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We prove two generalizations: the first to Das and Naik’s theorem for a pair of compatible maps without continuity; and the next as an extension of our first result to three self-maps on a metric space X without compatibility, under a stronger contraction type inequality and restricting the completeness of X to its subspace. The latter is a significant generalization of a recent result of Pant et al.
Content available remote Hybrid fixed point theorems in symmetric spaces via common limit range property
In this paper, we point out that some recent results of Vijaywar et al. (Coincidence and common fixed point theorems for hybrid contractions in symmetric spaces, Demonstratio Math. 45 (2012), 611–620) are not true in their present form. With a view to prove corrected and improved versions of such results, we introduce the notion of common limit range property for a hybrid pair of mappings and utilize the same to obtain some coincidence and fixed point results for mappings defined on an arbitrary set with values in symmetric (semi-metric) spaces. Our results improve, generalize and extend some results of the existing literature especially due to Imdad et al., Javid and Imdad, Vijaywar et al. and some others. Some illustrative examples to highlight the realized improvements are also furnished.
In this paper, a general coincidence and common fixed points theorem for two hybrid pairs of mappings satisfying property (E.A) is proved, generalizing the main results from [3] and [9].
In this paper, we present a common fixed point theorem by altering distances for a contractive condition of integral type in partial metric spaces.
We establish coincidence point and common fixed point results for multivalued f-weak contraction mappings which assume closed values only. As an application, related common fixed point and invariant approximation are obtained in the setup of certain metrizable topological vector spaces. Our results provide extensions as well as substantial improvements of several well known results in the literature.
The new concept of weak commutativity of type (KB) is used to prove some fixed point theorems for set and single-valued mappings. We show that continuity of any mapping is not necessary for the existence of common fixed point. We also show that completeness of the whole space can be replaced by a weaker condition.
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