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Purpose: The aim of the publication is to provide a concise overview of the restrictions on the use of agricultural properties located in protected areas. Design/methodology/approach: As regards protected areas the Central Statistical Office publishes basic information annually in its studies and in the Local Data Bank on the forms of nature protection established in a given area, such as the area and forms and use in general terms for the whole country or by voivodeship, district and sometimes commune. However, it does not provide information on the overlapping of individual forms of nature protection and their spatial distribution, which was necessary in the case of this study. Therefore, an analysis of the spatial distribution and diversity of protected areas in the West Pomeranian Province was carried out using data made available by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection (individual forms of nature protection), the Central Geodetic and Cartographic Documentation Centre (territorial division units of the country), and cadastral data by districts from the Land Parcel Identification System. The study also used data from the Central Register of Nature Protection Forms maintained by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection and the Local Data Bank provided by the Central Statistical Office. Findings: The most restrictive restrictions on the management of agricultural real estate in protected areas occur in the case of the two most important legal forms of nature protection: national parks and nature reserves. With regard to the other forms of nature conservation, these restrictions are not felt as much by property owners. Originality/value: Research on the analysis of specific properties located in protected areas is rare. The authors wanted to show the constraints, difficulties faced by owners of agricultural properties located in environmentally valuable areas.
W artykule autor odniósł się do wybranych aspektów proceduralnych stosowania stanów nadzwyczajnych w Polsce. W szczególności podjęto temat ewentualnej możliwości zastosowania więcej niż jednego stanu nadzwyczajnego w tym samym czasie na jednym obszarze, jak również kwestii zmiany obostrzeń wolności i praw człowieka i obywatela w trakcie obowiązywania stanu nadzwyczajnego. Powyższe przemyślenia mogą być istotne dla problematyki stosowania stanów nadzwyczajnych w Polsce, w szczególności w kontekście wprowadzonego we wrześniu 2021 roku stanu wyjątkowego na części obszaru Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.
: In the article, the author referred to selected procedural aspects of the application of extraordinary states in Poland. In particular, the issue of the possible application of more than one emergency state at the same time in one area, as well as the issue of changing the restrictions on the freedom and rights of man and citizen during the extraordinary state, was discussed. The above thoughts may be relevant to the issue of the application of extraordinary states in Poland, in particular in the context of the state of emergency introduced in September 2021 in part of the territory of the Republic of Poland.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to analyze some of the most significant ethical and human rights impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis aims to demonstrate the failures of many political decision that lead to restriction and limitation of human rights Design/methodology/approach: We analyze various documents, reports and news articles that provide essential information about the different governmental restrictions that may lead to controversial human rights issues. We also use some philosophical texts to support our theoretical basis for the defence of human rights. Overall, we aim to find some of the groups that were vulnerable during COVID-19 pandemic and describe some of the human rights concerns and ethical issues. Social implications: We hope that our article will impact political regulations and restrictions that can have severe human rights implications. We also hope to inspire citizens, scientists and politicians to uphold and protect human rights and dignity during COVID-19 pandemic. Findings: In our article, we have found that many countries had problems with creating rules, restriction and regulations that are upholding and protecting human rights or did not have ethical implications. We have also found that many vulnerable groups were disadvantaged because regulations did not take into account their precarious position. Originality/value: We have analyzed the ongoing ethical and human rights problems with the COVID-19 pandemic because we believe that they present some of the most fundamental challenges to our society. Our analysis tries to demonstrate some of the most fundamental human rights issues and proposes to address these issues to avoid any future failures.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę wpływu Covid-19 na funkcjonowanie różnych gałęzi transportu pasażerskiego w 2020 i w pierwszej połowie 2021 roku w Polsce i na świecie. Omówiono wskaźnik surowości wprowadzanych restrykcji rządowych. Pokazano, jak wybuch pandemii Covid-19 wpłynął na decyzje rządów dotyczące wprowadzania ograniczeń w życiu społecznym oraz na zmiany w mobilności podczas trwania pandemii Covid-19. Przedstawiono zmiany wielkości przewozów w transporcie pasażerskim ogółem oraz w poszczególnych gałęziach transportu, zmiany mobilności społeczeństwa w miastach, regionach i skali międzynarodowej oraz ich wpływ na zachowania komunikacyjne społeczeństwa w przyszłości.
The article presents an analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on the functioning of various modes of passenger transport in 2020 and in the first half of 2021 in Poland and in the world. The indicator of the severity of the introduced government restrictions was discussed. It shows how the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic influenced governments’ decisions to impose restrictions on social life and changes in mobility during the Covid-19 pandemic. Changes in the volume of passenger transport in total and in individual modes of transport, changes in the mobility of the society in cities, regions and on an international scale, as well as their impact on the future transport behaviour of the society were presented.
Content available COVID-19 and tourism – the case of Poland
Despite widespread information about COVID-19 disease in the media, the world did not want to acknowledge that the epidemic could get out of hand and reach Europe in a short time. This shortly led to an almost complete halt in the tourism market. Administrative decisions, whose rapid implementation was aimed to be pre-emptive action for the development of the epidemic, were not without significance for the sector of tourist services. Steps taken in Poland were perceived by many people as too drastic. This is proved, in consistence with the Senbeto and Hon model (2020), by the fact that part of the society did not obey the restrictions, taking previously planned tourist trips. The article presents actions taken at the national level and restrictions resulting from actions taken with regard to mobility related to the implementation of tourist objectives. An attempt was also made to present the consequences of the pandemic for the tourist traffic in national terms.
According to the recommendation of the IMO Resolution MSC.252(83), “Adoption of the revised performance standards for integrated navigation system (INS)”, the INS is introduced in order to enhance navigational safety by providing integrated and augmented functions to avoid geographic, traffic and environmental hazards. Its main task is to provide ‘added value’ for the officer of the watch (OOW), ship’s captain and pilot, to plan, monitor or control the navigational safety and progress of the ship. The system should support navigational safety by combining, processing and evaluating inputs from different connected sensors and sources to provide information, giving timely warnings of dangerous situations, system failures and degradation of the integrity of delivered and presented information. An INS is defined as such if workstations provide multifunctional displays integrating at least the following navigational tasks (functions): route monitoring, collision avoidance and alert management. The output data contains a description of the subsystems and devices included in the INS, and the principles of their cooperation and presentation of data, but it does not present recommendations for interfacing the INS with the ship’s radio communications equipment or standardised rules of operation by the user and presentation of information. These restrictions limit the possibilities of using this system in e-navigation. This paper identifies the importance of these limitations with respect to the need for further development of INSs, and presents proposals to solve this problem.
The seven-year period to adapt internal law to EU regulations was given to new Member States on 1 May 2004 and ended in 2011. The highly-developed western states, fearing that their internal markets in fields such as transport services may be threatened, adopted a number of new regulations. Regulation (EC) No. 1072/2009 of the European Parliament is on common rules for access to the international road-haulage market, and despite introducing numerous restrictions, was to regulate cabotage operations in all Member States. However, the protection of each State’s own interests proved more important than the integrity of the Community and therefore some of the states, including Germany, have introduced severe limitations for foreign carriers, forcing them to observe the Minimum Wage Act (MiLoG).
Przez długie lata przemysł, także sektor chemiczny, był nastawiony głównie na poszukiwanie nowych materiałów i ulepszanie metod wytwarzania. Dopiero niedawno zaczęto zwracać uwagę na konieczność ograniczania negatywnych skutków działalności przemysłowej. Pod koniec 2006 r. Unia Europejska wprowadziła rewolucyjne rozporządzenie w sprawie zarządzania chemikaliami – REACH, aby do 2020 r. chemikalia były wytwarzane i stosowane w sposób możliwie bezpieczny dla zdrowia ludzkiego i środowiska. W artykule omówiono niektóre praktyczne aspekty wdrażania tego rozporządzenia.
For a long time industry, also chemical sector, has been focused on searching new materials and improvement of fabrication methods. Only not long ago one began with bringing awareness to necessity to reduce negative results of industrial activity. At the end of 2006 the European Union implemented a revolutionary regulation concerning management of chemicals – REACH – aiming to achieve that, by 2020, chemicals are produced and used in ways possibly safe for human health and the environment. In the article certain practical aspects of the REACH implementation were discussed.
W artykule przedstawiono jeden z przykładów możliwości wykorzystania danych z sondowania pojazdów w KBR (do wprowadzania LOP do modeli ruchu). Na bazie rzeczywistych wyników udostępnionych przez firmę CE-Traffic zademon-strowano sposób w jaki można wykorzystać dane z sondowania pojazdów do wykrywania LOP. Przedstawiono również spo-sób, w jaki można wykrywać występowanie fali opóźniającej i rozprowadzającej oraz skali oddziaływania LOP. Zademon-strowany przykład świadczy o dużym potencjale korzyści, jakie mogą wiązać się z wykorzystywaniem tych danych w KBR przy wykonywaniu oceny jakości funkcjonowania systemu drogowego oraz modelowaniu i prognozowaniu ruchu.
The paper presents an example of the possibilities of using floating car data FCD in transportation studies On the basis of the real FCD data delivered by CE-Traffic an example with demonstration of how FCD can be used for active bottleneck detection. It also presents the description of how detections of shock waves with application of FCD data can be obtained. Presented example demonstrates the great potential of benefits that may be obtained with the use of FCD in transportation studies and in traffic modeling and forecasting.
nr 6
14337--14346, CD 6
W pracy omówiono proces planowania strategicznego w komunikacji miejskiej. Przedstawiono w kolejności i pokrótce scharakteryzowano poszczególne etapy procesu tj. projektowanie globalnej sieci, planowanie linii komunikacyjnych i rozkładów jazdy. Przytoczono zasadnicze pozycje światowej literatury odnoszące się do procesu. Niezbędne dane do procesu planowania stanowią wyniki pomiarów potoków pasażerskich i ankietyzacji, przedstawiane w postaci więźby ruchu i macierzy migracji. W skrócie przedstawiono również modelowanie miejskiej sieci komunikacyjnej z wykorzystaniem teorii grafów. W pracy zaprezentowano modele matematyczne optymalizacji, funkcje celu, zmienne decyzyjne i ograniczenia, zastosowane w algorytmach komputerowego wspomagania procesu planowania. Funkcja celu na każdym etapie uwzględnia kompromis pomiędzy komfortem pasażerów i kosztem organizacji transportu. Przedstawiono przykłady i wnioski pod kątem wykorzystania w praktycznych implementacjach.
In the paper the process of strategic planning in city transit has been described. Specific stages of the process, that is global network design, line planning and timetabling have been presented in turn and characterized. The worldwide basic references concerning the process have been denoted. Necessary data to planning process are taken from passenger flow measurements and questionnaires, presented in a form of passenger journey chart and migration matrix. Modeling of city transit network with the use of graph theory has been also briefly presented. Mathematical models of optimization, objective functions, decision variables and constrains applied in the algorithms of computer aided planning process have been described in the paper. The objective function at each stage of the process takes into account the compromise between the passenger comfort and the operational cost of transport. The examples and conclusions regarding practical implementations have been presented.
Content available remote Structural and Dynamic Restrictions of Elementary Object Systems
Elementary object systems (EOS for short) are Petri nets in which tokens may be Petri nets again. Originally proposed by Valk for a two levelled structure, the formalism was later generalised for arbitrary nesting structures. However, even if restricted to a nesting depth of two, EOS are Turing-complete and thus many problems like reachability and liveness are undecidable for them. Nonetheless, since they are useful to model many practical applications a natural question is how to restrict the formalism in such a way, that the resulting restricted formalism is still helpful in a modelling context, but so that important verification problems like reachability become quickly decidable. In the last years several structural and dynamic restrictions for EOS have therefore been investigated. These investigations have been central to the first author’s recent PhD thesis and have been published in past editions of this journal and on conferences. In this paper we add several new results and present them together with the old in a unified fashion highlighting the central message of these investigations.
Content available REACH zaczyna się po rejestracji substancji
Rejestracja substancji wytwarzanych lub importowanych w wielkim tonażu lub najbardziej niebezpiecznych oraz klasyfikacja substancji zgodnie z rozporządzeniami REACH i CLP zakończyła się prawie rok temu. Ten ważny akt otwiera kolejne etapy zarządzania chemikaliami. Obowiązują już liczne ograniczenia w stosowaniu substancji szczególnie niebezpiecznych. Opublikowano pierwszą listę substancji budzących bardzo wysokie obawy, których stosowanie będzie uwarunkowane uzyskaniem zezwolenia. W artykule omówiono nowe - innowacyjne wyzwania dla przedsiębiorców.
Registration of substances manufactured or imported in big tonnage or mostly dangerous as well as classification of substances according to REACH and CLP regulations has been completed almost a year ago. This important act opened next stages of chemicals management. There already are numerous restrictions in use of substances that pose unacceptable risk. The first list of substances of very high concern was published. Their use will be allowed on condition that an authorization is granted. In the article new - innovation challenges for entrepreneurs were discussed.
Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie zjawisk zachodzących w światowym otoczeniu społeczno-gospodarczym. Podejmowane działania zmierzają do określenia ich wpływu na poziom i dynamikę zmian ceny ropy naftowej w roku 2009. Artykuł kończy prognoza na lata 2010-2011.
The purpose of article is to identify the phenomena which take place in the socio-economic environment in the world. The actions taken will make it possible to determine their influence on the level and dynamics of petroleum price changes in 2009. It presents available predictions in 2010-2011
Ropa naftowa to najbardziej pożądany surowiec świata, bez którego nie może prawidłowo funkcjonować żadne państwo. Z początkiem roku 2008 nie przewidywano, że jej ceny osiągną tak rekordowy poziom, by następnie odnotować ich dramatyczny spadek. Jednakże niedoskonałość konkurencji w tym sektorze sprawił, że jedynie groźba pojawienia się zakłóceń w jej dostawach była impulsem do spekulacji na światowych giełdach towarowych. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja zjawisk zachodzących w światowym otoczeniu społeczno-gospodarczym. Podejmowane działania umożliwiają określenie ich wpływu na poziom i dynamikę zmian ceny ropy w roku 2008. Ponadto artykuł zawraca uwagę na konsekwencje ponoszone zarówno przez jej odbiorców, jak i dostawców w wyniku niekorzystnych zmian na rynku naftowym. Prezentuje prognozy ceny tego surowca na lata 2009-2010.
Crude oil is the most desired raw material of the world, without which no state can function correctly. In the early 2008, nobody expected that its price would reach such record levels, only to plummet rapidly some time later. However, the imperfection of the competition in this branch of petroleum made that only a threat of disruptions in the production was an impulse to speculation on the world's commercial merchandise exchanges. The purpose of article is to identify the phenomena which take place in the socio-economic environment in the world. The actions taken will make it possible to determine their influence on the level and dynamics of petroleum price changes in 2008. Besides, the article shows the particular consequences for consumers and producers as a result of unfavourable changes in the oil market. It presents available predictions for petroleum prices in 2009-2010.
Przedstawiono główne założenia i postanowienia rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z dnia 18 grudnia 2006 r. nr 1907/2006 w sprawie rejestracji, oceny, udzielania zezwoleń i stosowanych ograniczeń w zakresie chemikaliów (REACH), utworzenia Europejskiej Agencji Chemikaliów, zmieniające dyrektywę 1999/45/WE oraz uchylające rozporządzenie Rady (EWG) nr 793/93 i rozporządzenie Komisji (WE) nr 1488/94, jak również dyrektywę Rady 76/769/EWG i dyrektywy Komisji 91/155/EWG, 93/67/EWG, 93/105/WE i 2000/21/WE. Rozporządzenie REACH weszło w życie dnia 1 czerwca 2007 r.
The article presents assumption data and provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC, which entered into force on 1 June 2007.
Content available remote Restriction-Based Concurrent System Design Using the Rough Set Formalism
Design of concurrent systems under various constraints is an important problem in real-life applications in many domains (for example, automatics, robotics, software engineering) and has earlier been discussed in the literature using different formalisms. In this paper some approaches to the concurrent system design based on restrictions will be considered. In our approaches, we will use the rough set formalism. The coloured Petri nets (CP-nets) will be used to model designed concurrent systems.
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