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w słowach kluczowych:  przetwornik matrycowy quasi Z-żródłowy
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In this paper, a voltage control system for a PMSM motor based on the QZSDMC converter is proposed, which allows operation in both buck and boost modes as a possible method to make the drive resistant to power grid voltage sags. The authors presented a method for measuring and transforming the output voltage from QZS, enabling the use of a PI controller to control the voltage supplied to the DMC converter. The publication includes simulation and experimental studies comparing the operation of a PMSM motor powered by DMC and the proposed QZSDMC with voltage control. Simulation studies confirm the drive with QZSDMC resistance to voltage sags up to 80% of the rated value. Experimental studies demonstrate the correct operation of PMSM even with a power grid voltage amplitude equal to 40% of the rated value.
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