The article shows the results of the preparatory steps taken to create the artificial intelligence used in the automatic recognition of defects in ship thin-walled structures. The above steps are used to create a university private cloud and a computer system maintaining a dataset of vibration signal samples. In the article, a prototype of the private cloud was designed and developed, a model of the vibration sample was prepared, and a microservice was designed aimed at sharing the obtained data. The article demonstrates the results of the completed development.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonych działań przygotowawczych do stworzenia sztucznej inteligencji wykorzystywanej w automatycznym rozpoznawaniu defektów okrętowych konstrukcji cienkościennych. Przeprowadzone kroki służą stworzeniu uczelnianej chmury prywatnej oraz systemu informatycznego utrzymującego zbiór danych próbek sygnałów drganiowych. W ramach artykułu zaprojektowano oraz stworzono prototyp chmury prywatnej, przygotowano model próbki drganiowej oraz zaprojektowano mikroserwis służący udostępnianiu uzyskanych danych. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki wykonanej pracy.
Celem artykułu jest porównanie wydajności pięciu popularnych rozwiązań wirtualizacyjnych stosowanych w modelu chmury prywatnej. Analiza została przeprowadzona dla pięciu wirtualizatorów: Proxmox, OpenVZ, OpenNebula, Vmware ESX, Xen Server. Do badań wykorzystano narzędzia OpenSSL, GeekBench i Phoronix-test-suite w celu wykonania testów wydajnościowych. w porównaniu uwzględniono wybrane metody szyfrowania, wielkość bloku danych oraz prędkość kompilacji.
The aim of the article is to compare the performance of five popular virtualization solutions used in the private cloud model. The analysis was conducted for five virtualizers: Proxmox, OpenVZ, OpenNebula, Vmware ESX, Xen Server. OpenSSL, GeekBench and Phoronixtestsuite tools were used to perform performance tests. The comparison included selected encryption methods, data block size, and compilation speed.
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The multitude of cloud computing solutions available to users means that when choosing a specific variant of architecture, it is reasonable to consider the technical and functional capacity and security of the solution offered. The complexity of relations and relations in the CC architecture has been validated in conditions close to the real environment. The authors carried out a series of tests taking into account the heterogeneity of modern solutions in the field of interfaces, traffic control and offering services and user devices. The results were subjected to statistical analysis. The conclusions specify the basic observations and set the basic determinants (i.e. safety, quality, effectiveness, etc.) that are the basis for analytical considerations and their practical validation in the test bed.
Mnogość rozwiązań chmur obliczeniowych dostępnych dla użytkowników sprawia, że przy wyborze konkretnego wariantu architektury zasadnym jest rozważenie zdatności technicznej i funkcjonalnej oraz bezpieczeństwa oferowanego rozwiązania. Złożoność powiązań i relacji w architekturze Cloud Computing (CC) została poddana walidacji w warunkach zbliżonych do rzeczywistego środowiska. Autorzy przeprowadzili szereg testów uwzględniających heterogeniczność współczesnych rozwiązań w zakresie interfejsów, sterowania ruchem i oferowania usług oraz urządzeń użytkownika. Wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej. We wnioskach sprecyzowano zasadnicze spostrzeżenia i określono determinanty bazowe (tj. bezpieczeństwo, jakość, efektywność, itp.) będące podstawą dla rozważań analitycznych i praktycznej ich walidacji w test bed’ach.
In the paper analysis of available, free Cloud Storage services for company/enterprise applications is presented. The choice of the most appropriate cloud service will be associated with such features as its compatibility in relation to the terms of use, data security, performance and stability. Performed analysis focuses on solutions which the license does not prohibit the use of their free version of the service for commercial purposes, in the company. An important factor, partly influencing for the choice, will also be intuitiveness, additional functionality and ease of use offered by client applications.
The main features of the Cloud Computing system developed at IFJ PAN are described. The project is financed from the structural resources provided by the European Commission and the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Innovative Economy, National Cohesion Strategy). The system delivers a solution for carrying out computer calculations on a Private Cloud computing infrastructure. It consists of an intuitive Web based user interface, a module for the users and resources administration and the standard EC2 interface implementation. Thanks to the distributed character of the system it allows for the integration of a geographically distant federation of computer clusters within a uniform user environment.
More and more frequently companies decide to get rid of certain functions of their structures by using outside firms to provide components and services. Outsourcing, very popular in recent years, has the purpose of reducing spendings in departments of a company. However, it this goal achieved? Often, such cost reduction is connected with the dependence of the customer on the supplier - which can, in the long run, globally contribute to raising costs. Will such delegation of certain responsibilities not cause a significant danger of losing its independence and a gradual increase in spendings in such a way that, in a broader perspective, they will be much higher than the costs before outsourcing? What will happen when a company dependent on its supplier or provider wants to pass another or a different company a particular job? Furthermore, if the company management decided to dispense with the services offered by a third party - would we be able to import the data that we receive into any other system? The compilation is an attempt at familiarizing the reader with the meaning of Cloud computing, as well as the concepts directly related to it. An attempt has been made to systemise the knowledge of the subject and present the main premises and hazards that are associated with the implementation of solution.
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