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Content available remote Stanowisko do badania tarcia ślizgowego w ruchu posuwisto-zwrotnym
Skonstruowano urządzenie do badania tarcia ślizgowego, w styku smarowanym lub technicznie suchym, w ruchu prostoliniowym (posuwisto-zwrotnym), przy nastawnym poziomie wymuszeń, a także przy różnych sztywnościach układu prowadzącego próbkę bierną oraz układu zapewniającego docisk próbek. Przewidziano pomiar wartości wymuszeń, przemieszczenia próbki biernej (siły tarcia) oraz zużycia próbek.
Among sliding friction testers a group can be distinguished with reciprocating linear motion of the friction couple. Popularity of this group of tribometers is caused by common presence of the particular type of motion in machines e.g. piston engines. This type test machine - TPZ Tribometer has been designed at the Chair of Machine Design and Maintenance of Technical University of Gdańsk for studying the lubricated or dry sliding friction under regulated agitating factors and different stiffnesses of passive specimen supporting system and loading system. The TPZ Tribometer is shown schematic in Fig.1 and photographed in Fig.2, 3 and 4. The upper specimen (1) is passive; It is fitted at the lower end of a push-rod (3) supported in linear roller bearings mounted in housing (5) attached through springs (9) to the tribometer frame (6). The springs are rectangular frames which are a few orders of magnitude stiffer in the vertical direction than horizontal. Various replacement frames allow for dynamics changes of the test set-up to. Changes are limited by the necessity of a rigid horizontal support of the upper specimen for proper friction contact. Load is exerted either by tensioning the spring (10) or by weights acting via a flexible lever on the push-rod. Lower specimen (2) is attached to a reciprocating slider (4), which is supported on linear roller bearings and frame (6). It is moved by crank (7) taking power from an AC frequency inverter drive through belt transmission. This provides computerised velocity adjustment. Slider displacement is measured with linear resistor (8) and supplied to computer as a feedback signal. The slider is equipped with semi-conductor temperature stabilizers (12), heating or cooling specimens by Peltier effect. Heat is transferred through ribs with forced convection. Specimens and/or lubricant temperatures are measured with thermocouples (13). Friction (upper specimen displacement) is measured with strain gauges on the elastic frames (9) supporting the push rod housing (5). Wear of both specimens (11) is measured in real-time as vertical displacement of push-rod (3) against frame (6). Tests confirm the fulfilment of design objectives. Basic operating envelope for TPZ Tribometer is: maximum stroke……………40 mm maximum load……………...1000 N sliding velocity range……….0.01….0,5 m/s temperature............................š 50°C relative to ambient temperature Programmable velocity changes and low minimum velocity and changeable dynamics of the test set-up make the rig an ideal tool for friction dynamics research.
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