Results of research connected with determining the degree of implementation of 5S practices in ceramics industry are discussed in this paper. Direct survey with employees of companies plus expert interview was used in the research. A 21 point scale was used to assess the degree of implementation the 5S practices at individual stages of the manufacturing process. The specificity of production in ceramics industry enforces maintaining the regime of cleanliness during production. The research revealed that the level of conscious implementation of the 5S practices in companies depends on the culture of organization and the degree of involvement of employees in the improvement actions in their company. The presented results are a part of the research aimed at determining reference requirements for companies in terms of implementation and making use of the Lean Management (LM) instruments.
Charakterystyka zmian zachodzących w realizacji praktyki 5S w przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych. Praktyka 5S jako metodologia tworzenia i utrzymania dobrze zorganizowanego i wysoko wydajnego miejsca pracy została rozbudowana o zasady bezpieczeństwa pracy. Szóstym etapem metody określanej jako 5S jest safety. Niniejsza publikacja jest wprowadzeniem do zmian zachodzących w ruchu na rzecz praktyki 5S w kierunku poprawy warunków pracy i ograniczenia wypadkowości.
Practice 5S evolution in the direction of work safety - 6S in manufacturing enterprises. In the publication the changes in 5S practice were presented. The 5S practice heips workers to keep clean their work places. In manufacturing enterprises so far 5S practice was increased about work safety (6S). The publication is a form of introduction to wider considerations about changes in 5S practice.