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Purpose: The aim of the article is to examine the reasons why organizations do not use the information obtained in the audit process. Design/methodology/approach: For the realization of the work we used the results of our own research of organizations that have certified quality management systems for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001. The information obtained relates to organizations operating in the territory of Poland. Findings: Organizations conducting quality management system audits acquire a variety of information that should be used for management purposes. Some organizations have serious problems with acquiring data and processing it, and using the information for decision-making and improvement-oriented activities. The paper identifies 10 potential reasons why organizations do not use information from the audit process. A comparison was made between the causes found in internal and external audits. An analysis of each of the identified causes was carried out, paying attention to their origins. Attention was paid to the connections between the causes. Directions for eliminating problems were indicated. Practical implications: The results obtained have practical application. Organizations with an awareness of the causes of problems are able to take, both corrective action and preventive action. In the first case, it is about taking corrective actions to existing problems. In the second case, it is about preventive actions, which should prevent a problem from arising. Social implications: The results obtained have social implications. They draw attention to the need to build a pro-quality and improvement-oriented awareness. Originality/value: The article for the first time identifies the causes of problems arising in organizations in the context of the use of audit information. Attention is paid to the mechanism of disorders and ways to eliminate them are indicated. The article is especially recommended to the top management of organizations that conduct system audits.
Purpose: Comparison of management system integration models. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis of management system integration models was based on a review of available literature. Findings: Systematizing current knowledge about models for integrating standard management systems. Indication of the differences in these models. Originality/value: The article schedules the further direction of research of integration of management systems.
Purpose: The main objective of this article is to identify the possibilities of using quality management systems to undertake innovation activities in an organisation representing the chemical industry. Design/methodology/approach: A literature review was carried out to find out the state of the research on the subject. It was conducted according to the research methodology proposed by J.W. Creswell (2013). Ten employees from one of the key departments of an organisation belonging to the chemical industry were interviewed. Findings: The interviewees are of the opinion that their organisation’s quality management system is a useful tool. However, if the system is to support innovation activities, employees should be trained more extensively, they should be provided with information on the potential benefits of quality improvement and innovations, competitions for best organisational solutions should be organised and the quality management system itself should be improved so that it is less documentation-intensive. Research limitations/implications: A literature review is not a perfect way to obtain information. Previous research has been conducted in different organisations and in different cultures. Secondly, it is important to remember the limitations inherent in qualitative research. Practical implications: Based on the results of the research, those responsible for the functioning of management systems can take appropriate measures aimed at increasing the scope of innovation activities of employees. Originality/value: Quality management systems conducive to innovation activities in the chemical industry are not a frequent research topic.
Purpose: The primary purpose of the article is to present a study whose subject was the assessment of the quality policies implementation in selected enterprises. Design/methodology/approach: The deliberations are based on the related subject literature and an analysis of the long-term survey results. The practical results of the research described in this article are based on a survey of supervisory employees and middle managers, who represented the enterprise by filling out a single survey sheet. The survey was conducted in 2015-2022 among 240. enterprises operating in Poland. During the survey, independence in setting quality policy was identified for 237. enterprises. These were manufacturing and service enterprises from various industries. Enterprises were selected on the basis of proposals issued to conduct a survey. The surveyed group does not have the character of a research sample. When analyzing the survey results, no parameter estimation was made on the population of Polish enterprises. The quality policy survey sheet described 35. aspects (behaviors) characteristic of a strongly quality-oriented organization, close to the TQM philosophy (The article contains results for only 10 aspects). Respondents indicated how the behavior described in the survey is characteristic of the organization where they work. The described aspects were rated by respondents on a scale of 1 to 5. The scale adopted reflects the strength of the similarity of the behavior described in the survey to the situation in each organization. Findings: In close to every studied Quality Policy aspects, higher score was received by companies where the standards are imposed by foreign management boards. This is connected obviously not just with standards but also with the governance. The reasons for this should become a subject of further analyses. A certain potential can be observed for national companies relating to the foreign good practice implementation. Originality/value: Knowledge of quality management issues has been increased. The article raises the issue of implementing quality policies in companies. The quality policy was characterized by selected aspects. An evaluation of these aspects in selected enterprises was carried out, and differences dividing quality policies among independent and dependent enterprises in the implementation and supervision of quality standards were identified.
Cel: Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie możliwości realizacji programów ESG przy zastosowaniu istniejących znormalizowanych systemów zarządzania. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: W celu zapoznania się ze stanem dotychczasowych badań wykorzystano przegląd literatury. Zastosowana procedura była zgodna z zasadami badań prowadzonych w obszarach zarządzania i biznesu. W opracowaniu wykorzystano przykładowe programy ESG realizowane przez wiodące firmy z branży przemysłowej. Wyniki/wnioski: Firmy posiadające systemy zarządzania jakością i/lub systemy zarządzania środowiskowego zdecydowanie lepiej radzą sobie w realizacji programów ESG. Dzieje się tak, ponieważ w systemach tych zawartych jest wiele kryteriów, które w bezpośredni sposób można wykorzystać do realizacji takich programów. Szczególnie pomocne są badania kontekstu zewnętrznego i wewnętrznego, potrzeb i oczekiwań interesariuszy, dokonywanie przeglądu wymagań i przeglądów zarządzania, realizacja planów jakości i środowiska, stosowanie pełnego podejścia procesowego i nadzorowanie procesów zewnętrznych. Ograniczenia: Przegląd literatury nie jest doskonałym sposobem pozyskiwania informacji. W artykule przedstawiano jedynie ogólne wytyczne realizacji programów ESG, które muszą być dostosowane do potrzeb konkretnych organizacji. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Wyniki badań mogą być przydatne do wdrażania programów ESG na podbudowie znormalizowanych systemów zarządzania. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Łączenie systemów zarządzania z programami ESG jest rozwiązaniem stosunkowo nowym.
Purpose: The aim of this article is to show the possibilities of implementing ESG programs using existing standardized management systems Design/methodology/approach: To get acquainted with the current state of research a literature review was used. The procedure used was consistent with the principles of research conducted in the areas of management and business. The study uses exemplary ESG programs implemented by leading companies from the industrial sector. Findings/conclusions: Companies with quality management systems and/or environmental management systems are much better at implementing ESG programs. This is because these systems contain many criteria that can be directly used to implement such programs. Particularly helpful are studies of the external and internal context, stakeholder needs and expectations, reviewing requirements and management reviews, implementing quality and environmental plans, applying a full process approach and supervising external processes. Research limitations: A literature review is not a perfect way to obtain information. The article presents only general guidelines for the implementation of ESG programs, which must be adapted to the needs of specific organizations. Practical implications: The research results may be useful for implementing ESG programs based on standardized management systems. Originality/value: Combining management systems with ESG programs is a relatively new solution.
Cel: Celem badania jest ocena postrzegania przez audytorów wewnętrznych oraz pełnomocników ds. systemu zarządzania jakością Uniwersytetu Morskiego w Gdyni czynników wpływających na skuteczność procesu audytu wewnętrznego systemu zarządzania jakością. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Do realizacji celu pracy zastosowano analizę piśmiennictwa poświęconego skuteczności audytu wewnętrznego systemu zarządzania jakością oraz metodę ABCD Suzuki. Wyniki/wnioski: Zdaniem ankietowanych skuteczność audytu wewnętrznego w największym stopniu determinują: komunikacja między zespołem audytującym i audytowanymi pracownikami, przygotowanie audytora do audytu, zaangażowanie kierowników audytowanych komórek w proces audytu, zaangażowanie audytorów w realizację działań audytowych oraz kompetencje audytorów w zakresie systemu zarządzania jakością wdrożonego w organizacji. Doskonaląc proces audytu wewnętrznego, organizacja powinna ukierunkować działania na poprawę tych właśnie czynników. Ograniczenia: Przedmiotem badania był tylko audyt wewnętrzny systemu zarządzania jakością, badanie zostało przeprowadzone na grupie audytorów wewnętrznych oraz pełnomocników ds. systemu zarządzania jakością tylko jednej organizacji. Uzyskane wyniki nie mogą być więc uogólnione na całą populację organizacji posiadających wdrożony system zarządzania jakością zgodny z normą ISO 9001:2015 i odniesione do wszystkich rodzajów audytów. Badania przeprowadzone w organizacjach innego typu, np. produkcyjnych, o różnym stopniu dojrzałości systemu zarządzania, a także poświęcone innym rodzajom audytów (np. zewnętrznym – drugiej i trzeciej strony), mogłyby dostarczyć inne wyniki. Ponadto badaniem nie objęto opinii innych stron zaangażowanych w proces audytu, np. kierownictwa Uczelni, pracowników oraz kierowników audytowanych komórek, którzy mogą inaczej postrzegać czynniki wpływające na skuteczność audytu. Zastosowania praktyczne: Wyniki mogą być wykorzystane przez Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni podczas określania i wdrażania działań mających na celu zwiększanie skuteczności procesu audytu wewnętrznego oraz jego zdolności do tworzenia wartości dodanej dla Uczelni. Mogą być także inspiracją dla innych organizacji posiadających wdrożony system zarządzania jakością do analizy czynników wpływających na skuteczność audytów wewnętrznych prowadzonych w ramach ich systemów zarządzania. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Badania poświęcone ocenie skuteczności audytów wewnętrznych z wykorzystaniem metody ABCD Suzuki dotychczas nie były prowadzone. Umożliwiły wskazanie czynników w największym i najmniejszym stopniu determinujących jakość audytów.
Purpose: The aim of the study is to assess the perception by internal auditors and quality management system representatives of Gdynia Maritime University of factors affecting the effectiveness of the internal audit process of the quality management system. Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the objective of the work, an analysis of literature on the effectiveness of the internal audit of the quality management system and the ABCD Suzuki method were used. Findings/conclusions: According to the respondents, the effectiveness of the internal audit is determined to the greatest extent by communication between the auditing team and the audited employees, the preparation of the auditor for the audit, the involvement of the managers of the audited units in the audit process, the involvement of auditors in the implementation of audit activities and the auditors’ competence in the field of quality management system implemented in the organization. When improving the internal audit process, an organization should focus its efforts on improving these factors. Research limitations: The subject of the study was only the internal audit of the quality management system, the study was conducted on a group of internal auditors and quality management system representatives of only one organization. Therefore, the obtained results cannot be generalized to the entire population of organizations that have implemented a quality management system compliant with ISO 9001:2015 and referred to all types of audits. Studies conducted in other types of organizations, e.g. production organizations, with different levels of maturity of the management system, as well as other types of audits (e.g. external – second and third party), could provide different results. In addition, the survey did not include the views of other parties involved in the audit process, e.g. the university authorities, personnel and heads of audited units, who may have a different perception of the factors affecting audit effectiveness. Practical implications: The results can be used by the Gdynia Maritime University when defining and implementing actions aimed at increasing the efficiency of the internal audit process and its ability to create added value for the university. They can also inspire other organisations with a quality management system in place to analyse the factors affecting the effectiveness of internal audits conducted as part of their management systems. Originality/value: Research on the assessment of the effectiveness of internal audits using the ABCD Suzuki method has not been conducted so far. They made it possible to indicate the factors that determine the quality of audits to the greatest and least degree.
This article analyzes the expectations of the management board and managerial staff as opposed to the expectations and concerns of regular employees of the company. Communication between the decision-making and executive groups is presented as one of the key elements determining the proper operation of the quality management system in the enterprise. In the practical part, the results of the research covering the management and regular employees were presented and compared. The research is aimed at diagnosing the quality of information flow in the enterprise based on the quality management system in the assessment of both surveyed groups, determining the perception of the importance and scale of participation in the proposed corrective actions among the surveyed groups of respondents, and diagnosing the level of informing rank-and-file employees about the goals and importance of conducting internal and external audits. The research also covered the role of lower-level employees in the effective functioning of the company’s quality management system. An attempt was made to analyze the degree of participation of regular employees in the functioning of the quality management system in the enterprise. The article ends with the conclusions and proposals for future research.
The Merchant Shipping (Training and Certification) Regulations of Kenya adapt The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW Convention) and the Standard Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW Code) for Seafarers. The STCW Convention and Code defines the quality standards at a minimum requirement as the harmonized threshold for contracting parties, which includes Kenya. Educational Institutions in Kenya primarily uses Quality Management Systems in application of quality to education and training. This is however contrary to the requirements of the STCW Convention and Code for institutions engaged in Maritime Education and Training. The paper focusses in assessing the extent of non-compliance, the circumstantial challenges and thereafter proposes a framework to address challenges in implementing Quality Standard Systems.
Program Polskiej Energetyki zakłada wybudowanie i oddanie do eksploatacji pierwszego bloku jądrowego w Polsce, w 2033 r. Harmonogram jest napięty. Trwają prace organizacyjne oraz wypełniane są kolejne zobowiązania.
Along with the development of quality systems, there was a need to analyze the expenditure incurred to obtain the appropriate quality of products or services and the impact of the actions taken on the results achieved by an entity. Quality costs are an important tool for improving the quality of offered products and efficiency of management, provided that the enterprise maintains a quality cost calculation. It is a system for capturing and analyzing all costs related to quality and taking actions aimed at increasing quality while minimizing production costs. The purpose of quality cost account is not only to identify areas in need of improvement, but most of all to provide information enabling the assessment of the effectiveness of the QMS implemented in the enterprise. The article indicates the essence of quality cost account. It also presents a method of implementing quality cost account in an enterprise which can be the basis for the development of a procedure within the scope of the quality management system. The presented methodology of quality cost account comprehensively indicates the scope of its conduct, responsibility for the activities carried out within it, the method of recording quality costs in the enterprise and indicators the analysis of which allows for an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the implemented quality management system.
State-of-the art management systems are oriented onto supporting a competiveness of organizations and a continuous quality improvement of products, services and processes. One of essential elements of management is the risk management process which enables to manage uncertainty and risk in relation to the conducted activity by an organization. Managing risk assists organizations in setting strategy, achieving objectives and making informed decisions. Managing risk is part of governance and leadership, and is fundamental to how the organization is managed at all levels. It contributes to the improvement of management systems. A competent use of risk management mechanisms enables each organization to use its potential to a full extent and undertake proper decisions. The issues concerning a standardization of requirements in the case of standards from the management scope; in particular from the point of view of issues connected with risk management, are presented in the first part of the article. A model of the process, oriented onto a risk in the quality management system which enables to conduct managing activities in the situation of uncertainty and to take decisions oriented onto preventing mistakes in managing the organization and onto ensuring the appropriate quality, is described. The subject – matter concerning risk analysis, in particular from the point of view of meeting the EA Guidelines, concerning horizontal requirements related to the bodies assessing the conformity for notification purposes, is brought nearer. The most essential requirements, which must be met by such a body to guarantee a competent and impartial process of the product assessment, are described. In the following chapters the basic elements of the risk analysis process are discussed and an exemplary description of the risk assessment methodology is presented.
Zgodnie z obowiązującymi regulacjami prawnymi wszystkie dawki promieniowania użyte w ramach realizacji procedur radiologicznych muszą być uzasadnione (Ustawa Prawo Atomowe i Rozporządzenia współtowarzyszące), podlegać procesom optymalizacji i być dostarczane w zakresie zatwierdzonych medycznych procedur radiologicznych bezpiecznie i w ramach dobrze ustalonej praktyki. Struktura i realizacja procedur radioterapeutycznych powinny zapewniać dostarczanie optymalnej dawki promieniowania w celu uzyskania jak najlepszych wyników leczenia pacjentów. Zgodność praktyki z pisemnymi procedurami oraz procedur z obowiązującym stanem prawnym powinna być potwierdzana w drodze audytu i nadzorowana przez wielodyscyplinarny zespół doradczy (klinicyści, technicy, fizycy, inspektorzy ochrony radiologicznej). Proces zarządzania, przeglądu, audytów procedur oraz dokumentacji systemu zarządzania jakością może wesprzeć mapowanie i strukturyzowanie ich w oparciu o obowiązujące regulacje prawne.
In accordance with applicable regulations, all radiation doses delivered during radiological procedures must be justified (The Atomic Act and Associated Statutory Instruments). These doses must be optimised and delivered within the scope of approved medical radiological procedures safely and within the framework of approved clinical practice. The structure and implementation of radiotherapeutic procedures should ensure the delivery of the optimal dose of radiation in order to obtain the best possible results of the patient treatment. Approved locally procedures must be compliant with regulations what should be confirmed during reviewing, audits and supervised by a multidisciplinary advisory team (clinicians, technicians, physicists, radiation protection inspectors It can be supported by making a compliance map for procedures and documentation of the quality management system based on applicable legal requiraments.
Przepisy prawne regulujące wprowadzanie wyrobów budowlanych do obrotu wymagają od producentów wdrożenia zakładowej kontroli produkcji, a w niektórych przypadkach posiadania również certyfikatu dla wyrobu budowlanego wydanego przez jednostkę certyfikującą wyroby. Wdrożenie systemu zarządzania jakością zgodnego z PN-EN ISO 9001:2015-10 jest natomiast dobrowolną decyzją producenta, tak samo jak późniejsze jego certyfikowanie przez jednostkę certyfikującą systemy zarządzania. W artykule omówiono możliwość prowadzenia przez jednostkę certyfikującą wspólnych procesów certyfikacji wyrobu budowlanego i certyfikacji systemu zarządzania jakością, wskazując na korzyści dla producentów wyrobów budowlanych.
Legal regulations governing the placing of construction products on the market require manufacturers to implement factory production control, and in some cases also have a certificate for a construction product issued by a product certification body. The implementation of a quality management system compliant with PN-EN ISO 9001:2015-10 is a voluntary decision of the manufacturer, as is its subsequent certification by a management system certification body. The article discusses the possibility of the certification body conducting joint construction product certification and quality management system certification processes, indicating the benefits for manufacturers of construction products.
Purpose: The objective of the study is to present the results of a study on disruptions occurring in organizations, certified for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, as well as the results of analysis on the results obtained. Design/methodology/approach: The study was carried out on a group of 69 organizations certified by a large international certification body. The original method of analyzing disruptions in systems, based on non-compliance identified during third-party audits, was used in the study. Findings: The results of the study have been presented. A summary of the number of non-compliances identified in relation to the sections and subsections of the ISO 9001:2015 standard has been prepared. A summary of the number of non-compliances identified in small, medium-sized and large organizations in relation to subsections of the standard has also been drawn up. Practical implications: It has been pointed out that the evaluation of disruptions in the system should consist in analysis of their causes and taking actions that will protect the organization from further occurrences. Such knowledge should help organizations better maintain and improve quality management systems. Originality/value: Specific sections and subsections of the standard, in which problems have been identified, were indicated. An attempt was made to determine the impact of the size and type of the organization's activities on the type of disruptions. Yet again, it was confirmed that examination of problems with the original method, based on the results of third-party audits, provides objective information on non-compliance in organizations.
The objective of this article is to present the results of research concerning the assessment of the actually implemented Quality Policy in social and cultural area of selected industrial enterprises. In the first part of the article, the essence of the Quality Policy and its implicational meaning for the functioning of the enterprise in the scope of quality were described. What is more, the study also contains the problems associated with analyzing the quality policy. The main part of the article contains the results of research carried out in the years 2015-2019 among 166 industrial enterprises carrying out their activity in Poland. The objective of the research was the assessment of the actually implemented quality policy in the enterprises. The data was obtained on the basis of survey carried out among representatives of middle management in each enterprise. Statistical analysis of the results allowed to assess the quality policy in groups of enterprises depending on their size, management system and the so-called level of independence in management.
The article presents the issues that arise in the establishment and actual activation of Quality Policies. The first part of the article describes the essence of the Quality Policy and its implications for the structure, functioning and effectiveness of the enterprise management system in the area of quality. It also describes selected factors that mainly determine the Quality Policy, and includes the results of research carried out in 2015-2019 among 166 industrial enterprises operating in Poland. The aim of the research was to assess the actual Quality Policy put in place in each enterprise. The data was obtained on the basis of a survey conducted among persons representing middle management. The article contains the results of research on the assessment of selected aspects of the Quality Policy in the area of enterprise improvement. Statistical analysis of the research results allowed an assessment of the level of focus on improvement of enterprises and to compare the results in groups of enterprises with different employment levels and various degrees of independence in determining and implementing Quality Policy.
Content available System Zarządzania Jakością w OUP w Warszawie
Tematem artykułu jest wdrożenie i utrzymywanie Systemu Zarządzania Jakością w Okręgowym Urzędzie Probierczym w Warszawie.
The subject of the article is implementation and maintenance of the Quality Management System in Regional Assay Office in Warsaw.
Artykuł koncentruje się na problematyce skuteczności systemów zarządzania jakością. Celem publikacji jest wykorzystanie rachunku zdań rozmytych do analizy porównawczej systemów zarządzania jakością dwóch organizacji z branży obróbki metali. Dwie organizacje do badań zostały wybrane na podstawie doboru celowego - ich szczegółowa charakterystyka jest przedstawiona w publikacji. Następnie stosując rachunek zdań rozmytych dokonano porównania badanych organizacji w zakresie założonych kryteriów. We wnioskach dokonano analizy różnic występujących w zakresie skuteczności badanych systemów zarządzania jakością.
The article focuses on the issue of the effectiveness of quality management systems. The aim of the publication is to use the fuzzy-logic analysis for comparative analysis of quality management systems of two organizations from the metal processing industry. Two organizations for research were selected on the basis of purposeful selection - their detailed characteristics are presented in the publication. Then, using the fuzzy sentences analysis, a comparison of the surveyed organizations with regard to the assumed criteria was made. In the conclusions we analyzed the differences in the effectiveness of the quality management systems under examination.
Artykuł koncentruje się na problematyce skuteczności metod, technik i narzędzi zarządzania jakością. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest analiza skuteczności metod, narzędzi i technik zarządzania jakością w branży obróbki metali przy wykorzystaniu metody analizy eksperckiej. W publikacji przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperckich dotyczących omawianego zakresu. Zaprezentowano sposób doboru ekspertów a następnie dokonano szczegółowej analizy narzędzi, metod i technik zarządzania jakością z punktu widzenia ich przydatności w branży obróbki metali. Dla poszczególnych instrumentów określono który z nich jest skuteczny. Dla poszczególnych instrumentów określono również współczynniki konkordancji ekspertów.
The article focuses on the issue of the effectiveness of quality methods, techniques and tools. The aim of this publication is to analyze the effectiveness of quality management methods, tools and techniques in the metalworking industry using the expert analysis method. The publication presents the results of expert analysis on the discussed topic. The method of selection of experts was presented and then a detailed analysis of tools, methods and techniques of quality management from the point of view of their suitability in the metal processing industry was made. For each instrument we analyze which one is effective. The expert concordance coefficients have also been calculated for individual instruments.
Artykuł koncentruje się na problematyce dotyczącej przedstawienia narzędzia do pomiaru poziomu zarządzania jakością w przedsiębiorstwach branży obróbki metali. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest przedstawienie propozycji kryteriów, które można wykorzystać w celu oceny skuteczności systemu zarządzania jakością w branży obróbki metali. W publikacji zaprezentowano najważniejsze kryteria oceny skuteczności systemów zarządzania jakością w tej branży. Uwzględniono pięć głównych grup czynników: zdolność organizacji do poznania potrzeb klienta, zdolność organizacji do zarządzania procesami, wiedza i zdolność do jej pozyskania, zdolność do zmiany i realizacji celów oraz zdolność do kreowania i utrzymania wzajemnie korzystnych relacji z dostawcami. W dalszej części publikacji zaprezentowano najważniejsze technologiczne determinanty jakości w branży obróbki metali.
The article focuses on the issue of presenting a tool for measuring the level of quality management in companies in the metalworking industry. The purpose of this publication is to present proposals for criteria that can be used to assess the effectiveness of the quality management system in the metalworking industry. The publication presents the most important criteria for assessing the effectiveness of quality management systems in this industry. Five main groups of factors were taken into account: the organization's ability to understand the client's needs, the organization's ability to manage processes, knowledge and ability to acquire it, the ability to change and achieve goals, and the ability to create and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers. The next part of the publication presents the most important technological determinants of quality in the metal processing industry.
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