The advantage of the clonal plants over the nonclonal species in colonization of all biomes and biogeographical regions primarily is due to occurrence of two modes of reproduction. The creating of vegetative propagules with high vitality and survivability, enables the spread in the newly colonized site, while seed production increases the chances for successful recruitment of seedlings, ensuring the genetic diversity of the population. The differences in allocation into vegetative reproduction and generative propagation in relation to rising height of adjacent plants was investigated in populations of Serratula tinctoria L., occurring in Molinietum caeruleae meadows localized in Southern Poland. Each locality was represented by randomly established three permanent study plots: dominated by small meadow species (LOW), prevailed by large-tussock grasses (INTER) and overgrown by shrubs and trees (HIGH). In the years 2009–2011 the number of leaf rosettes and length of the longest leaf in rosette (as a measure of allocation in vegetative propagation), as well as height of generative stems, number of capitula per stem and number of seeds per capitulum (as indicators of investment in generative reproduction) were observed. The allocation in vegetative reproduction decreased along the gradient of vegetation height. The gradually decline of number of rosettes might be caused by lack of free space suitable for establishment of new ramets, whereas the small leaf size could be due to drastically augmentation of shading. The allocation in generative reproduction increased along the gradient of vegetation height. The placement of structures necessary for generative propagation in higher layers of herbaceous canopy, as well as considerable number of capitula and seed production might increase the chances for successful recruitment of seedlings. On the basis of obtained results combining with published data it should be assumed, that the substantial allocation in vegetative reproduction and the slight investment in generative propagation seems to be sufficient for persistence of Serratula tinctoria populations in patches dominated by small meadow species, while the considerable allocation in generative reproduction could be crucial for maintenance of population viability under competitive conditions.
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Parasitic plants are characterized by production of a large number, of one of the smallest seeds in the world’s flora, of length less than 1 mm, frequently called ‘dust seeds’. The paper presents detailed data concerning the seed productivity and their size as well as morphological diversity of a very rare and endangered parasitic species Orobanche bartlingii (Orobanchaceae). O. bartlingii occurs from central and eastern Europe to China, although it is very rare and sporadic, totally absent in large parts of Europe. In Poland, O. bartlingii occurs mostly in the Silesia-Cracow Upland, sporadically in the Małopolska Upland and in the Noteć valley. Libanotis pyrenaica is the most frequently reported as the host plant of the Bartling’s broomrape. O. bartlingii in Poland prefers thermophilous fringe vegetation of the Geranion sanguinei (Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei class) and Prunetalia spinosae alliances (Rhamno-Prunetea class), xerothermic grasslands of the Festucetalia valesiacae order, usually with the saxicolous Festucetum pallentis association (Festuco-Brometea class). The studies were conducted at the most abundant population of the species in the Silesia-Cracow Upland (S Poland). The populations of species are located in the Podzamcze near Ogrodzieniec, on the highest elevation of the Silesia-Cracow Upland, the Janowski Mountain (515.5 m). The working hypothesis of this study was that: (i) Orobanche bartlingii seeds coming from the same ovary differ in size and dimension, (ii) the slope exposure where Orobanche plants grew influences the seed productivity as well as some morphological traits. We examined the diversity of some morphological traits: the length of shoot (A) and corolla tube (B), the number of flowers per shoot (C). The aim of the studies was to show the seed dimensions and individual productivity, i.e. numbers of seeds per fruit (D), percentages of smaller seeds in ovaries (E), total number of seeds per plant (F). We also analyzed the data as well as the correlation between measured traits for all population and independently for plants growing on different slope exposure. The O. bartlingii seeds differ in terms of size and dimension. In each individual we found smaller oval seeds and bigger, more oblong ones. We state that the exposure does not have a significant impact on the (A, B, C, F traits) but individuals from N exposure featured a significantly lower percentage of smaller seeds in ovaries. We noted that more fertile individuals, i.e. those producing more seeds per individual contain smaller number of small seeds. The number of seeds per individual ranged from 1,870 to 627,250 with the coefficient of variation of about 99%. We found that higher individuals were characterized by a greater number of flowers, a higher seed production, a longer corolla tube and a higher number of seeds in the ovary no matter on which slope exposure they grew. Knowledge of the biology of endangered species, especially fertility and morphological diversity in microhabitat is essential for their protection.
The aim of studies was to select the most suitable cultivars of snap bean for seed production under organic conditions. Seed cultivation in organic farms is rather troublesome because of the scarcity of efficient disease and pest control agents. On the other hand the legumes species are very much wanted in this kind of farms. The research was conducted on organic experimental field in the Institute of Horticulture at Skierniewice during 2012-2013. Ten open pollinated cultivars were examined as fallows: five yellow pod ones Furora Polana, Galopka, Korona, Tampa and Tara and five green pod Delfina, Eliza, Paulinera, Sandra and Syrenka. In general the yellow pod cultivars yielded better in both years of studies. Among them the highest yield was obtained from cv. Furora Polana and Tampa, but the lowest from cv. Tara. In the group of green pods cv. Syrenka yielded the best while the worst Eliza and Sandra. Seed parameters such as germination percentage, seedling and seed health differed between cultivars. Two of them distinguished themselves in the highest quality parameters. There were cv. Tampa with germination in average 89,4% and cv. Tara 83.3%. Seeds of some cultivars germinated below standards for this species. The seeds of three cultivars San-dra, Syrenka and Paulinera never reached the required minimum of germination.
Celem prowadzonych badań było wytypowanie odmian fasoli szparagowej najbardziej przydatnych do produkcji nasion w uprawie ekologicznej. Produkcja nasion w systemie ekologicznym jest obarczona trudnościami związanymi z niedostatkiem skutecznych środków ochrony roślin. Z drugiej strony rośliny motylkowate są zalecane do uprawy w gospodarstwach ekologicznych. Badania prowadzono na ekologicznym polu doświadczalnym Instytutu Ogrodnictwa w Skierniewicach w latach 2012-2013. Do badań wzięto dziesięć odmian ustalonych fasoli, pięć żółtostrąkowych: Furora Polana, Galopka, Koro-na, Tampa i Tara oraz pięć zielonostrąkowych: Delfina, Eliza, Paulinera, Sandra i Syrenka. W obu latach badań żółtostrąkowe odmiany plonowały lepiej niż zielonostrąkowe. Wśród tych pierwszych najlepiej plonującymi w obu latach badań były Furora Polana i Tampa, a najgorzej plonowała Tara. W grupie odmian zielonostrąkowych najwyższy plon dała Syrenka, a najniższy Eliza i Sandra. Parametry jakości nasion, takie jak energia i zdolność kiełkowania, udział siewek i nasion chorych, były zróżnicowane w zależności od odmiany. Dwie odmiany wyróżniały się najwyższymi parametrami kiełkowania: Tampa - ze średnią zdolnością kiełkowania 89,4% i Tara - 83.3%. Nasiona niektórych odmian kiełkowały poniżej wymaganej normy dla tego gatunku. Nasiona trzech odmian: Sandra, Syrenka i Paulinera w żadnym roku nie osiągnęły wymaganego minimum kiełkowania.
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Parasitic plants species of the genus Orobanche produce a very high number of small dust-like seeds. The seed shape of Orobanche sp. is ellipsoid to globose, ca. 0.3 x 0.4 mm. Orobanche picridis F.W. Schultz is a sub-Mediterranean-sub-Atlantic species. It has the NE range limit in Poland and Ukraine. The species is seriously endangered in Poland and neighbouring countries. O. picridis occurs only in southern Poland (34 localities). It prefers habitats on chalky rendzina, especially S-facing. It colonizes abandoned fallows and wastelands, field margins, initial xerothermic grasslands. They are mostly ecotone communities, in semi-ruderal xerothermic pioneer communities belonging to the DaucoPicridetum (Artemisietea vulgaris class). The aim of this study was to determine potential and real seed productivity in Orobanche picridis and correlations between the characteristics of the shoots. Research hypothesis is to show that the studied traits of shoots show the highest correlation with the production of seeds. The paper presents investigations into potential and real seed productivity of Orobanche picridis for the first time. Investigations were conducted in 2010 at three most abundant localities of O. picridis in southern Poland in the Wyżyna Małopolska upland (S Poland) - Wesołówka (Przedgórze Iłżeckie foreland), Pińczów, and Pęczelice (Niecka Nidziańska basin). Research into the number of seeds produced per fruit and per shoot is discussed. Strict correlations between seed productivity and shoot features, i.e. shoot height, inflorescence length, number of fruits and corolla tube length were observed. The number of seeds in a single ovary in O. picridis varied and ranged from 457 to 3 246. The mean number of seeds per shoot is 55 172 based on the data collected at the three sites and ranges between 8 911 and 151 050. Seed productivity depends significantly on the size of a plant, that is on the shoot height, correlation coefficient r = 0.7, inflorescence length, r = 0.6, number of flowers and fruits per plant, r = 0.6, and on the flower size, r = 0.5.
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Seed production, seedling establishment and survival into the generative phase are important stages in the life cycles of clonal species. The aim of this study was to assess the variation of generative reproduction and factors affecting its size in the natural populations of Polygonatum odoratum. It was hypothesized that: (a) seed output in a population is strongly affected by biotic and abiotic environmental factors, and weakly related to population abundance, (b) seeds’ ability to germinate and seedlings’ survival depend on the seed size. The field studies were conducted in five populations of Polygonatum odoratum in 2000–2011. Sex allocation in flowers was estimated as the number of hermaphrodite flowers on shoots and ovules in ovaries. Generative shoots, flowers and fruits on them were recorded in each population. The type and size of damage to plants by large herbivores and insects were recorded. The three sowing experiments were conducted in order to estimate seedling performance and survival. The populations differed significantly in the fraction of hermaphrodite flowers and ovule number. The number of generative shoots and flowers on them as well as the seed output significantly differentiated the populations and patches. In the first year of study, the mean seed output ranged from 0.3 to 123.7 m-2, and it markedly decreased in two populations, where there was no seed at last years of study. Generative shoots were often grazed by roe-deer, leaves were eaten by Phymato cera aterrima and flowers were infested by Con tarinia polygonati larvae. Seedling emergence was significantly correlated with the mean seed mass. Seven-year-old individuals were able to reach generative phase. In conclusions, the results suggest that the generative shoots provide a long-term inflow of seeds to the population. Under experimental conditions, substantial survival enabled the plants to potentially reach generative maturity. In studied populations, the most important reason for dynamic of seed output was animal pressure (in order – grazing, flower infestation and defoliation). The effect of these biotic factors was visible in a short period – in the current year. In contrast, the impact of abiotic factors (e.g. lighting), was appeared in a longer period.
W produkcji nasiennej mamy do czynienia z pewnym dualizmem produktu: sprzedaje się nasiona, które są "nośnikiem" konkretnej odmiany. Nasiona są specyficznym produk-tem, a ich proces produkcyjny obejmuje wiele etapów, a każdy z nich można zoptymalizo-wać. Pierwszy etap - hodowlę nowych odmian - można zoptymalizować poprzez prowa-dzenie jej w różnych strefach klimatycznych oraz zastosowanie nowoczesnych technik. Etap drugi - produkcję nasion - można usprawnić poprzez zlokalizowanie produkcji w rejonach świata o optymalnych dla niej warunkach, zastosowanie nowych rozwiązań agro-technicznych i uproszczenie procedury kontroli nad produkcją poprzez stosowanie auto-kwalifikacji przez producenta. Trzeci etap - obróbkę nasion - usprawnić można poprzez zastosowanie nowych rozwiązań technologicznych i w końcu etap czwarty - przechowy-wanie - można praktycznie wyeliminować.
In seed production one deals with a product dualism: trade is done on seeds, which carry on a certain cultivar. Seeds,, in terms of production, are a specific product. Their production include many stages. Each of them can be optimalized. The first of them - bre-eding - could be optimalized by doing it in different climatic. The second stage - seed production could be made more efficient by placing it in the countries with optimal climatic conditions and controlling over it by autocertification done by a breeder. The third stage - seed processing - could be made more effective by taking new technologies. The last stage - storing - could be, in some cases, practically eliminated.
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