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Zapewnienie jakości badań jest złożonym procesem wymagającym stosowania przez akredytowane laboratoria badawcze wielu narzędzi statystycznych, w tym wykorzystywanych w ocenie wyników porównań międzylaboratoryjnych. W artykule przedstawiono sposób wyznaczenia wskaźników precyzji metod badawczych, zaliczanych do podstawowych parametrów procesu ich walidacji. Podejście zaprezentowano na przykładzie porównań międzylaboratoryjnych dotyczących metod badań trwałości kolorów materiałów tekstylnych narażonych na działanie wody i potu. Omówiono wymagania formalne dotyczące oceny wyników porównań międzylaboratoryjnych. Uzyskane na podstawie wyników porównań wskaźniki mogą znaleźć wykorzystanie do monitorowania przebiegu badań, potwierdzania kompetencji i identyfikowania ewentualnych nieprawidłowości.
Quality assurance of tests results is a complex process that requires the use of many statistical tools by accredited research laboratories, including those used to assess the results of interlaboratory comparisons. The article presents a method for determining indicators of precision for test methods, which are among the basic parameters of their validation process. The approach was presented on the example of interlaboratory comparisons regarding the methods of testing colour fastness textile materials to water and perspiration. Formal requirements for assessing the results of interlaboratory comparisons were discussed. The indicators obtained based on the comparison results can be used to monitor the conduct of tests, confirm competences and identify possible irregularities.
Network Real Time Kinematic (NRTK) measurements are currently the most popular surveying method in geodesy. In most countries, there are networks of Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS), which form the core of the terrestrial infrastructure that allows for NRTK measurements. In many countries, including Poland, several CORS networks operate in parallel and independently. The paper presents the characteristics of the CORS network in Poland. The results of several day NRTK and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) test measurements performed tied to five CORS networks operating in Poland: ASG-EUPOS, NadowskiNET, SmartNet, TPINETpro, VRSNet.pl, were subjected to a comparative analysis. VRS, FKP, MAC and POJ streams were used in the test measurements. The research mainly concerned the possibility of the occurrence of systematic errors when NRTK and RTK measurements were tied to different CORS networks for the survey of the same points. Conclusions from the comparative analysis of the accuracy and precision of the NRTK and RTK measurement results for each coordinate were also included.
In training process of rail traffic manager (controller) using virtual reality technology, selection of activities among those assigned to a workplace and scenarios that should be taken in training is an important issue. The selection method that is based on performance variability of her/his activities has been proposed in the paper. This variability has been characterized by timing and precision. The traditional reliability and safety analysis methods are not sufficient when building the training program for traffic managers. In the paper the train controller work has been modelled using Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) that is system oriented approach. Scales of values of timing and precision that are train transport driven have been presented. They are different when comparing with typical timing and precision scales given in FRAM literature. In the paper the estimation of probabilities of occurring of values of timing and precision scales for these activities has been calculated as the mean from the values obtained by questionnaire done in traffic manager community or using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. In FRAM with AHP approaches presented in literature, AHP pairwise comparison is executed using natural numbers and their reciprocals what is typical in AHP method. In our paper the AHP is used for estimating the probabilities, so in pairwise comparing the rational numbers are applied, because natural numbers and their reciprocals would limit the set of values of probabilities. The activities and scenarios that the training should be concentrated on are selected from those with the greatest variability.
This paper presents an algorithm for determining the precision parameter for aircraft position coordinates based on a combined GPS/EGNOS and GPS/SDCM solution. The proposed algorithm uses a weighted average model that combines a single GPS/EGNOS and GPS/SDCM position navigation solution to determine the resulting aircraft coordinates. The weighted mean model include the linear coefficients as a function of: the inverse of the number of tracked GPS satellites for which EGNOS and SDCM corrections have been generated, and the inverse of the geometric coefficient of the PDOP (Position Dilution of Precision). The corrections between the single GPS/EGNOS and GPS/SDCM solution to the aircraft's resultant coordinates are then calculated on this basis. Finally, the standard deviation for the aircraft resultant BLh (B-Latitude, L-Longitude, h-ellipsoidal height) coordinates is calculated as a measure of precision. The research experiment used recorded on-board GPS+SBAS data from two GNSS receivers mounted on a Diamond DA 20-C1 aircraft. The test flight was carried out on the Olsztyn-Suwałki-Olsztyn route. The calculations of aircraft position based on GPS/EGNOS and GPS/SDCM solution were performed in the RTKLIB v.2.4.3 program in the RTKPOST module. Next, aircraft resultant coordinates and standard deviations were computed in Scilab v.6.0.0 software package. Based on the tests performed, it was found that for the Trimble Alloy receiver, the standard deviation values for the ellipsoidal coordinates BLh of the aircraft do not exceed 1.77 m. However, for the Septentrio AsterRx2i receiver, the values of standard deviations for the aircraft's ellipsoidal BLh coordinates do not exceed 5.04 m. The use of linear coefficients as the inverse of the number of tracked GPS satellites with SBAS corrections in the GPS/EGNOS+GPS/SDCM positioning model resulted in a reduction in standard deviations of approximately 50-51% relative to the solution with linear coefficients calculated as the inverse of the PDOP parameter. In paper, the standard deviation was also obtained using arithmetic mean model. However the values of standard deviation from weighted mean model are lower than arithmetic mean model.
W artykule poruszono zagadnienia związane ze zjawiskiem fizjologicznego drżenia mięśniowego, które z różnym natężeniem występuje u wszystkich ludzi bez wyjątku. Opisano wpływ czynników zewnętrznych (tj. używek, zmęczenia, niedoboru snu) na fizjologiczne drżenie mięśniowe. W przypadku wzmożonego drżenia mięśniowego może wystąpić ograniczenie zdolności motorycznych oraz osłabienie koordynacji wzrokowo-ruchowej, co może powodować obniżenie precyzji wykonywania czynności.
The article deals with issues related to the phenomenon of physiological muscle tremors, which occur in all people albeit with varying degrees of intensity. The influence of external factors (i.e. stimulants, fatigue, sleep deprivation) on physiological muscle tremors was described in the text. In case of the increased muscle tremor, there may be reduced motor skills and weakened eye-motor coordination, which may in effect reduce the precision of activities.
W roku 2018 wprowadzono nową edycję specyfikacji dla skroplonego gazu węglowodorowego EN 589:2018, zmieniającą szereg parametrów tego paliwa, między innymi dopuszczalną zawartość siarki. Dodatkowo w specyfikacji powołano nową normę dotyczącą oznaczania zawartości lotnej siarki w LPG, tj. EN 17178:2019. Przeprowadzono badania nad wyznaczeniem precyzji metody według powyższej europejskiej normy. Określono powtarzalność na podstawie badań 11 próbek LPG o różnych zawartościach siarki i porównano ją z wartościami podanymi w normach czynnościowych: EN 17178:2019 i dotychczas stosowanej ASTM D 6667-14. Każdą próbkę analizowano siedmiokrotnie. Dla próbek w zakresie stężeń powyżej 4 mg/kg wartości powtarzalności obliczonych według normy EN 17178:2019 są dużo mniejsze od powtarzalności według ASTM D 6667-14 oraz powtarzalności wyznaczonych w niniejszej pracy. Dla próbek o stężeniach poniżej 4 mg/kg wartości powtarzalności wyznaczone w niniejszej pracy są niższe od wartości obliczonych według normy EN 17178:2019 i ASTM D 6667-14. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają zasadność zastrzeżeń wielu europejskich laboratoriów wykonujących badania zawartości siarki w LPG oraz uczestników prac grupy roboczej CEN/TC 19/WG 23 N 231 co do poprawności wyznaczenia precyzji metody według normy EN 17178:2019. W związku ze zgłoszonymi uwagami CEN podjęło decyzję o przeprowadzeniu w najbliższym czasie powtórnych badań międzylaboratoryjnych w celu określenia nowej precyzji. Dodatkowo wyznaczono odtwarzalność wewnątrzlaboratoryjną, granice wykrywalności i oznaczalności metody. Przeprowadzono weryfikację metody poprzez zbadanie 139 próbek handlowego paliwa LPG. Dokonano oceny zbadanych próbek pod kątem spełnienia wymagań ze specyfikacji z lat 2012 i 2018. Stwierdzono, że wykonując badanie próbek według normy EN 17178:2019, zaostrza się kryterium oceny zgodności z wymaganiami pochodzącymi ze specyfikacji dla LPG w porównaniu z badaniem według normy ASTM D 6667-14.
A new edition of the standard specification for liquefied hydrocarbon gas EN 589:2018 was introduced in 2018, which changes some parameters for this fuel, including the acceptable sulfur content. Also, this specification constitutes a new standard for determining volatile sulfur content in LPG, i.e. EN 17178: 2019. Studies were carried out to determine the precision of the method according to the above European standard. Repeatability was determined based on tests of 11 LPG samples with different sulfur content and next it was compared with the values given in the applicable standards: EN 17178: 2019 and ASTM D 6667-14 used until now. Each sample was analyzed 7 times. The repeatability values calculated according to EN 17178: 2019 are much lower than the repeatability according to ASTM D 6667-14 and the repeatability determined in this paper for samples with a concentration range above 4 mg/kg. The repeatability values determined in this work are lower than the values calculated according to EN 17178: 2019 and ASTM D 6667-14 for samples with concentrations below 4 mg/kg. The obtained results confirm the legitimacy of reservations of many European laboratories that perform tests of sulfur content in LPG and participants of the work of the CEN/TC 19/WG 23 N 231 working group, with regard of the correctness of determining the precision of the method pursuant to EN 17178: 2019. It was decided consequently to repeat interlaboratory studies that will be aimed at the determination of a new precision, which will soon be carried out. In addition, the intermediate precision, limit of detection (LD) and limit of quantitation (LQ) of the method were determined. The method was verified by examining 139 samples of commercial LPG fuel. The tested samples were eval- uated for compliance with the specifications from 2012 and 2018. It was found that by testing samples according to EN 17178:2019, the criterion for assessing compliance with the requirements of the specification on LPG is tightened compared to testing according to the ASTM D 6667-14 standard.
The work presents the results of analyzes of the hydrogen isotopic composition of pyrolysis products of a shale sample. The pyrolysis products obtained are: methane, ethene, ethane, propylene, propane, 1-butene and n-butane. The apparatus used is a Thermo Scientific Delta V Advantage mass spectrometer with a Trace GC Ultra chromatograph (HP-PLOT/Q capillary column, 30 m) and Pyroprobe 6150 pyrolyzer (pyrolysis temperature 1000°C, isothermal 30 seconds). The Py-GC-IRMS methodology for determining the hydrogen isotopic composition of pyrolysis gas products was verified by evaluating repeatability. The shale sample was pyrolyzed at 500°C, 600°C, 700°C, 800°C, 900°C and 1000°C. Accordingly, pyrolysis at 500o C does not allow the products to be separated. The ratio between unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbons changes, and as the temperature increases, unsaturated ones begin to dominate. The isotopic composition of individual pairs also changes, although the relationship between δD in unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbons is constant. The trend for all components is that at higher pyrolysis temperatures, the isotopic composition is also higher. Herein, the differences in the isotope composition of 900°C and 1000°C are negligible. The nature of isotopic composition determinations does not allow ascertaining the limit of quantification, the limit of detection and the method bias. Values of relative standard deviations are below five percent only for methane, ethane and propylene. In addition, repeatability tests were performed for EA-IRMS (elemental analyzer combined with isotope mass spectrometer) and GCIRMS (sample injection directly into the inlet). The samples used were hard coal and natural gas. Repeatability of hydrogen isotopic composition analyzes assessed using relative standard deviation was the best (lowest value) for the GC-IRMS system (0.8%), then for the Py-GCIRMS system (methane at 3 mg – 1.2%) and for EA-IRMS (2.3%).
Praca przedstawia wyniki analiz składu izotopowego wodoru produktów pirolizy próbki łupku. Otrzymywane produkty pirolizy to: metan, eten, etan, propylen, propan, 1-buten i n-butan. Wykorzystana aparatura to spektrometr masowy Delta V Advantage firmy Thermo Scientific wraz z chromatografem Trace GC Ultra (kolumna kapilarna HP-PLOT/Q, 30 m) i pirolizerem Pyroprobe 6150 (temperatura pirolizy: 1000°C, izoterma: 30 sekund). Układ połączony jest on-line za pośrednictwem Conflo IV. Metodyka Py-GC-IRMS oznaczeń składu izotopowego wodoru gazowych produktów pirolizy została sprawdzona poprzez ocenę powtarzalności. Próbka łupku była pirolizowana w temperaturach: 500°C, 600°C, 700°C, 800°C, 900°C i 1000°C. Piroliza w 500°C nie pozwala na wydzielenie produktów. Proporcja pomiędzy nienasyconymi i nasyconymi węglowodorami zmienia się i wraz ze wzrostem temperatury zaczynają dominować węglowodory nienasycone. Skład izotopowy poszczególnych par również ulega zmianie, choć stała jest relacja pomiędzy δD nienasyconych i nasyconych węglowodorów. W przypadku wszystkich składników utrzymuje się trend, że przy wyższej temperaturze pirolizy wartości składu izotopowego są również wyższe. Dodatkowo różnice składu izotopowego w temperaturach 900°C i 1000°C są już znikome. Charakter oznaczeń składu izotopowego nie pozwala na określenie granicy oznaczalności, granicy wykrywalności oraz obciążenia metody. Wartości względnych odchyleń standardowych są poniżej pięciu procent jedynie dla metanu, etanu i propylenu. Dodatkowo wykonano testy powtarzalności dla układów EA-IRMS (analizator elementarny połączony z izotopowym spektrometrem masowym) oraz GC-IRMS (nastrzyk próbki bezpośrednio do dozownika chromatografu połączonego z ConFlo IV i spektrometrem). Wykorzystane próbki to węgiel kamienny oraz gaz ziemny. Powtarzalność oznaczeń składu izotopowego wodoru oceniana przy użyciu względnego odchylenia standardowego była najlepsza (najniższa wartość) w przypadku układu GC-IRMS (0,8%), następnie układu Py-GC-IRMS (metan przy naważce 3 mg – 1,2%) i EA-IRMS (2,3%).
The area of application of contactless measuring systems has been rapidly growing over the past two decades. Development of contactless measuring methods can also be observed in Coordinate Metrology. Due to the growing number of contactless systems found in industry, there is also a growing interest in the issue of their accuracy among research centres. The interesting new solution which can be applied in contactless measurements is the usage of fiducial markers in dimensional metrology. In this paper, the authors present a simple and cheap optical system and try to assess its accuracy. A calibration process of a reference plate is described as well. Research was conducted for basic measuring tasks met in Coordinate Measuring Technique. Markers are attached to the z-axis ram of Coordinate Measuring Machine which is used as a reference system. The article presents the results obtained for basic measuring tasks, which can be a basis for further research aimed at improving the accuracy of measurements performed using fiducial markers.
European Commision adopted in July new regulations about laying down airspace usage requirements and operating procedures concerning performance based navigation. It is next step in realization of the the global program PBN ICAO. At the 36th General Assembly of ICAO held in 2007, the Republic of Poland agreed to ICAO resolution A36-23 which urges all States to implement PBN. In future aviation concepts the use of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) is considered to be a major Air Traffic Management (ATM) concept element. ICAO has drafted standards and implementation guidance for PBN in the ICAO Doc 9613 “PBN Manual”. The Based Performance Navigation Concept represents and shift from sensor-based to performance based navigation connected with criteria for navigation: accuracy, integrity, availability, continuity and functionality depending on the phase of the flight. Through PBN and changes in the communication, surveillance and ATM domain, many advanced navigation applications are possible to improve airspace efficiency, improve airport sustainability, reduce the environmental impact of air transport in terms of noise and emission, increase safety and improve flight efficiency.
System Informacji Geograficznej w Wodociągach i Kanalizacji w Opolu Sp. z o.o. został stworzony samodzielnie przez pracowników przedsiębiorstwa, z wykorzystaniem otwartego oprogramowania w zakresie przestrzennych baz danych, jak i aplikacji klasy GIS. Już od 10 lat pełni funkcję głównego źródła informacji o sieciach wodociągowo-kanalizacyjnych, jak i pozostałych danych, bezpłatnie pozyskiwanych z baz Ośrodków Dokumentacji Geodezyjnej, takich jak: GESUT – Geodezyjna Ewidencja Sieci Uzbrojenia Terenu, EGiB – Ewidencja Gruntów i Budynków, czy BDOT – Baza Danych Obiektów Topograficznych.
Content available remote The positioning of the aircraft using GPS/GLONASS data
The article presents the results of aircraft positioning using GPS/GLONASS data in air navigation. In the work, the flight trajectory of the Cessna 172 aircraft was determined on the basis of GPS, GLONASS and GPS/GLONASS data. The coordinates of the Cessna 172 were determined using the least squares method in a stochastic processing compliant with the ICAO recommendations. In the air test, the Cessna 172 made a test flight over EPDE military airfield in Dęblin. The GPS, GLONASS and GPS/GLONASS measurement data from the Topcon HiperPro on-board aircraft installed on the Cessna 172 aircraft were used in the research experiment. The coordinates of the Cessna 172 in the geocentric XYZ and ellipsoidal BLh were compared with the precise flight reference trajectory determined from the differential technique RTK-OTF.
W artykule dokonano przedstawienia rezultatów pozycjonowania statku powietrznego z użyciem danych GPS/GLONASS w nawigacji lotniczej. W pracy dokonano wyznaczenia trajektorii lotu statku powietrznego Cessna 172 na podstawie danych GPS, GLONASS oraz GPS/GLONASS. Współrzędne statku powietrznego Cessna 172 zostały określone z użyciem metody najmniejszych kwadratów w procesie stochastycznym zgodnym z zaleceniami ICAO. W teście lotniczym statek powietrzny Cessna 172 dokonał próbnego oblotu lotniska wojskowego EPDE w Dęblinie. W eksperymencie badawczym wykorzystano dane pomiarowe GPS, GLONASS oraz GPS/GLONASS z pokładowego odbiornika Topcon HiperPro zainstalowanego na statku powietrznym Cessna 172. Wyznaczone współrzędne statku powietrznego Cessna 172 w układzie geocentrycznym XYZ oraz elipsoidalnym BLh, zostały porównane z precyzyjną trajektorią odniesienia lotu wyznaczoną z techniki różnicowej RTK-OTF.
Sediment rating curves (SRCs) have been recognized as the most popular method for estimating sediment in the hydrology of river sediments and in watersheds. In this regard, in order to compare and correct estimation methods of river sediment load, estimated rates of several univariate types of SRCs and a multivariate type of SRCs (MSRCs) were studied using the neuro-fuzzy and tree regression models in five selective hydrometric stations of different climatic zones of Iran and with various indexes of the accuracy (AI) and the precision (PI). The results of the data analysis showed that the mean of the AI of neuro-fuzzy and tree regression models in selective stations is 151 and 536%, respectively, which shows the low efficiency compared with SRCs. Also according to the results, the best rate of the AI of the MSRCs belongs to the Glink station with the rate of 1.12. Also, the average value of the AI of MSRCs is 1.15 which is an acceptable amount of the other considered various methods.
This article presents research results concerning the determination of the position of a Cessna 172 aircraft by means of the DGPS positioning method. The position of the aircraft was recovered on the basis of P1/P2 code observations in the GPS navigation system. The coordinates of the aircraft were designated due to the application of the Kalman forward-filtering method. The numerical calculations were conducted using RTKLIB software in the RTKPOST module. In the scientific experiment, the authors used research materials from the test flight conducted by a Cessna 172 aircraft in the area of Dęblin in the Lublin Voivodeship in south-eastern Poland. The research experiment exploited navigation data and GPS observation data recorded by the geodetic Topcon Hiper Pro receiver mounted in the cockpit of the Cessna 172 and installed on the REF1 reference station. The typical accuracy for recovering the position of the Cessna 172 with the DGPS method exceeds in the region of 2 m. In addition, the authors specify the parameters of availability, integrity and continuity of GNSS satellite positioning in air navigation. The obtained findings of the scientific experiment were compared with the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO’s) technical standards.
Systemy umożliwiające lokalizację obiektu zdobywają coraz większą popularność. Kilka lat temu jedynym ogólnodostępnym systemem lokalizacyjnym był amerykański Navstar GPS, który niestety nie pracował w pomieszczeniach zamkniętych takich jak magazyny, czy hale produkcyjne. Postęp technologiczny i miniaturyzacja sprawiły, że systemy lokalizacyjne wkroczyły w nowy obszar. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki testów precyzji i dokładności lokalizacji obiektów z użyciem systemu lokalizacji wewnątrzbudynkowej Dimension4 firmy Ubisense.
Systems enabling the location of objects are gaining more and more popularity. A few years back, only the American localization system Navstar GPS has been available for commercial use. Unfortunately, this system does not perform well in enclosed spaces such as buildings, warehouses or production halls. Technological progress and miniaturization possibilities have made the localization systems enter the previously unavailable area. In this paper tests for determining the precision and accuracy of the Ubisense Dimension4 indoor location system are presented.
So far too many examinations concerning the possibility of the application action cameras weren’t conducted in UAV photogrammetric studies. However in the recent time development of the action cameras production technology he let receive sensors which are light, userfriendly, and most importantly can gain images and video sequences of high resolution. The essential meaning has taking into account the camera’s influencing factors in UAV photogrammetry. Due to the fact that the action cameras are non-metric cameras the significant influence on the quality of photogrammetric studies has a stability internal orientation of elements of such cameras. Within the framework of carried out research calibration of five GoPro Hero 4 Black. The calibration of cameras was carried out on different calibration tests in the GML Camera Calibration Toolbox and Agisoft Lens software. Different calibration setups and processing are presented and discussed in this article. Additionally a repetitiveness of achieved results of the calibration was examined in five GoPro cameras Hero 4 Black. Dedicated calibration templates in the form of chessboards were used to the calibration. As a part of the research a comparative analysis of the results have been done. Based on performed examinations a repetitiveness of determined internal orientation elements was checked under different video acquisition modes.
The paper presents the results of situational measurements of 6 points of a test grid in twodimensional space. Measurements were made using 8 selected smartphone applications: Precise GPS, MapIt, Turbo GPS, Coordinator +, GPS Test, Precision GPS Free, GGRS87, and Mobile Topographer. Based on the Δx and Δy values obtained as differences in measurement results and reference coordinates, it was possible to determine that the mean values of these differences remain at the level of ± 2 m, although individual differences assume smaller and larger values. One of the applications generated the results classified in the error theory as errors of gross type.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów położenia sytuacyjnego 6 punktów testowej siatki w przestrzeni dwuwymiarowej. Pomiarów dokonano za pomocą 8 wybranych aplikacji telefonicznych: Precise GPS, MapIt, Turbo GPS, Coordinator+, GPS Test, Precision GPS Free, GGRS87 oraz Mobile Topographer. Na podstawie wartości Δx i Δy pozyskanych jako różnice wyników pomiarów i współrzędnych referencyjnych można było stwierdzić, że średnie wartości tych różnic są na poziomie ±2m, choć pojedyncze różnice przyjmują mniejsze i większe wartości. Jedna z aplikacji generowała wyniki kwalifikowane w teorii błędów jako błędy grube (omyłki).
Content available Hob identification methods
In industrial practice, hobs are manufactured and used. The problem boils down to the identification of a hob with defining its profile, which depends on many design and technological parameters (such as the grinding wheel size, profile, type and positioning during machining). This makes the basis for the correct execution and sharpening of the tool. The accuracy of the hob determines the quality of gear wheel teeth being shaped. The article presents hob identification methods that are possible to be used in industrial and laboratory practice.
The qualification of probe heads before the measurements performed with their usage is now a standard procedure. It is used for correction of probe head’s and measuring tip systematic errors. The calibration sphere, which is used for this process, should have adequately small form errors. However, it is not always possible to use a highly accurate spheres and it is a common practice to use a sphere that was provided by the manufacturer of the CMM for a long time. This is why, the authors have tried to answer the question about the impact of the calibration sphere inaccuracies on the results of probe head qualification process.
In this paper, the results of an aircraft’s positioning in aviation during two flight tests are presented. The aircraft’s position was established using GPS data with a sample rate of 1 s in both experiments. The raw GPS data were collected by a Topcon Hiper Pro receiver, which was installed in the pilot’s cabin of a Cessna aircraft. The aircraft’s coordinates in the BLh geodetic frame were determined using the single point positioning (SPP) method in gLAB software. The mathematical algorithm for the aircraft’s coordinates are also described in the article. The typical standard deviations for the aircraft’s coordinates were less than 10 m in test I and less than 30 m in test II.
The aim of this article is to present the results of GLONASS positioning in kinematic mode in air navigation. The flight experiment was conducted at Dęblin Airfield on a Cessna 172 aircraft. The aircraft position was recovered on the basis of the single-point positioning (SPP) method of the GLONASS code observations. The numerical computations of aircraft coordinates were executed in the RTKPOST library of the RTKLIB software. The standard deviations in aircraft position in a BLh geodetic frame were checked with the ICAO standards on civil aviation for the GLONASS system. The typical accuracy of aircraft positioning on the horizontal plane is better than 12 m, whereas, on a vertical plane, it is better than 17 m. In this paper, standard deviations in aircraft position were also compared with the theoretical accuracy of the non-precision approach (NPA) landing procedure for the GNSS system. In this paper, the MRSE parameter was also calculated during the flight test.
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