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Flood forecasting has become necessary for dam management during extreme hydrological events. The lack of streamflow data in ungauged watersheds of arid and semi-arid regions makes the assessment of water resources difficult. In this paper, the Hydrologic Modeling System developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC-HMS) was applied to the Oued El Hachem watershed. Calibration and validation of the model have been performed, taking into account the lag time and the curve number CN that is expressed as a function of soil group, land use and antecedent runoff condition. The model was evaluated on the basis of the coefficient of determination, the Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), and the percentage differences between peak and volume. Performance indices of calibration showed a good agreements between observed and computed flows. The validation of the model has given satisfactory results. The calibrated model can be used to manage the dam of Boukerdane during extreme rainfall events by forecasting the induced hydrographs from which adequate procedures will be operated in order to ensure the safety of the dam against possible overtopping.
Over the past two decades, artificial neural networks (ANN) have exhibited a significant progress in predicting and modeling non-linear hydrological applications, such as the rainfall-runoff process which can provide useful contribution to water resources planning and management. This research aims to test the practicability of using ANNs with various input configurations to model the rainfall-runoff relationship in the Seybouse basin located in a semi-arid region in Algeria. Initially, the ANNs were developed for six sub-basins, and then for the complete watershed, considering four different input configurations. The 1st (ANN IP) considers only precipitation as an input variable for the daily flow simulation. The 2nd (ANN II) considers the 2nd variable in the model input with precipitation; it is one of the meteorological parameters (evapotranspiration, temperature, humidity, or wind speed). The third (ANN IIIP,T,HUM) considers a combination of temperature, humidity, and precipitation. The last (ANN VP,ET,T,HUM,Vw) consists in collating different meteorological parameters with precipitation as an input variable. ANN models are made for the whole basin with the same configurations as specified above. Better flow simulations were provided by (ANN IIP,T) and (ANN IIP,Vw) for the two stations of Medjez-Amar II and Bordj-Sabath, respectively. However, the (ANN VP,ET,T,HUM,Vw)’s application for the other stations and also for the entire basin reflects a strategy for the flow simulation and shows enhancement in the prediction accuracy over the other models studied. This has shown and confirmed that the more input variables, as more efficient the ANN model is.
Praca dotyczy doboru rozkładu czasowego opadu wykorzystanego do procesu modelowania typu opad-odpływ. Jako obszar badawczy wykorzystano zlewnię Bystrzycy, będącej lewostronnym dopływem Nysy Kłodzkiej. Dla realizacji założeń konieczne było stworzenie kilku wariantów możliwego rozkładu czasowego deszczu, w tym jednego wykorzystującego szeroko stosowaną metodę opartą na zaleceniach Niemieckiego Związku Gospodarki Wodnej i Melioracji DVWK. Do weryfikacji i kalibracji wyników modelowania wykorzystano dane opadowe oraz pomierzone wartości przepływów pozyskane z zasobów IMGW-PIB. Dane związane z zagospodarowaniem terenu oraz rozkładem gleb na terenie zlewni, które zostały wykorzystane w procesie modelowania, wymagały analizy przy użyciu narzędzi pozwalających na przetwarzanie informacji przestrzennej w środowisku GIS. Proces modelowania został przeprowadzony w programie HEC-HMS 4.2 za pomocą zaimplementowanego w nim modelu NRCS-UH (dawniej SCS-CN) opracowanego przez Amerykańską Służbę Ochrony Gleb (Soil Conservation Service SCS). Celem modelowania było sprawdzenie, który z przyjętych rozkładów czasowej zmienności opadu wygeneruję falę hipotetyczną najbardziej zbliżoną do fali rzeczywistej z 13.06.2015 roku. Jako niezależne miary dopasowania hydrogramu symulowanego względem obserwowanego wykorzystano statystyki w postaci: współczynnika efektywności modelu Nash-Sutcliffe (NS), średniego błędu bezwzględny MAE oraz pierwiastka błędu średniokwadratowego RMSE. Na podstawie kalibracji modelu przeprowadzonego na podstawie wezbrania z 2015 roku wskazano na wariant z rozkładem czasowym opadu, w którym kulminacja przypada na 12 godzinę opadu.
The paper concerns the selection of precipitation time distribution used in the process of development rainfall-runoff model. The Bystrzyca catchment area, which is a left-bank tributary of the Nysa Kłodzka River, was used as a research area. In order to achieve the assumptions, it was necessary to create several variants of possible rainfall time distribution, including one using a widely used method based on the recommendations of the German Association for Water Management and Land Melioration DVWK. To verify and calibrate the modeling results, rainfall data and measured values of flow obtained from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute resources were used. Data related to land use and soil arrangement in the catchment area, which were used in the modelling process, required analysis with the use of tools enabling the processing of spatial information in the GIS environment. The modelling process was carried out in HEC-HMS 4. 2 using the NRCS-UH model (formerly SCS-CN) implemented by the American Soil Conservation Service (SCS). The aim of the modeling process was to check which of the assumed distributions of time variation of precipitation will generate the hypothetical wave closest to the actual wave of 13. 06. 2015. Independent measures of the simulated hydrogramme’s adjustment to the observed one, included statistics in the form of: Nash-Sutcliffe (NS) coefficient of performance, mean absolute error of the MAE, and the root mean square error of the RMSE model. On the basis of the calibration of the model carried out on the basis of the increase of the rainfall in 2015, a variant with the precipitation time distribution was indicated, in which the culmination falls on the 12th hour of precipitation.
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę projektowania suchych zbiorników retencyjnych o pojemności około 100 tyś. m,sup>3, na obszarach silnie zurbanizowanych z przekształconymi antropogenicznie ciekami naturalnymi z licznymi wylotami kanalizacji deszczowej i dużymi uszczelnionymi powierzchniami spływu. W szczególności przedstawiono problematykę hydrologicznych podstaw projektowania w oparciu o dane meteorologiczne w zlewniach niekontrolowanych posterunkami wodowskazowymi ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dostępnych narzędzi komputerowego wspomagania modelowania procesów hydrologicznych (HEC-Hms, HEC-Ras) oraz dostępnych do wykorzystania modeli matematycznych i statystycznych opad-odpływ, tu praktyczne zastosowanie metody SCS-CN oraz modelu liniowego kaskady zbiorników Nasha do transformacji opadu efektywnego w odpływ powierzchniowy.
The paper presents the problem of designing an open reservoirs with a capacity of about 100 000. m3 in heavily urbanized areas of anthropogenically transformed natural watercourses with numerous outlets drainage and large sealed surfaces runoff. In particular the issues of the hydrological basics design based on the meteorological data in the catchment uncontrolled water level checkpoints with particular emphasis on the tools of computer-aided modeling of hydrological processes (HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS) and available for use mathematical models and statistical rainfall-runoff, this practical the method SCS-CN and linear model cascade tanks Nash to transform the effective precipitation in surface runoff.
An integrated Visual Basic Application interface is described that allows for sensitivity analysis, calibration and routing of hydraulichydrological models. The routine consists in the combination of three freeware tools performing hydrological modelling, hydraulic modelling and calibration. With such an approach, calibration is made possible even if information about sewers geometrical features is incomplete. Model parameters involve storage coefficient, time of concentration, runoff coefficient, initial abstraction and Manning coefficient; literature formulas are considered and manipulated to obtain novel expressions and variation ranges. A sensitivity analysis with a local method is performed to obtain information about collinearity among parameters and a ranking of influence. The least important parameters are given a fixed value, and for the remaining ones calibration is performed by means of a genetic algorithm implemented in GANetXL. Single-event calibration is performed with a selection of six rainfall events, which are chosen so to avoid non-uniform rainfall distribution; results are then successfully validated with a sequence of four events.
Content available remote Influence of afforestation on water regime in Jizera Catchments, Czech Republic
This paper studies the influence of afforestation on the water regime in two catchments in the Jizera Mountains that are similar in size and altitude but have different afforestation pattern. In this paper a range of different modelling tools is used to establish whether the differences in catchment water regime can be quantified and attributed to differences in catchment characteristics. Frequency analysis of low and high flows and a number and duration of flows over a threshold value are used to look for the differences in flow regime in both catchments. Low flow conditions are modelled using the Wittenberg nonlinear store approach. A rainfall-runoff process is modelled using a Data Based Mechanistic approach. The results indicate that the differences in the catchment response to external climatic factors outweigh the influence of land use apart from the low flows, where the changes in the response might be attributed to afforestation.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń hydraulicznych sieci ogólnospławnej dzielnicy Głogowa, przeprowadzonych przy pomocy programu komputerowego EPA SWMM. Pozwoliły one na określenie parametrów charakteryzujących przepływ w kanałach, a symulacje dotyczące opadów o różnej charakterystyce umożliwiły wskazanie słabych punktów sieci i rozwiązań zmierzających do poprawy stanu systemu.
Results of simulation calculations made for combined sewers system in a part of Głogów carried out with EPA SWMM were presented in this pa-per. They made possible to estimate parameters of flow for different pre-cipitations, to identify poor points in system and to choose methods for their improvement.
Celem pracy było wyznaczenie czasu opóźnienia odpływu i parametrów modelu Nasha w zlewni Potoku Służewieckiego po profil Staw Berensewicza na podstawie danych opad-odpływ zarejestrowanych w zlewni. Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie danych pomiarowych z półrocza letniego 2007 roku dla dwóch metod rozdziału opadu całkowitego, tj. dla metody CN-SCS oraz metody funkcji wykładniczej. Do analizy wybrano te zdarzenia, dla których maksymalny stan wody przekroczył 75cm (Qmax=1m3 s-1). W półroczu letnim 2007 zaobserwowano 15 zdarzeń spełniających to kryterium. Do transformacji opadu efektywnego w odpływ bezpośredni zastosowany został chwilowy hydrogram jednostkowy wg modelu Nasha. Model ten porównuje zjawiska hydrologiczne zachodzące na terenie zlewni rzecznej do działania systemu złożonego z kaskady N zbiorników liniowych o czasie retencji k. W wyniku przeprowadzonej stwierdzono, iż dla 2 zastosowanych metod rozdziału opadu efektywnego uzyskano różne wartości czasu opóźnienia odpływu, co jest związane z położeniem środka ciężkości hietogramu opadu efektywnego w obu metodach. Ponadto dla metody CN-SCS uzyskano większą wartość czasu opóźnienia odpływu (3,77h) niż dla metody funkcji wykładniczej (3,37h). Problematyka przedstawiona w pracy podjęta została przez pierwszego współautora w magisterskiej pracy dyplomowej pt. „Analiza przepływów wezbraniowych w zlewni rzecznej Potoku Służewieckiego w profilu Staw Berensewicza” na kierunku ochrona środowiska (Sikorska 2008).
The main goal of this article was estimation of the lag time of direct runoff in Sluzew Creek catchment, located in Warsaw (Poland). To calculations there were used measured data of rainfall (Okecie rain gauging station) and data of direct runoff at the Berensewicz Pond water gauge. The IUH based on the Nash model, in which catchment is shown as a cascade of N linear reservoirs with retention parameter k of each reservoir, was used to transform effective rainfall into direct runoff. Effective rainfall of each recorded event was estimated with two methods: exponential formula and CN-SCS method. Analysis was conducted for one hydrological year (2007), for events with water level higher than 0.75 m, which corresponds with discharge about 1 cubic meter per second. As a result of this analysis, there was stated, that two estimation methods gave different output and estimated mean lag time of direct runoff for CN-SCS method (3.77h) was longer than for the exponential formula (3.37h). This case study was the part of the first author’s master thesis, written at the Department of Water Engineering and Environmental Restoration (Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW), entitled: “Analysis of flood discharges in the Sluzew Creek catchment at the water gauge of Berensewicz Pond”.
Two flood flow hydrographs generated by rain events of probability of acurance of 1% and duration 2 hours in a small (A = 26,9 km2 ) urban catchment of Służew Creek (south part of Warsaw) have been routed by detention pond of total flood storage of 27,100 m3. The IUH, and CN SCS methods were used to estimated the hydrographs. The inflow to the system has been reduced by the lateral outflow to detention part of the pond, when the water level in the channel was over the crest of the side overflow, and when there were free volume in the detention space. Level pool routing (modified Puls) procedure has been used for calculating the outflow hydrograph from the reservoir of known storage-outflow invariable relationship and given inflow hydrograph. Estimated reduction of the peak flow has been about 10% for the smaller flood hydrograph (QDmax = 6,28 m3·s-1, generated by rainfall on part of the catchment), and below 3% for the larger flood hydrograph (QDmax = 9,73 m3·s-1, generated by rainfall on the whole catchment).
This review considers the application of statistical methods and ARIMA (autoregression integrated moving average) models to rainfall-runoff modeling and flood forecasting have been discussed. This is a relatively emerging field of research, characterized by a wide variety of techniques, an amenity of hulk source data, a possibility of intermodel comparisons, determina-tion its adequacy to observable data and also inconsistent reporting of model skin. The paper outlines the basic principles of ARIMA modeling and algorithms used. Literature survey underlines the need for clear guidance in current ARIMA modeling practice, as well as the comparison of ARIMA models with already existing models of rainfall-runoff. Accordingly, a template is proposed in order to assist the construction of future ARIMA rainfall-runoff models.
Przedstawiono zastosowanie metod statystycznych, w tym zwłaszcza modelu ARIMA (autoregresji całkowanej zmiennej średniej), do prognozowania przebiegu sytuacji powodziowych. Omówiono zastosowanie modelu ARIMA do opisu powsta-wania wód powodziowych spowodowanych ulewnymi deszczami oraz spływu tych wód.
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