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w słowach kluczowych:  prioritized aggregation operator
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The linguistic q-rung orthopair fuzzy (Lq-ROF) set is an important implement in the research area in modelling vague decision information by incorporating the advantages of q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets and linguistic variables. This paper aims to investigate the multicriteria decision group decision making (MCGDM) with Lq-ROF information. To do this, utilizing Hamacher t-norm and t-conorm, some Lq-ROF prioritized aggregation operators viz., Lq-ROF Hamacher prioritized weighted averaging, and Lq-ROF Hamacher prioritized weighted geometric operators are developed in this paper. The defined operators can effectively deal with different priority levels of attributes involved in the decision making processes. In addition, Hamacher parameters incorporated with the proposed operators make the information fusion process more flexible. Some prominent characteristics of the developed operators are also well-proven. Then based on the proposed aggregation operators, an MCGDM model with Lq-ROF context is framed. A numerical example is illustrated in accordance with the developed model to verify its rationality and applicability. The impacts of Hamacher and rung parameters on the achieved decision results are also analyzed in detail. Afterwards, a comparative study with other representative methods is presented in order to reflect the validity and superiority of the proposed approach.
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