Source literature emphasizes the importance of lakes in the development of tourism-related functions of a given area. These functions are both connected with the lake itself, and with adjacent areas, based on the proximity of the water (Smith, 2003; Choiński and Borkowski, 2008; Duda-Gromada and Potocka, 2010). From the perspective of recreation, access to the lake is an important factor determining the presence of people on its shore. Accessibility of the shore should be understood as free access, with the option to rest, engage in recreation and bathe. This article presents a proposal for a natural and anthropogenic classification of lakeshores. It was employed in assessing the resources and recreational use of Lake Głębokie near Szczecin. The features and parameters of the lakeshore were assessed on the basis of a field survey and the applied valorization procedure. The analysis presented here was based on studies conducted in 2012 and 2017.
Zbiorniki wodne i ich otoczenie bez wątpienia wpływają pozytywnie na wypoczywających, zwłaszcza w okresach wysokich temperatur. Większość małych zbiorników retencyjnych zlokalizowana jest na obszarach wiejskich, zwykle ubogich w infrastrukturę turystyczną. Wydaje się zatem celowe rekreacyjne wykorzystanie istniejących akwenów, jak i rozwój turystycznych form rekreacji na sąsiadujących z nimi terenach. Lokowanie innych niż tradycyjnie rozumiane formy działalności gospodarczej i usługowej o charakterze rolniczym, przyczynia się do aktywizacji tych obszarów. Wielofunkcyjne 90 zagospodarowanie obszarów wiejskich poprawia jakość życia mieszkańców, zapobiega zjawiskom depopulacyjnym i umożliwia likwidację przeludnienia agrarnego [Salamon 2005, s. 146].
Few carried out investments, such as small water reservoirs, on rural areas, should be utilized in the most effective way. The main objective of the work is the assessment of the recreational value of water reservoirs complex Kobiór and its recreational use. The assessment was based on the morphometric parameters of the reservoir, local development plans for the surrounding areas and present use of the reservoir and surrounding areas. Despite the fact that the morphometric parameters were not very favourable for recreation, local development plans allowed recreational use of the reservoir and investments in infrastructure followed. Howewer, considering forest environment of the reservoir, many cycling paths and large dis-tance from similar objects, recreational use of the reservoir should be regarded as reasonable.
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