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w słowach kluczowych:  pseudoconvex domain
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Content available remote The Levi problem for j-metric balls of a proper pseudoconvex domain in Cn
Let Ωj(a,r) be an a-centered j-metric ball of a proper pseudoconvex domain Ω in Cn, with radius r>0. In this paper, we discuss whether Ωj(a,r) can be pseudoconvex and so can be holomorphically convex and vice versa. We study three principal cases of the domain Ω and we provide in each case optimal conditions on a and r for which the original Levi problem can be solved in Ωj(a,r). As an application, we show that Kiselman’s minimum principle can hold in the j-metric setting.
In this paper we will give some conditions of spirallikeness for holomorphic mappings defined on bounded balanced pseudoconvex domains in Cn with C1 plurisubharmonic defining functions.
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