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Objectives: The aim of this paper is to perform an evaluation of the social and living conditions of professional soldiers and their families in Poland at the beginning of the 21st century and two decades later. Methods: The research methods used in this study are: literature analysis and review and the method of logical analysis and structure. Results: The analysis of the available sources allowed the author to draw the conclusion that the appropriate status level of a professional soldier may realistically contribute to the improvement of the overall state of social security of both the soldiers and their families, as well as of the capacity of the armed forces, provided, however, that the organisational and legal conditions are fully adjusted to their needs both during service and after termination. Conclusions: Professional soldiers serve in the conditions that result from currently existing organisational, systemic, and legal solutions that secure the process of realisation of the tasks for: the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, the state of Poland, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). The social and existential situation of professional soldiers and their families is influenced by numerous, different factors, both external (political or economic) and internal (departmental) ones, as well as those connected to the course of performing professional military service: the structure of the armed forces and the types of tasks performed in the country and abroad.
Medycyna pola walki różni się od postępowania ratowniczego w warunkach cywilnych. Schemat opieki nad poszkodowanym określają wytyczne TCCC, których znajomość pozwala żołnierzom ratować poszkodowanego, chronić jego zdrowie i życie oraz wykonać zadanie. Cel pracy obejmował ocenę stanu wiedzy żołnierzy zawodowych na temat zasad udzielania pierwszej pomocy w warunkach pola walki, a także analizę znajomości wytycznych TCCC. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone wśród 226 żołnierzy zawodowych za pomocą autorskiego kwestionariusza anonimowej ankiety internetowej.
The medicine of the battlefield differs from the rescue procedures in civil conditions. The scheme of care of the wounded is defined by the quidelines of TCCC of which the acquaintance lets soldiers save the victim, to protect his health and life and to perform a task. The aim of this work included the assessment of the status of knowledge of professionals soldiers about principles for granting first aid in conditions of battlefield and analysis of knowledge quidelines TCCC. The research was conducted among 226 professionals soldiers by means of author's questionnaire of anonymous online survey.
Ratownictwo taktyczne jest definiowane poprzez szereg czynności mających na celu ratować poszkodowanego, ograniczyć śmiertelność na polu walki, odpowiedzieć na reakcję ogniową oraz wykonać zadanie taktyczne. W tym celu ważna jest znajomość wytycznych TCCC, które opisują schematy działań na polu walki. Celem pracy była ocena stanu wiedzy ratowników medycznych na temat zasad udzielania pierwszej pomocy w warunkach pola walki. W badaniu uczestniczyło 213 ratowników medycznych, którzy uzupełniali autorski kwestionariusz anonimowej ankiety internetowej.
Tactical rescue is defined by a series of activities aimed at rescuing a wounded soldier, reducing mortality on the battlefield, responding to a fire reaction and performing a tactical task. To this purpose, it is important to know the TCCC guidelines, which describe the schemes of action on the battlefield. The aim of this work was to evaluate the status of knowledge of paramedics about principles for granting first aid in conditions of battlefield. In this research 213 paramedics took part who supplemented the questionnaire of anonymous online survey.
Content available remote Rekonwersja jako aspekt aktywizacji zawodowej żołnierzy na cywilnym rynku pracy
Na współczesnym rynku pracy miejsce znajdują pracownicy o różnych zawodach, a więc specyficznej wiedzy, odmiennych umiejętnościach, doświadczeniu, a także mentalności społecznej. Specyficzną grupę zawodową stanowią żołnierze zawodowi, których kwalifikacje a także przyzwyczajenia ze służby wojskowej nie są specjalnie poszukiwane na rynku pracy. Swoiste cechy wymagają odpowiedniego podejścia do nich, jako do pracowników i stosowania właściwie ukierunkowanych rozwiązań mających na celu zagospodarowanie tego potencjału. Wychodząc naprzeciw oczekiwaniom żołnierzy, ustawodawca przewidział rekonwersję, czyli pomoc udzielaną żołnierzom zawodowym, którzy odchodzą ze służby wojskowej. Podjęty w opracowaniu problem rekonwersji w korpusie zawodowej służby wojskowej i jej wpływ na pracę zawodową po ukończeniu służby jest zagadnieniem bardzo ważnym i mającym znaczenie nie tylko w obszarze służby wojskowej ale też poza nią w cywilnych obszarach gospodarki. Celem prezentowanych badań jest ocena działań rekonwersyjnych w środowisku żołnierzy zawodowych, które prowadzą do podejmowania zatrudnienia na cywilnym rynku pracy. Badania służące realizacji celu przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem techniki badań ankietowych i narzędzia jakim jest kwestionariusz ankietowy. Objęto nimi pracowników, którzy przeszli z czynnej służby zawodowej w wojsku do cywila.
On the contemporary labour market, there are vacancies for employees representing various occupations, and, therefore, specific expertise, different abilities and experience, as well as social mentality. A specific professional group is constituted by professional soldiers, the qualifications, and also habits from the time of military service, of whom are not in a particular demand on the labour market. Peculiar qualities require an appropriate approach to these people as to employees, and the application of appropriately-directed solutions, the objective of which is to take advantage of that potential. Meeting the expectations of soldiers halfway, the legislator stipulated the possibility of reconversion, and that means assistance provided to professional soldiers who are ending the period of their military service. The question of the reconversion of the professional service soldiers and the influence exerted by it upon professional career after the end of military service is a very important issue, and the one of significance not only in the scope of military service, but also beyond it, in the civil areas of economy. The objective of the presented research is to assess reconversion activities in the milieu of professional soldiers which result in taking up jobs on the civil labour market. Research the purpose of which was to attain that objective was conducted with the application of the diagnostic survey method, using the survey technique and a survey questionnaire as a tool. The study group was composed of employees who completed their military service as professional service.
The article deals with the issue of the financial practices of professional soldiers in the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic in the management of personal finances. The main aim of the author was to present information about the current state of consumer habits and behaviour of professional soldiers in the management of personal finances, particularly in planning finances, budgeting households, generating savings and financial reserves, the use of credit and methods for financial security in old age. The questionnaire surveys and controlled interviews were used to obtain data about the financial practices of professional soldiers in the survey. Whereas, by conducting the survey of financial practices of professional soldiers, negative facts were also revealed, the paper introduces procedures that should help improve the situation in this area.
Żołnierze pełniący służbę zawodową, ze względu na specyfikę wykonywanej pracy, narażeni są na doświadczanie wielu sytuacji stresowych. Przyczyny stresu, a w konsekwencji niejednokrotnie wynikające z niego zaburzenia, mogą znacząco różnić się w zależności od tego, czy występuje on w warunkach służby na terenie kraju, czy poza jego granicami. Niniejsze opracowanie oparte jest o badania własne, celem ukazania różnic pomiędzy źródłami i natężeniem stresu pojawiającego się w warunkach służby na terenie Rzeczpospolitej a tymi, które występują u żołnierzy wyjeżdżających na misje stabilizacyjne czy pokojowe. Badanymi są uczestnicy Polskiego Kontyngentu Wojskowego, mający możliwość służyć w tych dwóch środowiskach, którzy wzięli udział w misjach w Czadzie, Libanie, Iraku czy Afganistanie. Pod uwagę wzięte zostały takie uniwersalne aspekty, jak: ogólne warunki służby, opieka zdrowotna, warunki środowiska, wynagrodzenie i poczucie bezpieczeństwa. Ponadto dla wskazania stresujących czynników, które pojawiają się głównie w warunkach służby poza granicami kraju przyjęto kryteria, takie jak: obawy związane z pogorszeniem relacji z rodziną, ocena dostępu do infrastruktury sanitarnej, ocena jakości i organizacji żywienia, niedogodności pogodowe, obawy związane z zagrożeniem ze strony lokalnej ludności, możliwość zagrożenia ze strony otaczającego środowiska oraz lęk przed zagrożeniami w służbie poza granicami Państwa.
Due to the special line of work, active duty soldiers are exposed to plenty of stressful experiences. The causes of stress and its consequences resulting in various disorders may vary. It de-pends whether soldiers serve in their country or abroad. The following study is the research conducted in order to present the differences between the sources and intensity of stress occur-ring among soldiers working in their country and abroad. The research was carried out among the participants of Polish Military Contingents serving in both environments, including the missions in Chad, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan. The study considered universal aspects, such as general conditions, health care, environmental conditions, a salary and a sense of security. Moreover, to indicate the stress factor present in military service abroad, additional criteria were considered: a fear of worsening the relationship with a family, access to a sanitation evaluation, food quality and management evaluation, weather inconveniences, a fear of local com-munity, the likelihood of threat of the surroundings and the anxiety related to the dangers of military service abroad.
Content available Kadry administracji wojskowej
This article is dedicated to military administration personnel. The author divided military administration personnel into professional soldiers and army employees. Describing the issues connected with the employment in military administration, special attention was put to the legal basis of employment of both army employees and professional soldiers. Then, the author discussed the problems connected with filling the military positions in military administration as well as recruitment and selection procedures for candidates applying to be employed in military administration within the Civil Service. Taking into consideration the proposed organisational and legal changes concerning the Polish Armed Forces, it needs to be stressed that the presented legal regulations concern the period until September 2013.
The author of the article discusses some problems connected with applying regulations of a new law on 5 August 2011 on Confidential Information Protection in relation to the influence of legally valid professional soldier’s sentence on his/her access to confidential information. It is concluded that majority of vagueness or legal loopholes appearing in the old law exist in the new one.
Content available remote Świat wartości żołnierzy zawodowych
The Polish Armed Forces, of the third Republic, put particularly strong influences on changing social conditions quickly. So far hermetic armed forces have become more open to the world in which they are functioning. Values, thinking and behaviour, penetrate the soldiers' society without great difficulty. This leads to transformation in their systems of values and changes the ethos of the whole group of professional soldiers. This situation causes a state of tension between vigorously ensued processes of social change, concerning the army, and the formal goals and tasks given to them by the country. The contemporary discussions on transformations in the armed forces frequently concentrate on structural, economical and political aspects of its functioning. These important fields cannot be devoid of reflection on social aspects. The Army as an institution has many possibilities of moulding values in a professional soldiers - both by promoting individual values and creating behaviour as a result of the organisation of the educational environment for the functional sake, world of Soldiers' values, which are expected and desired, cannot be constructed by imposing them from central structures. They should rather be a product of the consciousness of soldiers.
The aim of this article is to present the career army as a final solution of the Armed Forces concept in our country. The presented diagnosis and evaluation of conditions of the career army functioning makes up a complex of methodological and essential issues. The issue of forming career armed forces in Poland has been discussed for a long time. Similar ongoing process in other countries, social transformations in Poland and other countries and most of all the necessity of a wider participation of the Polish Armed Forces in military operations outside Poland contribute the present state of affairs. A social and military potential as well as high level of social and economic development in countries that already have career armed forces are important for this process. Creating a fully career army requires bearing high costs connected with maintaining the personnel and purchasing military armament and equipment. The decreasing of armed forces in NATO countries is caused by both the high costs of their maintaining and also by a tendency to create a professional army model. Today countries need smaller but more professional and effective armies. The army of the future must be far more effective at the comparably similar level of financial expenditures. The functioning of career armed forces in Poland seems the necessity of the near future.
W artykule zamieszczono dane na temat pochodzenia społecznego i geograficznego wykształcenia oraz liczby kandydatów do AMW na przestrzeni ostatniej dekady wraz z komentarzami
The paper presents data on social and geographical origin, educational background as well as the number of candidates to naval University over the last drcade as well as relevant remarks
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