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Polska wzorem innych państw włączyła prywatny sektor ochronny do systemu bezpieczeństwa pod koniec XX wieku. Prawie od początku prywatne firmy zajmujące się ochroną osób i mienia rozwijały się w szybkim tempie. Początek istotnego udziału sektora niepaństwowego w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa w Polsce po II wojnie światowej dała Ustawa o Straży Przemysłowej z 31 stycznia 1961, która ograniczała działalność do obiektów państwowych, ale już kilka lat później Ustawa o ochronie osób i mienia z 22 sierpnia 1997 r. - pierwsze specjalne, odrębne uregulowanie prawne na poziomie ustawy w zakresie ochrony mienia i osób w Polsce - dokonała rewolucji w udziale prywatnego sektora w bezpieczeństwie. Wraz z upływem lat rosła w Polsce liczba firm ochroniarskich, rozszerzał się też zakres ich działań ochronnych a także rosło znaczenie ochrony osób i mienia w państwie. Prywatyzacja zadań dotyczących ochrony wynikała głównie z faktu, iż organy i instytucje państwa nie były w stanie same zabezpieczyć wszystkich zadań dotyczących bezpieczeństwa. Wraz z rozwojem firm ochroniarskich pojawiały się wyzwania dot. zakresu zadań oraz uprawnień pracowników ochrony. Wzrastał też udział technologii w działalności ochronnej. Jednym z istotnych wyzwań stawały się regulacje prawne, stanowiące podstawę do działalności prywatnych firm ochroniarskich i dające określone uprawnienia ich pracownikom. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prześledzenie tych rozwiązań prawnych oraz zaproponowanie nowych uregulowań, które pozwoliłyby na szersze wykorzystanie firm ochroniarskich w Polsce oraz zapewnienie, by już działające firmy i sami pracownicy ochrony mogli bardziej efektywnie działać na rzecz bezpieczeństwa Polski.
At the end of the 20th century Poland, following the example of other countries, included the private security sector in the security system. Almost from the very beginning, private companies dealing with personal and property protection developed at a rapid pace. Obtaining the substantial involvement of non-state sector in security after World War II was triggered by the Act on the protection of persons and property of August 22, 1997 - the first special, separate legal regulation at the level of the act on the protection of property and persons in Poland. It has introduced revolutionary changes into the private sector participation in state security. As the years passed, the number of security companies grew, and the scope of their protective measures in Poland also expanded. The importance of protecting people and property in the state grew. The privatization of securityrelated tasks resulted mainly from the fact that state authorities and institutions were not able to secure all security-related tasks on their own. Along with the development of security companies, there were challenges regarding the scope of tasks and rights of security staff. The share of technology in protective activities has also increased. One of the major challenges was the legal regulations constituting the basis for the activities of private security companies and giving specific rights to their employees. The purpose of this article is to trace these legal solutions and propose new regulations that would allow wider use of security companies in Poland and to ensure that already operating companies and security guards themselves could act more effectively for the security of Poland.
The reality of the danger of active shooters performing a terror attack at school facilities during the working hours, inspires to thought about possible guidelines under which an unarmed person could stop an armed aggressor in the moment he breaks into school and launches an attack. Quality physical security measures can prevent infiltration of a trespasser into a building or make it at least difficult, however it is necessary to always take into consideration that the physical security measures will be surpassed and the attacker infiltrates the building. Surviving an active shooter event is possible when following the “run-hide-fight & survive” guidelines.
Analiza zagrożeń w przypadku wtargnięcia aktywnego strzelca do budynków szkolnych skłania do analizy możliwości zatrzymania uzbrojonego agresora przez osobę nieuzbrojoną już w chwili rozpoczęcia ataku. Fizyczne i elektroniczne środki ochrony mogą uniemożliwić lub utrudnić przedostanie się osoby niepowołanej do obiektu, jednak należy rozważyć ewentualność infiltracji obiektu przez intruza. W takim przypadku niezbędne jest postępowanie zgodnie z zasadą „uciekaj, ukryj się, walcz i przetrwaj”.
Budowanie miasta jest procesem ciągłym. Przemiany dokonywane są w nowych, dotychczas niezagospodarowanych obszarach, ale także w strefach już wcześniej zabudowanych i zorganizowanych przestrzennie, w których przekształcenia wynikają z konieczności dostosowania do nowych potrzeb funkcjonalnych i standardów użytkowych. W istniejącej strukturze miasta dostrzegano dotychczas potrzebę ochrony historycznych obiektów architektonicznych lub zespołów zabudowy określanych mianem „zabytku”, jako dzieła minionej epoki, którego zachowanie leży w interesie społecznym ze względu na posiadaną wartość historyczną, artystyczną lub naukową W latach 90. XX w. środowiska naukowe architektów, urbanistów, konserwatorów zabytków zwróciły uwagę na zasadność ochrony dóbr kultury współczesnej, powstałych po II wojnie światowej. Stwierdzono, że wiele powojennych realizacji związanych z nazwiskami uznanych twórców poddawanych jest niekorzystnym przebudowom, bez poszanowania ich wartości, a część bezpowrotnie znika z przestrzeni miast. W przepisach prawnych umieszczone zostały ustalenia o konieczności uwzględniania tego typu dóbr. Budowaniu prawnego systemu ochrony dzieł współczesnej architektury i urbanistyki musi jednak towarzyszyć świadomość społeczna i odpowiedzialność zawodowa wszystkich uczestników procesu planowania przestrzennego.
The post-war changes in Poland, marked by the shaping of the people’s government, and reconstruction of the country after the devastation were also significantly reflected in the development of a new architectural thinking. The concept of ownership clearly related to the „state”, „nation”, „community” determined the approach to design. Architects and city planners faced great opportunities for creative action. The destroyed historic buildings needed reconstruction, the intended long-term development plans of the city required urban planning. Most of the spatial concepts were prepared by an open architectural competitions, with the participation of many teams. An example of such selected projects in Warsaw are the following concepts: the Saxon Axis, Marszałkowska residential area, building development at the Victory Square, and the greatest of urban designs – the East-West Route (Trasa W-Z). Exhibitions and presentations of architectural projects were systematically organized in subsequent years in order to evaluate the solutions, primarily in terms of compliance with the demands of socialist realism, but also to present the architectural output. The architectural works of the period of socialism were dominated by solutions formed in the spirit of eclecticism, however, the architects also sought inspiration in the domestic forms, derived from the Polish cultural heritage and folk tradition. Examples include the complex of buildings at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University designed on the order of university authorities in 1948 by Czesław Gawdzik and Tadeusz Witkowski. The complex of clinics and units of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, distinguished within the university, presented during the Regional Architecture Exhibition in 1951 in Lublin, received positive opinions not only as a solution of great values of urban planning, but also as the design adequately referring to the tradition and regional forms in architecture. The body of the building of the clinics of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine that was opened in 1955, survived to the present day and has become an inherent part of the landscape of the city. As a result of growing awareness of conservation needs of contemporary architecture and urban planning works, called by law „contemporary cultural goods”, in 2003 the professional architects and urban planners started the discussion on the criteria which should be used when selecting objects to be protected. In addition, the team responsible for analysis, designation, selection and preparation of the directory of modern facilities and areas, the value of which would justify special solicitude for their preservation, was appointed in 2009 in Lublin. As a result of the two years of work of experts, a list of contemporary cultural goods was drawn up and provided to the President of Lublin in 2011. Unfortunately the example of Lublin shows that the work of experts is not used in practice. Only a small percentage of the area of the city is covered by local spatial development plans, and only the plans, as documents of the local law, enable the creation and introduction of the principles of protection of contemporary cultural goods. In the absence of such conditions, the cinema „Kosmos” was demolished and disappeared from the area of Lublin in 2011, the building of Gymnasium at ul. Kunickiego has been deformed, the urban layout of the Słowacki housing complex designed by Oskar Hansen has been affected by the expansion of commercial pavilions. The described in the introduction veterinary medicine building at ul. Głęboka has also been sentenced to demolition. The process of urban development, therefore in city’s spatial transformations reflect the interests of various participants in the process. Land development regulations should be the basis of those activities, therefore the districts are obliged by law to draw up planning documents. As can be seen from the statistics, however, only a small part of the Polish territory is covered by the planned development, and at the same time, in many cases the merit of the local plans does not conform to the standards. The role of the urban planner has also changed. From the position of expert and professional in matters of land development who indicates the most appropriate paths of transformation and development directions of the city, the role of the urban planner was virtually reduced to a „draughtsman”, who – as a person professionally prepared, but without the right to give opinions – must prepare the document under the dictation of investors. Until the statutory regulations are introduced, all working professionals in the field of architectural and urban design anyway bear responsibility for their decisions and original designs. In accordance with professional ethics they should be guided by the principle of seeking the solutions reflecting the value of the space not only within the „ordered task”, or the „scope of official activities” but in the context of widely understood conditions with a meaning of „public good”. With such approach, directories of goods recognized as valuable, even if they have no form of a legally binding document, could be used in the current work as a material useful in the decisions of substance. An observation made by Jerzy Szczepanik-Dzikowski, an active architect, seems to be an appropriate summary of this idea: We must finally understand (following most European countries) that the care of architecture is not the law, not legislation, but competent and committed people who care about the city.
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