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This paper explores cost-effective alternatives for resource-constrained environments in the context of language models by investigating methods such as quantization and CPUbased model implementations. The study addresses the computational efficiency of language models during inference and the development of infrastructure for text document processing. The paper discusses related technologies, the CLARIN-PL infrastructure architecture, and implementations of small and large language models. The emphasis is on model formats, data precision, and runtime environments (GPU and CPU). It identifies optimal solutions through extensive experimentation. In addition, the paper advocates for a more comprehensive performance evaluation approach. Instead of reporting only average token throughput, it suggests considering the curve’s shape, which can vary from constant to monotonically increasing or decreasing functions. Evaluating token throughput at various curve points, especially for different output token counts, provides a more informative perspective.
Optical neural network (ONN) has been regarded as one of the most prospective techniques in the future, due to its high-speed and low power cost. However, the realization of optical convolutional neural network (CNN) in non-ideal cases still remains a big challenge. In this paper, we propose an optical convolutional networks system for classification problems by applying general matrix multiply (GEMM) technology. The results show that under the influence of noise, this system still has good performance with low TOP-1 and TOP-5 error rates of 44.26% and 14.51% for ImageNet. We also propose a quantization model of CNN. The noise quantization model reaches a sufficient prediction accuracy of about 96% for MNIST handwritten dataset.
Based on the most significant features of the angular velocity dynamic measurements selected by the authors, the main phases of measuring information transformation were established, which allowed to obtain new mathematical models in the form of transformation function, equations for estimating quantization errors, analytical dependences for measuring range that are initial for modeling physical processes occurring in such digital measuring channels with microprocessor control. The process of converting an analog quantity into a binary code is analytically described, an equation for estimating the absolute and relative quantization error is obtained and a measurement range is established, which provides a normalized value of relative quantization error for angular velocity measuring channels with encoder. For the first time, the equation of sampling error was obtained, and it was proved that the limiting factor of the angular velocity measurements upper limit is not only the normalized value of quantization error, as previously thought, but also the value of sampling frequency fD. Therefore, to expand the measurement range (by increasing the upper limit of measurement), it is proposed not only to increase the speed of analog-to-digital conversion hardware, but also to reduce the execution time of software drivers for transmitting measurement information to RAM of microprocessor system. For this purpose, the analytical dependences of estimating the upper limit of measurement based on the value of the sampling step for different modes of measurement information transmission are obtained. The practical implementation of the software mode measurement information transmission is characterized by a minimum of hardware costs and maximum execution time of the software driver, which explains its low speed, and therefore provides a minimum value of the upper limit measurement. In the interrupt mode, the upper limit value of the angular velocity measurement is higher than in the program mode due to the reduction of the software driver’s execution time (tFl = 0). The maximum value of the angular velocity measurements upper limit can be achieved using the measurement information transmission in the mode of direct access to memory (DMA) by providing maximum speed in this mode (tFl = 0, tDR = 0). In addition, the application of the results obtained in the work allows at the design stage (during physical and mathematical modeling) to assess the basic metrological characteristics of the measuring channel, aimed at reducing the development time and debugging of hardware, software, and standardization of their metrological characteristics.
Na podstawie najistotniejszych cech dynamicznych pomiarów prędkości kątowej ustalono główne fazy transformacji informacji pomiarowej, co pozwoliło na uzyskanie nowych modeli matematycznych w postaci funkcji transformacji, równań do szacowania błędów kwantyzacji, analitycznych zależności dla zakresu pomiarów, które są podstawą do modelowania procesów fizycznych zachodzących w takich cyfrowych kanałach pomiarowych ze sterowaniem mikroprocesorowym. analitycznie opisano proces konwersji wartości analogowej na kod binarny Po raz pierwszy otrzymano równanie błędu próbkowania i udowodniono, że czynnikiem ograniczającym górną granicę pomiarów prędkości kątowej jest nie tylko znormalizowana wartość błędu kwantyzacji, jak sądzono wcześniej, ale także wartość częstotliwości próbkowania fD. Dlatego w celu rozszerzenia zakresu pomiarowego (poprzez zwiększenie górnej granicy pomiaru) proponuje się nie tylko zwiększenie szybkości działania sprzętu do konwersji analogowo-cyfrowej, ale również skrócenie czasu wykonania sterowników programowych do transmisji informacji pomiarowej do pamięci RAM systemu mikroprocesorowego. w tym celu uzyskano analityczne zależności górnej granicy pomiaru od wartości kroku próbkowania dla różnych trybów transmisji informacji pomiarowej. W trybie przerwania górna wartość graniczna pomiaru prędkości kątowej jest wyższa niż w trybie programu ze względu na skrócenie czasu wykonania sterownika programowego (tFl = 0). Maksymalną wartość górnej granicy pomiaru prędkości kątowej można uzyskać przesyłając informacje pomiarowe w trybie bezpośredniego dostępu do pamięci (DMA) zapewniając maksymalną prędkość w tym trybie (tFl = 0, tDR = 0). Ponadto zastosowanie uzyskanych w pracy wyników pozwala na etapie projektowania (podczas modelowania fizycznego i matematycznego) na ocenę głównych cech metrologicznych kanału pomiarowego, co ma na celu skrócenie czasu rozwoju i debugowania sprzętu, oprogramowania oraz standaryzacji ich cech metrologicznych.
W artykule opisano propagację błędów losowych w multiplikatywnych algorytmach przetwarzania, cechujących się mnożeniem danych pomiarowych przez siebie. Wyznaczono równania propagacji błędów dla dwóch algorytmów służących do obliczania wartości skutecznej i mocy elektrycznej na podstawie cyfrowych reprezentacji przebiegów. Przeprowadzono analizę propagacji błędów kwantowania i błędów spowodowanych drżeniem próbek przy użyciu równań propagacji błędów oraz metodą Monte Carlo wykorzystując niepewność wyników pomiaru do porównywania ich niedokładności.
Multiplicative algorithm, used for example for calculation of electrical power on the basis of digital representations of a voltage and current signal, characterize occurrence of products of measurement results. Accuracy of the results in the output of the algorithm can be analyzed by using error propagation equations for different kinds of the algorithm input errors. The alternative way consist in application of Monte Carlo method especially in sophisticated measurement condition. The general form of the multiplication algorithms is described in the paper and, for two kinds of the algorithm, the propagation equations have been determined. Error analysis of the algorithms applied for calculation of effective value and electric power has been performed for two basic errors caused by sampling jitter and quantization of samples.
Generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD) includes specials cases when the shape parameter equals p = 1 and p = 2. It corresponds to Laplacian and Gaussian distributions respectively. For p → ∞, f(x) becomes a uniform distribution, and for p → 0, f(x) approaches an impulse function. Chapeau-Blondeau et al. considered another special case p = 0.5. The article discusses more peaky case in which GGD p = 1/3.
The multi-direction digital moving mask method, employing the superposition of the exposure along various moving directions, is developed for fabricating continuous microstructures. The mask pattern corresponding to each moving direction is determined by projecting the target dose profile in the corresponding moving direction. All the mask patterns are dynamically exposed on the same substrate layer by layer so as to form a 3D profile of the exposure dose. The selection criterion of a quantization number and moving-direction number is discussed. For verification of the multi-direction moving method, experiments are performed to fabricate a square pyramid array and square-based microlens array by moving along two orthogonal directions, and round-based microlens array by moving along six directions.
This paper deals with the amplitude estimation in the frequency domain of low-level sine waves, i.e. sine waves spanning a small number of quantization steps of an analog-to-digital converter. This is a quite common condition for high-speed low-resolution converters. A digitized sine wave is transformed into the frequency domain through the discrete Fourier transform. The error in the amplitude estimate is treated as a random variable since the offset and the phase of the sine wave are usually unknown. Therefore, the estimate is characterized by its standard deviation. The proposed model evaluates properly such a standard deviation by treating the quantization with a Fourier series approach. On the other hand, it is shown that the conventional noise model of quantization would lead to a large underestimation of the error standard deviation. The effects of measurement parameters, such as the number of samples and a kind of the time window, are also investigated. Finally, a threshold for the additive noise is provided as the boundary for validity of the two quantization models.
Content available Korelatory w zastosowaniach radioastronomicznych
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie specyficznych konfiguracji oraz własności korelatorów stosowanych w radioastronomii. Korelatory te muszą sprostać wymaganiom wykrywania słabych sygnałów występujących na tle zakłóceń kosmicznych, atmosferycznych oraz radiowych. W ich układach wejściowych stosuje się kwantowanie sygnałów na kilku poziomach, co jest źródłem degradacji funkcji korelacji. Z uwagi na właściwości statystyczne sygnałów taka degradacja jest akceptowalna a w razie potrzeby może być zmniejszona przez zwiększenie częstotliwości próbkowania.
In the article, specific configurations and properties of correlators applied in radio astronomy are considered. These correlators must meet requirements of detection of weak signals (signal-to-noise ratio -60 to -30 dB) which appear on the floor of cosmic noise, atmospheric and radio interferences. Architectures of XF and FX correlators are presented in. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, respectively. A basis of the XF correlator performance is formula (1) [4, 6, 10] whereas the FX correlator operates based on formulas (2) – (4) [4, 6, 10]. The first measurement method is called the cross-spectrum via correlation function, the other - the cross-spectrum via Fourier transforms [1]. The XF correlators tend to be simpler, but also less adaptable to more complex requirements. The FX correlators are more efficient for large number of antennas. Besides, they are more readily designed to be robust to RFI. In input circuits of correlators a several-level quantization is applied. It is source of cross-correlation function degradation. Quantization efficiency vs. number of quantization levels and sampling frequency is presented in Tab. 1 [6,10]. The table says that an increase in sampling frequency partly compensates losses due to rough signals quantization. From Tab. 2 and Fig. 4, it follows that a normalized systematic error due to rough quantization of normal signals may be acceptable. As an example, a correlator in Torun Centre for Astronomy (Poland) has XF architecture and contains 3-level quantizers while a modern correlator ALMA (Chile) presented in Fig. 3 has XF architecture as well and contains 3-bit quantizers.
W artykule przedstawiono najpopularniejsze algorytmy (TLS, ANMR, MNMR, EBFOS) alokacji bitów w standardzie AAC oraz ich porównanie z zaimplementowanym algorytmem cSF oraz modyfikacją algorytmu TLS. Algorytm cSF daje porównywalne lub lepsze wyniki (pod względem jakości dźwięku) od wymienionych algorytmów. Ponadto opisano przeprowadzone testy oraz podano analizę otrzymanych wyników. Krótko wspomniano też o optymalizacji algorytmów z wykorzystaniem wyrównywania stosunku energii sygnału po rekonstrukcji z referencyjnym.
The most popular rate-distorition algorithms (TLS, ANMR, MNMR, EBFOS) in AAC standard are presented in this paper. They are compared with cSF algorithm and modification of TLS. The cSF algorithm gives better or equal sound quality than other mentioned algorithms. Optimization of algorithms using balance energy technic is also shortly mentioned.
Techniki wyspecyfikowane w standardach kompresji wideo pozwalają usunąć mniej istotne informacje z przetwarzanego materiału wideo przy ograniczeniach na stopień kompresji. Operacja ta jest przeprowadzana w module kwantyzacji, podczas gdy dekwantyzacja odtwarza dane wejściowe z pewnym błędem. Moduły te mogą zużywać znaczną ilość zasobów sprzętowych, gdy koder implementowany jest w układach scalonych. W artykule opisano metody optymalizacji architektur FPGA przeznaczonych dla tych modułów. Metody te pozwalają na lepsze wykorzystanie zasobów dostępnych w jednostkach DSP i zmniejszenie liczby elementów logicznych ogólnego przeznaczenia. Różne wersje architektur zostały opracowane dla układów FPGA, aby pokazać wpływ proponowanych optymalizacji na zasoby. Wyniki implementacji pokazują znaczna redukcję logiki ogólnego przeznaczenia. Co więcej wykorzystanie rejestrów wbudowanych w jednostkach DSP podwaja maksymalne częstotliwości pracy.
Techniques specified in video compression standards allow the removing of less important information from a processed video subject to bit-rate constraints. This operation is performed in the quantization module, whereas the dequantization restores input data with a certain error. The modules can consume a significant amount of hardware resources when the video encoder is implemented in integrated circuits. This paper presents optimization methods for FPGA architectures dedicated for the modules. The methods allow a better utilization of resources available in DSP units and the reduction of the number of general-purpose logic elements. Different versions of architectures are developed for FPGA devices to show the impact of proposed optimizations on resources. Implementation results show that the significant reduction of general-purpose logic is achieved. Furthermore, the utilization of registers embedded in DSP units can double the maximal clock frequency.
Opisano wyniki badania przewodności elektrycznej i cieplnej nanostruktur – obiektów o rozmiarach atomowych. Badano kwantowanie przewodności obu rodzajów. W wielu eksperymentach przeprowadzonych w Politechnice Poznańskiej z nanodrutami meta- licznymi potwierdzono zjawisko kwantowania przewodności elektrycznej.
In the paper one described investigations on electrical and thermal conductance of nanostructures - the objects with atomic sized. In particular the quantization of both electrical and thermal conductance was investigated. In many experiments in Poznan University of Technology quantization of electrical conductance was confirmed.
In this paper, we consider the design of interconnected H infinity feedback control systems with quantized signals. We assume that a decentralized dynamic output feedback has been designed for an interconnected continuous-time LTI system so that the closed-loop system is stable and a desired H infinity disturbance attenuation level is achieved, and that the subsystem measurement outputs are quantized before they are passed to the local controllers. We propose a local-output-dependent strategy for updating the parameters of the quantizers, so that the overall closed-loop system is asymptotically stable and achieves the same H infinity disturbance attenuation level. Both the pre-designed controllers and the parameters of the quantizers are constructed in a decentralized manner, depending on local measurement outputs.
W artykule przedstawiono porównanie współczynnika stosunku sygnału do szumu (SNR) dla synchronicznych oraz asynchronicznych przetworników analogowo-cyfrowych. Badania wykonano dla trzech modeli stochastycznych sygnałów wejściowych o rozkładach Gaussa, równomiernym oraz sygnału sinusoidalnego. Oszacowano spadek wartości współczynnika SNR dla asynchronicznego przetwornika analogowo-cyfrowego typu Sigma-Delta w porównaniu z klasycznym przetwornikiem synchronicznym, wywołany odpowiednio nieliniowością bloku próbkującego (-10dB) oraz niejednoznacznością procesu kwantyzacji (-3dB).
This paper shows the difference between the SNR level for classical synchronous analog-to-digital converters (ADC) and asynchronous Sigma-Delta analog-to-digital converters (ASD ADC) (Fig. 2) [4, 5]. Simulative evaluation shows that the conversion quality for ASD ADCs is about 2 bit worse than for classical synchronous ADCs (Tabs. 1 and 2). The reason for such a difference is firstly the nonlinearity of an ASD ADC sampling block (ASDM) (-10dB in SNR value) and secondly the quantization noise whose variance value is two times bigger than in case of classical ADCs ( 3dB in SNR). Such big quantization noise is caused by the need of measuring the time position of two independent pulse edges with uniform probability density function (pdf) for the quantization error [8]. The difference for these two measurements yields a triangular distribution which overlaps consecutive quantization intervals (Fig. 1b) and is the source of uncertainty of the digital word at the ASD ADC output [8]. Simulations were performed for four configurations of sampling and quantization blocks, the classical ADC and three other sets of linear/nonlinear sampling blocks and certain/uncertain quantization blocks. Such simulation methodology shows the influence of properties of each element of the signal path in the ASD-ADC on the quantization noise pdf (Fig. 3). The SNR is evaluated for three stochastic models of input signals: Gauss, uniform and sinusoidal signal. Comparison requires assuming the proper amplitude and frequency domain, because of balance between the dynamic range and bandwidth of the ASD ADC.
Celem pracy jest wyznaczenie rzeczywistej wariancji wartości oczekiwanej skwantowanego sygnału i porównanie takiej wariancji z estymatorami tej wielkości obliczanymi metodą klasyczną oraz na podstawie funkcji autokorelacji. W pracy zdefiniowano postać estymatora wartości oczekiwanej sygnału. Na tej podstawie wyznaczono jego wariancję. Do badań zastosowano skwantowane próbki sygnału oraz momenty zmiennej losowej. Założono, że próbki sygnału zostały skwantowane w przetworniku analogowo-cyfrowym (A-C) typu zaokrąglającego o idealnej charakterystyce kwantowania. W charakterze przykładu przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń wariancji dla sygnału sinusoidalnego, sygnałów losowych o rozkładach: równomiernym oraz Gaussa.
In the paper there is presented a way of determining the variance of the expected value estimator based on the signal autocorrelation function. The expected signal value estimator is defined and the estimator variance is determined. For investigations there were used quantized samples of signal and moments of random variable. There was assumed that the signal was sampled by an ideal AC round-off converter. As an example there are given the results of variance calculations for sinusoidal, Gaussian and uniform PDF (Probability Density Function) signals. The paper is divided into three paragraphs. Paragraph 1 comprises a brief introduction to the research problems. There is given a definition of the expected signal value estimator, calculated on the basis of quantized data (Eq. 2). There are defined the initial conditions allowing calculation of the estimator characteristics. In Paragraph 2 the variance (Eq. 3) of the estimator (Eq. 2) calculated on the basis of moments (Eq. 7) and the autocorrelation function (Eq. 8) are determined. There are also presented the definitions of variance estimators of the expected signal value estimator calculated with use of the classic method (Eq. 11) and autocorrelation function (Eq. 12). Because both estimators have bias, there are given definitions (Eq. 14, 15) for the case when only quantization has an influence on the variance bias. In subparagraphs 2.1 - 2.3 there are presented exemplary results of calculating the variance (Eq. 3) of the estimator (Eq. 2) for the examined signals. For each signal a definition of the characteristic function (Eq. 16, 19, 22) is given. On the basis of the characteristic function definitions, the detailed formulas (Eq. 17, 20, 23) calculated from the random variable moments are derived. (Fig. 1-3) shows charts of the variance. There are defined the formulas (Eq. 18, 21, 24) allowing calculations of the mean square error. Exemplary results are given in Tables 1 and 2. The investigation results are summarized in Paragraph 3. They show that the accuracy of calculation results of the expected signal value estimator variance obtained with use of the classic method and those from the autocorrelation function is the same.
Celem artykułu jest analiza wpływu różnych rodzajów kwantowania na dokładność wyznaczania funkcji korelacji wzajemnej sygnałów. Rozważono dwa sposoby kwantowania: kwantowanie deterministyczne oraz randomizowane. Dokonano porównania wyników otrzymanych w obu przypadkach. Badania symulacyjne przeprowadzono z zastosowaniem programu ImeCorr opracowanego w środowisku LabWindows. Badano dokładność estymatorów funkcji korelacji wzajemnej otrzymanych z użyciem przetwornika 3-, 8- i 12-bitowego dla argumentu równego zero.
The influence of quantization on the cross-correlation function determination of signals is discussed. The relations for cross-correlation function and its digital estimators are given. A method for evaluating the estimator accuracy is presented. Different types of quantization are considered. The formulas describing the quantization ways and related illustrations are presented. In Figures 1, 2 and 3 deterministic, randomized and pseudo-randomized quantization are shown, respectively. To obtain the simulation results, the program ImeCorr prepared in LabWindows was applied. The 3-, 8- and 12-bits quantizers were taken into account. The research results were compared. In Table 1 the values of the relative bias and the relative standard error are shown. It was observed that for 3-bits quantizers the bias had similar values. For the 8- and 12-bits converters the bias is smaller for the randomized and pseudo-randomized quantizing than for the deterministic one. The randomized and pseudo-randomized quantization is a source of the larger standard error than the deterministic quantization. The standard error is smaller for the pseudo-randomized quantization than for the randomized one.
Companding, as a variant of audio level compression, can help reduce the dynamic range of an audio signal. In analog (digital) systems, this can increase the signal-to-noise ratio (signal to quantization noise ratio) achieved during transmission. The µ-law algorithm that is primarily used in the digital telecommunication systems of North America and Japan, adapts a companding scheme that can expand small signals and compress large signals especially at the presence of high peak signals. In this paper, we present a novel multi-exponential companding function that can achieve more uniform compression on both large and small signals so that the relative signal strength over the time is preserved. That is, although larger signals may get considerably compressed, unlike µ-law algorithm, it is guaranteed that these signals after companding will definitely not be smaller than expanded signals that were originally small. Performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with µ-law using real audio signal, and results show that the proposed companding algorithm can achieve much smaller quantization errors with a modest increase in computation time.
Kwantyzacja danych wideo występuje w różnych odmianach, niemal w każdym algorytmie kompresji obrazów. Ma ona na celu redukcję mniej istotnych danych, jednocześnie zwiększając stopień kompresji danych, w następującym po kwantyzacji procesie kodowania o zmiennej długości słowa. W niniejszej publikacji opisany zostanie szczegółowo proces skalowania wstępnego i kwantyzacji w standardzie cyfrowego wideo. Przedstawiona zostanie również architektura potokowa wykonująca operację kwantyzacji odwrotnej, zrealizowana jako jednostka przetwarzająca sprzętowego dekodera realizowanego przez układ reprogramowalny.
Video data quantization is present, in different variations, in almost all video compression algorithms. Its purpose is to reduce less important data, while at the same time increase the efficiency of video compression, in the consecutive variable length coding process. In this paper preliminary scaling and quantization algorithms used in digital video standard (DV - Digital Video), will be described in details. Implementation of inverse quantization algorithm in the pipeline architecture, as one of processing elements in complete DV decoder, will be presented.
Content available remote Niepewność pojedynczego pomiaru wykonanego przyrządem cyfrowym
W artykule opisano procedurę obliczania niepewności wyniku pojedynczego pomiaru wykonanego za pomocą przyrządu cyfrowego. Formalizacja tej procedury oparta jest na analizie procesu kwantowania, który stanowi podstawę pomiaru w przyrządzie cyfrowym. Rozważania zilustrowano liczbowo wykorzystując woltomierz z podwójnym całkowaniem jako przykładowy przyrząd cyfrowy. Rozpatrzono wpływ opisanej formalizacji na liczbę miejsc znaczących wyniku pomiaru zapisanego w postaci przedziałowej.
The paper describes a procedure of uncertainty calculation of a single measurement result performed by a digital instrument. Formalization of this procedure is derived from the analysis of a quantization process which is the basis of a digital measuring instrument activity. Considerations are illustrated with an example in which a dual-slope AD converter has been analysed. Influence of the described formalization on the number of significant digits of the single measurement result written in an interval form is discussed.
Content available remote Quantization Step Parity-based Steganography for MP3 Audio
Petitcolas has proposed a steganographic technique called MP3Stego which can hide secret messages in a MP3 audio. This technique is well-known because of its high capacity. However, in rare cases, the normal audio encoding process will be terminated due to the endless loop problem caused by embedding operation. In addition, the statistical undetectability of MP3Stego can be further improved. Inspired by MP3Stego, a new steganographic method for MP3 audio is proposed in this paper. The parity bit of quantization step rather than the parity bit of block size in MP3Stego is employed to embed secret messages. Compared with MP3Stego, the proposed method can avoid the endless loop problem and achieve better imperceptibility and higher security.
Content available remote An Effective Message Embedding Scheme for 3D Models
We present an effective message embedding scheme for 3D models. We propose the unit length as the quantizer to generate an embedding order list and an embedding index list. Our scheme considers every two elements in the embedding order list as the order pair, and we embed 3 bits of 0 or 1 secret message into the index pair associated with the order pair. The message embedding is effective requiring, at most, adding 1 to, or subtracting 1 from, the index pair. This reflects a slight perturbation of a points coordinates where the magnitude of the perturbation is no greater than one unit length. Our algorithm achieves a high embedding capacity, being 4.5 times the number of points in the point cloud models. This amount of capacity allows us to convey a 502x502 resolution of the black-and-white image into a point cloud model consisting of 56,194 points for covert communication. The capacity magnitude is 50%-75%higher than that of the current state-ofthe-art algorithms, yet the model distortion due to the message embedding is smaller than that of our counterparts. Our algorithm is robust against translation, rotation, and uniformly scaling operations. It is fast, simple to implement, and the message can be extracted without referring to the original point cloud model. We believe our scheme is appropriate for most point cloud models.
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