Purpose: The paper's main objective is to indicate the current state of knowledge regarding the results of implementing the ISO 9004:2018 standard, with a particular focus on identifying the potential benefits and limitations of its implementation. The study is in line with the research stream on improving quality management systems and striving for sustainable market success. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on a narrative literature review through analysis of the publications available in scientific databases. It was then combined with the method of scientific reflection. Findings: The paper highlights the opportunities that the implementation of the ISO 9004:2018 standard and its integrated self-assessment model offer to organisations. The analysis also revealed limitations associated with the implementation of the standard's recommendations. Practical implications: The research contributes to the development of knowledge in the practical application of the standard and the self-assessment model. It can serve as a reference point for practitioners and scholars interested in the aforementioned subject matter. Originality/value: The originality of the paper lies in its comprehensive analysis of the requirements of the ISO 9004:2018 standard, addressing significant issues both for the academic environment and practitioners in the field of quality management. The study highlights the benefits of applying the self-assessment model, and outlines the challenges associated with its implementation.
The state of the technical infrastructure determines the degree to which the quality requirements of products are met and has a significant impact on occupational safety. The purpose of this study is to build a universal model for supporting quality management, which allows the effective implementation of a wide-ranging research path supporting the evaluation of the relationship between the degree of modernity of product processing technology and the quality of the final product and the level of occupational safety. The developed model is verified by its implementation in one of the turning stations. A practical test of the quality management support model confirms that the practice of conducting analyzes of the level of modernity of infrastructure with its application contributed to identifying critical machine components, examining factors affecting the quality of technological operations, reducing uncertainty and the risk of risky events, and conducting activities in line with the concept of continuous improvement. The course of action detailed in the model makes it possible to determine the relationships that exist between key categories of factors and critical product defects, and accidents and near-misses. This allows for the proposal of adequate improvement measures. Further studies concern the implementation of the model at other workstations in the foundry company.
In a world of increasingly advanced technology and market turbulence caused by geopolitical turmoil and the spread of diseases of affluence, there is a growing need to adapt products and services to current market requirements in response to consumer expectations. The need to find its place in a constantly changing further and closer business environment has been also recognized in the agri-food sector. Consumers, looking for alternatives to industrially produced food and wanting to improve their well-being, have in mind, above all, not only the health quality of the food but also the absence of physical and chemical contaminants, and therefore, they are increasingly inclined to purchase organic food products. Under these circumstances, many Polish enterprises that choose this type of production are looking for solutions that allow them to respond quickly to changing consumer expectations. This paper first critically analyzes the scientific literature by compiling publications on aspects of enterprise agility to analyze issues related to quality assurance and its improvement as a manifestation of meeting customer expectations. This allowed for the identification of the research gap and formulation of the research objective, i.e. the assessment of the quality improvement activities as important problems of agility in Polish organic food processing. The main part of the empirical research was conducted in 2021-2022 using a questionnaire dedicated to entities involved in organic food production. The research was comprehensive in nature. The questionnaire was distributed to the entire population surveyed whereas the amount of the results leads to the conclusion that the sample is representative. Statistical analysis and inference were carried out using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Shapiro-Wilk, ANOVA-Kruskal-Wallis, and U-Mann-Whitney tests.
Map portals can facilitate the work of public administration units and improve access to information, although they have to present high material and technical quality. Not without significance are also measures supporting these websites. This paper aims to assess the quality of selected geoinformation websites. The study was carried out in the form of a quality audit with the use of selected web applications provided in a freeware, thin-client model. A comparative analysis was performed on three versions of the geoservice functioning for the Tomice municipality (accessed on 5th July 2023): 1) eMPZP website (https://www.tomice.pl/mpzp/), 2) municipal geoportal (http://www.mpzp.tomice.pl), and 3) municipal map portal (https://sip.gison. pl/tomice). The measurements were taken only once and in an ad hoc manner. The tests were performed in selected quality dimensions: responsiveness, performance, content and hyperlink quality, accessibility for people with disabilities, syntactic code correctness, search engine optimisation (SEO), and usage indicators, with special emphasis on overall quality. The conclusion was that each of the geoportals evaluated presents good quality. However, it would be wrong to compare them in absolute terms, as the quality of these services should be assessed through the lens of the different times in which they operate.
Podmioty, które dostrzegają potencjał analityki internetowej coraz częściej monitorują witryny i aplikacje internetowe, odnotowując wzorce zachowań użytkowników, analizując jakość serwisów oraz poszukując obszarów wymagających optymalizacji. Dojrzała kultura analityczna pozwala skutecznie wykorzystywać dane w procesie decyzyjnym [Röglinger i in. 2012]. Sektor prywatny korzysta z analityki internetowej znacznie częściej i w stopniu bardziej zaawansowanym, w porównaniu do jednostek administracji publicznej, w tym samorządów terytorialnych. Ponadto znacznie częściej wykonuje audyty, których celem jest poprawa jakości posiadanych serwisów internetowych [Alghenaim i in. 2023]. Portal mapowy może wpłynąć na usprawnienie pracy jednostek administracji publicznej oraz zwiększenie dostępu do informacji, jednak musi być on wysokiej jakości merytorycznej i technicznej. Nie bez znaczenia są też działania podejmowane w otoczeniu portalu. Celem pracy jest ocena jakości wybranych serwisów geoinformacyjnych. Badania wykonano w formie audytu jakości, z zastosowaniem wybranych aplikacji internetowych udostępnianych w modelu freeware, thin-client. Analizie porównawczej poddano trzy wersje geoserwisu gminy Tomice (dostęp z dnia 05.07.2023): 1) serwis eMPZP (https://www.tomice.pl/mpzp/), 2) geoportal gminy (http://www.mpzp.tomice.pl) oraz 3) gminny portal mapowy (https://sip.gison.pl/tomice). Pomiary miały charakter jednostkowy typu ad-hoc. Testy wykonano w wybranych płaszczyznach jakości: responsywności, wydajności, jakości treści i hiperłączy, dostępności dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami, poprawności składniowej kodu, stopnia optymalizacji dla wyszukiwarek (SEO) oraz wskaźników użytkowania, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jakości globalnej. W konkluzji zwrócono uwagę, że każdy z ocenianych geoserwisów jest dobrej jakości. Błędem jest porównywanie ich w sposób bezwzględny, ponieważ jakość tych serwisów powinna być oceniana przez pryzmat ery w jakiej funkcjonowały.
The changes brought about by the spread of COVID-19 require from entrepreneurs a new approach to the way they manage their businesses. Accounting offices are also facing a major challenge these days. In addition to the constant changes in tax regulations and the implementation of many new provisions concerning anti-crisis shields, the way of customer service in accounting offices has also changed as they had to adapt to the new reality. The aim of this article is to present the importance of improving the quality of accounting services in the pandemic era. The first part of the paper includes the scope of services and theoretical aspects of customer service in accounting offices in the era of SARS-CoV-2 as well as the characteristics of the concept of quality. Subsequently, the results of an anonymous survey conducted among entrepreneurs who are clients of accounting offices are presented, which contributed to the formulation of conclusions on the significance of customer service quality in accounting offices. The article highlights the significant changes in the way tasks are performed in accounting firms and financial departments. Among the modern methods of providing accounting services, two have been selected which (according to the respondents) will significantly effect on the service providing quality (in particular by limiting personal contact of contractors).
Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, community-level medical institutions as health service centres have been gaining importance in the medical reform expansion. As prior research has not fully addressed how to index and evaluate the quality of medical service, this article proposes a framework based on the service quality gap theory and the three-faceted “structure–process–outcome” quality evaluation theory. The study took the medical services at Beijing’s Tianqiao Community Health Service Centre as an example to construct an index system for medical service quality evaluations. Data was collected from 211 people, and SPSS software was used for data processing and analysis. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, patients without serious diseases tend to choose community hospitals to reduce their infection risk. As a result, they have growing requirements for clinics to have more departments and specialists. The studied community health service centre has encountered difficulties connected to low patient expectations, a poor medical environment, outdated hardware and equipment, and a low level of medical services. Some suggestions have been made to add specialised departments and consider the convenience of medical treatment for the elderly.
The aim of the paper is to present the research procedure to improve performing mechanical tests. The article shows the results from experiments carried out with the use of reference objects and inter-laboratory comparisons. Details of the research technique for determining the mechanical parameters of strength screws and testing technical springs, are presented. The tensile characteristics of the screw material are provided with the indication of all the necessary mechanical parameters important for engineering practice, i.e. within the elastic and elastic-plastic range. In the case of the spring, the values of its deflection are presented, resulting from multiple loading to a specific force value and subsequent unloading. The obtained results are compared with the properties of the reference object using mathematical statistics and the requirements of the standard on proficiency testing. As a result, the competences of the research teams in the scope of performing the mentioned types of mechanical tests are confirmed.
Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie postępowania badawczego dla doskonalenia wykonywania badań mechanicznych. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań pochodzące z prób mechanicznych zrealizowanychz udziałem obiektów odniesienia oraz będących udziałem porównania międzylaboratoryjnego. Zaprezentowano szczegóły techniki badawczej, dotyczącej określania parametrów mechanicznych śrub wytrzymałościowych oraz badania sprężyn technicznych. Zamieszczono charakterystykę rozciągania materiału śruby ze wskazaniem wszystkich niezbędnych parametrów mechanicznych istotnych dla praktyki inżynierskiej, tj. z zakresu sprężystego oraz sprężysto-plastycznego. W przypadku sprężyny zaprezentowano wartości jej ugięcia, wynikające z kilkukrotnego obciążania do określonej wartości siły i następującego odciążania. Uzyskane wyniki badań odniesiono do cech własnych obiektu odniesienia oraz porównano wzajemnie z wykorzystaniem zagadnień statystyki matematycznej oraz wymagań normy dotyczącej badań biegłości. W efekcie potwierdzono kompetencje zespołów badawczych w zakresie wykonywania wymienionych rodzajów prób mechanicznych.
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to determine if KPIs (Key Process Indicators) are described using the acronym SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). Design/methodology/approach: The research consisted of database research. A database of nine journals with over 18,000 quality related articles was searched for the term “KPI”. The results were then searched for lists of KPIs. These KPIs were then copied to an online tool that identified the number of occurrences of each word in the lists. Findings/concussions: The most common words were non-KPI relevant words such as “of” and “and”. Out of the KPI related words, the most common were “%”, “percentage”, “number” and “per”. These quantification words pertain to the measurable aspect of the acronym SMART. The occurrence of these words and others support the hypothesis that KPIs are described discussing the acronym SMART. Practical implications: The use of the acronym SMART provides a method for assisting organizations in the creation of KPIs. Originality/value: Much of the literature on KPIs is of a “how to” nature; this paper went a step farther and identified common word choices used in describing individual SMART KPIs.
Cel: Celem badania jest ustalenie, czy KPIs (kluczowe wskaźniki efektywności) są opisane zgodnie z metodą SMART (specyficzne, mierzalne, osiągalne, istotne, określone w czasie). Projekt badania/metodyka/podejście: Badanie polegało na analizie baz danych. Przeszukano bazy danych dziewięciu czasopism z ponad 18 000 artykułów związanych z jakością pod kątem występowania terminu „KPI”. Wyniki zostały następnie przeszukane pod względem list z KPI. Te kluczowe wskaźniki efektywności zostały skopiowane do narzędzia internetowego, które zidentyfikowało liczbę wystąpień każdego słowa na listach. Wyniki/wnioski: Najczęstszymi słowami były słowa niezwiązane z KPI, takie jak np. „z” i „i”. Spośród słów związanych z KPI najczęstszymi były: „%”, „procent”, „liczba” i „na”. Te słowa kwantyfikacji odnoszą się do mierzalnego aspektu akronimu SMART. Występowanie tych i innych słów wspiera hipotezę, że KPIs opisane są zgodnie z metodą SMART. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Zastosowanie akronimu SMART stanowi właściwą metodę wspomagania organizacji w tworzeniu KPIs. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Znaczna część literatury traktująca o kluczowych wskaźnikach efektywności ma charakter „jak to zrobić”; w tym artykule posunięto się o krok dalej i zidentyfikowano najczęściej używane słowa do opisu wskaźników SMART KPI.
Purpose: The main aim of the paper is to identify, evaluate and improve the factors that are responsible for the reliable operation of the guttering system using the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) methodology. Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the planned goal, the FMEA method was used. This is one of the suitable techniques of reliability modelling used to investigate the failure behaviour of a products and processes. The article presents the use of design FMEA on the example of a guttering system that is produced in one of the companies in the Podkarpackie province. In order to do this, potential defects and their effects have been identified. Later, the control methods used in the company were specified. The frequency of potential defects was then estimated, as well as their significance and possibility of detection. Findings: The design FMEA method allowed the authors to reveal defects, including critical defects, which may significantly affect the construction of a guttering system. The defects and their root causes were identified, and a proposal for corrective and preventive actions was suggested. Originality/value: An original solution of a guttering system that is currently in production in the Podkarpackie province was tested. This analysis should contribute to improving the quality of products manufactured here.
Purpose: The aim of the work was to propose the integrated decision method with quality techniques to precision identify the root of the problem. Design/methodology/approach: The proposed method was integrated methods as the Ishikawa diagram, 5Why method and AHP method. An idea of the proposed method was improving the process of identifying the problem by using a new mixed-method, ie. after Ishikawa diagram the methods 5Why and AHP. Findings: It was demonstrated, that it is purposeful using the proposed mixed method (ie. qualitative and quantitative) to expand the horizon of identifying the root cause. Research limitations/implications: The limitation is the subjectivism of the entity using the method, which is revealed during assessing the causes of a problem. Therefore, future works will be based on the minimalization of subjectivism by using the fuzzy Saaty scale. Practical implications: The proposed method is a new approach to analyse different types of problems and support the process of solve decision problems. Therefore, this method can be practice in service and production enterprises to identify the root of product incompatibility. Social implications: Using the method allows improving the process of making the decision about causes of the problem, and limits the possibility of wrong decision about the source of the problem. Originality/value: The proposed method was used a new proposal of mixed-method, ie. it was used integrated the Ishikawa diagram, 5Why method and AHP method. The presented method is some kind of a new approach to identify the root of the problem.
Purpose: The article reviews the literature on the concept of Global 8 Disciplines method in the context of root cause analysis of the quality issue. Design/methodology/approach: In this paper the objective was set to prevent quality issues regarding the surface of wire rod coils. In order to achieve this, the G8D problem solving method was applied to analyze and solve the problem. Findings: G8D does improve the efficiency of quality issue problem-solving. Originality/value: G8D method application allows reducing problem analysis time and costs in the manufacturing companies.
Purpose: The goal of the paper is to analyses process of implementation and effectiveness of 5S method in an industrial enterprise. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis, questionnaire analysis, case study analysis. Findings: On the example of industrial organization that was in the presented paper an analysis of effectiveness of 5S implementation. On the basis of conducted analysis the main objectives of using 5S are: order in the workplace, maintenance of cleanliness and efficiency of machines and devices, shorter duration of activities. The main causes of problems with 5S implementation are connected with no time to do the work and lack of funds. The overall rating of efficiency of 5S method in analyzed enterprise is very good. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of main objectives of using 5S method and the main causes of problems with it in the industrial enterprise.
Z reguły w każdym kruszywie występują pewne ilości niektórych minerałów lub skał, które wywierają duży wpływ na jego jakość. Problem pojawia się wówczas, gdy te składniki są niepożądane. Wówczas konieczne jest ich usunięcie lub ograniczenie ilości. W celu poprawy jakości kruszyw stosuje się różne operacje i urządzenia przeróbcze.
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Presented paper concentrate on problems connected with FMEA method usage in industrial enterprise. There is in the paper a description of the basic rules of FMEA method and competition between FMEA analysis and gap analysis. The analysis of defects has been done to find recommendations how to eliminate or restrain them. On the basis of conducted research we found that selection of staff to the team is very important factor in the FMEA analysis undertaking process. The staff should have appropriate level of knowledge about FMEA method methodology and other tools which are indispensable in the process of implementing this method within the company.
he paper presents the test results of composites used in self-lubricating sliding pairs where resol phenol-formaldehyde (AW-1, FDP), novolak phenol-formaldehyde, and anthracene-phenol resins were applied as binders. Thermal resistance, load capacity, friction resistances, wear values, and formation of top layers of friction-coupled elements were studied. A model composite with 9 MPa×m/s load capacity and friction wear resistance greater than of the composites available in the domestic and international markets, comparable friction resistances, and lower production costs was developed.
The following paper concentrates on some problems resulting from the use of Quality Function Deployment method in industrial enterprises. It is not an easy task although the method itself has many advantages. The aim of the paper is to analyse basic international literature as well as the main advantages and limitations of the Quality Function Deployment.
The aim of this article is to show the use of the analysis of the failure causes and effects as a prevention tool in controlling the quality of a given production process in the company. The scope of the work covers an analysis of a selected process, definition of inconsistencies present in this process, and then the FMEA analysis. In the production company one should implement thinking and actions based on the so-called ‘quality loop’ – it is an interdependence model of the undertaken actions which affect the quality shaping. It is carried out from the possibility for identifying a customer’s requirements through a project, production process, up to the assessment of effective capability for meeting the defined requirements. The application of such an approach enables to take the actions improving the operation of quality management in a systemic way.
Paper describes the procedure for developing academic programs which are properly aligned to the requirements of the knowledge-based economy. The paper also addresses the continuous quality improvement (CQI) process with the CQI loop closing on the program level and the course level. This process is needed to make continuous adjustments to an academic program, so that the program is always aligned to the constantly-changing needs of the economy. Paper also discusses the system of mutual dependency between the academic program and external partnership like local industry, secondary schools, local government, local community, regional business incubator center, other educational institutions, alumni and industrial advisory council. The ongoing collaboration with external partners allows the program to prosper and grow.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie aspektów teoretycznych dotyczących zastosowania insourcingu w doskonaleniu jakości produktów i usług w warunkach konkurencyjnego rynku, jak również przedstawienie wyników badań empirycznych w zakresie stosowania insourcingu do poprawy jakości produktów lub usług w wyselekcjonowanej próbie badawczej. Zastosowano badania oparte na literaturze przedmiotu oraz badania empiryczne. Omówiono teoretyczne uwarunkowania insourcingu na bazie teorii kosztów transakcyjnych (TCE) oraz teorii zasobowej przedsiębiorstwa (RBV). Opisano znaczenie jakości w budowaniu przewagi konkurencyjnej w kontekście decyzji o insourcingu. Wyniki badań zaprezentowane w niniejszym artykule dowodzą, że chęć poprawy jakości zarówno produktu/usługi dotychczas zakupywanego na zewnątrz, jak i chęć poprawy jakości produktów/usług z nim powiązanych jest ważnym kryterium przy podejmowaniu decyzji o insourcingu. Artykuł powstał w wyniku realizacji grantu Narodowego Centrum Nauki nr 2014/13/D/HS4/01921.
The aim of this article is to present the theoretical aspects of the use of insourcing in improving the quality of products and services in the competitive market conditions as well as to present the results of empirical research in the use of insourcing to improve the quality of products or services in a selected research sample. The research was based on literature and empirical studies. The theoretical determinants of insourcing were discussed based on the transaction cost theory (TCE) and the resource-based view (RBV). The importance of quality in building a competitive advantage in the context of the decision to insource is described. The research results presented in this article prove that the desire to improve the quality of both the product/service purchased so far outside and the desire to improve the quality of products/services associated with it is an important criterion when making decisions on insourcing. The article was created as a result of the grant of the National Science Center No. 2014/13/D/HS4/01921.
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