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The sedimentary architecture of the Middle Sanaga deposits in the Central Cameroon Region was studied by combining sedimentological and surface geoelectrical techniques. Lithologic columns from hand augers and pits were correlated to geoelectrical profiles. All of these data were analysed to determine the volumes of lithological units that constitute significant potential geomaterial deposits (gravels, sands, and clays). From surface to depth, geoelectrical results show four main units: conductive GU1 (100 Ωm), semi-resistive GU2 (800 Ωm), resistive UG3 (1000–2000 Ωm), and highly resistive GU4 (over 2000 Ωm). The calibration results identify three lithological units: LU1 composed of poorly sorted pebbles and gravels; LU2 consisting of well-classified medium to coarse sands, asymmetry towards fine to coarse elements; and LU3 consisting of silty clays and clayey sands. Correlation of results assigns UG1 and LU3 to low hydrodynamics, GU2 and LU2 to medium hydrodynamics, and GU3 with LU1 to high hydrodynamics. A 3D filling model has been developed. This model shows that the volume of GU1-LU3 is estimated of 33,549,496 m3 , for GU2-LU2 is estimated of 18,352,728 m3 , and of GU3-LU1 of 7,687,875m3 . This study has important implications for the knowledge and characterization of lithological units, especially geomaterials.
The aim of the study was to assess the contamination of selected heavy metals in cultivated soils of the Odra river floodplain. The heavy metals Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd and Pb were determined in soil samples collected in the autumn of 2020 - after the vegetation period of plants from designated measurement points. Concentrations of the analytes were measured using an atomic absorption spectrometer (F-ASA). A comparison was made between concentrations of heavy metals in soil samples collected from areas flooded in 1997 and from areas flooded as a result of rainfall, snowmelt and winter floods. The results of the studies were compared with the data for soils taken from non-flooded areas. The studies confirmed enrichment of soils subjected to precipitation, snowmelt and winter floods in heavy metals. Also samples taken from two measurement points located on floodplains of the Odra river were characterised by high concentrations of Zn, Cd and Pb.
The features of the tectonic structure together with the geological and geomorphological zoning of Kyiv city are highlighted in the article. Particular attention is paid to the floodplains of the Dnieper River, which were formed by the hydraulic fill method. As a rule, such sites were created for new constructions and were quickly built up with low rise buildings, the bases of which were made using such hydraulic soils. Completed engineering-geological investigations of sites after hydraulic filling and observation of the base deformation over time allowed setting of the basic regularity and rules for construction on such territories. The ongoing development of the city has also covered these territories, where high-rise buildings, shopping malls, and other buildings are actively being built, and the loads from these must be transferred to reliable bases.
W artykule omówiono główne problemy z podejściem do zagospodarowania den dolin rzecznych, w tym dolnej Wisły. Wzrost dynamiki odpływu wód, warunkowanego zmianami globalnymi klimatu, a także coraz większą ingerencją człowieka (rolnictwo, urbanizacja, przemysł), skutkuje tym, że mamy do czynienia ze wzrostem ilości i wysokości wezbrań z jednoczesnym potęgowaniem się susz. Z kolei podstawową zasadą prawidłowo funkcjonującego systemu rzecznego jest to, by umożliwić swobodny odpływ nadmiaru wód, zwłaszcza podczas wezbrań. I tak korytem następuje odpływ wód najczęściej trwających, tj. od niżówek poprzez stany (pochodne przepływy) średnie do tzw. stanów pełnokorytowych, zaś wody wezbraniowe są odprowadzane, specjalnie wykształconym przez rzekę, poziomem (równina) zalewowym. Tymczasem powierzchnia międzywala jest traktowana jako korytarz ekologiczny, obszar specjalnej ochrony ptaków (OSO) – Dyrektywa Ptasia, oraz specjalne obszary ochrony siedlisk (SOO) – Dyrektywa Siedliskowa. Utrzymanie roślinności na międzywalu powoduje zagrożenie w momencie występowanie zwiększonych przepływów wody, przyczyniając się do wezbrań o charakterze powodzi. W ocenie autorów złą praktyką jest zachowanie drzewostanu i zakrzewienia na powierzchni równiny zalewowej międzywala, które dzięki „zaszłościom” historycznym i gospodarczym (nie prowadzono wyrębu i wycinki) dziś uniemożliwiają prawidłowe funkcjonowanie tej makroformy korytowej (odcinki zatorogenne, utrudniające spływ wód wezbraniowych).
The article discusses main problems related to the approach to development of river valley bottoms, including that of lower Vistula. Increased water outflow dynamics, determined by the global climate change, as well as growing human influence (agriculture, urbanization, industry) lead to escalation of the number and height of floods with simultaneous accumulation of droughts. On the other hand, the basic principle of a correctly functioning river system is to enable free outflow of the excess of waters, especially during floods. The most frequent water stages, i.e. from low water, thorough average water (derived flows), to the so-called bankfull stages, flow downstream the riverbed, whereas high water stages flow into the flood plain shaped by the river. The surface of the inter-embankment zone is treated as an ecological corridor, the area of special protection of birds (SPA) – the Birds Directive, and the area of special protection of habitats (SAC) – the Habitats Directive. Conservation of vegetation in the inter-embankment zone is dangerous at the moment of increased water flows, contributing to the occurrence of high water stages with flood characteristics. The authors consider it to be a wrong practice to preserve wood stands and bushes in the inter-embankment flood plain which, due to historical and economic reasons (no felling nor logging were carried out), prevent today the correct functioning of this riverbed macro-form (sections generating jams, hindering the outflow of flood waters).
The paper presents the results of the regular bank erosion monitoring on three rivers of the Eastern European (Russian) Plain: the Kerzhenets River (left tributary of the Volga River), the Sherna River (left tributary of the Klyazma River) and the Tarusa River (left tributary of the Oka River). The first two rivers are characterised by wide floodplains and meandering channels, the third one is distinguished by an incised straight channel and a narrow floodplain. Results of the bank erosion monitoring carried out twice a year – after a spring snowmelt flood and a summer low-water period - over the last 5-15 years allowed the authors to arrive at the following conclusions: 1. Bank erosion and channel lateral migration were observed only during the flood events. No channel deformations were observed during the low-water periods on the rivers of the humid temperate climate zone. 2. Bank erosion and channel lateral migration were observed only during the years with the highest flood magnitude, regardless of the stream bed sediment grain size composition. In the years with moderate flood events, bank erosion occurred, but its rates were inconsiderable and comparable to the measurement accuracy limit. During dry years, no channel deformations were observed. 3. As a consequence of the meander development and its sinuosity changes, zones of the maximum concave bank retreat change their locations along the meander. First, the maximum erosion rate zone occupies most of the concave bank length, then moves towards the lower limb and concentrates at the meander apex when reaching the maximum sinuosity. 4. Formation of cutoffs in a high-sinuosity meander is mainly associated with intrinsic mechanisms of the meander self-development and to a lesser extent with a flood magnitude. In this case, the main factor of the cutoff process is a very fast increase in the channel longitudinal profile gradient, rather than flood discharge.
Alder floodplain forests are a rare and threatened forest type in Europe. These forests can be very rich in mollusc species. The intermediate disturbance hypothesis predicts that species richness should peak at intermediate inundation frequency, that is, at intermediate elevation above the river level. We additionally hypothesized that constantly high soil moisture can distort the usually positive correlation between the amounts of downed deadwood and snail richness, and that tree stems might be more favourable than deadwood because their vertical structure provides a better refuge during inundation events. To this end, we sampled molluscs from a core area of 20 × 20 m from eight alluvial forests with black alder in the surroundings of Łódź, Central Poland. In each core area, substrate was collected from eight random plots (0.25 m2 each). We also recorded soil pH, vascular plant species and mosses diversity, along with other structural variables. Plant indicator values were calculated according to Ellenberg. Soil quality (amongst others: soil pH, reactivity value, nutrient and moisture availability) decreased with increasing elevation above the river level. In the plot samples, we found a total of 18,497 individuals from 52 species. Mollusc species richness dropped stronger than densities with an increasing elevation above the river level. Main influences on mollusc richness and abundance originated from positive correlations with soil pH and moisture. An additional hand sampling campaign on tree stems and deadwood items in the core area revealed that coarse woody debris items on average carried twice as many individuals as did tree stems. Deadwood and tree stems supported similar numbers of snail species per item, but beta-diversity was higher on deadwood. Consequently, Jackknife 2 predicted that deadwood is utilized by about 46 species, whereas tree stems only support about 39 species. Our results indicate (1) that mollusc richness peaks at low elevations above normal water level in this type of forest, (2) that intact hydrological regimes are associated with high soil quality and mollusc biodiversity, and (3) suggest that coarse woody debris adds resources, refuges and a dispersal agent for the alder forest floor fauna.
W artykule przedstawiono przegląd osadów powodziowych i biogenicznych zdeponowanych w dnie Doliny Dolnej Wisły od okolic Górska, w środkowej części Kotliny Toruńskiej, po okolice Grudziądza. Omówiono piaszczyste osady powodziowe, osady basenów popowodziowych i mineralne osady jeziorzysk dolinnych. Dokonano analizy podstawowych własności utworów biogenicznych i ich interpretacji genetycznej. Omówiono też wyniki badań nad rekonstrukcją układu koryta Wisły w ciągu ostatnich 200 lat w Kotlinie Grudziądzkiej i Basenie Unisławskim oraz problem powolnego zamulania starorzeczy powstałych przed regulacją i po regulacji hydrotechnicznej w końcu XIX w. Wyjaśniono kwestię gradientu zawartości węglanowej materii rozpuszczonej w dnie doliny i jego wpływ na sedymentację osadów. Zwrócono uwagę na podobieństwa i różnice w transporcie materii rozpuszczonej i zawieszonej między korytem Wisły i starorzeczami na przykładzie starorzecza Starej Wisły i koryta Wisły w Bratwinie.
The paper is a review of flood and biogenic sediments which have been deposited on the Lower Vistula Valley floor from the vicinity of Górsk to Grudziądz town. Sandy flood sediments, flood basin sediments and mineral infillings of former back swamps are described. Biogenic sediments are also discussed and genetically interpreted. The results of the Vistula channel reconstruction in Grudziądz Basin and Unisław Basin in the last 200 years are also presented. The reconstruction is strongly linked with the problem of relatively slow siltation of oxbows after the hydrotechnical regulation at the end of XIX-th century. The question of the carbonates gradient in floodplain sediments is also explained. The differences and similarities of the dissolved and suspended matter transport between the main channel and fluvial lake is shown on the example of the oxbow lake and Vistula river channel in Bratwin.
Riverine floodplains are regarded as one of the most heterogenous and dynamic ecosystems. In natural state they encompass a variety of wetland sites like pools, lakes, channels etc. related and linked with the flood pulses; being the hot spots of high and specific biodiversity they are often under protection. The diversity and abundance of molluscs in the floodplain water bodies were investigated in order to find the shaping impact of chemical factors of water and sediments. The water bodies were located within 140 km section of the lower Bug River valley (eastern Poland, 190 to 50 km of the river course). The investigations were carried out in the years 2007-2009 in 25 permanently flooded, 25 semi-permanent sites (i.e. habitats partly dried-up because the water volume has decreased significantly during low river discharge) and 24 temporary water bodies holding water for at least few months (up to 8-9 months). The first group of sites consisted of large water bodies (the area above 1000 m2, depth mostly exceeded 2 m) representing earlier and middle successional stages. The second group contained relatively shallow (1-1.5 m) water bodies of medium or large size (from below 500 to above 1000 m2) representing more advanced successional stages. Temporary water bodies were very diverse in size (from about 100 to 1000 m2) their depth ranged from below 0.5 m to about 1 m and they mostly represented less advanced successional stages. Molluscs were collected from the bottom (using a hand net) and from macrophytes (using a frame). Concentrations of oxygen, nitrate and ammonia nitrogen, phosphates, calcium, chlorides, as well as BOD[5], pH and conductivity were measured in water. Organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus content in bottom sediments were determined, as well as C/N and N/P ratio.Permanent water bodies supported the richest malacofauna - 52 species (over 91% of all species found within the study area), whereas in semipermanent sites and temporary ones 29 and 36 mollusc species were found. Mean number of species per site amounted to 18.7 [plus or minus] 4.0, 7.7 [plus or minus]3.2 and 9.6 [plus or minus] 5.1 in permanent, semi-permanent and temporary water bodies respectively. Mean values of Shannon-Weaver index (H.) in three site groups mentioned amounted to 3.18 [plus or minus] 0.55, 2.18 [plus or minus] 0.72 and 2.07 [plus or minus] 0.83, respectively. Mean density of molluscs significantly differed among site groups (from 80 indiv. m[^-2] in semi-permanent sites to 292 indiv. m[^-2] in temporary ones) being the highest in temporary habitats (the range of values from 34 to 1840 indiv. m[^-2]). Phosphates, ammonia nitrogen and pH of water significantly influenced the abundance of molluscs, whereas oxygen concentration and BOD[5] affected species richness, diversity and abundance of molluscs within the permanent water bodies. In the other site groups chemical parameters of water did not affect significantly the mollusc communities. The influence of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus content in bottom sediments on malacocoenoses was not significant. The quality of organic matter contained in bottom sediments expressed as C/N (the range of values from 8 to over 40) showed structuring influence on malacocoenoses. Low food quality (C/N> 17), especially in many semi-permanent habitats, may constrain the development of molluscan communities.
Laboratory and field experiments have been conducted to study mobility of chromium and lead in floodplain sediments. The main goal of the research was to verify a hypothesis whether changes of chromium and lead concentration could be used to estimate the relative age of floodplain deposits. The basis for undertaking such research was the presence of weaving industry centers in the Obra River valley between the 16th and the 19th century and using Cr and Pb compounds in paint recipes. The Cr and Pb contents were also analyzed in three vertical profiles unaffected by the field experiments. The age of organic sediments in each of the profiles was determined using the radiocarbon analysis. The results of the laboratory experiments have shown that the highest contents of the elements were noted in the surface layer of the sediments placed in the column. However, the contents decreased during the last phase of the experiments and both vertical and horizontal migration of both elements was observed. A more intensive mobility was observed in the field test. Its cause could be the changes of the groundwater level, floodplain inundation and pH conditions in alluvial deposits. Such processes may have influenced migration of the compounds originating from the weaving industry production; Cr and Pb contents detected in the profiles unaffected by the field experiment were too small to be used for relative dating of alluvial deposits. Moreover, the alluvial deposits with increased contents of the studied elements may be older than the period of the weaving industry development. Cr and Pb mobility was especially intensive in the profiles situated within the near bed zone of the floodplain due to regular inundation, and the activity of erosion and accumulation processes entraining the studied elements back to transport in the river bed.
Na drodze eksperymentów laboratoryjnych i terenowych przeprowadzono badania nad zdolnościami migracyjnymi chromu i ołowiu w osadach aluwialnych. Głównym celem było określenie, czy zmiany koncentracji tych pierwiastków mogą być wykorzystane do względnego datowania osadów równiny zalewowej. Podstawą do przeprowadzenia takich badań były ośrodki przemysłu sukienniczego funkcjonujące w dolinie Obry w okresie od XVI do XIX wieku oraz związki chromu i ołowiu znajdujące się w barwnikach do tkanin. Zawartość badanych pierwiastków (niezakłócona przez eksperymenty terenowe) została również określona w trzech profilach pionowych. Osady w każdym z profilów wydatowano za pomocą metody radiowęglowej. Wyniki eksperymentów laboratoryjnych wskazały, że najwyższe stężenia badanych pierwiastków wystąpiły w powierzchniowej warstwie osadów umieszczonych w kolumnie. Jednak w ostatniej fazie doświadczenia zaobserwowano spadek koncentracji chromu i ołowiu w tej warstwie, co wskazywałoby na ich migrację w osadach poddanych eksperymentom. Bardziej intensywną migrację badanych komponentów stwierdzono w eksperymentach terenowych. Jej przyczynami mogły być wahania poziomu wód gruntowych, podtapianie równiny zalewowej przez wody wezbraniowe oraz zmiany wartości pH w osadach aluwialnych. Procesy te mogły wpłynąć na migrację pierwiastków pochodzących z barwienia tkanin. Wskazują na to stężenia chromu i ołowiu w profilach niezakłóconych przez eksperymenty terenowe. Są one zbyt mało zróżnicowane, aby wykorzystać je do względnego datowania osadów aluwialnych. Ponadto osady, w których stwierdzono podwyższone zawartości badanych pierwiastków, są starsze niż okres produkcji tkanin w tym regionie. Migracja chromu i ołowiu była szczególnie intensywna w profilu usytuowanym przy brzegu koryta Obry. Przyczyną tego było regularne zalewanie tej części dna doliny oraz procesy erozji i akumulacji powodujące włączanie badanych komponentów do transportu w korycie Obry.
Celem opracowania jest ukazanie zróżnicowania struktury roślinności w dolinie środkowej Wisły, wynikającego z przecięcia równiny zalewowej wałami przeciwpowodziowymi. W pracy wykorzystano numeryczne mapy roślinności doliny środkowej Wisły na odcinku pomiędzy Puławami i miejscowością Karczew pod Warszawą. Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy świadczą o znaczącym wpływie obwałowania rzeki na strukturę i różnorodność roślinności. Wały przeciwpowodziowe przyczyniają się do powstania dwóch odmiennych jednostek krajobrazowych: międzywala i zawala położonych w obrębie naturalnej równiny zalewowej. Ich wpływ na ogólną różnorodność roślinności na badanym obszarze jest wieloraki. Z jednej strony przyczyniają się do podniesienia ogólnej różnorodności na zawalu przez zwiększenie liczby typów zbiorowisk i ogólnej liczby płatów na jednostkę powierzchni, a z drugiej obniżają tę różnorodność np. w wyniku upraszczania kształtu wydzieleń. Wpływają również na zwiększenie stopnia synantropizacji roślinności.
This paper has sought to point to differences in vegetation structure in the middle Vistula river valley resulting from floodplain intersection by embankments. Digital maps of vegetation in the valley reach between towns Puławy and Karczew above Warsaw were the basic materials for the analysis. Embankments turned out to have a significant influence on the structure and diversity of floodplain vegetation. They contribute to existence of 2 different landscape units, between and behind dikes, located within natural floodplain. Their impact on vegetation diversity of the study area is very complex. On the one hand, they contribute to increase in the general diversity of the area behind dikes raising the number of vegetation communities types and the number of patches within the unit of area. However, on the other hand, they reduce the diversity simplifying the shape of polygons. They also increase the level of vegetation synanthropization.
Content available remote Land snails as indicators of soil humidity in Danubian woodland (SW Slovakia)
Moisture along with available calcium content are the major environmental factors controlling species richness and composition of the terrestrial molluscan fauna. In the present study, we focused on snails in a floodplain forest and their response on humidity. We described the model of response and calculate the humidity optima of particular species if possible. Generalised linear model (GLM) combined with Poisson distribution was used to ch aracterise the change of species abundance along a humidity gradient. From 31 species tested, 21 have shown significant response to humidity. The majority of specie s tested had unimodal response, four species showed monotonic regression type. Based on their humidity optima, species distributed along a moisture gradient belonged to three main ecological groups: (i) mesohygrophilous woodland species living mostly in non-inundated areas with humidity optima below 4, (ii) hygrophilous, forest hygrophilous and euryhygric species with optima between 4 and 6 and (iii) strongly hygrophilous (polyhygrophilous) species with mois ture optima above 6. Estimated moisture preferences for Danubian floodplain woodland land snail fauna would be a useful tool in a longterm biological monitoring of changing moisture regime.
The investigation was conducted in the Kopacki Rit Nature Park (eastern Croatia) which is established to protect the floodplain area of the Danube River. The samples were collected monthly in four sites (channels and lakes) with increasing distance from the river. The aim of investigation was to examine trophic structure of culturable bacterioplankton in relation to inundation-isolation cycles on sampling sites with unequal degree of connection with the Danube river. A change in the ratio of copiotrophs (r-strategists) to oligotrophs (K-strategists) was expected as the different organic carbon sources emerged. The composition of variables was revealed by Principal Component Analysis of abiotic water properties (temperature, water depth, transparency, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, nutrient concentrations) and the chlorophyll-a concentration. Scores of significant components were used in a Multiple Regression as independent variables and the relationship between the scores and abundance of colony forming units (CFUs) was examined. Regression model was significant only for copiotrophs, and their relative dominance was noticed in couple of samples on more isolated sampling sites. In all other samples oligotrophs were a dominant group, especially during the flood pulses or drainage after it. Their elevated abundance was equally distributed in all groups revealed by Principal Component Analysis, and corresponds to the fluvial action. Also concerning the [eta] squared and R squared values from the two-way ANOVA (sites/samplings) oligotrophs are highly influenced by the sampling period i.e. inundation-isolation cycles. They are probably driven by the allochthonous organic matter provided by floods or have allochthonous origin itself. At the same time, copiotrophs are to some extent coupled with the established water properties, i. e. bottom-up controlled and their abundance is influenced by the localisation of sampling sites in the floodplain. These results describe the development of the conditions that promote habitat specific succession of the culturable bacterioplankton. Established differences had disappeared after additional inundation-isolation cycles.
Celem autorów było rozpoznanie osadów pozakorytowych w dolinie środkowej Wieprzy i możliwie dokładne określenie ich wieku oraz miejsc i warunków ich akumulacji na równinie zalewowej. Zastosowano przy tym zestaw metod geomorfologicznych i geologicznych odnoszących się do analizy form występujących na równinie zalewowej i i budujących je osadów.Wcelu określenia ich wieku wykorzystano datowania radiowęglowe, datowania archeologiczne i w odniesieniu do osadów mineralnych – metodę termoluminescencyjną. Analizom poddano osady basenu powodziowego, osady wypełniające różnowiekowe paleomeandry oraz subfosylne i współczesne osady pozakorytowe.
The aim of the study has been to recognize overbank deposits in the middle Wieprza valley, including their precise dating and assessment of local conditions of sedimentation. It is based on geomorphological and geological research of floodplain landforms and deposits. Ages have been determined using radiocarbon method, archaeological dating and, for minerogenic deposits, TL dating. Analyses have been performed on floodplain basin deposits, palaeomeander infills, and subfossil and recent overbank deposits. The studied palaeomeanders have variable infills from various periods of the Sub-Atlantic. They are accompanied by diversified point bar deposits. Floodplain basin deposits have a similar, Sub-Atlantic age. Both types of deposits are overlain by flood deposits, which have accumulated since the early Middle Ages. Contemporary flood deposits of the Wieprza river differ from the sub-fossil ones through more restricted occurrence, resultant from channelization and channel incision. Therefore, in comparison to the pre-channelization period, the extent of floods is smaller and does not encompass the entire Holocene floodplain. Flood overbank deposits form only in the immediate vicinity of the channel.
The paper presents the results of morphometric, structural and granulometric analyses carried out on sandy ribbons developed on the lower Vistula river floodplain in the Torun and Unisław Basins. The landforms identified were classified in respect to their shape, sedimentary structures and degree of preservation. Their origin and relation to other flood deposits were described and illustrated in the map of thickness and extent of sandy flood deposits in the Świecie Basin.
Environmental heterogeneity is a key regulator of ecological processes. Riverine floodplains are particularly heterogeneous and dynamic systems and loss of their natural environmental heterogeneity and dynamism as a consequence of human impacts constitutes their most serious threat. On river floodplains, flow and flood pulses create a shifting mosaic of channels, ponds, bars, islands, and riparian forest patches. Composition and spatial arrangement of these habitat patches determine their degree of connectivity, which in turn controls the flux of matter and energy among adjacent patches. In light of these attributes, riverine floodplains are model ecosystems for studying the effect of heterogeneity on ecological processes. In this article we introduce a conceptual model for river-floodplain ecosystems that unifies leaf decomposition, organic-matter input, storage and quality, and stresses the importance of the flow and inundation regime. In combining these aspects of organic matter dynamics, which have been treated separately in the ecological literature, this model fosters a more holistic perspective of ecosystem processes on riverine floodplains. We conclude that the linkage between natural heterogeneity and ecosystem processes needs to be considered in future river-floodplain restoration projects.
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