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Recently, S. K. Mahato and P.D. Srivastava [A class of sequence spaces defined by l-fractional difference operator, preprint (2018),] studied l-fractional difference sequence spaces. In this article, we intend to make a new approach to introduce and study some lambda l-fractional convergent, lambda l-fractional null and lambda l-fractional bounded sequences over n-normed spaces. Various algebraic and topological properties of these newly formed sequence spaces have been explored, and some inclusion relations concerning these spaces are also established. Finally, some characterizations of the newly formed sequence spaces are given.
In this article, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability for the following additive-quarticfunctional equation: f(x + 3y) + f(x - 3y) + f(x + 2y) + f(x - 2y) + 22f(x) + 24f(y) = 13[ f(x + y) + f(x - y)] + 12f(2y), where f maps from an additive group to a complete non-Archimedean normed space.
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