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Purpose: The aim of the article was to indicate research methods and techniques used in management practice while taking into account the assumptions of Industry 4.0. Design/methodology/approach: In order to identify research methods and techniques, the author of the article made use of a survey questionnaire addressed to practitioners who were his target group: 52 foreign companies, 183 domestic companies. As a result of the research effort undertaken, the answers of 118 representatives of management science practitioners were analysed. Findings: The conclusions of the research indicated that the most important methods, according to management practitioners, were: observation, interview and documentation analysis. However, the most frequently used research techniques in practice include: analysis of business opinions, a probation period at the workplace, situation-related interview, knowledge test in a specific field, task-related behaviour samples, task skills test and analysis of informal client opinions. Research limitations/implications: At the stage of defining a research problem, it is now difficult to choose a single method that provides a complete and thorough diagnosis of the problem. It is, therefore, necessary to use a variety of research methods which provide a comprehensive response to the research problem posed. Practical implications: Optimization of strategic decision-making processes will depend on the situation the company is in. In a crisis situation, the most important thing is to make quick decisions triggering actions that would improve the company's competitive edge. That requires undertaking actions 'in parallel', i.e. not only reacting to the problems resulting from the current situation but also solving the issues related to the future, e.g. Industry 4.0, which is considerably difficult. Social implications: When analysing the obtained results, management practitioners stress that it is necessary to develop a model, procedure, tool, approach to the research process. Moreover, respondents also believe that the developed model, procedure, tool or approach in the selection of methods to the research process significantly affects the quality and practical use of research results. Originality/value: The analysis of the results clearly indicates the use of research techniques that are close to the task processes of companies and verify the competence of employees. Conclusions resulting from the analysis of national and foreign literature on research process methodology indicate the need to address the problem of using diversified research methods providing a comprehensive response to the problem posed in the context of Industry 4.0.
Posiadanie przez państwo odpowiednio zorganizowanego i funkcjonującego systemu bezpieczeństwa narodowego (dalej - SBN) jest niezbędnym warunkiem jego bezpieczeństwa. Na etapie prac koncepcyjnych oraz wdrożeniowych uzyskiwana jest jakość rozwiązań tworzących SBN i jego części składowych. Koncepcje budowy (rozwoju) systemu, następnie rozwiązania prawne konstytuujące SBN powinny uwzględniać stałą zmienność środowiska bezpieczeństwa, w tym zjawisk, procesów w nim zachodzących. Powyższe stawia inspirujące teoretyków i praktyków wyzwania dotyczące kształtu i zasad działania SBN, w tym jego części składowych. Artykuł w sposób syntetyczny przedstawia główne elementy procesu badawczego, w części dotyczącej wyzwań w zakresie docelowej struktury i powiązań funkcjonalnych SBN.
Having a properly organized and functioning national security system (NSS) by the state is a necessary condition for its security. At the stage of concept and implementation works, the quality of the solutions constituting the NSS and its components is achieved. Concepts for the construction (development) of the system, and then the legal solutions constituting the NSS should take into account the constant variability of the security environment, including phenomena and processes taking place in it. The above challenges inspiring researchers and practitioners regarding the shape and principles of operation of the NSS, including its components. The article describes in a synthetic way the main elements of the research process, in the part concerning the challenges in terms of the target structure and functional connections of the NSS.
Content available Science and practice in research process
Purpose: The aim of the article is to compare the results of research on the use of research methods and techniques in solving management problems and in verifying which of the two acceptable approaches in the research process dominates among practitioners and theoreticians of management sciences. Design/methodology/approach: The survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire. The research was addressed to management science theoreticians and management practitioners being the target group covering: 272 foreign universities; 21,024 foreign researchers; 93 domestic universities; 2,307 domestic researchers; 52 foreign companies, 183 domestic companies. As a result of the research effort, 401 representatives of management science theoreticians and 118 practitioners were examined. Findings: The carried-out research has made it possible to identify methods, procedures, techniques and approaches that are most relevant to research processes in management sciences. Furthermore, both scientists and practitioners of management sciences use the same research methods. Research limitations/implications: It should be stated that management science and the methods used in it should support business practice and, to some extent, provide guidance to managers and directors. Management should be treated as a normative science, the aim of which is to formulate the principles of effective and efficient functioning of enterprises. Practical implications: The conclusions resulting from the carried-out research explicitly indicate that both scientists and practitioners of management sciences use the same research methods, i.e.: analysis of documentation, questionnaire, observation and interview. Research results obtained during the research process in the field of management sciences should be applied in practice. Social implications: Owing to the involvement of scientists and practitioners in research, it can be concluded that, while defining a research problem, it is difficult to choose a single method which allows for a full and thorough diagnosis of the problem under investigation. It is therefore necessary, in the research process, to use a variety of methods which will provide a comprehensive response to the posed problem. Originality/value: The research carried out has made it possible to identify methods, procedures, techniques and approaches that are most relevant to the research processes in management sciences. They were carried out in two stages. The commitment of both theoreticians and practitioners to the research process resulted in a broader interpretation of management sciences and allowed the author to diagnose the studied issues more fully and thoroughly.
Content available Research processes and methodological triangulation
Purpose: The aim of the article was to verify whether methodological triangulation supports research processes in management science. Design/methodology/approach: In order to verify the hypothesis, quantitative research (survey questionnaire) and qualitative research (interview questionnaire) were conducted. Quantitative research was addressed to a group of management science theoreticians being a target group. As a result of the research effort undertaken, 401 representatives of management science theoreticians were examined. Findings: The statistical conclusions of the research conducted among management scientists clearly show that a significant proportion (66%) believes that methodological triangulation is a necessary condition in the research process. Moreover, as many as 82% of the above mentioned respondents claim that triangulation supports the research process. Originality/value: It is necessary to use a variety of testing methods that provide a comprehensive response to the posed research problem.
Content available Observation as a research method in social science
Purpose: The aim of the article was to present the main ideas of observation viewed as one of the oldest research methods in social science. Design/methodology/approach: As a result of the undertaken research process, 401 theoreticians of management science were surveyed. Findings: Conclusions resulting from the conducted research clearly indicate that among the methods applied in practice for research in management science, based on observation of facts and classification used in the general methodology of inductive sciences, it is necessary to employ observations carried out in natural conditions and observations-interventions that take place as part of management activities in the surveyed entities. Originality/value: Management science and methods should support business practice and, to some extent, provide guidance to executives and managers.
Content available Pilot study in the research procedure
Introduction/background: The intent of the paper was to verify the hypothesis: H0 – Pilot study is an integral part of any research process and directs the research process. H1 – Pilot study is not an integral part of any research process and does not direct the research process. Aim of the paper: The aim of the paper is to verify whether a pilot study is an integral part of any research process and whether it directs research processes. Materials and methods: In order to verify the hypothesis, a quantitative survey (questionnaire) was conducted, which was addressed to a group of management science theoreticians (401 representatives). Results and conclusions: The results obtained revealed that: 86% of the surveyed scientists, specialising in management science, believe that pilot studies direct the research process, 88% of all scientists specialising in management science believe that pilot studies have an impact on the course of the research process, 70% of all management scientists believe that pilot studies are an integral part of any research process. Thus, hypothesis H1 was rejected. Of key importance, from the point of view of the development of this science, are the needs to develop principles for the application of the methods that make up the pragmatic methodology, and to disseminate methodological paradigms identified in particular in the approach of the contemporary methodology of management sciences.
Artykuł omawia wybrane problemy badań jakościowych odniesionych do logistyki stosowanej, jej istoty i specyfiki. W artykule podano definicję badań jakościowych, która jest akceptowana przez większość badaczy jakościowych. Omówiono zasadę odpowiedniości, w odniesieniu do wyboru metod, technik i narzędzi badawczych. Zinterpretowano sytuacje, w których można łączyć badania jakościowe oraz ilościowe. Przedstawiono schemat procesu badawczego dla badań jakościowych, wybrane metody jakościowe, wykorzystywane w badaniach zagadnień logistyki stosowanej. Zaprezentowano modelową strukturę konspektu badań jakościowych oraz zasady ich prowadzenia. Artykuł zakończono podsumowaniem, które ma charakter wniosków.
The article discusses selected problems of qualitative research, received the applied logistics, its essence, the specifics. The article gives the definition of qualitative research, which is accepted by most scholars of the quality. Discusses the principle of suitability with respect to choice of methods, techniques and research tools. Has been interpreted to be situations in which you can combine quantitative and qualitative studies. Lists the schematics of the research process for qualitative research, qualitative methods used in the research of applied logistics issues. Shows the implementation of the outline structure and qualitative research of conducting these studies. The article was completed, that is the nature of the applications.
Content available Warsztat badawczy w naukach o zarządzaniu
W artykule przedstawiono założenia do budowy warsztatu badawczego w naukach o zarządzaniu. Omówiono kierunki rozwoju metod i technik badawczych w naukach o zarządzaniu. Scharakteryzowano proces badawczy i metodykę badawczą. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na powiązanie nauki i praktyki w procesie zarządzania oraz triangulację metod badawczych. Podkreślono, że badań naukowych nie należy rozpoczynać w przypadku, gdy stawiane pytania są społecznie bez znaczenia czy wręcz zbyt proste, by być tematem badań.
The following article presents assumptions for elaborating a set of research tools to be used in management science. The author of this paper described trends in the development of research methods and techniques in management science. A research process and research methodology were characterised. A particular emphasis was placed on combination of science and practice in the management process, as well as triangulation of research methods. It was underlined that scientific research should not be initiated in case where the questions asked are meaningless in the social context or too simple to be a subject of research.
Content available remote Wybrane narzędzia technologii informacyjnej w badaniach humanistycznych
Technologie informacyjne (TI), których rozwój jest związany bezpośrednio ze zmianami cywilizacyjnymi wpływają na wzrost efektywności działań w zakresie wielu dziedzin, także naukowych. Celem referatu jest omówienie wybranych narzędzi TI, które mogą zostać wykorzystane w procesie badawczym przez współczesnego humanistę. Autorka przedstawi zestaw aplikacji ułatwiających prowadzenie badań w zakresie szeroko rozumianej humanistyki. Na początku zostaną omówione narzędzia, umożliwiające dotarcie do jak największej liczby materiałów źródłowych, na podstawie, których badacz może sformułować tezę swoich dociekań. Następnie autorka przedstawi aplikacje, które pozwolą na prowadzenie analiz potrzebnych do udowodnienia postawionej tezy (np.Wordle, ImagePlot). Na końcu zostaną zaprezentowane narzędzia umożliwiające stworzenie internetowej publikacji naukowej oraz jej promocję w świecie cyfrowym. Powyższy przegląd wybranych aplikacji służących do prowadzenia badań humanistycznych pozwoli na sformułowanie wniosku, że ich przydatność jest możliwa do zaobserwowania na każdym etapie badawczym.
Information technology (IT), the development of which is directly linked to the civilisational changes, influence an increase of the effectiveness of activities in many areas, including scientific ones. The aim of the lecture is to present the chosen tools of IT, which may be used in the research process by the contemporary humanist. The author will present the set of applications facilitating the process of carrying the studies in the scope of widely understood humanities. At the beginning, there will be presented tools, which enable to reach the greatest amount of sources. These tools constitute the basis on which a researcher can formulate the thesis of his or her queries. Then the author will present the applications which enable to carry out the analises needed as a proof of the stated thesis (f.e. Wordle, Image-Plot). At the end there will be presented the tools which enable to create internet scientific publication as well as its promotion in digital world. This review of chosen applications used for carrying the humanistic studies will enable to create the conclusion that their usage is possible to observe on every searching stage.
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie metodologicznych podstaw badań w zakresie ekonomii zrównoważonego rozwoju. W opracowaniu podjęto trzy zagadnienia. Pierwsze to przypomnienie takich pojęć jak - wiedza naukowa, nauka i kanony nauki; na tym tle zostały przedstawione wymogi, które powinny spełniać opracowania naukowe oraz cechy wskazujące na nienaukowy charakter prac. Drugie to prezentacja autorskiego schematu prowadzenia badań naukowych, ze szczególnym zaakcentowaniem problemu naukowego, sposobu jego identyfikacji, rozpoznania i badania. Trzecie zagadnienie to paradygmat ekonomii zrównoważonego rozwoju i przykłady jego wpływu na postrzeganie i rozumienie wybranych kategorii ekonomicznych oraz na otwarcie nowych problemów badawczych.
The elaboration presents the methodological aspects of creating a new sphere of economics while using the paradigm of sustainable development. There have been discussed Tyree problems. The first problem regards such concepts as scientific knowledge, science and science standards. Against this background there have been presented the requirements that ought to be met by scientific elaborations as well as the features indicating the non-scientific character of the paper. The second problem is the presentation of the Author’s own method of conducting scientific research, taking into consideration especially the scientific problem, the manner of identifying, recognizing and analyzing it. The third problem concerns the paradigm of sustainable development economics and the examples of its impact on both understanding and perceiving the selected economic categories and also on the possibility of identifying the deficiencies of knowledge and formulating new research problems.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono próbę usystematyzowania problematyki badawczej tribologii według kryterium ogólności zadań poznawczych. Do systematyki wykorzystano istniejącą w sztuce wojennej strukturę obejmującą strategię, sztukę operacyjną i taktykę. Pojęcia te adaptowano do celów zadań poznawczych tribologii i wyprowadzono z nich wnioski użytkowe.
This paper presents an attempt at systematising the issues of tribology research according to the criterion of general cognitive tasks. The existing structure covering strategy, operational art and tactics were used for the systematic attempt like in the art of war. These concepts were adopted for the cognitive tasks of the tribology and the useful conclusions were derived from them.
Content available remote Rozważania o podstawach tribologii, cz. 6. Decyzyjne problemy w tribologii
W artykule przedstawiono relacje między problemami poznawczymi a aplikacyjnymi stanowiącymi dwie grupy problemów decyzyjnych w tribologii. Wyszczególniono grupy problemów decyzyjnych. Zwrócono uwagę na konieczność dostosowania ujęć treściowych tribologii do metodyki rozwiązywania problemów decyzyjnych.
The article presents the relation of scientific and implementation problems as two groups of decisive problems in tribology. The groups of problems are specified. The necessity of adjustment tribologycal contents to the methods of decisive problems solving is considered.
Content available remote Ocena jakości procesów badawczych w nauce o eksploatacji urządzeń technicznych
W artykule przedstawiono problem oceny jakości procesów badawczych w naukach technicznych, szczególnie procesów pozyskiwania wiedzy w nauce o eksploatacji urządzeń technicznych. Scharakteryzowano strukturę procesów badawczych oraz przeprowadzono analizę kryteriów oceny jakości procesów badawczych. Na tym tle dokonano identyfikacji czynników, które mogą wpływać na sukcesy i porażki w pozyskiwaniu wiedzy metodami empirycznymi.
The article presents the problem of quality assessment of research processes in the area of technical sciences, in particular the processes of knowledge creation in the field of technical devices maintenance. The structure of research processes in the maintenance science was characterised. The article presents the results of the analysis on the quality criteria of the research processes in the area of technical devices maintenance. The identification of the factors, which can determine the successes or failures of knowledge creation, basing on empirical methods, was conducted and presented in the paper.
Content available remote Pojęcia w badaniach społecznych
Autor przedstawia znaczenie procedur metodologicznych dla nauk społecznych. Są to nauki, w których problematyka metodologiczna jest wciąż jeszcze przyswajana na podstawowym poziomie. Analiza jest prowadzona na przykładzie socjologii. Szczegółowo omówione są zagadnienia procesu badawczego oraz problemy języka naukowego ze zwróceniem uwagi na rolę definicji w budowaniu terminologii naukowej.
Author shows the meaning of the methodological procedures for social sciences in which the methodological problems are still on the basic level. The analysis is based on the sociological examples. The notions of the research process and the problems of science language focusing on the role of definition of science terminology structure.
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