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The use of virtual reality for the establishment of compliance is a potential game-changer in enabling real-time remote inspections/ surveys of vessels. When provided with high-speed internet access, robots or remote-controlled inspection vehicles such as drones, crawlers, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and so on, may be equipped with remote inspection technologies (RITs), and smart optical cameras and sensor suites in conjunction with wearable technologies, and smart/ mobile devices, to carry out an aerial and underwater virtual assessment of the coating condition of the steel structural members of the vessel while transmitting the data in real-time or near real-time, via collaborative software. To ease the travel restrictions and border closures prompted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), these novel technologies have been introduced by some flag states and classification as alternatives to traditional in-person statutory inspections/ class surveys. This study aims to employ a systematic literature review (SLR) approach to (1) classify the profiles of existing publications related to remote inspections/ surveys, (2) highlight the key thematic areas being discussed within the domain of remote inspections/ surveys and identify tasks and processes that may require virtual reality application. To the best of our knowledge, the findings have revealed that there is no existing SLR paper related to the application of remote inspection techniques in ship inspections/ surveys. However, the review retrieved 28 primary studies from the following databases: Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Based on the results, various studies have proposed multifarious solutions to overcoming the existing technical and regulatory barriers to the mass deployment of these cutting-edge technologies.
During sports training, providing athletes with real-time feedback that is based on the automatic analysis of motion is both useful and challenging. In this work, a novel system that is based on mixed reality is proposed and verified. The system allows for immersive and real-time visual feedback in fencing training. Novel methods have been introduced for 3D blade tracking from a single RGB camera, creating weapon-action models by recording the actions of a coach and evaluating the trainee’s performance against these models. Augmented reality glasses with see-through displays are employed, and a method for coordinate mapping between the virtual and real environments is proposed; this will allow for the provision of real-time visual cues and feedback by overlaying virtual trajectories on the real-world view. The system has been verified experimentally in fencing bladework training (with the supervision of a fencing coach). The results indicate that the proposed system allows novice fencers to perform their exercises more precisely.
The crime rates in Mexico have been increasing in recent years; every day, there are reports on social media and in the news where assaults and verbal aggression by criminals can be seen. Public transportation units suffer from violence that authorities have not been able to reduce despite their efforts. This is why we have developed a fuzzy logic model that can adapt to almost any scenario thanks to the dynamism that we have implemented in each of its stages. We have obtained promising results that we believe will be of great help to the authorities for detecting the exact moment in which verbal aggression that is typical of a violent assault is happening in real time. This is a tool to help the authorities, not a substitution; we are simply making use of the latest technologies that are available to us. The goal of this paper is to provide a novel method for Mexican authorities in Mexico City in order to help the actual surveillance systems make faster decisions about whether violent assaults are happening or not.
Li-Ion battery is the main power source for portable devices and electric vehicles because of their excellent characteristics. After being used to supply energy, Li-Ion batteries will reduce their energy capacity and need to be charged so that the battery returns to its maximum capacity. There are several methods for charging a battery, one of the methods is Constant Current Constant Voltage (CC-CV). This method provides a a constant current first and continuing with constant voltage under certain conditions. This method is suitable for Li-Ion battery because the age of LiIon battery is greatly affected by overcharging conditions so that using this method can extend battery life. In this research, Li-Ion battery charger will be designed using the Buck Boost converter topology with the CC-CV method. Real time monitoring system during the battery charging process will also be proposed. In the implementation, the Buck Boost converter has an average efficiency of 88.2% at 10% to 100% load condition. The CC-CV method has high reliability in maintaining constant charging voltage and current and can produce a constant current of 1.3 A and a constant voltage of 12.6 V. In the Li-Ion battery charging test, it was found that the entire charging process took 89 minutes with 56 minutes in Constant Current mode and 33 minutes in the Constant Voltage mode with a cut-off current of 180 mA. The parameters of the Li-Ion battery such as charging voltage and current, the voltage between cells and the State of Charge will be updated every second so that it is monitored in real time wireless.
Akumulatory litowo-jonowe są głównym źródłem zasilania urządzeń przenośnych i pojazdów elektrycznych ze względu na ich doskonałe właściwości. Akumulatory litowo-jonowe po wykorzystaniu do dostarczania energii zmniejszają swoją pojemność energetyczną i wymagają ładowania, aby akumulatory powróciły do swojej maksymalnej pojemności. Istnieje kilka metod ładowania akumulatora, jedną z nich jest stały prąd o stałym napięciu (CC-CV), mianowicie najpierw dostarczanie stałego prądu i kontynuowanie stałego napięcia w określonych warunkach. Ta metoda jest odpowiednia dla akumulatorów litowo-jonowych, ponieważ na wiek akumulatorów litowo-jonowych duży wpływ mają warunki przeładowania, co może wydłużyć żywotność baterii. W badaniach ładowarka akumulatorów Li-Ion zostanie zaprojektowana z wykorzystaniem topologii konwertera Buck Boost z metodą CC-CV. Zaproponowany zostanie również system monitorowania w czasie rzeczywistym podczas procesu ładowania baterii. W swojej realizacji konwerter Buck Boost ma średnią sprawność 88,2% przy obciążeniu od 10% do 100%. Metoda CCCV zapewnia wysoką niezawodność w utrzymywaniu stałego napięcia i prądu ładowania i może wytwarzać stały prąd o wartości 1,3 A i stałe napięcie o wartości 12,6 V. W teście ładowania akumulatora Li-Ion stwierdzono, że cały proces ładowania trwał 89 minut z 56 minutami w trybie stałego prądu i 33 minuty w trybie stałego napięcia z prądem odcięcia 180 mA. Parametry akumulatora Li-Ion, takie jak napięcie i prąd ładowania, napięcie między ogniwami oraz stan naładowania będą aktualizowane co sekundę, dzięki czemu są monitorowane w czasie rzeczywistym bezprzewodowo.
W artykule przedstawiono oprogramowanie komputerowe, przeznaczone do zobrazowania danych z portu szeregowego COM w postaci tekstowej i graficznej oraz z zachowaniem wymagań czasu rzeczywistego. Dane przesyłane są w postaci znaków ASCII w kolejnych linijkach o określonej organizacji. Oprogramowanie umożliwia jednoczesne rysowanie do szesnastu okien z wykresami i w każdym z nich może być 16 sygnałów. Każde okno może mieć różną częstotliwość aktualizacji danych. Optymalna częstotliwość odbioru danymi wynosi 100 Hz. Zwiększenie tej częstotliwości powoduje zauważalne opóźnienia w rysowaniu wykresów, co spowodowane jest ograniczeniem standardowych bibliotek systemowych, odpowiedzialnych za funkcje graficzne.
The article presents computer software for real-time, text and graphic form data visualization from the COM serial port. The data is received in the ASCII form on subsequent lines of the specified organization. The software allows to simultaneously draw up to sixteen windows with charts and each of them can contain 16 signals. Each window may have a different frequency of data updates. The optimal frequency of data reception is 100 Hz. Increasing this frequency causes noticeable delays in drawing charts, which is caused by the limitation of standard system graphic libraries.
Content available remote ERM model analysis for adaptation to hydrological model errors
Hydrological conditions are changed continuously and these phenomenons generate errors on flood forecasting models and will lead to get unrealistic results. Therefore, to overcome these difficulties, a concept called model updating is proposed in hydrological studies. Real-time model updating is one of the challenging processes in hydrological sciences and has not been entirely solved due to lack of knowledge about the future state of the catchment under study. Basically, in terms of flood forecasting process, errors propagated from the rainfall-runoff model are enumerated as the main source of uncertainty in the forecasting model. Hence, to dominate the exciting errors, several methods have been proposed by researchers to update the rainfall-runoff models such as parameter updating, model state updating, and correction on input data. The current study focuses on investigations about the ability of rainfall-runoff model parameters to cope with three types of existing errors, timing, shape and volume as the common errors in hydrological modelling. The new lumped model, the ERM model, has been selected for this study to evaluate its parameters for its use in model updating to cope with the stated errors. Investigation about ten events proves that the ERM model parameters can be updated to cope with the errors without the need to recalibrate the model.
W artykule przedstawiono ideę systemów typu RTLS pod kątem wykorzystania ich w celu eliminacji marnotrawstwa w procesie budowlanym. Opisywane systemy z punktu widzenia strumienia wartości są pomocne w wykrywaniu czynności niedodających wartości. Autorzy przedstawili temat w aspekcie formalno-prawnym związanym z monitorowaniem i śledzeniem pracowników podczas pracy. Zwrócono uwagę na niezbędne dokumenty, pozwolenia, zgłoszenia i zgody pracowników, które zgodnie z obowiązującym w Polsce prawem należy posiadać, aby móc wykorzystywać tego typu systemy do zbierania i przetwarzania danych o lokalizacji pracowników w trakcie wykonywania prac.
The paper presents the idea RTLS systems for use in the elimination of waste in the construction process. Systems are described in terms of value flows as useful tools in detecting non-adding value steps. The authors presented the topic in terms of formal and legal issues related to the monitoring and tracking of workers in the construction processes. Highlighted the Necessary documents, permits, notification and consent of employees are highlighted, which according to Polish law must be in order to use such systems to collect and process data about the location of staff during execution of works.
Real time processing enables online reactions to dynamic environment changes. The author focuses on possibilities of implementing the Finite Element Method (FEM) to real time algorithms on microcontrollers. The paper presents the current state of the Real Time Finite Element Method (RTFEM) and describes results obtained by the author. The RTFEM for microcontrollers (with examples of use cases) is presented and results of the computations for the chosen platform are given. The results consider optimization of RTFEM computational algorithms for a microcontroller taking into account their execution time. All the tests were performed on the ARM-CortexM4F based STM32F429ZIT6 microcontroller. The obtained results were compared, discussed and presented in the paper.
The aim of this study is to design and implement a system that detect driver sleepiness and warn driver in real-time using image processing and machine learning techniques.Viola-Jones detector was used for segmenting face and eye images from the camera-acquired driver video. Left and right eye images were combined into a single image. Thus, an image was obtained in minimum dimensions containing both eyes. Features of these images were extracted by using Gabor filters. These features were used to classifying images for open and closed eyes. Five machine learning algorithms were evaluated with four volunteer’s eye image data set obtained from driving simulator. Nearest neighbor IBk algorithm has highest accuracy by 94.76% while J48 decision tree algorithm has fastest classification speed with 91.98% accuracy. J48 decision tree algorithm was recommended for real time running. PERCLOS the ratio of number of closed eyes in one minute period and CLOSDUR the duration of closed eyes were calculated. The driver is warned with the first level alarm when the PERCLOS value is 0.15 or above, and with second level alarm when it is 0.3 or above. In addition, when it is detected that the eyes remain closed for two seconds, the driver is also warned by the second level alarm regardless of the PERCLOS value. Designed and developed real-time application can able to detect driver sleepiness with 24 FPS image processing speed and 90% real time classification accuracy. Driver sleepiness were able to detect and driver was warned successfully in real time when sleepiness level of driver is achieved the defined threshold values.
This article briefly introduces the characteristics of ships' electrical power networks, and an existing system is described as an example. A mathematical model of a selected power system, including generators with a drive and its loads, is presented. The algorithm implementing the author's numerical method, named 'the average step voltages method', is described. The chosen numerical method is notable for its stability and high accuracy, even in combination with a large integration step size. Software and hardware applications of the RT AVR tester are also shown. To check the adequacy of the simulations using the implemented model, experimental measurements were carried out. The measurements, including dynamic states, obtained by the computer tester with the AVR system, as well as the physical model with the AVR system, are summarized. Possibilities for usage in the marine industry in the future are also outlined.
A new system of creation and management of particle effects created for the needs of the future productions of Techland Co. Ltd. is presented. By a proper organisation of memory buffers it provides for maximum data density in the memory. This makes it possible to simplify the calculations and to use a smaller number of threads and less memory readings.
This paper discusses the need to create intelligent machine tools, the expected properties of such machine tools and the benefits they will bring to business and the development of manufacturing. The basis for machine tool intelligence, and the evolution of machine tools towards the development of their intelligent functions, with a special emphasis on control, digitization and virtualization systems, the role of the STP-NC standard, and the prediction of machine tool operating properties, are presented. The arising concepts of the development of intelligent machine tool functions, which take into account the monitoring and planning of a collisionless tool path, are discussed. The approach to achieving real time and the intelligent machine tool is described for copy milling. Also the directions of implementing intelligent functions by machine tool manufacturers are presented using the MAZAK Corporation as an example.
The hydrodynamic interaction effects between two vessels that are significantly different in size operating in close proximity can adversely affect the safety and handling of these vessels. Many ship handling simulator designers implement Potential Flow (PF) solvers to calculate real-time interaction effects. However, these PF solvers struggle to accurately predict the complicated flow regimes that can occur, for example as the flow passes a wet transom hull or one with a drift angle. When it comes to predicting the interaction effects on a tug during a ship assist, it is essential to consider the rapid changes of the tug’s drift angle, as the hull acts against the inflow creating a complicated flow regime. This paper investigates the ability of the commercial PF solver, Futureship®, to predict the accurate interaction effects acting on tugs operating at a drift angle during ship handling operations through a case study. This includes a comparison against Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations and captive model tests to examine the suitability of the PF method for such duties. Although the PF solver can be tuned to solve streamline bodies, it needs further improvement to deal with hulls at drift angles.
Zwiększone bezpieczeństwo eksploatacji spod lustra wody, lepsze wykorzystanie zasobów złoża, wzrost wydajności pracy. To niektóre z zalet systemów zarządzania kopalniami. Ich wdrażanie jest koniecznością w nowoczesnym górnictwie i jednym z kluczowych składników osiągnięcia sukcesu.
In this paper, the application of the proposed control strategy PWM three intervals with 3×5 matrix converter is presented and analyzed. This control strategy is developed for the control of the multi-phases matrix converter, where the main aim is to ensure the waveform quality of the output voltages and the input currents based on the THD evaluation. Simulation results and real time implementation on dSpace 1103 of 3×5 matrix converter under R-L load are presented for the validation of the proposed control strategy and to clarify the main related advantages.
Content available remote QRS detector approach for on-line purposes
The problem of real time restrictions and effectiveness requirements of the QRS detection algorithm is presented in the paper. Several approaches were taken into account and were tested during the research. CSE ECG databases were used as test signal set. FIR and IIR filters were investigated as well as different filter coefficients floating point data types. The paper summarises Authors’ investigations in the field of QRS detector application to the contemporary market platform.
W artykule przedstawione zostały zagadnienia dotyczące wymagań stawianych algorytmom do detekcji zespołów QRS, przeznaczonych do pracy w czasie rzeczywistym. Szczególnie ważne są przeciwstawne problemy, które dotyczą skuteczności pracy algorytmu i szybkości jego działania. W trakcie testów wykorzystano wiele rozwiązań bazujących na filtrach SOI oraz NOI oraz różnych formatach współczynników filtrów.
Content available remote A Defect Tea Leaf Identification Using Image Processing
This paper introduces defect identification on tea leaves during production .This frame work introduces an active learning strategy through a set of passively trained leaf parameters. Under the supervision of support vector machine the trained parameters and input image are compared to know the characteristics of the leaves This algorithm is been used for identification of defective leaves using image processing techniques and for the removal of defective leaves through real time techniques.
W artykule opisano metodę oceny jakości liści herbaty w procesie produkcji. Na wstępnym etapie układ trenowany jest do rozpoznawania uszkodzonych liści z wykorzystaniem metody SVM. W metodzie wykorzystuje się narzędzia graficznej przetwarzania obrazu.
This paper addresses computer memory management with real-time operation in mind. Two essential memory allocation algorithms are analyzed, Hoard and jemalloc, as we 11 as a default algorithm for each specific platform considered. Benchmarking experiments for four platforms, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows NT, and VxWorks, were conducted and respective data collected and analyzed.
Artykuł dotyczy zarządzania pamięcią w komputerach używanych do zastosowań w czasie rzeczywistym. Przeanalizowano dwa podstawowe algorytmy alokacji pamięci, Hoard i Jemalloc, oraz algorytm domyślny dla każej z rozważnych platform. Wykonano eksperymenty dla czterech platform, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows NT i VxWorks, dla których zebrano i przeanalizowano odpowiednie dane.
Outstanding grow in demand both of mobile platform operability performance and efficiency of project development methodology encourage to apply modern algorithms and reliable engineering tools design. Latest research results confirm that the energy performance index algorithm [1, 2] applied into strongly non-linear mechatronic object developed by use of mechatronic techniques can guarantee sufficient motion control in the reduced time design process. In this paper the authors present three wheeled mobile platform research object developed and controlled with a use of the LabVIEW software environment. In order to boost mobile platform performance and handle its real time surveillance motion process the authors implemented the NI cRIO controller (dedicated Real Time hardware powered by LabVIEW). Mathematical complexity of on-line algorithm and sophisticated model description affected all the process design. Presented paralleled design methodology approach supported by mechatronic techniques [3] (virtual prototyping, Hardware-In-the Loop Simulations and rapid prototyping on a target object) allowed authors to achieve the highest level of a mobile platform system optimisation and increased probability of the final concept success.
Rosnące wymagania stawiane platformom mobilnym, w zakresie wysokiej operacyjności oraz sprawności energetycznej, skłaniają do stosowania wydajnych algorytmów sterowania ich ruchem, a także efektywnych środowisk projektowania mechatronicznego. Badania autorów są dowodem skuteczności sterowania optymalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości [1, 2], jako trafnej metody w zastosowaniu do obiektów silnie nieliniowych. Zaimplementowany do systemu sterowania algorytm, którego koncepcja bazuje na rozpatrywanym wskaźniku jakości, zagwarantował przejazd platformy po wytypowanych trajektoriach z oczekiwaną dokładnością. W artykule opisano koncepcję trójkołowej platformy mobilnej, powstałą jako efekt zastosowania wybranych technik projektowania mechatronicznego, czyli [3] wirtualnego prototypowania, HILS (Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulations) oraz szybkiego prototypowania na obiekcie docelowym. Wraz z systemem sterowania bazowało ono na zintegrowanym środowisku LabVIEW. Złożoność matematyczna zastosowanego algorytmu on-line oraz modelu obliczeniowego platformy, a także konieczność sterowania obiektem w czasie rzeczywistym, wymagały użycia dedykowanego sterownika platformy. Wybór jednostki National Instruments cRIO, wraz z zastosowanymi technikami projektowania mechatronicznego, pozwoliły autorom osiągnąć zakładaną skuteczność sterowania platformą mobilną, przy jednoczesnym spełnieniu warunku optymalizacji energetycznej systemu, a także ograniczyć znacząco czas realizacji projektu platformy.
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