Zgodnie z uregulowaniami prawnymi, praca oczyszczalni powinna zapewniać wymagany stopień oczyszczania ścieków w celu minimalizacji ich negatywnego wpływu na środowisko przyrodnicze. Jednocześnie w warunkach rosnących wymagań dotyczących stopnia oczyszczania ścieków i konieczności usuwania substancji biogennych osiągnięcie i utrzymanie założonego efektu ekologicznego ma ścisły związek z prawidłową eksploatacją oczyszczalni ścieków. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie zagadnienia eksploatacji oczyszczalni ścieków z punktu widzenia zakresu i częstotliwości wykonywanych pomiarów i badań jakościowych oraz ilościowych ścieków i osadu czynnego.
The objective of the development of wastewater treatment technology is to ensure constant improvement of the efficiency of the operation of wastewater treatment plants. Pursuant to existing legal regulations, the operation of a wastewater treatment plant should ensure the required degree of wastewater treatment in order to minimise the negative impact of wastewater on the natural environment. At the same time, as the requirements concerning the degree of treatment of wastewater and the necessity to remove biogenic substances are becoming stricter, the possibility to achieve and maintain the required environmental results is strongly linked to the proper and systematic operation of wastewater treatment plants. The process of operation of wastewater treatment plants can be realised comprehensively, in numerous aspects. It encompasses more than the control over such technological processes as maintenance and repair of the facilities and the equipment connected thereto, but also technical inspection. Technical inspection, consisting in daily observations of the quality and quantity of the outflows and inflows, the condition of activated sludge and other parameters of a wastewater treatment plant, directly influences the improved efficiency of the operation of the plant. The aim of this study is to present the issue of operation of wastewater treatment plants in the aspect of the extent and frequency of actually taken measurements, qualitative and quantitative analyses of wastewater and activated sludge, based on a sample wastewater treatment plant of the capacity 2500 m3/d. The recording of data obtained in the course of such measurements provides the operator with the possibility to rationally manage the facility, to identify the statuses of operation of the wastewater treatment plant and to learn about the dynamics of changes and identify the causes of difficulties in the operation of technological processes. As a result of the conducted tests, it has been determined that the quantitative inspections carried out in the analysed wastewater treatment plant analyse the daily intensity of outflow of wastewater from secondary settlement tanks and the amount of created screenings, sand and sewage sludge. On the other hand, the facility does not record the amount of inflow of raw sewage, and the quantitative inspection is carried out only on raw sewage delivered in septic tanks. As for the quality inspections carried out in the wastewater treatment plant, it was noted that regular inspections are carried out only for basic pollution indicators, including: BOD5, COD, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus and total suspended solids, which is compliant with existing legal requirements. During inspections of activated sludge chambers the amount of dissolved oxygen, temperature and sedimentation of activated sludge are analysed. The results of the conducted tests show that the extent of analyses and measurements carried out in the wastewater treatment plant reflects the scope of tests recommended for comprehensive inspection of technological parameters in such facilities only to a small extent, although it is compliant with the extent of measurements required pursuant to the permit required under the Water Law Act.
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