawie pomiaru wyprodukowanych próbek.
Content available remote Notes on retracts of coset spaces
We study retracts of coset spaces. We prove that in certain spaces the set of points that are contained in a component of dimension less than or equal to n, is a closed set. Using our techniques we are able to provide new examples of homogeneous spaces that are not coset spaces. We provide an example of a compact homogeneous space which is not a coset space. We further provide an example of a compact metrizable space which is a retract of a homogeneous compact space, but which is not a retract of a homogeneous metrizable compact space.
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