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Content available Ocalmy noc
Światło jest niezbędne do życia nie mniej, niż jego brak. Nadmiar światła w środowisku nocnym powoduje zaburzenia naturalnych cykli życiowych roślin i zwierząt, w tym ludzi. Problem jest na tyle poważny, że współcześnie mówi się już wprost o zanieczyszczeniu światłem. W tekście przybliżam ten problem i pokazuję, jak narzędzia fizyki pomagają w jego monitorowaniu.
Light is essential for life. But just as much their absence. Excessive light in the nighttime environment disrupts the natural life cycles of plants and animals, including humans. The problem has become known as light pollution. In this article, I will take a closer look at this issue and show how the tools of physics contribute to monitoring it.
Content available remote On the beam radiance of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers : a review
Lasers emitting mid-infrared (MIR) beams have become indispensable for spectroscopy, free space communication or remote security measures. To the one of the most promising families of the lasers suitable for these applications certainly belongs a group of the Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL). However, among the conditions they must satisfy there is a high enough radiance of the beam they emit. Radiance depends in a complicated way on the laser output power and optical quality of the laser beam. This paper has been devoted to a description and a short analysis of the factors that decide about radiance of so far developed QCLs. Literature concerning both single devices and QCL arrays operating in beam combining systems have been examined and results described. The survey may be useful for estimation of how far the QCLs have come of age.
Content available Zagrożenie promieniowaniem optycznym lamp LED
Przedstawiono doniesienia literaturowe oraz własne wyniki badań promieniowania optycznego lamp LED, na podstawie których oceniono stwarzane przez nie zagrożenie fotobiologiczne. Oceny dokonano w oparciu o normę PN-EN 62471 „Bezpieczeństwo lamp i systemów lampowych”. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że lampy LED na ogół są bezpieczne i nie stwarzają zagrożenia zdrowia, jednak niektóre źródła, zwłaszcza o wysokiej temperaturze barwowej mogą stwarzać niskie, a nawet umiarkowane zagrożenie oka światłem niebieskim. Lampy LED powinny być zakwalifikowane przez producenta do odpowiedniej grupy bezpieczeństwa i oznakowane zgodnie z normą PN-EN 62471. Stosowanie znaku bezpieczeństwa CE w odniesieniu do lamp powinno również uwzględniać bezpieczeństwo foto-biologiczne.
In the paper, on the basis of literature reports and own researches of the optical radiation of LEDs, the photobiological risks were estimated. The evaluation was made on the basis of standard PN-EN 62471 “Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems ". The analysis shows that the LEDs are generally safe and do not pose health risks, but some sources, especially with a high colour temperature may cause low, and even moderate of blue-light hazard risk for the eye. LEDs should be certified by the manufacturer to the appropriate security groups and marked according to standard PN-EN 62471. The application of the CE safety mark for the lamps should also take into account the photobiological safety.
Content available Bezpieczeństwo stosowania lamp LED
Przedstawiono doniesienia literaturowe oraz własne wyniki badań promieniowania optycznego lamp LED i oceniono stwarzane przez nie zagrożenie fotobiologiczne w oparciu o normę PN-EN 62471 „Bezpieczeństwo lamp i systemów lampowych”. Stwierdzono, że lampy LED na ogół są bezpieczne i nie stwarzają zagrożenia zdrowia, jednak niektóre, zwłaszcza o wysokiej temperaturze barwowej mogą stwarzać niskie, a nawet umiarkowane zagrożenie oka światłem niebieskim. Lampy LED powinny być zakwalifikowane przez producenta do odpowiedniej grupy bezpieczeństwa i oznakowane.
In the paper the photobiological risks were estimated on basis of literature reports and own researches. The evaluation was made on the of standard PN-EN 62471 “Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems”. The analysis shows that the LEDs are generally safe and do not pose health risks, but some sources, especially with a high colour temperature may cause low, and even moderate of blue-light hazard risk for the eye. LEDs should be certified by the manufacturer to the appropriate security groups and marked.
W artykule omówiono wymagania dotyczące metody i zakresu badania nielaserowego promieniowania optycznego na stanowiskach pracy oraz stosowanej aparatury pomiarowej, bazując na zapisach zawartych w aktualnych normach z zakresu promieniowania optycznego. Zakres pomiarów ekspozycji przedstawiono w powiązaniu z aktualnymi wartościami MDE. Zaprezentowano także sposób wyznaczania wymiaru kątowego źródła promieniowania α oraz metodę obliczania skutecznej luminancji energetycznej źródła na podstawie zmierzonego skutecznego natężenia napromienienia. Na zakończenie przedstawiono wymagania dotyczące częstotliwości wykonywania badań oraz propozycje dotyczące zawartości raportu z badań.
This paper presents the requirements for the method and extent of testing of non coherent optical radiation at work places as well as the meters used for tests. The requirements are based on the current standards in the field of optical radiation. The scope of the exposure measurements are presented in conjunction with the current values of MDE. There is a description of the method of determining the angular dimension of radiation source α and how to calculate the effective source radiance from the measured effective irradiance. At the end, the paper presents the recommended frequency of testing and suggestions concerning the content of the study.
Maintenance works are crucial to reduce the risk of accidents. Road signs appear to be one of the most important elements for safety purposes so their inspection is commonly included in the most extended road management systems. The geometric state of the sign is of great importance, especially interesting is its flatness and the inclination relative to the ground. Road signs are printed with reflective paints to maximize the visibility to the drivers. This coating produces a high reflected radiation that is easily recorded by the photoelectric detector of the laser scanner mechanisms. It allows establishing an intensity based filter in order to perform the 3D classification of the road sign. In this work, a number of road signs are evaluated, under a geometric point of view, using the laser scanner Riegl LMS Z390i. A Matlab algorithm is developed for all the data processing (3D classification and evaluation of geometric parameters). Results do not show the evidence of folded or abnormally tilted signs. The developed algorithms open the possibility of using the attribute of intensity of laser scanning data for classification purposes, during the automatic evaluation of the condition state of road signs. Such algorithms could increase the productivity and reliability of the inspection works.
This paper presents the requirements for the method and extent of testing of non coherent optical radiation at work places, as well as the meters used for tests. The requirements are based on the current standards in the field of optical radiation. The scope of the exposure measurements are presented in conjunction with the current values of MDE. There is a description of the method of determining the angular dimension of radiation source á and how to calculate the effective source radiance from the measured effective irradiance. At the end, the paper presents the recommended frequency of testing and suggestions concerning the content of the study.
W referacie tym, na podstawie zapisów zawartych w aktualnych normach z zakresu promieniowania optycznego, omówiono wymagania dotyczące metody i zakresu badania nielaserowego promieniowania optycznego na stanowiskach pracy oraz stosowanej aparatury pomiarowej. Zakres pomiarów ekspozycji przedstawiono w powiązaniu z aktualnymi wartościami MDE. Omówiono także sposób wyznaczania wymiaru kątowego źródła promieniowania ? oraz metodę obliczania skutecznej luminancji energetycznej źródła na podstawie zmierzonego skutecznego natężenia napromienienia. Na zakończenie referatu przedstawiono wymagania dotyczące częstotliwości wykonywania badań oraz propozycje dotyczące zawartości raportu z badań.
This paper presents the requirements for the method and extent of testing of non coherent optical radiation at work places as well as the meters used for tests. The requirements are based on the current standards in the field of optical radiation. The scope of the exposure measurements are presented in conjunction with the current values of MDE. There is a description of the method of determining the angular dimension of radiation source ? and how to calculate the effective source radiance from the measured effective irradiance. At the end, the paper presents the recommended frequency of testing and suggestions concerning the content of the study.
The influence of the near-water wind field on the radiance of a marine shallow was studied on the basis of daily SeaWiFS ocean colour scanner data and QuickScat scatterometer wind data collected from 1999 to 2004 in the southern Caspian Sea, where the deep basin borders a vast shallow west of the shore of meridional extent. It was found that radiance distributions, clustered by wind rhumbs, exhibited different long-term mean patterns for winds of opposing directions: within the shallow's boundaries, the radiances were about twice as high for winds having an offshore component with reference to the onshore wind conditions. The zonal profile of radiance across the shallow resembled a closed loop whose upper and lower branches corresponded to the offshore and onshore winds respectively. The loop was the most pronounced at sites with 10-15 m of water for any wavelength of light, including the red region. On the basis of specific features of the study area, we attributed this pattern to sunlight backscattered from bottom sediments resuspended by bottom compensation currents induced by the offshore winds.
Rozkład luminancji energetycznej nieboskłonu bezchmurnego jest określony teoretycznie i numerycznie. Do określenia wpływu cząstek aerozolu na zmiany przestrzenne luminancji energetycznej nieboskłonu należy rozwiązać równanie transferu promieniowania. Pokazano, że aerozol istotnie wpływa na dostępność światła dziennego nawet, gdy rozpatrywany jest nieboskłon bezchmurny. Wskazuje to na potrzebę analizy struktury mikrofizycznej aerozolu, gdy symulowane są dzienne warunki oświetleniowe we wnętrzach z oknami.
The distribution of sky radiance under cloudless conditions is determined theoretically and numerically. To recognize the effect of aerosol particles on spatial behaviour of sky radiance, the radiative transfer equation need to be solved exactly. It is shown that aerosol loading can significantly influence the daylight availability even if the clear skies are exclusively considered. This implies a necessity to deal with aerosol microphysical characteristics when simulating the natural light conditions in rooms with arbitrarily oriented windows.
Dane teledetekcyjne zarejestrowane przez systemy lotnicze lub satelitarne nie mogą być od razu porównywane z krzywymi bibliotek spektralnych ze względu na wpływ atmosfery. Rejestrowana wartość promieniowania musi zostać przeliczona do bezwymiarowej wartości współczynnika odbicia spektralnego. W artykule przedstawiono porównanie wyników korekcji atmosferycznej obrazu HYPERION (357÷2576 nm). Korekcję przeprowadzono metodami empirycznymi (Flat Field, Internal Average Relative Reflectance, Empirical Line) oraz metodą FLAASH, opartą na modelu atmosfery MODTRAN. Jako dane referencyjne wykorzystane zostały krzywe spektralne z pomiaru spektrometrycznego in situ. Pomiar przeprowadzono spektrometrem FieldSpec HH Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) (350÷1075 nm). Miarą oceny dokładności dopasowania krzywych spektralnych był średni błąd kwadratowy oraz odchylenie standardowe liczone na podstawie różnic współczynnika odbicia dla krzywych obrazowych i referencyjnych. Najmniejszą dokładność dopasowania krzywych otrzymano dla metod opartych tylko na parametrach obliczonych z obrazu. Zadowalający wynik dopasowania krzywych w zakresie VNIR uzyskano dla metody Empirical Line, gdzie średni błąd kwadratowy wynosił 0.020, natomiast odchylenie standardowe 0.019. Najlepszy wynik korekcji atmosferycznej w całym zakresie spektralnym rejestrowanym przez HYEPRIONA uzyskano dla metody bezwzględnej FLAASH.
Because of the influence of the atmosphere, remote sensing data recorded by airborne or satellite sensors cannot be directly compared with spectral library curves. The value of recorded radiance has to be transformed to dimensionless value of reflectance. This paper presents a comparison of atmospheric correction results for the Hyperion’s image (357÷2576 nm). The atmospheric correction was performed with the following empirical methods: Flat Field, Internal Average Relative Reflectance, Empirical Line, and the FLAASH method based on the MODTRAN atmospheric model. Spectral curves from in situ measurements were used as reference data. Field measurements were taken by means of the FieldSpec HH Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) spectrometer (350 nm÷1075 nm). The accuracy of curve matching was calculated based on the RMS error and the standard deviation, which were calculated based on differences of value for image and reference reflectance. The lowest accuracy of curve matching was obtained for methods based only on parameters derived from images. A satisfactory result of correction for the VNIR range was achieved with the Empirical Line method, whereby the RMS error was 0.020 and the standard deviation was 0.019. The best result of atmospheric correction in the entire HYPERION range was obtained with the absolute FLAASH method.
The bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) of the sea areas polluted by oil-in-water emulsion has been studied at the ends in the visible lihgt spectrum. The Monte Carlo code was applied to model water leaving radiance for the entire upper hemispere. Solar irradiance was represented by 1 billion virtual photos which reach the sea surface ar an angle of 40 deg. The results are displayed as the BRDF vs. two variables: zenith and azimuth angles. The strong impact of wavelenght on the BRDF has been revealed while, the size distribution of oil droplets has an insignificant imact. The presence of oil emulsion modifies the shape of the BRDF significantly, and the latter depends on the oil type. Irradiance reflectances and radiance reflectances derived from BRDFs obtained are also presented.
The paper discusses the possibilities of modelling the bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) in sea areas polluted by oil. Three sea basin models are considered: a coastal one free of oil, one polluted by an oil film and one polluted by an oil emulsion. The following concentrations of oil were compared: for the film, 1 cm3 of oil per 1 m2 water surface, for the emulsion 1 cm3 of oil in 1 m3 of water. The optical properties of Romashkino crude oil were taken into consideration, as were various angles of incident solar light. The conversion of BRDFs into a directional distribution of the optical contrast of polluted areas is demonstrated.
Content available remote The constant radiance term
This paper describes a fundamential improvement for all rendering methods that evaluate the rendering equation in any complexity. The "constant Radiance Term" accelerates the computation of multiple interreflections in arbitrary non-diffuse environments. It is an extension of the constant radiosity step untroduced ealiner for solving radiosity problems and does not require geometrical nor visibility information. A constant radiance portion is extracted from the solution in every surface point and every direction. The residuum problem can be solved faster or with reduced variance by all known methods that consider non-diffuse light interreflections, like different versions of distribution ray tracing, deterministic and stochastic radiosity methods, and hybrid solutions. The constant radiance value is chosen in such a way that the total self-emitted power of the residuum problem is zero so that after the extraction of the constant part there are places with positive self-emittance and places with positive self-emittance and places with negative self emittance. The achieved acceleration can be significant for environments with many bright coloured surfaces. Using a decomposition into separate positive and negative problems it is possible to apply the technique even when using turnkey rendering software.
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